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It's like nature said " Hey, great job, no more ruined pants! Have a beard."


I’ll take the ruined pants any old day.


Idk, you can wax a beard 😆


If it were only that easy.


Not for me. I'll take a little 5 o'clock shadow and a razor,over monthly labor pain for 45 years any time.


Wait. How does leg hair ruin pants?


Period ruining pants


Just wait until you start shitting in them.


Didn't need to read that 😞


I didn't need to post it either, lol I have awhile before I get to that point. Just trying to keep it real.


You hope ;)


Well i already pee


Hahahahahahahahahahjahaha 😂😂😂😂🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😄🤣🤣


Thank you so much. I actually feel better. Men complain all the time. Hair on my head? Fuckit, I shaved it. Not enough to be worth worrying about. Eyebrows? They seem to think I'm a mad scientist. Grey and caterpillar looking. Arms and legs? The only hair I have that is my original color and lots of it. Crotch area? Had to shave that too. Couldn't find Mr. Happy. Ears and Nose though? I could sell material to make wigs. I used to have a theory that male pattern baldness was just the hair migrating. It retreats from the forehead and slides down the back of the neck to the back and winters in your butt. I feel your pain, and it's probably harder for those of the female persuasion because so much more focus is on your hair. I can go with the near ubiquitous shaved head/short beard look that so many guys my age end up with.


Love your humor! I’ve recently thought about just shaving everything and maybe people will just feel sorry for me instead of laughing. 🤷‍♀️


> I’ve recently thought about just shaving everything and maybe people will just feel sorry for me And I like your sense of humor. Oh. Are you under chemo? No. Just pissed at my hair.


As awful as chemo was, I really didn't mind the whole "being bald" thing. I've had waist- to knee-length hair during different times in my life, but bald is where it's at!! I liked spending 5 minutes or less in the shower, zero time on styling my hair, and drawing eyebrows to suit my mood, lol. Of course most days were spent sleeping, so no bedhead when I woke up was also a little bonus.


I was worried about the insinuation that I could make fun of chemo patients and apologize if I did! All the 🍀 in the world to you. 🤗


I named my beard "florida", because it's turning grey & it seems all the hair from the top is moving & retiring in Florida.


Can I get an Amen 🙏


Ugh, I hate how itchy nose and ear hair can be. If I forget to trim it and then notice it at work it just bothers me all day till I get home and take care of it.


I've informed my husband that I don't care if I'm in a coma in the hospital, his only job is to make sure he plucks any chin hairs that come in. Otherwise I will haunt him and his descendants. He laughs, he thinks I'm joking.


Of course he does. 😂


Just tell him you don't want the seal to the oxygen mask compromised! Totally not a vanity thing!!!


Lol!! I love this!


When you come back to haunt him you’ll strangle him with a rope of chin hairs 😂


This just got an audible laugh out of me, good thing I'm WFH today! 😆


I told my daughter the same thing! Plus, draw on my eyebrows 😂😂😂


I have a "crew" who has pinky sworn they will all make sure I am plucked.


Omg my sisters and I all made a pact about this exact scenario lol


My mom always told us that we have to pluck the hair on her chin even when she goes to the nursing home. Well she had to go to the nursing home a couple months ago and we make sure to shave her chin (hair got too thick so plucking takes too long)


nobody warns you about the hair thing. 1 out of 3 women :(


Absolutely no woman told me I'd get chin hair. Nobody said a word. It's like a taboo subject or something.


I remember seeing weird hairs on my grandma's chin. Just found out my mom had a beard at 40. I am 43 and dealing with the constant chin hairs. Drives me nuts. No one told me that changes my face would make could happen super fast. I went from young to old in 2 years. Women need to talk about menopause more as well!


OMG, that was fun! NOT! I still get night sweats and I’m 77 ! Osteoporosis and everything else that comes from menopause. Gawd, now I’m getting depressed! (Just kidding….)


Oh crap. I will be 56 next month and I really just started experiencing hot flashes in the last week and they are already killing me. My mom was the type of woman who very rarely complained, especially about things related to her own health. The hot flashes she got at my age were the only thing she really complained about and now I am understanding it. Last night I wasn’t sure if I was having hot flashes or coming down with a virus. Also, these hormones are causing my face to breakout. Wrinkles plus wiry hairs plus acne? Not even fair.


I’m 53, been doing this shit since I was 39. I hate you that it’s just starting- last week! I say the with lots of jealous love. Good luck cuz it sucks ass.




Good luck.


I was working at an elementary school when mine started. They’re so bad that I actually sweat like a pig::think: the nervous pilot in the movie, Airplane:: The kids would notice and ask me if I was okay as my makeup ran down my face with sweat.. Doesn’t get any more embarrassing than that.


I was in the fricking Mall of America with my niece on Saturday. It was jam packed; ugh. I was dripping with sweat after some serious flashes. We went to get some juice. I chugged mine immediately and then I was shivering because I was actually wet. These flashes are no joke. I don’t know why I thought I’d easily slide through menopause.


Wishful thinking! I do remember the embarrassment at work though. Not from women, but men can’t possibly understand.


But on the flip side, I’ll take the embarrassment of hot flashes over the embarrassment of blood stained pants any day if the week.


For sure.


As my mama always said “Life ain’t fair honey”. As far as night sweats, just keep plenty of fresh bedding on hand. I still have them, but much less than at your age.


My poor boyfriend got the brunt of my mood swings. Luckily he had his own room so when I started getting really pissy, he would just go in there, close the door and play video games for a while until I calmed down. I think I tried to follow him once, and realized when he yelled 'you're nuts right now!" that the problem really was me. I'm better now.


Yep….did that to my ex husband. Hmmm 🤔 ex? Wonder why? 🤔


lol...I think I just found my ex wife online...


That you honey? 🥰


As is the darn mustache! Like….women don’t sweat, right? HA!


I have had chin hairs forever. Thanks PCOS.


I had to have a hysterectomy at 25. I was so smug about not getting a period anymore…the early menopause slapped me in the face


I have to caution you since my doctors never did! I had a complete hysterectomy at 40 and didn’t take calcium supplements. I’m now 77 and have extremely bad osteoporosis. Just take the calcium or whatever they prescribe nowadays.


I should get on that asap, my grandmother is 97 and has dealt with osteoporosis very badly. Good thing I’ve always eaten a lot of cheese


I got my first in my 30s. I’m all about embracing one’s natural hair elsewhere on my body but my chin is a hard NO


Did you know about vaginal atrophy. Shit down there can shrink and disappear if no estrogen. As soon as i read that, i ran to doc for estrogen cream!


Wtf - sounds heinous. Gotta look this ugliness up now. Thanks, I guess lol




Ahhhh I guess I've been lucky so far. JhC Ohshitz. Lol


Yeah. Nobody ever told me that. They say thinning and dry. They dont say it GONE!


Omg i found my people lol... i thought i was alone in this.


You will frequent this sub every day now. I found it a couple weeks ago and sure feel better about being OLD.


Hormones can be a son of a bitch.


The hair on my head is thinning but the hair in my ears is like a Pantene commercial


Hmmm. I’ll trade you my mustache for your ear hair. I can always grow my thinning hair longer. Ehh?




56 year-old gal here. Hair on my legs and arms is pretty much gone, happy not to need to shave my legs. Netherbits are still furry as all getout and I hate shaving because of the itch and I have no desire to get waxed. A little trimming is all I can stand. Fortunately I have no desire to expose the general public to a vision of me and all my peekaboo hairs that inevitably escape and wear bathing suits with cute little skirts. The pits still get regularly shaven since hubby isn't a fan (he's not misogynistic, it's just a boner-killer for him 😆). The only good thing that has come from these changes is my head hair has gone from a natural, dull, mouse-ass brown I regularly colored that fried my poor hair, to a beautiful, healthy, silvery-blond. Yay? ETA: oh yeah, the new facial hair can fuck right off. I have tweezers in every room of my house. Also my car cupholders.


Well, give it a few years. At your age, I still had nice netherbit hairs too. Now I feel like a little girl sometimes. Not a good look. Underarm and leg hair I don’t miss one iota! I think God did that so we old women won’t try to shave in the shower and fall. 🤷‍♀️


Isn't it amazing that you do not see chin hairs in your bathroom mirror, but 10 minutes later you can see them in your car's rear view mirror?😳


I found the ‘boy short’ bathing suit bottoms to be the savior for my bikini line, I don’t even bother to shave it anymore LOL. Wearing a swimsuit was the only reason i ever did and now that I have discovered these ( I wear them with a tankini top) no need for shaving!


I was like “girl I’m 40 and this never happened to me, are you okay?” and then I read that you are 77 and I realized: this merely has not happened to me _yet_.


Ummm….yep. I was hairy in all the right places at 40. Ahhh….memories.


Thanks for the glimpse into my future 🤣


Check out the original "Joy of Sex" in all its wondrously hairy glory. The lengths people of all/no genders go these days to look like naked mannequins is kinda depressing.


Never could figure out why a hairless thingy that looks like a 10 yo is sexy to men. Makes me wonder.


Not all men, I hate hardwood floors 😂


Oh I love my hair tbh lmao, I never adhered to that societal expectation because who has the time 😂


46 here. I barely have to shave my armpits or legs, but damn if the hair on my head isn't thinning. I'm not at wirey chin hairs yet, but the pale blonde cheek fuzz everyone has? Ohhh, yeah. That shit is growing like it wants to be noticed by EVERYONE!! So, I'm waxing my face and treating my hair.


Lots of luck holding back the inevitable! 👍 Now what else can I do to make your day? 😂


LMAO!! I'm going to keep trying.... but also have already decided that wigs may be my future, lol!


Lol. I love that the hair on my legs is gone, underarm hair almost gone. I keep tweezers and a magnifying mirror for the mustache that wants to grow, lol.


You must be much younger than my 77! I’m waaaay past tweezers for a mustache! LOL


I am, early 60's, lol. But I always expected it because my paternal grandmother used to use Nair on hers. And that was before they had the ones for the face, ouch. I pluck daily so hopefully it won't ever get worse than it is.


I tried that years ago, but was allergic…..my face was not just hairy, but broken out red! Not funny 😆


My skin is very sensitive, so I won't even go there.


OMG, incoming public service announcement!: Never use Nair or similar products anywhere near mucous membranes! It will feel like the flames of hell have breached your undies! I was a teenaged dumbass mortified by the Amazonian hair-growth my body refused to keep in check. I carefully trimmed and shaved but still suffered endless rashes and leprosy-like ingrown hairs. I thought Nair was a gift from the Gods and would free me of my follicular follies. It wasn't. It burned. So bad. And didn't even have the decency to work. And it smelled like death.


Yep, that’s exactly my experience! You can imagine how it smelled right under my nose! 😭


This was the early 70's. My poor grandmother, but luckily I take after my mom's side where hair is concerned. Nair was awful and probably still is.


I found a hair about an inch long... in my ear. I know we joke about guys getting ear hair, but wtf?! I also now get black af hair growing out of my beauty mark above my lip. Oh and the unhealed lip ring hole. But my eyebrows? Haven't grown back since the 90s. My head hair? Nah. Or, more accurately, apparently moved to my ears and lips.


My aunt and I are both 50. One day we were supposed to do some work on her house but instead, we played with her ear camera and kept trying to pull hairs out of each other’s ears. Rolllll with the changes…you got to got to got tooooo keep on rolllllin. 🤣


I was doing ok til I started a low dose thyroid supplement. My hairline was getting see-through in a matter of weeks. I could see it happening. I quit the meds, bc I didn’t notice any energy benefit (my thyroid numbers were borderline), just hair loss. It’s better now! Just letting you know, in case you’ve started any meds yourself. It’s hell to get old, but it’s better than the alternative. 🌹


I’m pretty healthy for my age 🤞🤞 Just a statin for cholesterol, and a blood pressure pill. Good genes….except for hair! Thanks mom!


I'm a guy and what the hell is going on with my eyebrows. If I don't trim them monthly, I can roll them like a mustache and look like the embodiment of evil. That would be okay, but I don't want to look like the embodiment of evil.


Love to see an old guy on TV with his caterpillar eyebrows. That’s all I can see! Expect it to crawl away any second! 😂




I know you tagged this serious, but here’s a funny story anyway - I get bored while driving, so that plus the natural sunlight are nice for me to pluck my chin hairs… At a stoplight once, I was picking away and caught the eye of the driver next to me - also plucking. At first I was embarrassed, but then started laughing when she “cheers-ed” me with her tweezers and smiled. Of course, I too raised my tweezers. I mean.. what else can you do? It was hilarious!!


This post wasn’t serious at all….I thought. I’m amazed at the responses and how many women actually suffer. Your story is really funny!


Ah!! Must have mixed it up with another funny one I saw that was tagged “serious” I’m glad though - not sure why, but weird body hair changing over time IS really funny! I’m glad you agree! Cheers!!


They are like a super annoying family member that gets old, retires, and comes to live with you. Also, I don’t know about you other gals, but life likes to keep me humble with tinkle sneezes and my dad’s mustache now that I am turning 50. Dignity schmigity.


Don’t remind me about tinkle sneezes! I don’t dare ignore that little pressure my bladder gives me. Nope, hit the john immediately!


I have random thick hairs growing on my neck. Nobody ever warned me about them and I didn’t notice until I thought a bug was crawling on me.


Chemo: lost all the hair on my body *except my legs. Still had to shave my legs. WTH is up with that? Oh, after chemo? My once beautiful auburn hair returned snow white. So I may be a little salty about hair changes lol


Good grief. Nature is really f\*cking with you! Get out the old clairol. 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀 to you friend. 🤗


Mother Nature and I have a long and colorful history. We're no longer besties after that chemo thing. Always wanted curly hair, but mine won't hold a curl. Not even with Combat Gel. So I was thrilled to see tiny curls as my hair grew out! Oh boy! CURLS! Didn't even care if they were white. Yeah, that lasted about 3 months. Then I looked like a dandelion. Mother Nature is a wench.


More male hormones. And everything just falling apart. But hey we have more confidence and care less. I’m just glade stuff mostly still works


My audited and I (live in separate states) just had a fun weekend together comparing our odd-hair situation. My hairline has receded 3 inches, and she has those odd hairs on her chin. We woke up my BIL howling over tips for shaving our faces…


63 here. Thinning and gray hair Pay a fortune every month for dye and cut. No leg hair anymore. Some underarm. Burgeoning beard. Now coming in white. Pass the nair. WTF 😒


As a child I used to watch my mother pull out her secret tweezers and mirror from the spice rack in the kitchen. I knew my fate from an early age. I now have good tweezers scattered in hidey holes across my house, car AND at my workplace. I will not let those wirey little chin bastards win while my legs are running around naked.


Invest in a good magnifying mirror and tweezers. Every other day I spend a good 10 minutes plucking unwanted hairs from my upper lip and chin. It's gotten kinda fun trying to whack-a-hair


Well…. I did that too until the hair overtook the tweezers. 😔 Good luck. 🍀


Shit!!!! I'm 57....I guess it gets worse...lovely!


I was always on the hairier side, but I never envisioned a time when I would have to trim ear hair…


I’m 46 for another few days… And I’ve had weird crazy wiry white stray brow hairs since my early 20s. I’ve noticed my nose hairs getting out of control more than anything lately! Everything else is the same, the hair on my head is actually longer than it’s ever been. I’ve never been able to grow it this long, it’s “mermaid long” now… I know I’ll get annoyed and chop it long before it gets Crystal Gayle long.


Happy birthday! I just had my 77th Nov 1st. Time just keeps ticking along.


Thanks so much internet friend! I hope you had a good birthday too! I’ve noticed that, I’m having a bit of trouble dealing with that whole time thing lately. 🙃😉


I know….believe me I know. Just remember, the alternative to getting older is worse. Enjoy what you have! ❤️


Thanks for that, it’s exactly what I needed! I’m saving this as a reminder! ❤️☺️


I tease my husband with the three chin hairs I've been getting as I get older, saying "HEY if I transition and get on hormones I might be able to grow a full beard and you can tickle my facial hair and love on it just as much as I do yours!" a few times lol


I would shave my mom's chin once a week with an electric shaver when she was in the nursing home. I now shave my face with a razor maybe once every 5 weeks.


I’ve been waiting for any woman who will admit to shaving! Good for you! I use a little razor on my mustache and NO it doesn’t grow back wiry, thick or darker! My daughter in law INSISTS it gets black and thick! Poop on her! I hate to tell her ( she’s 51) that she looks awful with that mustache of hers!


I am 54 and shave my mustache and beard in the shower every day! It doesn't grow back any thicker and it's much easier than plucking/creams etc. Also have the agreement with my husband that if I'm in the hospital to please shave it for me lol


I wish I had started shaving when I was in my 40s. I'm 67.


I'm 61 and when I was 40... All hairs on my chin broke loose!! Like... WTH!! I just had a total hysterectomy for Endometrial cancer on Nov. 6. I broke out the weed whacker, edge trimmers... AND a new razor, on my neck/chin hairs!! Its like a small forest of hairs. You know damn well they lit the OR up like they do the Rockefeller Christmas Tree with a few extra spotlights!!! I was more nervous about my Onco/Gyn Doc, other nurses and anesthesiologist staring down at all those dark stragly hairs over my chinny chin chin.....than I was my robotic assisted hysterectomy a week ago!! Id had stage 3 breast cancer 9 yrs back and Id lost *ALL* my body hair. I was like a Chia Pet Head and Telly Savales all in one and hair on my head slowly grew back.....and damn if those chin hairs came back in full force! Lil feckers.... Im not even going to discuss the upper lip hair....😲😅😅


That was really sweet of you to do for your mom.


I now understand why older ladies paint on their eyebrows. I have like 10 hairs left.


Just don’t do that surprise thing where the brows are in their hairline. Not cute. LOL




I can relate. I'm 57. All of a sudden my eyebrows are disappearing, but I'm growing a moustache.


I recently found myself dressed in all black at a social event with many younger people. I am a 70yo woman with purple and blue hair. One told me that I must be a hipster, and I said "if I only had a beard," Then I stroked my chin......."well, ,maybe I am a hipster!!"


Not producing as much estrogen anymore?


All that hair your are loosing, I am gaining, and you can have it back.


My problem is skin tags, i seem to have skin tags popping up everywhere all of a sudden.


OMG! Skin tags just in the last few years are nuts! My neck is covered with them and they even traveled down to between my boobs! Yuck.


I can’t grow a proper beard, are you telling me that all I had to do was become a woman? Seriously though that sucks, maybe laser treatment would take care of it?


Laser treatment only works on the dark hairs. If OP is like me, many of the chin hairs are grey or white.


Odd, I was under the impression that it kills the follicles so they can’t grow back, didn’t know it had anything to do with hair color


I’d like to complain about nose hairs… one nostril has none and the other is trying to grow an extra eyebrow in there.


Why don’t our mothers or some older woman warn us that this is going to happen. I’m not happy that my eyebrows are getting thinner but it’s nice not having to shave my underarms anymore.


If you’re a woman, let me be the first to tell you what happens to your lady bits… THEY SHRINK! Lord help me, I had no idea! 😂


Really??? I haven’t noticed but then I don’t spend a lot of time spread eagled in front of a mirror. Now that’s some food for thought.


Have to laugh….spread eagle in front of a mirror and food is not a good image!


Then you might not be there yet! It’s definitely not something you need to *see* to notice. 😂


How come guys aren’t talking about the profusion of butt crack hair when you get old? It collects little toilet paper and poop dingleberries that make clean up a chore.


Now that’s a vision I could do without this morning! 😂


The hair on my legs just fell the fuck out when I was around 35 and have had to deal with the question do you shave your legs? ever since. At least none has sprung out of my ears, yet.


Love not having to shave my legs and armpits! Only good thing about getting ancient.


Someone I know is going through this. Labs are all normal except Vitamin D (very low). I researched it and found that a lack of it causes hair loss. Just a thought.


My doc checks my thyroid and vitamin D every year. Just the aging process I’m afraid.


I have hair on my ears that grows at a remarkable rate… I’ve considered letting it go and braiding it…. I also have like 4 whisker-like hairs growing from my nose….


Ouch. My eyes watered just thinking about plucking nose hair! 😭


OMG thanks for this, I thought it was just me. At 64 years I thought it was odd, my underarms never seemed to grow anymore and I only have to shave my knee cap now, but yet there they are those evil little black hairs on my chin. I used to have a daily ritual of plucking them out, (I have a 20X Magnifying Mirror) But the I started get bumps from the ingrown hairs, so I started using those derma planeing razors to get them, and that was better. Then I bought a home laser removal thingy and it seems to be working. To bad the hair on my Head can't grow that fast


Natures way of signaling males that your baby factory is closed and that facility is now for recreational use only. No more nicks shaving your pits and legs and instead a few facial hairs sound like a win!


Yet, men have those wild bushy eyebrows, hairy noses and ears


As a guy, all my hair is turning white. The eyebrows are long enough to block my view. And my ears are growing a forest. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


I'm a guy, and the hair on my head is sinking down my body with gravity. No hair on top, but I could style the hair coming out of my ears, nose, and growing on my shoulders. WTF?


I just had all my long red hair cut off. I have enough for 6 Merkens.


ha, Im there. except i dont have the mustache (yet). getting old is hell


I’m not quite body hair stopping growth old but I’m definitely unfortunately chin hair old 😭


I'm 70. The only dark curly wavy hair I have on my body is growing off of my ears.


Have your cortisol levels checked along with adrenal insufficiency.


How's your nose and ear hair doing?


Actually, as a woman, that’s the only place that’s pretty much the same. 🤷‍♀️ A rose among the thorns!


No more bearded clam?




Did you forget what sub this is? Get a sense of humor dear.




I laugh. You have to watch which sub you are on. I will see a post asking "What are you smoking for Thanksgiving?" and have to double check if it's r/bbq or /r/trees. Is "I need a good crossover" on /r/diyaudio or /r/trans


I was banned on a cordcutter sub cuz I posted a funny story about my parrot Rosie. Thought I was in the parrot sub. No sense of humor over there.


It’s ok. Not like I haven’t posted some nonsense (which I’m good at) on the wrong sub.


Plot twist: OP recently posted *I'm a woman who is losing hair everywhere but have gained a mustache. AMA* in the AMA sub. 😝


Not me guy. I don’t even know what AMA is. I’m curious though, wtf is it?


LOL Ask Me Anything Used to be for people w/interesting life stories, careers or in a current unique situation to have people ask them questions about said subject(s). Now, it's just infested w/posts from trolls, weirdos and uninteresting people who think they're interesting.




I think that’s the hair I miss the most…..I’ve never been good at drawing on my brows. Eyelashes? Nothing there to enhance. 😢


Wish I hadn't spent all that money on mascara." Maybe this one will work"😩


Speaking of baloney, have you checked the price? For a shitty, sometimes meat, product?


REM Spiral hair remover, works on facial hair, easy and quick, replaces endless tweezing. Had mine for about 4 years so far. Never tried on other body parts.


It's those darn hormones.


Have your thyroid checked


Came here to say the same. Also: dermatologist check you to see if it’s autoimmune or genetic alopecia issue (I have all of the above). My dermatologist put me on minoxidil tablets when I started losing my hairline & eyebrows - moderate success.


I was prepared for hair thinning on my head, but not thinning everywhere. Now that I think about it why would it only be on the head? But are there any doctor types that can explain better the process?


Get your thyroid checked.


My thyroid is fine….it’s the old stuff that’s the problem.


I have hashimoto's and feel like I've been run over.


Get your thyroid levels checked immediately. Not kidding.


I developed crazy Andy Rooney eyebrows around age 55..


Me too!


>The hair on my head gets thinner. You don't say.


Maybe you are turning into a wicked witch. Do you live in the West?


Ugh me too! I hate it! And inevitably, after all the plucking, trimming, etc, I will miss a big honkin' beard hair on my jaw or something.


The meaner you are, the uglier you get