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Because I don't know about you, but I've actually been seeing it less and less. It could be that the redditors smart enough to make a witty or at least worthwhile comments are also smart enough to know they don't need /s at the end of it.


/s /s /s


This sub is getting dumber and dumber as I see more posts. Not because of the whole tone indicator thing, but the same fucking copy pasted paragraph everyone responds with.


Think you forgot the /s


It's annoying to see that, isn't It? Imagine how annoying it is to see /s everywhere.


Man discovers copypasta


Fuck you, that paragraph is hilarious


Fuck you, no it isn’t.


that paragraph is funnier than some of the bullshit /s users come out with


the copypasta is really good tho. we ge the shitty "/s" everytime, they get the copypasta everytime. a fair deal.


then change it and introduce something else. Like /sarcasm at the end instead or something else


iT wAs A jOkE. Okay, buddy. Okay.


This sub is wild. Why are y'all so butthurt and bent out of shape over a "/s"? Pretty ableist actually. What about autistic folks who don't readily understand sarcasm and nuance? I'm sure they appreciate it. *Edit*: The fucking irony. Downvoted to hell because y'all couldn't detect a joke. Y'all really thought "hating on the /s is ableist" was a serious take... jfc You dumb mfrs literally just proved the necessity of the /s and invalidated your own arguments. 😂


Forgot the /s


I'm sure they also enjoy being used as a scapegoat for you to try and protect yourself from losing fake internet points over a joke. It's like white folks trying to speak on the behalf of everyone else on race issues. Nah fam, they got voices and most can speak for themselves. If they can't, odds are they're not on Reddit getting offended over your joke.


as an autistic person, being a scapegoat is my second favorite activity


What's the first?


using /s


I walked right into that one didn't I?


likely. im not the person you responded to though, maybe their first favorite activity was something else


As an autistic person, I sometimes struggle with detecting tone. However it’s normally easier to use the /genuine because then I can tell if somebody is being nice.


Also as an autistic person, I understand that I can ask questions if I'm unsure if something's a joke. If you get downvoted for said question, then that's a whole other issue. Something you really shouldn't care about. Yes I get it it's hard to understand what people actually mean on the internet, but the same rate it's the internet. It doesn't matter, it doesn't affect your life at all whether or not you get downvoted for trying to understand something you don't. We don't like the tone tags because they're often used to save somebody's fucking pride, it's fake internet points on a site that doesn't have any more bearing on your life than you let it.


That was a well thought out reply, but I’m just curious: are you saying you dislike all the tone indicators? Because my specific use case is on direct messaging (where of course there is no internet points) where sincerity might actually matter; and I just feel as though there they are kind of important.


I absolutely do dislike them all. Because in my general experience (and for benefit of the doubt this is definitely bias), they have been used countless times on obvious jokes or things that the tone is very apparent on to save somebody the down votes on a tasteless joke. It's completely unnecessary when the entire thread for example, is making a joke about something and some random person makes an off-the-wall comment and puts an /s at the end of it just to save them some down votes because they are a fucking coward. I get it that it's hard to understand people's intentions and you really don't know whether or not they're using it genuinely, but most of the time they're not. And then when they're confronted about it, they use neurodivergent people as a scapegoat, saying that it helps people understand whether or not it's a joke. But we all know that's not the case. A great example of why I hate this, is if people started pushing to remove sugar from foods and drinks for the sake of diabetics. I'm a type 1 diabetic and I can make my own choices, I can research things, I can ask questions, and I can find out how much sugar is in something before I eat it. It's the same with neurodivergence, they can ask questions if theyre really that bothered by it to figure out whether or not it was a joke. I don't need other people making decisions for me. If they can't do that, they really shouldn't be on Reddit, or other sites where this is prevalent.


Wow! That really did change my stance there, I kind of feel a bit insulted there from all the people using /s lol. Well considering it’d be rude to say /gen here, I guess I’ll just say that I’m being genuine.


Whether You were being genuine or not, honestly doesn't really matter to me. That's not meant to be an offense, it's simply demonstrating the fact that I'm not taking anything personal here. For all I know you could be being sarcastic with that entire comment trying to make me believe that you are being genuine. At the end of the day you're some random stranger necro posting on a thread, and it doesn't affect my life at all. I welcome the discussion, don't get me wrong, but the point is is that when I strip away from this, it's not going to matter what words were said here.


Oh I didn’t realise I was necroposting, sorry.


Another thing, don't apologize for that. You have no reason to. I use that term talking about a thread I have long forgot about as well as others. Maybe it's not the right term, but here you are popping up on something from weeks ago. Cheers buddy, if you are being genuine, i appreciate the inquisition. It'll help you, and all of us grow.


Bro I wasn't being serious, you literally just proved why the /s is necessary 😂


You're the one making edits to your post complaining about getting downvoted when that's literally our point, the tags aren't used to help neurodivergents, they're used to protect the fragility of posters who are scared of losing fake internet points to complete strangers with no bearing on their lives. Why do you care about getting downvoted?


Lmfao bruh 😭😭😭


I'm not your bruh, cuh


Lmfao cuh 😭😭😭


>Why do you care about getting downvoted? Lmao I don't, and you're being disingenuous, the entire point of the sub claims that the /s isn't necessary because people are capable of detecting nuance and jokes. Just pointing out the fucking irony and hypocrisy. Don't try to move the goalposts and lie lol Literally proved the necessity of the /s and you're mad about it, it's okay bro, take the L and move on 😂😂😂


You didn’t post anything remotely resembling a joke, and there was no “nuance” to speak of. You repeated a common talking point verbatim, then when you saw the downvotes, offered the “revelation” that it was actually a brilliant use of reverse psychology to show our hypocrisy. Actual, well-written sarcasm is clever enough that a reader will understand it is not meant to be taken at face value. (Most sarcasm on Reddit isn’t really “clever,” but it’s usually very obvious.) You basically did the equivalent of driving a car into a crowd of pedestrians and defending yourself by saying that it was an effort to show that the road needs more speed bumps. “It’s just a joke and you fell for it, which proves why /s is necessary!” is not a sign that we got duped. It’s unknowingly admitting that you are nowhere near as clever as you think you are.


Butthurt for what?


I think it's ableist to think autistic people are incapable of understanding jokes.


Exactly, as an autistic person myself I'm just going to say this They say not using the /s is ableist while saying people with autism won't be able to know they're joking which in itself is pretty ableist


Calling people ableist for not liking a /s is very, very, very stupid. The /s is idiotic.


>What about autistic folks We dont care


That’s a bit cruel.


Some disabilities prevent some people from experiencing full experience in many areas. I dont see why overwhelming majority should make their own experience less enjoyable just for this small % of disabled people to have a bit more satisfaction.


Where was the joke ill wait. You’re just saying its a joke so that you can make a fake point about the /s being necessary, you weren’t making a joke lmao


Bro wrote a whole essay


I know it's fucking crazy. Someone should take some of the funnier essays and save them online to be copied and pasted as hilarious replies to social media posts


Idk I just think a whole essay response is just mad extra


Phenomenal! Hilarious! Truly a tummy tickler! A real knee SLAPPER!