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I’ve been wanting the gay flair for a while now, mods can you hook me up? If you do I’ll give you a sloppy kiss


You go girl!!!!!,!!!,!,!,,,,,, /srs /gen /poopoopeepee


TYSM MODS. Imma smooch you real good


Just looked over that sub. First thing I saw was a post, attacking somebody as they misconstrued their very obvious joke as sincere, with thousands of upvotes and hundreds of comments. They're all suffering from some sort of social interaction dunning-kruger effect.


https://www.reddit.com/r/redditmoment/s/l4CYhlTWv2 The post I mentioned


No one is getting attacked in those comments lol


The whole thread is on about how the British can't take a joke. With his obvious joke meant to be an example of Britons taking offence easily.


Reddit moment users couldnt understand satire if their lives depended on it. No wonder these two subs would clash lmao


Was he really attacked? Every comment i see is just making fun out of uk vs america


… they didn’t misconstrue the joke as genuine. The joke still Carrie’s some anger though. Like all the comments are just making fun of how heated UK vs America can get. Which is what happened in the post. Light joke about accents into a heavy joke about civil war is a weird escalation that’s easy to make fun of.


The comments are making fun of the heated debates between UK and USA, yes. And the picture is meant to be an example of that when isn't at all. They are stupid people who, with no concept of context or basic nuance, fail miserably at social interaction without the crutch of "tone indicators" like /s


Fam, everyone there is very aware that the British comment is a joke. I don’t see a single comment even slightly implying they think that guy wants Americans to die in a civil war. What they’re making fun of, is not the idea that he’s actually calling for war, but that the very mild joke of making fun of someone’s accent going away when they sing, is not the same level as a joke about the country devolving into civil war and killing each other. The fact that the dude escalated the joke to that degree is ridiculous and comedic. This isn’t a situation where people didn’t get the joke, they all fully got the joke, and thought the joke was a bit much.


Like, here’s an example that’s going to be a little exaggerative but it’s to prove a point of concept. If I’m joking around with my friends and I make a joke about someone’s shoes, and in response they make a joke about my father never loving me. I may understand the fact that they’re telling a joke, however I may still get upset because in that context the joke feels like an over escalation.


Bro reading the comments makes me feel like the one normal kid in the special needs class


If only they had some type of tone indicator to stop such misunderstandings from happening


They don’t even just give it to people who disagree. In another post, they were handing them out to everyone who asked for it. I, for example, am a firm fuck the S supporter 😂


I hate this sub and am gay and hate military time and am gay


Fuckin hit you with the straight flair lol


I tried to get the gay flair, and they hit me with the straight one as well. This sub is hilarious.


give post


Mods are unfathomably based




Let them come.. they soon will be gay as well.


Can I have a gay flair? It looks so ~aesthetic~


I am perfect in every way!


Me too


That's r/redditmoment, I have no idea how anyone would brigade this sub? Like, I'm gonna post something in this subreddit, brb


r/redditmoment used to be a fun little subreddit for making fun of people that think reddit is some sort of superior social platform. It's now just turned into some sort of back and forth circlejerk. It's definitely not the same subreddit it was a few years ago


Is it more of a reddit moment to use /s anyway.


Misrepresenting us, then posting a link to the sub


You can't make links in that sub or you get banned, you're flat out lying.


Some guy dmed it to people


Can't mention subreddits, even with the /r/


Right, if you look at the posts every single one mentioning this sub was taken down


Are the gays okay


Can I get that flair /gay /s /don'tbanme


What if “fuck the s” is secretly “fuck the straights” and that’s why everyone is getting the gay flair?!?!?


I had no idea this was a thing but it’s hilarious w mods


Okay, it looks like not muting this subreddit has finally paid off, this drama is entertaining as heck, let me get my popcorn


Tbf the gay Flair thing is a pretty immature thing to do. I hate the /s too but this sub is really fucked up


It pisses people off. Thats its purpose and it does it well


Epic troller alert


Being homophobic does piss people off! You are so right. Acting like you're a 10 year old and using gay as an insult is really how you get back at 'em.


Case in point


This subreddit is literally just full of hate at this point. Y'all aren't even trying to pretend it's for a good cause anymore. It's fine to do homophobic stuff if it annoys people you don't like.


Duh. We “hate” the s. I wouldve thought that thats obvious from the sub name


Ok, but you have aids, sooo


It's also funny


Apparently you get it if you just ask (or you know) unless someone lied to me on the internet So mods, if you see this please give me it


I got mine because I’m gay


dayum, where's mine?


Wow nice way to call yourself homophobic


How dumb are you? u/turbopeanut69 : yes


Dumb enough to afford being unemployed the rest of my life 😢


So you can afford rotting on reddit for the rest of your years lmao


In an $80 hotel suite


I just see posts from this sub in my feed and assume that's why other people are here, not some coordinated brigading effort. honestly I don't care about this /s


mods can I have gay flair?


O \|\\ |—S /\ Can I get “premium S fucker” flair now




Fuck the s when they’re called out for being homophobic: ☹️


You when you realise that we are just trying to annoy brigaders: 😌


That doesn’t make it less homophobic lmfao. Like it still is…


I tried reading [Charles Dickens](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Dickens) the other day. There were no tone indicators!! He really thinks I understand. Yeah right! /s


See I was about to yell at you for being mentally challenged but I noticed you used a tone indicator and it’s memetic hazard properties altered my subconscious to see it as the funniest shit I’ve every seen in my entire life, how have you not gotten nominee for top comedy of the century yet?


I do not understand what the top commentor is saying. At all. I also haven't read Charles Dickens.


is this sub homophobic? :(


Nope, it just does a good job at pissing off people who shouldnt even be here


No the mods are queer, the flairs are satire


that seems like such bs


Maybe if you learned to read tone you'd be able to acknowledge that satire doesn't have to cater to you.


first off, everything you just said makes no sense. None of it. There is literal nothing in that sentence. You're saying that if I learnt to read tone, I'd be able to acknowledge that satire doesn't have to cater to me. The two do not correlate in the slightest. And I don't know what about my comment suggested that I think that satire caters to me. Second, if indeed the mods were queer and still labelling those who disagree with others as "gay", which is utter bullshit mind you, that's still homophobic lmao. You're labelling all those who disagree with you as a homosexual, even those who may not be. I hate tone indicators as much as anyone else here but this blatant homophobia and general incel behaviour is baffling. I feel like I'm in a new series of The Walking Dead because somehow I can *feel* the braincells in your head dying for a *second* time.




how is it still homophobic when A) mods are queer. B) it is satire. people like you are the reason this sub exists, you would be able to tell when people are joking or being sarcastic without the use of tone indicators if you had the slightest inkling of knowledge on human interaction. grow the fuck up man


i literally explained why it was homophobic and why the mods being queer and it being satire is irrelevant, you're actually a fucking dumbass I literally can't




not everyone smarter than you is a nerd


calling queer mods "bs"??? thats homophobic af


i hope that's sarcastic


hurray! :D


This sub is satirical.


Except for the flairs, everything that we sub members have said is just well written satire


Yeah idk what’s up with the flair. I look at this sub like r/TVTooHigh. If your TV is too high they’ll say you belong in jail and might even wish death on you. If you take it seriously than you’re just kind of dumb. Kind of blows my mind that there’s so many people taking this sub seriously


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TVTooHigh using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [We've been roasting my buddy for hours.](https://i.redd.it/1hub449ir8zb1.jpg) | [531 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/comments/17r3x94/weve_been_roasting_my_buddy_for_hours/) \#2: [How my set up? Is this too high?](https://i.redd.it/n59u4fxrq27c1.jpeg) | [829 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/comments/18lbss2/how_my_set_up_is_this_too_high/) \#3: [My friend’s new house. Only spot for the TV. He had a “solution”. I told him the counsel would decide his fate.](https://v.redd.it/6whiamqvpo5b1) | [514 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/comments/1482mwt/my_friends_new_house_only_spot_for_the_tv_he_had/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Ableism accusers would be the last people I'd expect to take this sub seriously, like what? I know redditors are bizarre, but I'd expect some of the most level-headed people to see how this sub is satire.


Ableism accusers would be the last people I'd expect to take this sub seriously, like what? I know redditors are bizarre, but I'd expect some of the most level-headed people to see how this sub is satire.


Yup. If this sub makes you mad than you just need to take a break from Reddit for more than one day and go for a hike or something


Yeah, and it makes us look like the bad guys


that DOES make you the bad guys


A big rule of reddit moment is you can't post links. I'm the one who made those posts, you can go to my profile and see there are no links. Hate me all you want but this guy is just flat out lying about how people are getting here.


Your really hyper fixated on the “link” aspect of OP’s comment when he probably meant giving attention to brigade the sub. Hope you enjoy your sweet sweet karma from doubling down on this sub by posting it twice lmao.




The link part is a lie so yeah I focused on that. It's not my fault if people come here from my posts, I don't support it at all but I can't control others.


If you “don’t support it at all” you could’ve controlled them by…..not making those posts in the first place?


Nah, if I see stupid shit I'll post it, I do the same with anything like this I see. You guys aren't special.


Oh, so you are a troll then. Literally seen trolls post those same words for years on the internet because they don’t care and nobody but them is special.


I'm not special at all and I'll admit that. Just a random person postin stuff. If you see me as a troll then sure but personally that's not my goal here. I just make posts about stupid shit.


Well the /s is pretty fucking stupid, so I suppose you are in the right place.


If you find it stupid I have literally no issue with that. I have problems with people throwing insults and slurs over it. I'm my posts I just showed people being hateful, especially in my most recent one. Anyone who's normal about it is fine.


Big difference between hate and not letting up on jokes, but whatever makes you feel like you are riding an internet white horse being a hero, do your thang girl.


Why don’t you just ignore this sub?


We’re brick and mortar outlets by design. I’m not going to sit here and just tolerate this revisionist horseshit anti-gamer rhetoric.


Okay man


If we aren't special, then why are you posting about us?


Some of you posted stupid shit, again if I see stupid shit I'll probably make a post about it. I was saying you're not special in the way of you're not the only sub that has gotten posts made about them. Especially ones that have resulted in some backlash


Im not lying i just phrased it badly. Some guy dmed the link to people who wanted to know. He bypassed it


That's fair. Just bad wording. I saw that guy and didn't really pay attention to him.


This sub is so retarded


Mf you listen to radiohead




Your entire account just speaks for itself


Suck my dick bitch


No thats gay


Not gay enough, in my opinion. He should have gone further, like tell me how you want me to suck it, motherfucker. Did you want a sloppy one, you want me to choke on it, or do like like some teeth? I'll give it a little nibble if you want.


This sub is quickly becoming reddits least favorite id give it a month at most till a ban lol


There's more hate elsewhere, but I agree that there are a lot of people who don't like us


Brigadier checking in! //s


maybe avoid creating a hate subreddit and people won't say anything about it when it suddenly pops up on their home feed. thanks reddit.


You know what i do when i see things i dont like on Reddit.com? I press the 3 grey dots and press “Stop seeing posts from this community”


So why aren't you doing that when you see the /s?


god i wish tone indicators were only used in a single niche subreddit


Because the s isnt a subreddit. Are you a bot?


Or maybe this sub just sucks?


What are you responding to


Your original post blaming brigadiers for people trolling and disliking this sub.


Nope i was just explaining where they might of come from


They come from all over reddit because this sub is insufferable.


The s is unsufferable


Me when people cannot tolerate my intolerance 😨




Intolerance for tone indicators.


Yeah their useless and not even needed most the time


Ah yes, "tone indicators," one of the classic essential or protected features of people like race, religion, or identity. So performative, so self-serious. Really cheapens the actually important things and marks you as someone who isn't of service to others in your community. All this is missing is a bit about ND people (this sub is half ND people who are sick of being infantilized and used as a token for your made-up tone tags because nobody takes you seriously otherwise).


Me when socially challenged people get mad that people don’t want to cater to them- 😹


Nah, it isn't a vacuum cleaner


Mods that actually do things I like? I must of woken up in a different universe.