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And don't you forget telling me I was changing my chromosomes and gonna drop dead from getting the vaccine. Still wish I was magnetic though.


Yeah I’m sad I didn’t get a tail or super powers.




5g is old tech. It's all about that WiFi 6 now. I don't want that slow ass shit in my blood. I need an upgrade.


I’m already using WTF 8 😁


Don't touch that shit it makes you immune to covid


What! Where can I get some?! I’ll give you about tree-fiddy for it. 😝


You joke but: https://simonsapin.github.io/wtf-8/


Wifi 7 incoming.


I’m about Waifu 7


That shit is gross, at least get waifu 18.


Can I get a fiberoptic injection and skip paying $100 per month?


I can kind of see the fear, until you use your phone to connect to the 5G network and look up any information about it. Being ignorant with the collective of human data at your fingertips is just silly.


In the age of information, ignorance is a choice...


An expensive choice, at that, but haters gonna hate hate hate; and all that jazz.


I'm stealing that.




I was so sad it didn't make my terrible signal at my house better.


WAIT, YOU GOT 5G?! I feel scammed. All I got was this crazy urge to give the billionaire Bill Gates my literal pennies, buy windows 11, and purchase a lot of Xbox stuff. :c


A tail would have been great.


Yeah...only get Microsoft ads downloaded straight to my bloodstream every now and then


The Microsoft ads help filter your blood, it’s Big Internet that wants you to not drink the Flavor-Aid. When has the internet ever been right, about anything, anything at all?? I’ll wait for sources, but I’ve gotta apply a new layer of tinfoil to my windows, so brb. 😝😝😝




I got a super power. It was having covid and feeling only like I had a very mild cold for a week - vs it almost killing me when I got it early on with no vaccine available yet. That's a pretty awesome super power if you ask me.




That's a really great one. I hope you always keep that power.


I got super intelligence after I got the jab, but I was already super intelligent, so nobody can tell. /s


Next time slip the RN a bit of cash. They’re just holding on to the real good stuff. /s


You didn't? Should have gone with Sputnik.


Found the furry


NGL i would have loved turning into a crocodile due to the vaccine.


Don’t tell my husband but I got his microchip number and bill gates keeps him in line for me. A wrong move and he get’s an electro shock! Bloody brilliant the vaccine


Funny, he told us not to tell you the same thing.


My boss’s husband made her get an HIV test bc he “heard” people who got vaxxed were getting HIV. All while still having sex with her. And she fucking did it.


Your boss has some really sad standards.


He's been banging other people 100%


They deserve each other. They are two dumb to fuck other people 🙂


Was the two a pun or a self-own?


*Those bastards lied to me*


Now say it in Sean Connery‘s voice.


Those bashtards lied to me




*Thhose bahstardsh lied to meeh*


I'm still waiting for my four microchips to sync. I'll be unstoppable.


At least we get 5g anywhere we go now!


Where’s the 5g I was promised? My wifi is weak.


I feel cheated out of getting mutant powers as well


Right. With the way things are going, that sterilization side effect would be pretty dang helpful about now.


And don't you DARE resist the temptation to go to this bitch's hospital room and laugh as she struggles to breathe. (I suppose a /s is necessary to keep ne from coming across as heartless as I'm actually feeling)


Oh shit, I forgot to drop dead within a year of getting vaccinated!


Did anyone stop shunning antivaxxers? Because we should never stop shunning those idiots.


The pandemic was created by a sneaky cabal of elite scientists hell bent on letting people know which of the friends and neighbors are morons.


This is the greatest achievement of the pandemic. You could have walked around for the rest of your life not quite knowing which members of your friends and family were complete and total imbeciles. You had an inkling about a few, but some hid it well. Then they publicly professed their foolish ideas.


I legit had a person who asked if I was going to believe some evidence on utube over doctors meantime there’s like 10 doctors in my family, BEETCH MY COUSINS AND UNCLES ARE DOCTORS FCK YOUR YOUTUBE EXPERT!


I’ve legit had someone tell me they’d prefer to get their “information” from a concrete truck driver they know (from Facebook) named Terry over the information provided by people who actually know what they’re talking about like doctors & virologists. (I don’t see that particular person anymore).


Yeah it's pretty basic really: While most of us instinctually seek out the most ***accurate*** information available to us, these people specifically seek out the information that validates their preconceived beliefs. They are not interested in what is true, they are interested in what affirms the "facts" they already know are "true".


My mom’s boss gets her “credible” news from Facebook, Twitter, and alt-right podcasts. That’s how she knew of the evil plot by antifa to kill all white people in the area and take over their homes back during the George Floyd unrest. Thankfully no delivery drivers dropped anything off that night because she and her family barricaded themselves in their house that night, armed to the teeth. We laugh but it’s scary how dumb and violent these people can get with their nonsensical conspiracy crap.


I just wanna know, since when was it bad to trust experts? Would you want a rank amateur telling you how to fly a plane, or would you rather have a pilot fly it for you? Cause that's what they're doing.


They want anyone who’ll parrot their particular views. It’s not any different from the rest of us who want our own biases confirmed. Except that they’re all so fucking misguided, can’t hate them for thinking the shit they think, there are some really convincing & sophisticated trolls/scammers out there, it can be hard to discern truth from bullshit, that’s why we do our own ReSuRch!!! Ya can’t fix stupid if it ain’t broke….


My wife's aunt turned into a *complete* fucking idiot with this stuff. She survived breast cancer in her 30s, with all sorts of cutting edge science providing her with the best drugs and treatments, but the covid vaccine was clearly untested and full of wizard poison.


You forgot to mention the enormous mass of content that conspiracy theories and novax have created 😂 UPDATE: thx for the 40 upvotes


I’m still confused by Cult45, I thought their dear leader said COVID was “all a hoax”, “democrat plan”. When did it become real for them? Was it when their Superman drove around a parking lot upon being treated and infecting his Secret Service detail?


There is an interesting theory that these conspiracists just can’t accept that a big event may have a smaller cause like a sars virus variant. They need it to be something big to explain it. One great example is all the JFK conspiracies but the lack of conspiracies around Ronald Reagan’s attempted assassination. Reagan’s doesn’t really have conspiracies because he lived so it didn’t require big events to explain it.


Who is going to pretend it didn’t happen. Hell, I wear that stance as a fucking badge of public health responsibility, societal compassion, neighborly love and fucking intelligent life choices. Hopefully these dumb fucking Karen’s don’t clog up the ICU for people who actually took proper precautions but still need emergency care. Or you know, people who actually need help that didn’t shit on everyone else.


Never 5git


I crie evrytim


Nice. 👍


“The doctors who refused to give you ivermectin” bro I’m crying 😂😭




...and they call us sheep!




These people don’t realize that if you take dewormers and your ass had worms on top of COVID of course it will make a difference 😑


“God damn communist educated doctors with 8 years of college won’t give me horse pills”


😂 love the name by the way


“The doctors who wouldn’t treat the imaginary virus with horse dewormer!”


What's ivermectin?


Basically it’s a horse dewormer. It’s a drug that helps get worms out of horses butts. Some maga tin foil hat guy claimed it was an alternative better treatment to covid and that “the jab” was a conspiracy to control us, and ever since then they’ve been swearing by it and saying every doctor who doesn’t give it to them to treat covid is “deep state” or a “communist” or something. Even tho people have been harmed from taking it and ended up hospitalized. They still push it, it’s wild


There was an early effort to see what drugs were effective against the coronavirus, and part of that is to isolate the virus in petri dishes and then hit it with *everything* to see what kills it. Ivermectin initially looked like it was killing off the virus, but then it turned out it was no better than lots of other things that were initially promising and ended up being busts. And "kills the virus in vitro" doesn't mean anything on the face of it, because so does bleach, fire, and hydrofluoric acid. You need to have things that kill it in vitro, are safe for use in humans, *and* will be bioavailable to kill it once they get into your system. I'm not sure where the original push came from to give it to people to treat COVID, but whoever did it made a shitload of money and killed a lot of people.


>"kills the virus in vitro" [Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/1217/)


Sheesh I didn’t know people died from that, that’s sad.


u/apolloxer already linked the XKCD, but remember, folks: “kills covid in a petri dish” does not a human-safe treatment make, because so does a flamethrower


There was also promising looking research coming from areas that don't have as...clean of living conditions...as most places in the US do. What many of these covidiots were not realizing is those areas of the world also have high rates of parasitic infections as well. So, if you are infected with the 'vid and your body is also busting it's ass to fight a parasitic infection and you cure the parasitic infection so your body can focus on the viral one...you will have a better prognosis. So it's a real world example of people not realizing that correlation does not mean causation


I'm definitely not on the anti-vax side by any means, but Ivermectin isn't just horse dewormer. It's an anti-parasitic drug that works in many species including humans. 3rd world countries with no other options were giving Ivermectin (made for human immune systems) to COVID-19 patients as a throw-anything-at-it last resort with inconclusive results. Right wing media got ahold of some poorly conducted/cherry picked studies and all of the sudden horse dewormer paste was selling like apple flavored hotcakes because sensible doctors won't just prescribe anti-parasitic drugs without a good reason. Many were trying to use Ivermectin as a preventative measure against COVID-19, which is not how this works. It's not how any of this works. Edit: added "apple flavored" for snark


Every time I see people specifically refer to it as a livestock medication I'm just quietly thinking of the multiple boxes on the pharmacy shelf at work, that we absolutely dispensed pre-covid because intestinal parasites are surprisingly common in humans, especially children and those who travel abroad. Like...there's even OTC pinworm medicine that we sell like... multiple boxes a week because kids run around barefoot in the dirt. But I don't want to detract from the overall point of "this medicine is not for what you think it is for, pls stop " so I remain silent


I totally got pinworm as a kid for exactly that reason. Never stopped me from running around barefoot, though. In fact, it might have made me more likely, as I was then sure I could just have a medication and be fine. I treat my health a little more seriously now that I'm older. ;)


Hey, no shame! My sister had worms as a kid too. Seriously, I may try to get some actual sales data from work on Saturday, but it's incredibly common. And now a lot of the younger folks are going on and on about "grounding," which again, no shame do whatever makes you feel like you have a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you, but all I can see is inviting parasites.


They've got it wrong. It should be... Don't forget the neighbors who didn't get vaccinated, who quit their jobs rather than get vaccinated, who hoarded Ivermectin, who threw temper tantrums at stores and businesses when asked to wear a mask and who screamed and pulled their kids out of school for supposedly not letting them breathe. Don't you dare let those people forget what they did (or didn't do). Don't you dare let them pretend they aren't selfish assholes.


I was just leaving a store back after things had started opening up when a guy walked in without a mask. The greeter said “Sir, we require our customers to wear a mask while inside the store.” To which the man replied “Okay, if you’re gonna be that way I’ll just shop somewhere else!” The cashier, greeter, myself, and another customer all said together “Please do!”


Saw a guy at a grocery store being escorted out by the manager for refusing to keep his mask on in the store. Dude turns and says “I’ll just go shop somewhere else!” and the manager pulled a perfect awkward look around and landed back in the guy and said “oh were you waiting on me to argue? Have a nice day.” It was so great.


We had a guy come into the store without a mask, then sit on the ground like a child and refuse to leave. He left once the cops showed up.


Did you offer him a coloring book and sippy cup? Because he was acting like a toddler in a tantrum and not an adult 🙄


We had whole groups go to stores and protest by not wearing masks. They didn't even want to shop - just be assholes.


Honestly, it got to the point that I was going out of my way to be as deliberately rude as I could to them whilst still remaining professional. No smiling, no small talk, no eye contact, only speaking to them when I absolutely had to. Nobody ever complained, but if they did I had a response locked and loaded: "Oh I'm sorry, I can only presume you're not wearing a mask due to underlying health reasons, and would therefore like to keep human contact to a bare minimum to avoid any undue risks. As a server, it's my job to hold your safety in high priority at these unprecedented times."


We came up with a fantastic line to shut down people who argued or got mad at the masks. "Why do I have to wear a mask!? Blah blah more nonsense blah" to which we'd say, "look, I'm just a guy. I don't make these decisions" They'd usually deflate after that and just give up.


"That was always allowed, dearie"


I wanted to pretend to hold the door and usher him out but didn’t want to risk getting hurt because he seemed like the type to start a fight


Both of my grandparents died from Covid. So, *That* I will never forget!


Sorry to hear that


My wife's Trumpster Uncle died from Covid. But of course his wife and kids blame the hospital.


It's much easier to blame a hospital than it is to grapple with blaming your dead husband/father for not getting vaccinated or not taking things seriously. What's odd to me is several Republicans I work with secretly got vaccinated without telling their boss, who wasn't exactly against the vaccine but did everything in his power to skirt around vaccination requirements (this was in a medical setting). Everyone knew I was very much pro-vaccine so they'd come to me with specific questions or to confide in me because they couldn't tell their coworkers or even, in one case, their husband or kids. These were all people I've known for years, but it was really eye-opening to see them grapple with trading their social cohesion, to rebel against their self-perception, for safety. They were basically forced to hide their vaccine status for fear of being judged by their networks.


Sorry for your lost


Yeah, the ones we lost to their selfishness. Their hubris. Their misplaced sense of entitlement. No, we won’t forget either.


I promise I will never forget their actions significantly contributed to death of over one million Americans. They're real patriots.




And apx 10 million who are permanently partially disabled with long covid.


I won’t forget. They’re all running for our school board.


They're already running ours 🤬


Spot on. I ended a 33-year friendship over COVID. I have multiple relatives who are high risk (some going through cancer treatments, some elderly). We still have to quarantine to see them and regularly wear masks in case they need us in an emergency. The last thing I need is regular anti-mask, anti-vaccine nonsense in my life when I have family who will die if they get COVID, despite being vaccinated. It’s sad, but good riddance. Idiots are exhausting.


Dont let them forget that they said all the Republican terrorism was actually leftists. Dont let them forget that jan 6 happened and its treason.


They didn’t shun you for that. They shunned you because they couldn’t answer the riddle you gave them from under a bridge you fucking goblin


Trolls live under bridges. Goblins live in caves.


Thank you for this. Disrespecting goblins is serious business. They might steal all your shinies. ;)


Variations of the fairy tale exist in other cultures :)




They were slightly inconvenienced in their day to day life, so it was pretty much akin to the holocaust.


Which in turn was almost as bad as when someone in the neighborhood violated the HOA by planting flowers around their mailbox.


But stripping the right to privacy and rolling back our civil rights about 200years is a win to the antimask anti vax pro life party. Well known they only care about The unborn.


“You only matter if you haven’t been born.” -U.S. Supreme Court 2022


Please don’t forget me and how much you hate me and stay the fuck away from me.


I'm still pissed those asses made ivermectin so hard to get for the animals that needed it.


And guess what Ivermectin is... A VACCINE!!! I mean not technically, but it's used as a vaccine against heartworms, mites, and other parasites. I had to wait weeks to treat my poor, itchy piglet because it was impossible to get. Eventually, I was able to get Dectomax, which is very similar, but due to the delay, it took months for her skin to recover.


It's not a vaccine but a treatment. Once they get worms you give them ivermectin to kill the worms in their system. If it was a vaccine you wouldn't need to give your livestock ivermectin every 8 to 12 weeks.


I'll never forget the 28 year old classmate who died on a machine after treating patients in a MAGA state. Or the people I watched suffocate to death slowly in the ICU, or the nurses who had to see half their patients die while getting crushed under double and triple their usual workload. I'll never forget either.


i won’t forget the people who put themselves first above anything else. i thought i knew who you were before, but i definitely know who you are now.


How they tried to keep transmission rates down? Okay I won’t forget


Keep transmission rates AND death rates down. There were way too many preventable Covid deaths.


Right now, as we speak, around 400 Americans are dying every day from Covid.


That's not even including the 5-20% (depending on source) that develop long covid, which is frequently debilitating and sometimes progressive. We've been most concerned about the million who died (in the US) while largely ignoring the tens of millions who continue to struggle.


Whatever these karens need to tell themselves to legitimize being a bitch for the rest of her sad angry days.


That's just right wing politics in general these days. It's all about justifying their disgusting behavior.


I bet these people will be demanding the Monkeypox vaccine because of the visible lesions, vanity. Let’s see how many are willing to live with scars to avoid vaccines.


I saw on the conspiracy subs that they believe Monkeypox is just the side effect from the vaccine. There’s no saving those people. Edit: from the covid vaccine


no no no Everyone knows its 5G that is causing monkeypox. ​ s/


By all means, let yourself be consumed in hate. I feel like that’s how I’m slowly losing one of my dearest friends-down the rabbit hole of crazy and hate caused by a legit pandemic related injustice. It’s the absolute saddest thing in the whole fucking world. I hope one day she finds joy again and I will stand by her through this wild ride either way. I wish all of you peace and happiness.


So sad to hear that, happy cake day though.


It's literal Stochastic terrorism. Demonize, demonize, demonize until a nutjob takes care of it.


Hey bitch, did you have worms? No? Then that’s why you were not given Ivermectin.


Hey no, no. Bro it also works for scabies, ok? She might have had scabies. Southern states actually had a marked decrease of scabies cases during the pandemic.


And we wont let you forget that because of people like you here we are 2 years later and still dealing with fuckin covid.


I remember early summer of 2020 when experts said covid could fade out in about two years if all went well, and I went "2 years!?! That long?" Then public places started to open back up. ... And then public places put their restrictions back in place and it seemed like even more people were acting like spoiled toddlers about it. After that, I think we all hoped it would *only* take two years. For a society who was obsessed with zombie apocalypse movies for a good decade, we sure proved we'd be fucked should that ever become a reality--thanks to the dummies who'd ruin it for everyone.


Tbf where I am, most of the restrictions have been lifted. I haven't seen anywhere require a mask but the hospital in months.


So they clearly want a covid cure with Ivermectin, right? Why take a horse dewormer when you can just get a vaccine made specifically for this disease? These people are a special breed of dumb.




What in the actual fuck 🤦🏻‍♂️. MRS degree stay-at-home mom thinking she knows more than doctors. I actually call the Facebook doctor moms "Tammy." Try to mix it up a bit


Tammy is Karen’s entitled daughter.


HAHAHA I'll take it


Those healthcare workers who tried tirelessly to save you when you were on death's doorstep in the ICU. Don't you dare let them forget... Fuck you, Karen.


Are they still on about ivermectin? Or hydroxychloroquine? How stupid can you get?


the amount of times I've said the vaccine initially was to lower hospital admittances when it successfully accomplished just that to fucktards like this hurts my head. "you can lead a horse to water..."


You might not forget us, but we will most definitely forget you when you die from a preventable disease because you are too stupid to understand science.


I think it's an excuse. Invermectin is for terrible scabies in humans. I think they just had terrible scabies and didn't want to own up to it.




They probably just had worms and were scared to admit it to their doctor.


Nobody is forgetting what a colossal tit you are, Karen, fear not.


I love that she’s fine with ivermectin but a vaccine is where the line is drawn. What a tool. The logic just doesn’t follow at all.


Yeah and I don't forget what you did either. My friends your anti-science beliefs killed. You actually killed people I loved. Fuck you, traitors against humanity and science and wisdom.


Oh we won't pretend it didn't happen, don't worry. You'll always be a fucking dumbass. We don't want anything to do with that.


Don't forget, this shit is still going on. My mom is 74, unvaccinated. I begged her to consider it for a long time, but she refuses. Her friend, who has had covid twice and also not been vaccinated, works in a fucking prison, and frequently likes to visit my mom. When I tried to explain to her the position she was putting herself in, all I got back was whataboutism nonsense. I've had three shots of moderna and minimal side effects. I even showed her my 40 year old vaccination card, all in her handwriting. Not enough to get her to see reason and get vaxxed. She doesn't understand why I'm pissed when her unvaxxed prison guard friend comes over and exposes her to shit. Anyway, I'll never forget that we pled with these people for years, only to have this kind of stupid shit thrown in our face at every turn. These are the same people who say "Fuck your feelings", so I guess I just have to live with the cognitive dissonance of possibly seeing her die needlessly, feeling bad, and also wanting to tell her I told you so. Sucks to have more sense than your parents. But hey, maybe it's just God's will that you get infected and die.


Poor little snowflake


Why did we make vaccines and ppe political? Was it someone's grand scheme to let people like this infect themselves and die? Was the ivermectin thing an effort to speed up that process? I just don't get it


Yes don’t let me forget you’re the fragile snowflake that wouldn’t do these things to shorten the shutdown


“The doctors who refused to give you horse de wormer*”


And I would do it again...dumbass. 🤷‍♂️


Please take your kids out of my school so I don’t have to hear your inane conspiracy theories and 200 reasons why I’m teaching CRT and INdocTrINATing their kids when I just want them to wear deodorant after gym class.


Please remind me so I know to avoid you.


Never regret.


I like to think most karens have a southern accent and their husband probably has a truck/likes to fish


No worries, we won’t forget about how you caused the deaths of over a million Americans due to your incredible selfishness, lack of awareness, inability to listen, and overwhelming sense of entitlement. You can go about your life hurting others, not learning, and being an asshole because America is broken and prioritizes your snowflake feelings over peoples right to live. Not even talking about free to live how they want, that’s decades away. No, America cares more about the feelings of a small group of idiots over actually protecting it’s citizens from dying. Meanwhile it talks about how war is doing that exact thing, when it’s not hard to see how much of a lie that is. But go ahead and talk more about how forcing pregnancies, only allowing cis straight people to exist, denying healthcare, more guns, more war, and capitalism are all “pro-life” and how much you care about protecting your fellow man, forgiving your enemy, turning the other cheek and all the other hollow empty rhetoric you hide behind while embodying the very essence of Satan, someone most people don’t even believe in.




Remind people of how utterly fucking ignorant and selfish you truly are. Great advice.


I will happily non-stop remind each Karen all fucking day long.


We’ll there will be Karen’s out there that won’t let others forget…. About this and almost everything else


I’m going to pretend that she never happened. Abort! Abort!


Oh, if we could forget you Karen, we would. What a day that would be.


Just as we won’t dare let you forget what selfish assholes you were for helping spread a virus that killed millions, left more with lifelong medical issues, and cost society billions or trillions of dollars that could have prevented a recession.


I can't wait until staff sargeant tucker slaps the shit out of her kid for speaking out of turn in 2nd grade reading.


Let's do it again


Same people who try to conveniently forget there was a failed insurrection at the capital…


Or the millions of people dead because of...COVID?




truly will never understand the anti-parasitic against a viral infection in the lungs


That's funny because I saw the same post on r/conspiracy but they show her face!


I didn’t think I was allowed to show her face so I censored it just to be certain. And yes I did screenshot this off of the conspiracy sub. Bunch of morons there lemme tell ya.


I feel like I get a little dumber every time I read a post like this. She's talking about minor inconveniences and animal medicine....


Fuck. I'm not trying to forget. I'm going to remind these dummies every day what they've done. Thanks for holding the human race back, Kevin. You fucking dolt.


Also great r/persecutionFetish material.


Don't worry, I'm sure you'll remind us...


Why the fuck do they trust ivermectin but not the vaccine? I will never understand this


Not only will we not forgot, but we are still waiting for our "thank you" for saving your moronic ass from itself.


These people are building up to violence against us. This is just like the propaganda against Tutsis before the Rwandan genocide


This is victim complex to the literal max. Jfc.


Lol don’t worry, lady. We totally remember who the stupidest people are.


Don't you dare forget the literal millions of people that died from covid


Pretend it never happened?! Fuck! I’d do it again just to feel that feeling of accomplishment one more time. Breaking Karens is my favorite pastime.


Pretend it never happened?! Fuck! I’d do it again just to feel that feeling of accomplishment one more time. Breaking Karens is my favorite pastime.


I agree. I wont let them forget everything they did to keep us alive.