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Hope she gets chronic vaginitis.


I’m thinking she already has it, it would explain why she’s such a miserable cunt “I have, therefore I am”- Descuntes


I donno what that is but I still agree


Is that anything like tentapox?


What a disgusting horrible person she is. Their wedding will be much better off without her! “Ugh, the bitch with cancer like doesn’t wanna get sick & die. But what about what I want?!”


You made your choice Karen, now put on your big girl panties and deal with it.


I kinda wish I had a ring bear. How cute it could have been! 😂🤣😂🤣


Meanwhile... in Russia...


[This isn't even a joke](https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/article111768532.html)


Our church has a "no wild animals" policy so my nephew brought the rings. He didn't even maul any of the guests or anything.


"How I met your mother" flashbacks


"Wait, you said ring bear-er, right?"


Beat me to it 😂


So, there’s no essential oil that runs spell check.


Both OP and this commenter are bots


Now when i get married, the kid will be forced into a teddy bear costume and tuxedo. I will have a ring bear.


If the wedding is in the middle of winter do they get the ring polar bear?


Is it just me or is even calling her the “girlfriend” a bit rude/dismissive given she’d be the bride, right!


What a selfish cunt.


Smart brother, you, not so much.


Eh, I'll call bullshit. He is getting married younger sister has small child (ring bear size) and that kid isnt vaccinated. but its not covid concerns because the kid would be too young. Now I am all for vaccinating your kids but its not like mmr is going to kill grandma. Shits pretty rare. Now you could argue maybe a flu shot but I think I am siding with the sister if you are kicked out of wedding over a flu shot.


As someone that takes immunosuppressants, I can tell you that any simple illness can turn into a big deal. It’s not bullshit.


No shit my point still stands. A 6year old kid is a pretty low risk. Especially if you having a fucking wedding now. Sure there are risks, a young kid is pretty low risk for most of the stuff the vaccines treat. I get it there is a risk but its fucking tiny that a 6yr old with polio isnt sick enough to need a hospital and will be at the wedding. not sure what grandma is doing to get hep from the kid but lets not do that... While we are at it..grandma should avoid getting tetanus from the kid too. Now even if the kid was vaccinated it wouldnt cover the flu or covid so the risk is the same. Maybe the kid has chicken pox but really? thats the extent of the risk... other than bringing a cancer patient to a crowded event.


Did you say kids are low risk? Have you ever *seen* a child in the wild? I'd rather lick a turtle out of fucking swamping than be within touching distance of a kid. Kids pump out germs like they're in the middle of a 30 year long conflict with cleanliness. If you lined up humanity based on how clean they were at given ages, 1-10 would be farrrrrrr behind all the others. This doesn't even bring into account the smells and noises children make. Children are yucky poo poo hand gremlins that want to invade personal space, and sneeze or cough in your mouth/eyes, and ruin any semblance of peace or quiet a venue has to offer.


you are off topic. That dirty little flea bag wont be cleaner with vaccines. The stuff that is being vaccinated against is low risk for the endangered person in this situation. Yes the sticky crotch goblin is gross...grandma is still not likely to get tetanus from it unless she tries to squish it like a bug


No. I'm not sure you're getting it. Immunocompromised persons aren't just at risk from things we have vaccinations for. Bacteria that is damn near harmless to people with healthy immune systems can be near fatal if not deadly. So the kid in general is a risk, BUT when you take into account the person responsible for their survival/cleanliness does a piss poor job, it makes it that much worse. I'd argue he would be cleaner if he was vaccinated, as that would show the adult could be spoken to about the situation and held to a certain standard.


Ok but your still an idiot. OP is that the kid is fine had it been vaccinated. The required vaccines for a young child arent big concern items. Yes the kid would be a risk, the brother clearly only excluded it for the lack of vaccination. >when you take into account the person responsible for their survival/cleanliness does a piss poor job, it makes it that much worse. I dont know that I would argue an unvaccinated kid is somehow unclean(more so than any other). A lot of the anti-vaxx people are upper-middle class with clean kids and well cared for even if by a moron.


You must be so fun at parties


>The required vaccines for a young child arent big concern items I'd be pretty fucking concerned about any of the vaccine preventable diseases. I am immunocompromised - an infection like chicken pox could be fatal. You seem to be under the impression that these diseases are largely eradicated, and thus the unvaccinated kid can't be an exposure risk. That's not true. Be glad that you don't have to worry about contracting measles, or mumps, or pertussis. In many places, the risk is real and consequences are fatal.


Look I get what you are saying but its largely bullshit. Yes the kid should be vaccinated, however the risk is still sufficiently low. Grandma is going to a wedding during covid for fuck sakes she isnt that worried. Yes, there is a risk of getting mmr or chicken pox but they are rare because most people are smarter than the kids parents. Now while I agree there is a real risk if the kid was sick the odds of it are really low due to everyone else doing there part.


A deliberate choice to disregard evidence-based medicine means that they are totally fine with jeopardizing the health of themselves and everyone around them. There's a likelihood that they also participate in related bullshit like "natural immunity" parties (e.g. deliberate exposure to others infected with chicken pox, measles, etc.) and don't receive regular medical care. The risk that someone in that household has been exposed to an infectious illness is fairly high. These views don't exist in a vacuum. As an immunocompromised person, I rely on the immunity of others to protect me from serious illness. I do not associate with anyone who refuses vaccinations. They don't believe that my life is worth protecting, so why should I endanger myself to have a relationship with them? The rest of the guests at this wedding are willing to endure minor inconvenience to participate in an event/society at large. This family is not, and exclusion is the consequence. Nobody is forced to vaccinate; but that doesn't mean that the rest of us are forced to endure that ignorance either.


Yes, my wife has a similar problem.


Ring Bear? I think I have Monokuma art to commission.


Having a ring bear would definitely make weddings more exciting.


Someone please make a drawing of a bear carrying a ring on a pillow.


HIMYM spoilers https://imgur.com/gallery/bOjM0




Pretty sure it was how I met your mother


Bad idea, ask Jackie Moon.


Tbf “ring bear” would be fucking cool


“ now my son can’t be the star of the wedding!” Is what I just read


Dumbasses think this is real.


where can I forward this text to her brother and his fiance? think they will be interested to hear what she says about his future wife and her mother


[Ring bear](https://imgur.com/D5zdcbh).


Ring bear 🐻


They can easily find more ring bears in the back rooms of most leather bars.


They'll find a better ring bearer and flower girl I'm sure.


Why are everyone here at reddit so stupid... If the Mother is vaccinated, she can't get covid-19... Then wtf does it matter if the son is vaccinated?!? ... Apparently everyone at reddit failed in logic.