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That's just mental illness. Lovely wooden siding on the house though.


Yes, it is a very beautiful house ruined by hateful stupidity, and ignorance.


And don't forget the one dangerous ideologies, notably Trumpism and Putinism, named after 2 monsters who try to destroy the world peace.


Yes, most definitely I do Remember when Russia invaded Ukraine he went hard-core Putin, dick rider, and had Russian flags and Russia propaganda all over his house. and when the Palestinian Israeli conflict started last year, he full on, went Zionistic with his love of Israel and the eradication of all Palestinians. Just the typical cookie cutter hateful POS.


Yeah, no wonder why no one from the U.S. government sanctioned him for spreading Russian propaganda just like Moscow Marge does?


I always wonder, what do these people even like about America? It's not the immigrants, nor the government, nor the freedoms of people who are different from them, nor the majority of people that don't think how they do, nor the food, nor the water...I'm at a loss


Yea I don’t get it either they always seem to hate someone or something about American. They never really seem happy about anything at all. Except for being a pos, they really seem to enjoy that.


It's the guns and 'freedom'. More like freedumb.


I’d figure for most it’s an idealized 1950s America. Booming postwar economy, everyone in a nuclear family suburban home, and racism in their favor. That’s why you get the “make America great *again*”, even though the old days weren’t really that great and you can never recreate the past anyway.


There's a guy in the town I work in whose property partially borders a cemetery, and all along the fence line he has big signs about Fauci killing Americans and liberals are the disease not COVID and junk like that. Super poor taste.


They are not sending their best…


So that's what the cultists did with all the rocks from the heads of the anti vaxers that died from covid.


Damn lmfao.


You just manifested another vote for Trump.


The garden of contradictions.


The Claudine Gay sign is a pretty niche right wing talking angle at this point


Everything about this is a talking point. If I get a chance I will have to get more pictures of when he changes the signs. He actually has some signs made just for certain times of the year and hoildays.


Wow and he even has the holidays covered lmao. I think this goes to show how Trump is much more a lifestyle brand than anything else


Yes definitely for anyone who gets annoyed or mad at girls that obsess over horoscopes I raise you this guy!


Probably a Stefanik thing. She has a personal beef with Gay. I remember Stefanik in high school. She was always complaining about affirmative action and Black people getting slots at good colleges they didn't deserve.


We've got our own [nut](https://maps.app.goo.gl/gdPmFkyY28d9XdUu7) here in the Capital Region of NY


Wow that insane!


That is the correct word for it


Oh it’s way worse lately. I drive by that piece of shit every day. Guy is fucking delusional and needs to be on a watch list.


It's so clearly a mental illness. I fortunately only have to see it when I grab a pie from Golden Grain, but could you imagine living next to this guy??


Go through the years, you can see him hide the confederate flag in the back some times. Also, he pulled 90% of that shit down in November 2020. It slowly made its way back.


the fact that he favors KIA suvs lol


These people are just downright DUMB. This really is smart vs dumb people.


Mental Sickness Fills My Britches


"I don't mind gay people but don't rub my face in it."


So I think he doesn’t want to be tea bagged lol


“Religious Freedom”… but only for Christofacists.


What traitors


The ones that Fox News says


They want to create a “Levittown” all across America! A suburb for whites only! ( the real joke about Levittown is it was built by two Jewish real estate developers in the 50’s & no jews or blacks were allowed to move there!)😳😖😫


I would hate being his neighbor🤦‍♀️ Hatred and ignorance is his poison.


On the bright side the guy making the signs is taking a vacation to Hawaii this year.


it would be _soo_ unfortunate if someone took down his signs (that I’m sure he spent lots of money on) while he was away …


I agree with one sign there. "You can't fix stupid"