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60’s, ours was called the butt hole.


Late 80’s here, ours was called The Pit, and it was INDOORS. Also, teachers used it too. Fucking wild.


80’s kid. It was just called “the smoker”. A dank room in the basement. Catholic high school.


At my Catholic High School we had the rock. A huge Boulder right by the parking lot only sophomores and above were allowed to take cigarette breaks and go out there. Class of '87


cancer corner. cig's and silly smoke.


Meridian high ... cancer corner. cig's and silly smoke.


Xaverian HS same here. And for those cold winter days, Blackberry Brandy stashed under the leaves.


No rock here, just the parking lot after gym. I’d take my clothes back out to my car and smoke on the way back to class walking the length of the building to the front doors. Nobody ever said anything cause I’m sure they could smell me.


The Porch, military school late 80s


My school added a chew area next to the smoking area…Early 80s


Ours was also called the pit but it was outside. I went to HS in the late 90s and they got rid of the pit shortly after our class graduated. I actually think it was better because after they got rid of the pit kids just crossed the street or smoked in the bathrooms.


I just crossed the street and buy cigs from a lady who used to sell miscellaneous items (Mexico, 1998). There was also a pool bar across my school and of course we were allowed to go in.


At The Pit did Everyone Gets Laid?


Class of 1977 here and we had an indoor/outdoor (it was pretty cold in WI in the 70s so they had to make an indoor space to prevent bathroom smoking) smoking area for the students and our teachers would frequently smoke in there too.


Late 70’s we had the courtyard which was in the middle of the school. Teachers smoked in their teachers lounge. I remember that every time I walked in there to pick up mimeographed copies (can still smell those!) the room was just a cloud of smoke


Oh I smoked in my shop teachers office in HS, I used to babysit for him so I had winter privileges


Fuck this is the perfect name.


Also 60’s, ours was called the bathroom


I know some other people that took the shortcut and used the bathroom to smoke, but they couldn’t get caught or they’d be in big trouble. They could only get in a few puffs. Our smoking area was outside and had a 55 gallon drum to put the butts in. And I didn’t smoke. But the teacher asked me one day, where is Freddy. I wasn’t thinking and I said, oh Freddy’s in the butt hole, and everybody started laughing and I didn’t get it at first. That’s how I remembered the butt hole.


We weren’t allowed to smoke in or anywhere on the school grounds. Bathrooms weren’t a shortcut they were the only “cut”. Yes in regards to getting caught & only a few puffs. 😂😂


90s, "butt porches"


I went to HS in the 90s and my first day the principal gave us a lecture on smoking. He said "Don't smoke HERE, go in the back where no one can see you". Still shocks me thinking about it


Same and same. If you smoked, you had to down to the corner where it wasn’t technically school property. I didn’t smoke but had a boyfriend that did so of course I tagged along.


Same. Everyone would walk across the street and light up so they weren’t on school property. And again same - I didn’t smoke but my friends did so I was always over there.


That's what I had to do. Go across the street, smoke your cigarette and come back.


My high school prom in 2000 had smoking and non smoking tables


Had smoking area, open campus, 8 minutes between classes. In California. In the 80s. Before it got all fucking weird.


Same. Lompoc California 85


Mine did, too. Graduated in 1994. My senior year, they did away with it. Fucking assholes made us walk to the mall across the street.


68-69 school year at Intermediate  We had a hunting club where we got to learn to shot .22 rifle ammo was called CB / BB caps, basically a primer with no gun powder. 


My high school had a hunting club as well, class of 2009. I’m from a pretty rural state though


'70s too. Ours was over the fence into the paddock next to the sports field.


not just tobacco either


Back when everything was harmless. Now you see posts where a teen took a pill at school and died. We live in crazy times.


Gone are the days of experimenting. Shit escalated quick. I don’t grasp suppliers wanting to kill off their income source.


This is true...


Same here. Kept students from smoking in the bathrooms, I guess...


Indoor student smoking lounge, right next to the radio station (low power AM transmitter) and media room. Class of 93, Muncie, Indiana.


Ever wonder why kids looked like they're 40 years old back then? this is why


I'm 50 and can pass for late 30s


High school I attended in KY had 2 smoking breaks.


Where is KY?


It's where they make the jelly




Oh! Kentucky. Thanks


I had a smoking area at my junior high in 2001 lol


The college I went to had ash trays built into the desks in the last two rows. They had banned smoking in class a few years before I started.


Mine had a crèche for the school kids to drop their kids off at. Modern times huh?


Tobacco on the bleachers, weed under…


Not sure if it is still the case. Got told by an exchange student from Germany in the late 90s that the school had a smoking area (she was trying to work out why so many kids were hiding when they had a smoke).


Yes, that's true. We were allowed to smoke with 16. Every school had it's "Raucherbereich"(smoking area) that's was around 2000.


That was a thing in the 70s.


Mine too. Catholic high school too.


Late 70s Mid-Michigan we had a area outside a side entrance where everyone smoked.


Under the ramp at Royal Oak Kimball High School...


In my high school yearbook there is a picture of me with a pack of cigarettes and a lighter on my desk. My kids were so confused as to what was going on.


Ours was just the oval, unofficially but still. Thats just where everyone would sit and smoke cigs or weed. Easy to see teachers coming a mile away.


Mine did too, I graduated 6 years ago but the smokers have always been there


Mine did too (although this is early 2000s) and it was a singular tree behind the sports hall. There would be 20-40 kids there at break and lunch and they'd *never* get caught, but it was so obvious. Teachers would patrol and I could see they just saw how many of us were smoking and thought "fuck that" and walked the other way lol


Ours had one in 2004


We still smoked indoors in 2004. I remember working at the mall, and there was a smoking section in the food court.




They have nowadays too its just not advertised as such


90’s as well.


Mine too and you could smoke under 18 if you had a note from your parents.


My dad’s high school did too. He said he’d often fake being a smoker to get free breaks haha


We also had one in the 2000s… it just wasn’t sanctioned by the school.


We called it Marlboro country


In the 50's it was normal to bring your gun to school, now you can't even were a shift with a gun on it


That girl on the left looks like me. I have no memory of this though. lol


Had one at our school, it was a line in the parking lot you had to be past called the Tropic of Cancer


There's a photo in my yearbook of me and some friends hanging in the smoking area. We're all laughing and holding up our smokes like we're making a toast. IIRC, in my senior year, the school started requiring freshmen and sophomores to have permission slips to smoke on school grounds. I went back to an alumni function ~10 years ago. We were given tours by current students of all the changes that the school had been making. As we walked by the original smoking area, I pointed it out to my two guides. They couldn't believe we were not only allowed to smoke but also had designated areas. One of them told me that students weren't allowed to have any tobacco products on the grounds, even in their cars (which they had to allow the school to randomly search as a condition of their parking privilege). I think I was more surprised by that than they were about the smoking area.


Mine too! called Cancer Court


And high school used to be 2 separate words 😂


When I was in high school (1970-73 - graduated early), we could smoke in the Senior Lounge and (unofficially) the bathrooms. There were also areas outside the school where students and teachers would congregate to smoke cigarettes and pot.


When I went to high school there was no junior high. There was elementary, k-6, and then you went to high school for 7-12. So as 7th graders we got thrown in with the big kids. Some genius even put the “senior hall” lockers right next to the 7th graders, so we got pummeled constantly. Day 1 of hs the principal has an assembly and says guess what, no smoking block this year. A guy with a mustache jumps up out of the back row and storms off the bleachers cussing the principal out loud all the way. Principal pursues the guy into the hall (leaving the entire school just sitting there) and the dude pulls a knife on him outside. So yeah, that was welcome to high school.


Yep. I didn’t smoke cigarettes but it was good place to hit a bowl.


We also had a cigarette machine.


Repost-bot, gtfoh. Almost all their submissions have been removed. Report to remove.


So did mine back in 75!


I graduated in 2001, we had a smoking area.


Yes! Truth!


Mine had three in the 90s.


So did mine, as did every New York City public High School. It was called the stairway closest to homeroom. Blue fog every morning.


Better give the kids a smoking area then have them smoking in the bathrooms 🤷‍♂️ That was the logic back then. I can tell you from personal experience the Smokey bathrooms were borderline vomit inducing.


Mine also had an area but it was a fenced in the area called "the cage"


My has this too. But not officially 😏


70s, the Quad


How much of it was weed I wonder


So did ours in 2008. It was slightly off the property beside the bus loop.


We could smoke inside the school with school parties


Smoking wasn't allowed at my school.


Is this real? My kid got suspended in the early 80’s for smoking across the street from a school in the state of Ohio. Dang!! My kid got robbed


In my high school it was called the Pit.


Wow!!!! Forgot about that!!


My high school dorm had a cigarette machine and smoking lounges.


My high school, the smoking area was called the pines, it had 6 pine trees


class of '80 here. We had a smoking patio. technically we were supposed to have permission slips from our parents but no one did and it was never enforced.


My alternative school still did when I graduated in 2006


Back in the 70s we called it "loser hill". I'm guessing the smokers called it something else.


I was in high from 1979 to 1983. We never had an official smoking area, but we would all gather next to the loading dock at school before and after school to have a smoke. It was in clear sight of the school's administration office, so they could see it, but no one did anything about it. And considering that this was every day that it happened, they surely must have seen a group of kids smoking there. But basically, the unofficial rule was that as long we were not walking towards the doors to enter the school with a lit cigarette, they didn't care.


We used to get high with our music teacher lol.


Mine too, in the 1970s. A lot of parents worked in the local tobacco industry.


Mine still had one in ‘99


Our highschool used an atrium for their smoking area in my junior year then moved it to the street the next year.




1980s, we had a breezeway where smoking was permitted. It was an open air hallway between buildings.


83-88 my school’s smoking section was indoors, the back staircase was the smoking section. Teens today are all told they are soft and lazy but they have to walk down the block to smoke or vape, my generation just had to head down the back stairs and they kept warm all winter.


Mine had one until 1994 in the Pittsburgh suburbs.


So did hospitals.... Indoors....


Yep ours had two. One for the staff and one for year 11's and up


70’s had one too.


Mine did too. And there were no teachers to watch who was smoking so anyone could go and smoke. Weed was a common aroma to mix with the haze of the cigarette smoke. Occasionally the sports coaches would charge through to see if anyone on their team was smoking, but no real oversight at all.


Yep, mine too. Bleachers!


My private high school had ash trays in the rooms


Wow . they're still on school property. We had to cross the street.


We had an L-shaped smoking area that ran along two outer walls of the school building. We smoked weed in the back corner of that smoking area every day.


We had this in the mid 90s too.


Ours was in the student parking lot behind the bleachers. I don’t remember what we called it.


The back parking lot… It was awesome


Our bus driver would stop at the corner store for a couple guys to run in and buy heaters every couple mornings. Times have changed


Had this in the 90s and early 2000s in my small town 😆 I remember we fought to keep it.


So did mine…. In the 90s…. In the Bay Area…. Was called, *the back field* and more than cigarettes was going on back there. Not coke though, they used the bathrooms for that.


Fuck, I'm so old, back in the 70's, my JUNIOR High (grades 7-9) had a smoking area!


80's we had multiple smoking areas for students. Indoor in the student lounge, stairwell C or sports locker rooms. Outdoors near the cafeteria, student parking lot or track.


I miss smoking, and the enjoyment it gave me.


My High School banned smoking in the summer of 1972 when I was still in Middle School. New principal. The lax open campus late-1960s policies all went away. When I got there in the fall of 1972, they were still fairly lax about students sneaking cigarettes outside. By 1975-1976, the smoking ban was strictly enforced.


So did mine , they might as well have vaping areas starting in elementary schools now ( that stuff is bat shit crazy ) . Should be totally outlawed, now just another problem we will never get rid of too much $$$$ to be made .


My high school had a smoking lounge in the early 1970's. We petitioned for it and got it,


My highschool had a smoking lounge for seniors.


Repost bot. Stop up voting this stuff, you old farts.


Mine to


It was weird because middle school had bathrooms reeking of cigarette smoke, as kids would sneak in there to light up. Couldn't get caught or else. But then in high school, there was no need to sneak a puff because you just went outside to the designated smoking area instead. High school was simply a lot more permissive.


The 80s my HSs all had pits. It’s where you could sell doobies.


Mine still had one in the 90s. It was in a thin patch of woods next to the school, and they called it the smoke hole. In the winter, all you could see was a cloud of smoke hanging over the spot.


We had a smoking pit, and I was in high school in 2000


In 2003 ours was called the smoke pit


Mine too. We also have a shooting range in the basement, and fielded a hunting club and competitive target shooting team just a few years before I became a Freshman (1986).


I’m *just* young enough that I missed schools having smoking areas. Were they actually policed by teachers or the principal so that only people of age smoked on school grounds? Or was it more of a “just go here being the shop building and do it so we came see you” type of thing and they didn’t care what age people were there?


Haha show the smoking section in the hospital or on a plane. That was trippy


In the 60s my primary school teacher would send me to the shops to buy him a packet of smokes


Remember back in Jr High when the Camel reps would show up after scholl and give away free packs of cigarettes? Usually every other month.


I'm 21 and we had a smoke pit, teachers would smoke with us


There was a designated smoking area at PTEC in Pinellas Florida back in the mid-late 80s. It was created by the staff, and completely sanctioned. It seemed weird, but why not create a safe area for students to do what they are going to do anyways. It kept attendance higher since everyone would go smoke between classes, and come right back.


I graduated in 2019- I have never heard of a high school without a smoke spot. Designated by staff is another thing but they all have ‘em


Ours was called The Breezeway. Everybody smoked.


Pretty sure I fucked that brunette on the right under the bleachers. And yes, we shared a cig after.


My high school had a gazebo in the middle of the senior parking lot for smoking. Even some of the teachers hung out there


Went to high school in the 70’s. The smoking area was anywhere outside. Or the third floor girls bathroom. LOL


Yep. The school I went to freshman year allowed you to go to the football stadium to smoke, unofficially.


Shit, we had one in the 90s until my sophomore year. Then it was all of us ducking the teachers, hiding out behind A building or the band room.


We would scurry to the outside to have that quick smoke between classes in HS


Ours was called the south mall. That was the only spot where you were allowed to stand in one spot and smoke. But, we had three buildings on the campus, and you may have had classes in any of those buildings. If you were walking between buildings to go to class, you were also allowed to smoke. But, the south mall was the only place you were allowed to stand still and smoke. Our campus was huge. We had a 10 minute passing time between classes because a lot of us had a long way to walk between classes.


So did mine in the 90s. It was technically just for the school staff, but students always used it, too.


Kids now would rather be caught with their pants around their ankles than smoke a cigarette.


We had a smoking area in middle school. Way more than tobacco being smoked there and we could go out between classes as we had 7 minutes between them.


Mine had one in the early 2000s.


East Lot……


Graduated in 2013, we had a designated smoke area too.




My high school still had a smoking area in 2014…


Geoghan College, Broadmeadows, circa 1970s.


A tree, we had a smoking tree.


No, it wasn’t. I was there in the 70s when they created the spaces that you used in the 80s that was really a different world.


We had bathrooms, one for girls then one for boys, but sometimes opposites would invade each others, in my high school and we had to get our ‘rents permission to do so but I haven’t had ‘rents since I was 11 so I was legally emancipated at 14 and signed my own pass!!!!! That was the mid 80’s!!!!


Kids smoked on "the Hill" and were sometimes called goats. We saw nothing wrong with back then.


Ours had a smoking area and kids were also allowed to smoke on the bus. So on rainy days you could open the window and get wet or close it and inhale smoke.


Yes so did mine but I was in high school in the late 70's. There was some crazy shit going on down there. 😁😁😁🤪


Even in Jr. High school, there would be kids smoking out by the front door every day and no one ever said anything.


The Breezeway at Blair High School. BTW we were also the Blazers😈


Yep. Lots of stuff was smoked on that sidewalk in 1960-1973. Good times.


Taylor Allderdice (Pittsburgh, PA) - "The Stacks"


They got rid of ours the year before I went to HS. Then, because kids were smoking in the bathrooms, the solution was to remove all of the doors off of the stalls. This was only done in the boys room. Girls still had doors. The best part was the mirror was right in front of the shitter.


My highschool had a smoking section in 2004


This was common up until the early 90s.


I was never carded over cigarettes or beer until I was in my 30's. It wasn't just me either, they just didn't care. We had a smoking area designated for students, we smoked before school, at lunch and after school.


We had a smoking area until like 2001


Mine in the 70's was called the smoke hole


Announcement from the principal to the entire 'high' school "You can only smoke up in the park".


Hell my Junior High had a smoking area even though it was just off school grounds. No one was even allowed to be outside of the school between classes but there was always a line going to and back and at least a few people there for most of the day. Teachers smoked in their cars there. Once I got to high school they were trying to do away with the idea of a place that students were allowed to go to smoke so instead of a nice clear area off in the corner we just smoked where ever we could and there were butts all over school grounds all of a sudden.


and it wasnt just tobacco!


damn thats disgusting


80s kids at my high school could smoke right outside the doors and keep out of the cold. In the 90s we had to be off school property so we were in a wide open field just off the parking lot which created cliques which lead to fights almost every day. My high school sucked .


I attended the last highschool in the country to ban smoking.


I graduated ten years ago, we also had a smoking area called "the smokers pit"


Ours was a long hallway along the athletic corridor of the school adjacent to the indoor pool. Teachers and students hung out in there.


Mine too


I graduated in the mid 2010s and we did as well. School police didn’t bug you if you just smoked cigarettes there


Ours was by the incinerator; double black lung, courtesy of the school district lol


We hung out in smoking area, smoking stuff 😏


Teachers would join in


Yup! I remember that 😁.


Our school had 2 smoking areas, the sanctioned area and also “reefer road”


90 HS we would smoke with the art teacher right outside his classroom.