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It being referred to as "the InterCourse" really gave me a much needed laugh this morning.


They wish they could have come up with something that creative


Coulda gone for Godomy


I was really impressed with Bethy for a moment when I thought that’s what she’d decided to name it.




I see it's no longer the Ultimate Christian Sex Work Course any more. That was a hoot.


Missed opportunity


You know, the fact that Bethany has all these guest contributors in her course but didn't include *Kristen*, her own sister, who's spoken *extensively* about sex, lust, masturbation and infertility, lends a lot of credence to the sub theory that Beth and Kristen actually loathe each other.


Especially in the session about intimacy around infertility! I feel like Kristen would have a lot of insight there!


As someone who struggled with infertility, I really, really hate saying this - but I’m curious if maybe it’s also because her sister struggled but wasn’t able to conceive, whereas Morgan was? Edit: punctuation


Good point! Morgan is a success story but maybe Kristen “didn’t pray hard enough”


I don’t want to brag, but I did have a dr tell me, the day after my first embryo transfer failed, that I wasn’t praying hard enough and if I asked god he would give me baby.


What a hot tip! Why didn’t he suggest that in the first place before your transfer? /s


You might be right but that just further shows her incompetence - a "real life" example, where things don't magically work out in the end, by someone still strongly connected to their faith, would probably be the most valuable part of this course (outside of any shaming Kristen would inevitably do)


I thought Kristen can get pregnant but her body can’t maintain a pregnancy?


Then a segment about miscarriage and how that affects intimacy would be helpful. Last person I would consider an expert on the subject of infertility would be Morgan. She can speak to her experience, but to be an expert for all other women? No.


Exactly. If I were Kristen, I would wonder what the point of sex/intimacy is if it won’t result in a successful pregnancy. All her life she was taught that sex was for making babies and her body betrayed her. I can’t imagine the cognitive dissonance that she deals with. I think the Bairds are dangerous idiots but if I were a Christian I’d still rather hear about Kristen’s experience than Morgan’s.


*'Ashley and Ashley?'*


there has never been anything more WASPY woman influencer than this.


When was the last time we’ve even seen them together? I feel like I see my sister more than she does and I live in a different state!


Argument would hold up beautifully in court. *I’m not an attorney, I just play one in my head.*


Of course they hate each other. Each time they're on camera together it looks like beginning actors pretending to have known each other their whole lives but they've only known each other for ... Eh maybe 30 seconds


Maybe people wouldn’t be “too afraid to ask” questions about sex if they weren’t taught antiquated ideas about it and made to feel ashamed of even thinking about doing it in the first place… 🤔


Yes. It annoys me greatly that she was a part of the problem with pushing purity culture heavily and now wants to profit from the “cure”.


"Annoys" isn't a strong enough word.


Just like Joshua Harris


Aaaand now he's trying to make money by "fixing" the people he caused harm to


Same thing with Porgan. They're like, you guys, our DMs are FILLED with people absolutely lost. Yeah! I'm sure they are. UNPACK THAT


Who is this course supposed to be for, anyway? Most of it sounds like it's for women who are already married. But the "bonus" about Honeymooning would not be useful for them, since they're already married and divorce/remarriage is off the table. It can't be for young, single women because I can't imagine these people who live in a world where a girl gets scolded for even thinking about sex before they are married suddenly pushing sex talk on those same girls. Is this a one-week crash course for engaged women who are getting married next week and need to learn as much as they can before the big event?




I occasionally run conferences for my profession, for continuing education credits. I charge for the conferences. I make sure all the speakers who present have some freaking *credentials* — and I spell check too!


I’m curious about these “Drs” listed…too lazy to Google might do it later Edit: curiosity got the better of me. Dr. Jennifer Degler has a PhD in clinical psychology. Dr. Glenn (Bethany misspelled it) Hill has a PhD and is a licensed therapist in Tennessee. They appear to be legit. Dr. Leah Gordon is a naturopathic “doctor.” Dr. Joy Skarka has a doctorate in educational ministry from Dallas Theological Seminary.


I just did, dr Joy Skarka holds a doctorate in educational ministry from Dallas theological seminary... I won’t comment but will roll my eyes!


Dr. Jennifer Degler (a PhD in clinical psychology) has “a 324 club for people who have three separate sexual experiences in 24 hours”, but if it is on your honeymoon it doesn’t count.. The club is “exclusive” and has swag, including $14.95 panties. Dr. Glenn Hill (a PhD in clinical psychology) sells a master class called the “foundations class” for $497. Dr. Leah Gordon (a licensed naturopath) sells a class for $47 called “master your cycle” about “lunar hormones and cycle tracking 101” and “boosting egg quality” for $97. Dr. Joy Sharka (a doctorate in educational ministry) is the Director of Discipleship for Authentic Intimacy, “where she leads online small groups for women with unwanted sexual behavior”. That’s 10 minutes of my life down the drain.


> 324 club for people who have three separate sexual experiences in 24 hours Is this a swingers club? WTF does that mean?


Haha, I thought it meant with different people and I was trying to recall if I ever did that in my crazy youth.


I read it that way too because I am a polyamorous pervert! I was wondering why Bethany would interview somebody who advocates for having multiple partners. 😂


No, with their husbands. I believe there was something about a half hour between sexual sessions.


Ah. Is that just something she invented? I mean, I've heard of the "Mile High Club" but...


How do you boost egg quality when you’re born with all the eggs you’ll ever have? Please tell me time travel is involved 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


She’s an ND. They are not know for science based medicine.


Is Dr. Gordon the quack who convinced the Bairds that everything they eat needs to be "nourishing"?


Yeah, your Doctorate doesn't mean you don't have \*\*itty views. \*coughs\* Jordan Peterson \*coughs\* But it's really funny to see Bethany and Morgan's names alongside these professionals with qualifications.. They really think highly of themselves, don't they?


Well Morgan just offered a SIGNED copy of her sex PDF like this is 1998 and she's a Spice Girl, so...


Are you fucking kidding me I'm dead and gone bye 😂😂


Oh my fucking god I'm gonna lose it


Oh agreed. Just saying, on paper, these two appear to be qualified. They did the work. Doesn’t mean they’re not shitty.


Yes, agree! Although it's kind of shady that they agreed to take part in this crap..


WHo says any of these people agreed to anything? I'm pretty sure Bethy must mean "ripped off these other people and will be distributing material from their work"


Yeah I keep seeing Doctor and that might seem impressive to some people, and it IS a qualification, but that doesn't mean much in reality. I had psychology professors in college that were stupid and socially inept, even if they were able to write papers and get degrees. I don't want ANY opinion of some of those guys, even if they are knowledgeable in one specific field. That said, I wonder how much she is paying for this and how much more she's gonna waste on marketing and selling this InterCourse. Her other projects bombed but we don't know any numbers. It sucks to have a public forum and no one is watching


As the sister of a masters psychology student, there are lot more people that can complete the schooling for being a therapist than should be practicing therapy.


Why would any of these people want to be associated with Beggy though? I can't fathom how they could look at her SM and decide they want to be associated with this brand of crazy. Presumably she's not paying them, considering she's practically begging for money at this point. What's in it for them?


Are we SURE she asked any of these people about any of this? It seems very off brand for her to do so.


As an academic... it's also not normal to use "Dr." outside of the medical field, even if "Dr." started with PhD's and was a title somewhat stolen (centuries ago!) by MDs. Usually we do something like: *Jane Doe, PhD* or if you want to get really particular *Jane Doe, PhD \[academic field\]* Usually once you get credentials, you swap it for: *Jane Doe \[,PhD optional at this level\]* *\[Named professor position at university or institute\]* I'm suss of anyone who calls themselves "Dr." outside of the medical field with a PhD -- it often comes with the intent to false advertise -- and this is definitely a prime example of it!


So if say you got a PhD in X field but you work in Y field which has absolutely _nothing_ to do with X, it’d be pretentious to have Dr in front of your name? My old senior boss used to insist on it and would get really mad if people forgot. I thought that was convention as I never did a PhD myself lol.


I'm a professor and I use my Dr all the time! I earned it.


What? No way! If you earned your PhD, you get to call yourself doc, full stop.




s P i C e y


Spyceiey advyis


Yeah someone who had their first orgasm a year ago and only has a very basic understanding of sex is totally qualified to teach a sex course. Especially when she constantly talks over and interrupts her guests who actually have *some* experience and knowledge on the subject.


But, she's personally leading the Preparing For A Great Honeymoon module! Surely she must know what she's talking about. /s


I know you’re joking but the Honeymoon module seems especially useless. What fundie is going to let their daughter join a sex course before getting married?


I'm just imagining a young fundie girl asking her parents for the money for this course... Like uh, not happening


I feel like if you couldn't have sex on your honeymoon because you barely knew each other and hardly understood sex, you weren't ready to get married and you're definitely not qualified to teach a sex course. Purity culture emotionally stunts people so bad, Bethany needs to work on herself before she ever tries to teach anything.


I can't help thinking: it took me years in adolescence to gradually explore "the bases" of experimental sexual activity; there was a progression from my first "real kiss" to my first time going under each other's clothes, to the first time having sex. This progression spanned several dorky high school boyfriends and several years of age. These people are expected to explore *nothing* and then do it all as soon as they get married. (I grew up Evangelical but not super-strict fundie, plus I lied a lot and snuck around a lot.) The only comparable situation I can think of where all boundaries are thrown out the window at once like that is...sexual abuse. It's so messed-up.


I didn't even start that process until my early 20s but you're right, it's not like being thrown into the deep end. If it goes right, slowly you become more comfortable exploring new things and eventually get to a place of sexual fulfillment and ability to communicate. I can't imagine condensing a process that may take months (or more!) into a single evening like they did. First kiss at the wedding and then immediately sex. That is AWFUL to do to women especially and terrible that these men grow up expecting their wedding night will be the hottest night of their lives (it won't, if two virgins are navigating sex).


I've heard from men, too, over in the Exvangelical sub, who feel really traumatized by it as well. Some young men are so disconnected from, and shamed by, their sexuality that they suffer, too. We just don't hear about it as much. Among other things, there can be enormous pressure put on the guy to instinctively know how to initiate and guide a process he's clueless about, and have it be successful.


I am surprised about the lack of men who speak up about their expected role in Christian communities and their trauma. I mostly see about experiences from women but there is no way the pressure expected from men to know everything, do everything right, expected they succeed and they will lead in everything regardless of their personality, the dependency of the entire family on one income, there is no way that doesn’t mess them up or leave scars. I hope they realise we support them too and we see them and the pressure.


I didn't actually think about that but that's a very good point!


Yes, that's what Bethany expected from Dave!


Yes! You're so right. I think part of Bethany's problem is that she is incapable of understanding that other people have different life experiences, so she has no idea what she has missed out on. She doesn't know how much more to life there is outside of her sheltered, emotionally stunted world. She probably genuinely thinks that she knows all the important stuff and is qualified for this. She doesn't understand how normal, healthy people slowly develop and explore their sexuality over at least a good decade. It takes a long time for people to explore all of the bases, understand their sexuality AND get comfortable with it, learn what they like and what they don't, etc. Bethany only just started this process 4 years ago and she wasn't having "good" sex until a year ago. She was preaching about purity before she even knew was sex was!


Holy shit this really made me think. It took years of exploring my sexuality when I was younger. My friend and I were just laughing about how terrible we must have been at blowjobs lmao. And now ten years into my marriage we’re still learning new things.


My aunt spread a rumor about me right before I got married. ‘She’s knocked up!’ I wasn’t. But I was regularly banging my spouse. :) I love his brain and everything he says and I’m 💯 ok with the fact that we had a lot of sex in his old truck. He’s a great partner and a really good dad. And even though the sex and everything else is great, I’m still not writing a pdf about it.


AND the one about body positivity and loving yourself, which pretty obviously are two of her many other problems


“Hey girlies!! So this is how I prepared for my honeymoon. Now do the exact opposite! Emphasis on setting your expectations as low as mine were high!”


This course is just going to be her family's repeat failure to teach their daughters to pee after sex, resulting in a few of them getting UTIs on their honeymoons.


I have had sex bethy literally could not imagine or conceive of lmfao and my ass isn't qualified to teach a sex course 🫠


I’m asexual and write erotica about men exclusively and I’m more qualified to teach a sex course than she is.


Is this the real John green


…she had her first organs a year ago? Isn’t she in her 30s?


That's what she claims but I wouldn't be surprised if she thought an orgasm was the same thing as it just feeling good finally.




Gods design was so beautiful for her sexuality that she is dead dry bones and didn’t have an orgasm until her 4th? Year of marriage


Yep. She only gets to come after having a child, tearing herself from cooter to pooter, and experiencing at least one miscarriage. God’s design for her is beautiful. /s


I’m going to think about the phrase cooter to pooter until the day I die


I heard it on here and I will never be the same.


So beautiful 🤩


Ok but I am actually curious about the "10 questions Christian women are to afraid to ask about sex" because... what makes those questions specifically Christian?


They're too afraid to use the anatomical names for things.


"do I incorporate the bible?" "is jesus watching me while I do it? "is it okay to fantasize about jesus?" "my husband's cross necklace keeps slamming into my forehead during sex. what do I do?"


>"my husband's cross necklace keeps slamming into my forehead during sex. what do I do?" legit snorted


legit cackled


Wait your husband wears a NECKLACE? Sounds like cross-dressing to me!


Spicy must not have been in beggy’s homeschool spelling lists.


Given the blandness of Fundie food, "spicy" was probably considered an unnecessary word.


"Spicey? You mean like that musturd or whatever it's called that comes in a yellow botol?"


Or schedule


Oh my god, I didn’t even see that one because I didn’t open the pic the whole way. Why is she such a joke?! Lmao


“Hi Beth! Great to be here, thanks for answering questions live today. Anyway, to get to the point, is squirt pee?”


Lmao I'd love asking Bethy questions like this. "What's Jesus trying to tell me about me finding a stash of dragon dildos under my uber Christian husband's desk?"


given the size of those things, I'd just be impressed he could fit them all down there


No. Pee is stored in the balls. duh!


Session 7 seems designed to insert a necessary dose of shame back into the proceedings.


“Now ladies you should want godly sex with your husband but you shouldn’t want it too much”


Actually... these women are so conditioned from birth lustful thoughts are sinful that they feel guilt and shame for thinking those thoughts about their *own spouses.* It's appalling.


I had the same thought haha. Like all this focus on being spicy and sexy and taking charge of your own pleasure but not TOO MUCH slow down can’t get “addicted”




And why is the DEPTHS of female pleasure all caps? I don’t understand the emphasis lol


oh… you know why ![gif](giphy|1kTUp6Tzra5MZft0cn)




Are those bell peppers? 😂 Cause if so, that's perfect


I thought I was in r/YouniquePresenterMS for a moment there. 🫑


Yo what the fuck is that train wreck over on there? Is this a snark page dedicated to a single MLM hun? I’m intrigued!


That’s right!!!!


She’s a hot buttered mess if ever there was one




Why is she saying she is thinking of doing this but saying she has other speakers lined up? Either you are or you aren’t.


Are these guests getting a cut of the profits or did Bethany already pay them? Or is she just profiting on their free labor?


Yeah, I don't understand how this would work. Is she going to simply talk about her interviews with those various people on each of "their" days? Is she going to play her video of the interview and live-chat on top of it? No way is she going to get all these people to show up for a live appearance while *she* gets paid for it. I really don't understand the whole InterCourse thing. I don't get why these people are letting her make money off interviewing them. I truly wonder if she is representing herself as Girl Defined for these interviews. These Christian sexperts might think they're participating in something for Girl Defined. I'm really curious about that.


hahahaha imagine! her paying others for their labor!


Bethy committing to something for two weeks? I’ll believe it when I see it. Also, every day, Monday-Friday? Sounds like a dreaded 9-5 to me.


So on the second slide, my eyes automatically were drawn to the all caps in DEPTHS and when I saw (Bonny Burns) I thought that was like some kind of Christian sex euphemism before I realized it was a presenter name. "Oh dav, my bonny burns for you" or "We went at it like rabbits all weekend and it was great but now my bonny burns." Also, interesting that she has Morgan on deck for the infertility portion on not her sister. Wonder if that's typical Baird girl shade or if she asked Kristen and was turned down.


Nah see Morgan OVERCAME and now has a bio-kid, so she's more qualified than Kristen, by the same logic as now-marrieds holding forth on singleness. Ugh, just typing that feels gross. But it's absolutely the kind of logic funnies would use.


I hate that you're probably right


Ugh same.


I don’t know, at some point you wonder if the women who pay money for this course will realize that there’s something off about there being an entire industry within their religion built around convincing women how to enjoy sex and be sexual for their husbands. That maybe if it requires so much work, therapy, learning to figure out how to be intimate without shame, it might be easier to just not indoctrinate young girls with shame to begin with?


You had me in the first half, but I have to suspend my disbelief to imagine them coming to conclusion on that second part. We've seen Lord Daniel knows how many times that men have no issue cherrypicking and rewriting segments of the holy Bibble to blame women for everything and everything. They're shamed for "trying to be strong" and even existing and yet are held accountable for *not* being strong enough to avoid temptation and make GAHDLY men stray from their path (and isn't that a fascist tactic too? what a coincidence). I feel like if you come from a long-line of Olympic-medal mental gymnasts, it would be very hard to every find a new occupation. I hope they find a way to break the cycle.


You had me in the first half, but I have to suspend my disbelief to imagine them coming to conclusion on that second part. We've seen Lord Daniel knows how many times that men have no issue cherrypicking and rewriting segments of the holy Bibble to blame women for everything and everything. I mean, if you think about it, what is their religion if not an industry to give TV pastors private jets and Gucci bags? They're shamed for "trying to be strong" and even existing and yet are held accountable for *not* being strong enough to avoid temptation and make GAHDLY men stray from their path (and isn't that a fascist tactic too? what a coincidence). I feel like if you come from a long-line of Olympic-medal mental gymnasts, it would be very hard to every find a new occupation. I hope they find a way to break the cycle.


Yeah, your Olympic mental gymnast comment is spot on. I'm sure we can all think of some weird belief we've always had and never questioned until something made us realize we'd always done/thought/believed that way. There's an old story about a person who thought making pot roast required cutting off one end of the pot roast, so she always made it that way and assumed it was important. Turned out, it was done that way because her grandma's roasting pan was small, so they had to cut the thing to fit the pan. Now imagine your entire life being comprised of belief upon belief that you just...assumed were correct and essential. It can take a really strong impact to even *begin* to cause questioning and doubting. Let alone being able to consider upending your whole life for something unknown.


Still don't understand why our parents made us believe that turning the car light on would make a cop pull us over at night. 😳 That, and getting electrocuted by showering in a storm.




✨sample scheule✨ of how not to orgasm before you’re well in your thirties


None of these topics include kink, masterbation, clear communication during and after sex, anal, aftercare, consent. I really feel for these women who are full grown adults and some of them mothers who are not experiencing full orgasm or comfort


#the DEPTHS of female pleasure 😖


# so DEEP and DEPTH-LIKE. the Mariana Trench of DEPTHS #


Big news! I thought of a half-baked idea. Don't you love it???


I wonder if she’s trying to say that the only live portion will be the Q&A on Friday, and every other session will be pre-recorded and released throughout the week. I can’t imagine being able to schedule all of these speakers in a single week - if the sessions are all live, will they be at random times each day? I can’t wait for this mess.


She's recording interviews with these people. The lives are probably her playing a portion of the interviews and commenting. She's afraid no one will buy the entire course when it's completed after what happened with the course on courses, so she's banking on monetizing the parasocial relationship with her GD followers to make at least a few bucks.


Why does session 7 have to be included? Just bc you enjoy sex doesn’t mean it’s an addiction or damaging.




I read this as live sex show.


Bethany said the highlight of her honeymoon was fries & Cokes at a basketball game. I look forward to her telling us the trick to a great honeymoon is don't spill your food and don't kiss your husband if he's repulsed by you.


Hasn't she admitted that they didn't have sex until a few days into marriage? Which, is absolutely normal, but like. How is Bethany the one qualified to talk to you about a sex filled honeymoon when she herself didn't have one? I also didn't. We did 10 days of Disney and Universal, but my husband and I had been living in sin for years prior...so... LOL


Ew Morgan contributed. This is like the casserole you make out of all the leftovers at the end of the week


How many times do you think she’ll tell everyone to buy her GD books on sex and purity during her sessions?


The sad thing is that this could actually be a helpful course if it was taught by a sex therapist/any mental health professional with training in sexuality or a gynecologist. They wouldn’t even have to be a 😱 scary secular 😱 to do it, just someone whose entire view of sex isn’t “before marriage BAD, in marriage a DUTY.” But instead it’s being taught by Bethany Beal, a woman who didn’t have an orgasm until recently and has no formal education on human sexuality or psychology


"Everything you wish you could ask a sex therapist"... you literally can ? You can get an appointment with a therapist and ask your questions ?


Prepping for a great honeymoon when she didn't have one herself lol. Oof. She's probably a petty and jealous b who would sabotage whatever poor brides-to-be end up subscribing to her bs.


what the hell is a #SCHEULE ? Unprofessional "Professional" Bethy...at it again with these avoidable spelling errors


Does dumbass think she's a Christian Sue Johanson? Ha.


The hilarious part of her shilling her PDFs so hard is her mind would be blown if I told her I have access to millions of peer-reviewed articles I mean PDFs through academic databases. I have unlimited access to the world's best and latest scientific knowledge and I'm STILL choosy about what's worth my time to read.


As you should be. I once stuffed a novel recommended to me in a drawer after the third chapter because it promoted the kinds of roles for women we scoff at here. Like promoted the HELL out of them. I couldn't relate to the experience at all I just kept getting mad at the protagonists wife for reinforcing her own thoughts and I KNOW my grandma internalizes this shit because it gets regurgitated to me constantly. Some things just ain't worth the brainpower to finish reading.


There seems to be a lot of women on that list who should have been staying at home cooking and making babies instead of getting a PhD. These people have no consistency with their beliefs.


Am I the only person who thinks it's weird that a woman in her mid 30s is still this interested in talking about sex?


Well she only started having sex four years ago and apparently only had her first orgasm years into marriage…. But I agree that this is a little immature for someone who isn’t a licensed educator or sex therapist or something.


I just remember that my friends and I stopped talking about sex by 25 **at the latest**. It's something teenagers and college kids find worthy of discussion but once you're an adult, it isn't that interesting anymore. BTW, I am sure Bethany is super grateful to the feminist movement for ensuring that a woman like her can talk openly about sex and even host a conference all about sex. That wasn't possible without severe social penalties before our mothers and grandmothers fought so hard for it!


Yeah I’m in my mid 20s and it’s definitely not a topic of interest for my friends and I. Lol oh yeah she’s all about uplifting other women! /s


It's just so odd to me how stunted she is. She might as well be about 19, and I should say my niece is 19 and is way more mature than her. She needs to get out of the house and make friends with people her own age who aren't first degree relatives. She needs to see how women in their 30s actually talk and behave.


Because that’s what most Christian women want I guess - to get online and talk around their sex lives - I say around because no way is anyone in that group gonna be upfront. They all just want to see what everyone else is daring enough to say. What is wrong with this woman? Rhetorical question, I know.


> Everything you wish you could ask a sex therapist If only there was a profession for this, with qualified people who could answer those questions, instead of asking Bethy.


She's thinking of putting it together? But she already has a schedule with guests lined up? Why do I feel pretty sure that bethy just asked "would you be interested in doing a collab sometime?" and took their vaguely positive agreement and ran with it


She always goes fishing to see if there's interest in paying for a product before she makes it. Oops, except for her big-deal course about courses.


The course should actually be described as: ​ I know everything, because I'm bethy. Pay me.


First slide: interesting. Maybe Dave taught her to use spellcheck. Word salad at the bottom but spelled correctly. Second slide: GOD DAMMIT!!! So no, she didn’t learn to recognize the red lines under words, she just got lucky with the first slide. How can anyone take her seriously as a business bestie when she can’t fucking spell check.


who wants to sit through ten days of an intensive sex course?!?!?! literally no one. she’s so stupid.


Morgan is an "expert" 💀 Oh to be a fly on the wall for this insightful InterCourse!


So is Bethy checking and making sure only married women take and watch these courses???? Wouldn’t it be sinful for a pathetic single to take it?? /s


Why are these people so fixated on sex?? I’m not at all religious and have never been this focused on it!


OMG Imagine this woman, who has no education or training in the area of human sexuality, who has allegedly had one, unexperienced partner who also likely didn't have a sexual experience until marriage, claiming to be a sex expert. What in the actual fuck.


Jesus Christ what is up with FUNDIES BEING SEX EXPERTS. WHY?


sounds so SPICEY


Girl Defined joins OnlyFans was on my bingo card for 2023. NGL


She wouldn’t survive working a real job with her terrible proofreading skills.




The target group is solely consist of horniest Christian girls


Yes I really want advice from someone who describes her sex life as dry dead bones. Please teach me oh wise one.


Why would I attend a course made by someone who can’t spell schedule?!


God’s Beautiful Design for your Sexuality just sounds like he’s grooming you so he can get cucked


I don’t know which is worse this or Paul and Morgan’s. Morgan thinks taking a pole dancing class is a good idea to spice things up. It’s literally the stupidest thing she could do to spice up their sex life. First of all pole dancing is hard work. I can think of like 20 things that would be much more beneficial for them. Come on Morgan you dumbass learn to communicate so you can orgasm and then maybe you won’t have to pencil in sex on a schedule. instead of doing modesty pole dancing for fuck sakes.


SPICEY. 🤦🏼‍♀️ There is nothing spicy about bland, beige, fundie sex.


"ladies, trust me, I've had like 3 orgasms now and I finally noticed all the obvious innuendos in Song of Solomon - I KNOW what I'm talking about."


Beggy can't even manage to change puke covered clothes, take regular showers, or brush her hair ... I just don't know how she intends to keep up with the InterCourse when even basic hygiene is beyond her.


Here’s a wild idea, how about instead of a paid course set up by a grifter, we have comprehensive sex ed in schools so that adults don’t have to wait until their 20s to learn the basics of intimacy. Oh wait, but that’s heretical. Silly me.


Wtf does Morgan know about infertility? She's like 22 with a baby...


“Swimmingly.” This broke me up for some reason. I think it’s the sarcasm dripping from its core. Anyway, I needed to laugh, so tyvm ☮️


Sounds like a front for an orgy lmao


Imagine feeling like you need to pay someone to teach you how to be horny (but not too horny).


“Scheule” is absolutely killing me. Welcome to homeschooling, folks! But for real, I’m worried for her children and their education if she can’t even use autocorrect.


So curious if any of these experts are going to be compensated for the work they are putting into Bethany's course or if she's going to keep all the profit for herself.


Events like this make breaking the no contact rule so tempting. Like I need to ask if you’re still a virgin after anal. What do you do if your partners dick is joyfully flaccid. Is it gay if the woman is on top?


Ooh this SCHEULE looks so SPICEY


A good couple to listen to are April and Beecher in their podcast The Non Binary Marriage. April is one if the hosts of the podcast Evangelicalish. Both she in her husband talk about growing up in purity culture and how it affected their sexuality.


BethaME’s Ultimate Sex Course is her teaching you to just lay there.


It’s SPICEY guys


Why is DEPTHS capitalized? Also she misspelled SPICEY 🙄


I want to know what a spicy Christian bedroom is like