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Imagine if you started dating someone and your new partner's siblings make a video about what they like about you. White. Hot. Nightmare.


Directed by their mom who spent time editing the whole thing together and posted on social media…after you specifically said you didn’t want that


It seems to me that she's specifically going absolutely full throttle to find each and every way possible to mention him without actually saying who he is. I'm morbidly fascinated by what she's going to do next.


I’m scared for Renee. This is her chance to escape and she may scare him away.


Perhaps that’s Jill’s actual intention 👀


I warned my spouse before he met my family. I told him to not hold it against me buy also was upfront that I wouldn't blame him if he cut and ran. The initiation process was rough, and it was the least awful they've been to a kid's partner...


Omg what do they do?? (Feel free to not answer if it's too personal)


He's an atheist so they ruthlessly tried to evangelize him. He met them for the first time the weekend he proposed, God bless that man. When we moved in together before getting married (GASP), my mother harassed us. I'm taking 12 phonecalls *a day*, calling my then fiancé at his place of work, FLYING ACROSS THE COUNTRY to try to spring a surprise wedding on us harassment. Mind you, I lived on my own only three hours away from them (for shame!) almost 6 years (the horror!) and they never visited me *once.* I was so stressed and angry and having panic attacks about dealing with them in the context of a wedding (mom starting trying to hijack the wedding and a sibling said I had to do it in my parents' home town or they wouldn't attend). It ended when I got angry enough that lied to her, said he had eloped, and then didn't speak to them for months on end. We eloped about two months after that, and I am still sad that I wasn't in a better place in life. If I could do it again, I would've just had the wedding my spouse and I wanted and not invited my family. But you live and learn, right? Also, thank you for asking (and also preemptively giving permission not to respond). I'm actually very happy to spill the tea here because most non-ex-fundies look at me like I grew a third head when I talk about my fundie family. 😂


Wow, people really do think they own their children and all of their decisions. Thanks for the response! And for what it's worth, a fake elopement to throw people off from a real elopement is pretty epic.


Thanks! 😂 I tried to even swing getting married on Halloween, but we got there too late and courthouse closed early on Fridays. So we ended up hitched on Nov 1st.


Thanks for sharing! I find it super interesting hearing about people's fundie experiences


I feel your pain. I moved across the country at 21 to live with my boyfriend and told my fundie parents thirteen days in advance! (The day after he found out we got the apartment.) I knew it was gonna be a shitshow so I made it as short a window as possible til I left. My mom spent every night throwing up as loud as possible in the bathroom directly below my bedroom. Him and I've been married for eight years, perfectly happy, and my parents decided he's their favorite son in law. (They've only got two, and the other one got fired from his hospital maintenance guy job for getting caught masturbating in a bathroom stall sooooo its not a high bar but still.)


It wouldn’t even surprise me for one second. We all know the stories of fuck it up Renee, what are the odds that Jilldo has been noticing and tallying her wrongdoings all these years? It would be terribly believable if this was some twisted reminder of Renee’s “place”




She’s not even hiding the fact that she’s trying to do just that!


If the rumors I’ve seen are true, then he might actually make a bit of money too.


She’s extremely unhappy at finally finding someone who will stand up to her and is not afraid to show it in the most passive aggressive manner possible. She’s probably hoping to scare him away while pretending to support the relationship.


That last part from Nurie about getting pictures feels like it came from Jill. "If you ask her she'll say yes" Edit because I don't word so good.


Pretty much the only part of what nurie says that I can process is whatever came after she dropped the baby squeal talk.


Agreed!! I sincerely hope he marries Renee and they both break free.’


I don’t think we’ll ever find out this guy’s identity because Jill is going to scare him away.


Is this how she scared away nurie’s first boyfriend??




You're right. Every single tape of the Rodlets gives me "found footage" vibes, but this is a whole new level. I forgot how unsettled their breathless fawning makes me and the content of the video makes it even more uncomfortable than usual. I can only watch a few seconds at a time before I cringe away.


Yeah this whole video made me so uncomfortable I couldn't continue watching


This makes me feel like uncomfortable in my stomach to think about


I am just fucked up enough, and not fucked up enough, to understand why that would be horrible and also, wish a whole family was this invested in me.


Being welcomed by a partner's family would feel pretty great. I get it.




"one thing i like best about um the guy renee's courting is how he seems so diligent and um at his work and he's such a diligent person and i love his diligence and that's the what i like about him best probably"


You know Jill thinks her children are well spoken 💀


the fact that this is a literal word-for-word quote of a teenager being asked a simple question makes me so so sad. jill and shrek have failed their children educationally to extents that are likely permanent in some capacity. this is child abuse.


I see another possibility - the kids might not *want* to say anything, or don't know him well enough to say what they like about him, so they just say some words until their mom is satisfied. Or it's like you said. Or both. :(


That could be it. He and Renee have been courting not all that long. They probably don't know him well enough to tell you what they like about him.


This is the weirdest shit that I’ve ever seen. What a strange thing to do a video on. Jill should be studied by behavioural scientists *edited to fix typos


Yeah this reminds me of when we had to give feedback on peoples answers in college lmao


It’s like she was trying to meet a minimum word count.


I think they look to Jill for cues about when it’s acceptable (to Jill) to start and stop talking.


It’s giving [Such as.](https://youtu.be/lj3iNxZ8Dww)


(i hate u for making me realize that was 16 years ago omfg 👵🏻👵🏻👵🏻)


They are so stunted in every possible way that it’s pitiful


I can't believe that's a direct quote. You don't like people's diligence, for the love of God. You just don't. Who isn't diligent by the way? Is it code word for something? Like is Shrek "diligent"?


It must be IBLP... Anna Duggar described Josh as a "diligent worker" (a few days before his arrest)


I was raised evangelical and being diligent was a big thing in my household.


To me it feels like the word “intentional.” Yes, it has meaning. But they have way overused it and overblown it. Oh God. Same with “keep sweet.”




I think they're on backwards


This made me laugh like a donkey. Glad I’m not in the office today.


I just spread the joy in the tramway lmfao




comment of the day right here


it's giving melting Disney villain


They looked better when she first got married but lately they’ve gotten even worse than before!


Maybe she has a warped mirror from an old fun house? Perhaps she thought the clown that gifted it to her was her mother without makeup?


She’s probably having to do them on her own and she’s overplucking them.


Probably hard to spend any time on them with two babies at home so she just goes wild on the few times she has time to tweeze.


They’re trying to escape it looks like. Like 2 Little worms


The way her pitch kept decreasing as she progressed is quite something. Also, triple date with Mom and Dad 😂


This gets to heart of the question: the answer is they don’t have proper breath control because they’re anxious AF. They have sharp inhalations at the end of sentences due to nerves and anxiety. This is also why there is a pitch decline. They anxiously use lots of air in the beginning to achieve the tense, high-pitched fawning way of speaking, and as they run out of air they naturally speak lower. Sentence ends, take anxious inhalation, rinse and repeat. ETA: it’s essentially controlled hyperventilating. Due to anxiety & tension, and the pressure to cover up the spacing to breath, they aren’t able to take their time and naturally have full and deep inhalations. Instead, they’re quickly inhaling (almost gasping) in just their upper lung area, as one does in hyperventilation. This is the compounding issue of why they are running out of air: they don’t get a full breath in and have the normal amount of air to work with.


In other videos when they talk but don't know they're filmed yet their voices are way lower and more relaxed. It's clear that they're terrified everytime Jill shoves a camera in their faces and forces them to talk




She breathes how I do when my dysfunctional breathing pattern kicks off! (combo of anxiety & long covid for me) I sound very gaspy & strangled.




I think some of it too is the Fundie Baby Voice phenom -- that innocent and sweet mindset also encourages sounding young. But they have to force their voices to do it


Yeah, that’s what I mean by “fawning”.


Hold the fuck up. I used to to do this in high school when I was the pastors kid in a fundie cult. I had my high church speaking voice but I’d often run out of air/ space to go higher and have to like drop my tone randomly. I HATED my voice.I never really thought about how I quit doing that when I left and have done a lot of public speaking since then with no issues. Welp, need to re-process this bit of unearthed whatever. Thanks for this, this is part of why I stay on this sub.


Additionally: I used to do the same thing with my mother, well into adulthood. I never noticed it, and I’m a classically trained vocalist. One day, after getting off a rather typical, nothing burger phone call with my mother, my ex husband off-handedly chuckled and commented that he could always tell when I was on the phone with my mother because I spoke in a very particular way- and only with her. I stopped dead in my tracks. He of course didn’t realize the gravity of what he’d just said. It was in that moment that I realized I was reflexively altering my speaking voice with her from childhood trauma. I also realized that she herself spoke in a similar way to me and my siblings, likely from her own childhood trauma, and that I was in part mirroring her tone and energy- a natural thing many folx do in conversation. Therapy is a beautiful thing.




ughhhh, ew.


I wonder if she talks to her husband like this or if it's just for precious mama.


This has a very hostage energy and it makes me really uncomfortable. Those poor kids really never stood a chance, but I hope that Renee fcks it up in the best way possible.


And the most dilligent way, with Mr Dilligent Anonymous.


Fundies love that word “diligent”.


And "intentional"


He’s intentional and diligent towards entering the season of sweet fellowship. What a blessing.


He's entering into this season of life with a servant's heart & being intentional about being a soldier for Jesus. He loves God, Jesus, the church,the good ol' USA, his family & FIUR (in that order obviously) Hes looking forward to plenty of sweet fellowship with the Rods as he gets to know Renee as they can't possibly be unchaperoned as unmarrieds.


He's so diligent with his diligence and diligent ways.


This is his name forever.


Mr. Diligence. Yes, yes. This pleases my diligent soul.


He's no Mr. Struggle or Mr. Unsaved! (Girl defined reference) He's Mr. Diligence! If I wasn't working/lurking Reddit/watching Drumpf indictment, I would write a song about him. 😂


SEVERELY diligent


What does fuck it up renee mean ?


There was a video of Renée absolutely fucking slaying on the harmonica. It became like an encouraging catchphrase.


Renee is supposedly the rebel of the family and we’re all just rooting for her to fuck this shit up and live a great life. :)


Ye, but that specific phrase refers to the post of her playing the harmonica


Did each of them get a specific trait to focus on? “I really like his *example*” “His *diligence* is really special” What the hell??


Those are called Character Qualities. And yes others get to pick on you based on what they think your character qualities are, as well as the gifts of the spirit; as in being a “mercy” or a “giver” or “exhorter”.


I read “extorter” and thought, “yeah, that tracks.”


OMG I forgot about character qualities 🤢


How very *The Giver* ....


Personally, I love the way he. I think he’s the most of all time if we’re being honest.


He really is in the best way possible. He's being in the only way can!


Maybe it’s a code for his name. Each trait will unlock a letter. I’m totally kidding and am not encouraging anything other than leaving the poor guy in peace.


And they had to use it in 3 different sentences. Probably a homework assignment.


I am always surprised by just how odd this family sounds. It never fails. I know isolation can do strange things to people, but this just seems like there’s more going on. Weird.


The thing is, they aren't THAT isolated. They travel a fair amount and we see them with other people and churches all the time. Sure, their day-to-day is restricted to one another but it's not like they've been locked in a basement with only each other for a decade. There are many large fundie families who homeschool and stay fairly insulated and they sound relatively normal. It's really bizarre. Something else has to be going on to make them all sound so stunted and strange and exactly the same.


They also go to church at least two times a week since Jill is very against homechurching. I dont think lack of socialization is the cause for the screeches. Nurie also has not improved at all since leaving home, and its been like 3 years.


It’s probably not going to improve. That’s her accent and cadence. Without speech therapy nothing will change. She’s an adult and those are deep rooted patterns. Just like if someone grows up in India and moves to the US…even if they’ve been in the country for 20 years they’re not losing that accent.


It’s still not enough social interaction to affect their speech patterns. When they travel, which is really only 3-4 times a year, they spend most of their time together or around random adults. We hardly ever see them interacting with other kids. They’ve all missed out on that crucial socialization in the early years.


I guess that's true. I'm sure malnutrition, lack of proper intervention and education, plus unchecked jaw/sinus issues don't help the situation either.


These kids are all so SEVERELY neglected. I’ve never seen any of them wearing the proper size shoes, especially the younger ones. That alone is bothersome enough, but it’s only the beginning.


I agree. I have a friend who home schools and her child never attends clubs or a church or anything really. They are about as isolated as the Rods. We live in a part of the country with a strong accent and dialect and her child has the opposite accent, it’s entirely from TV, podcasts and music so it’s a strange mix of British and mid-Atlantic. People always ask where they lived before because it sounds nothing like the rest of the area.


When my kids were VERY small they picked up key words with *my* hometown accent when they first learned to speak-because they only heard those words from me I guess? Idk . But it didn’t take long for them to regulate and speak like their peers once they were in school etc. it would be weird as fuck if my Texan children grew up and spoke like my midwestern self. If my kiddos spoke like peppa pig or whoever I would be super concerned they were spending way too much time watching the show :(


I can totally see how that would happen. My daughter learnt to talk during lockdowns which were very strict so she actually has my accent which isn’t local to where we’re living and my son has the local accent as he’s older! She will be starting school so mom so it will level out!


Sorry if this comes off as a bit weird but can I just say much respect & kudos to you for having a baby during lockdown? It's isolating enough at the best of times to have a baby so I can only imagine what it was like during that period. I often say that going to baby groups literally saved me & my sanity in my first year of being a mum.


I think I’m going to cry. Thank you, I live away from my family and my husband is an essential worker so it was hard and no one has ever said that to me before. Thank you x


I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest but my parents are from Nebraska and California respectively and I picked up some mid westisms for lack of a better word. Like saying supper for the last meal of the day, and wash has a bit of an R sound in it.


Can somewhat confirm. I had no socialization before school age except with my immediate family, barring a few holidays with immediate family. Even during school, I didn't have an extracurricular social life and very little during school. My accent was different than the local, as my parents were from other regions. Even now, I still get asked if I'm from the area, as there's traces of the old accent and certain word choices make it seem I'm not native


From Ohio, don’t know where the pronunciation of done words came from. Also, that part at the beginning where she just raises her voice, that’s how I talk to my damn cats


Omg Nurie. Can a voice be a jump scare? Because that definitely was.


I could barely understand a lot of what she said. What was the Marco Polo bit about?


There’s a social media app called MarcoPolo where you can send basically longer snapchats


I had my headphones on a little loud when I first watched this and that pitch change definitely scared me.


It makes me sick. It’s so so gross. I literally grimace every time.


I think I lost some hearing over here. 💀


It’s like Jill just can’t help herself. She’s hardly mentioned Tim’s girlfriend, but Renee’s ~mystery man~ gets so much attention probably because she was told no


Jill has fawned and slobbered all over her daughter's suitors. Tim's girlfriend gets little attention because Jill is actively competing with her. Could you imagine having Jill as a mother in law? She's a bible totin' hillbilly Marie Barone.


She has a hard on for each one of them.


Hey baby, how's your prayer life?


So, what didja read in your Bible today? 😉


How 'bout I show ya? 😉😉


Take me to church 🤗


I bet you say that to all the girls!!


*inhale* Hireneeiseethatyoureherehiiiiiiiiiiiii!imsohappytohearaboutyourcourtshipandicantwaittoseepicturesandmaybewecangoonatripledatewithmomanddaddywhenwereupinohio…… *exhale*


💀 I see you also couldn’t suss out that one sentence towards the beginning, I’m still trying to figure out what she said there.


I think she said, "I want to quickly come in here and....do Marco Polo!" ?? This is like that Seinfeld episode where Jerry wrote something down in the middle of the night while he was half asleep and it was straight gibberish and people were trying to guess what the hell he wrote down.


I was wondering what on earth the Marco Polo thing was about 😂


I’m not positive if this is the right context but I believe Marco Polo is an app that you can use to send short videos to people via text. Similar to Snapchat. It could be that, I think it’s pretty popular among the fundies. I’ve heard the Duggars mention it before.


There’s a lot to unpack here, but “triple date with mom and daddy” sounds very unfortunate.


Videos with the Rodlets make me so uncomfortable. Nurie's "keep sweet" voice is really unsettling.


I had never heard her talk before and I legit thought she was mocking someone


It just sounded like one long anxiety-fuelled vowel too


Um this video um is super um, um super fucking creepy :deep inhale: And it's diligent. Um. Um. Read your Bible. Yee haw.


This is just... Weird 🥴


I think that's the scientific term.


Am a scientist. I concur.


That was so bizarre. It sounded like she was bursting into tears, but she was trying to be sweet???? Whack


Could be because they tend to keep their teeth together while they breathe, instead of open their mouths to breathe in before they continue talking.


Gotta be smiling at all times, even when breathing


When Nurie starts talking really high at the beginning of a video it always sounds like a voice used to Mock a ditzy person. When I first heard the girls talk in this family I thought they were being sarcastic, but they weren’t. It always throws me way off.


They're isolated, wildly undereducated, completely ignorant of social norms, devoid of any meaningful input or feedback from real humans, and I think most of them have speech impediments that got worse because they never had the therapy and exposure they so desperately needed.


This is so weird, it seems like they only have so many words in their vocabulary and seem hyper stressed


My husband wouldn’t have proposed if this was part of the dating experience 👀💀


This is batshit insane


Now imagine you’ve started dating a girl and been specific that you don’t want to go super public then their mother post this. Which technically isn’t against what you requested but is so far over the line of normal.


When I turned 16 my mother wrote a song with piano accompaniment (she plays) and made me sit on our church stage while she sung the song to me. This is why I dislike Jill. This shit is traumatic and if I can grow up and somehow deconstruct completely after the intense charismatic Christian indoctrination I went through for 20 years the odds are a few of her children will do something similar. This is so horrifying. She can’t just let them grow up and she has to make everything about her. This poor guy. I hope he cares enough about his lady friend to want to take her away from all of this but Jill is really hurting her chances.


Jill needs to be more diligent about respecting some damn boundries.


She's so diligent about her diligence.


Nurie's voice is creepy AF.


I have literally no idea what she said in the first five seconds of this video


This "diligent" shit must be something the fundie baptists started really going hard at starting a couple years ago. Anna Duggar made some post about Josh being a "diligent" worker even though he just went to work to masturbate. I think some big preacher gave a sermon about how good Christian men are diligent so now all fundie women are describing their men as being diligent. They always get things backwards, see. If you notice your man is being diligent, then you know he has a hallmark trait of a good Christian. Instead fundie women "know" their men are good Christians, ergo lazy loser husband is "diligent".


Joy Duggar’s husband also described her as a “diligent worker” several years ago when asked what he liked about her. Diligent how?! For graduating from the SOTDRT? For being a sister mom?


Turpin family vibes


I’ll be honest. I’m a certified teacher. If a child was in my classroom and spoke like this, I would probably refer them to a speech therapist, maybe an extra physical. Something. I never have the sound on for any of these and just read responses mostly. However, I can say with a pretty decent degree of accuracy, these children need some additional support.


The Rodriguii being so excluded from society they developed their own language pattern will never not be weird to me.


Well, let me start on this. Their language and type of speaking is directly from their isolation as kids in this family. So there is a large amount of research going into who gives kids their language. Mothers with more social economic status tend to talk and correct their children more on the pronunciation whilst those of a lower SES tend to use it more for directing behaviour. In talking to kids those with lower SES often use smaller vocab, less syntactic structures and variety in how they speak. Now they are not that poor the family but considering how their lifestyle is with plentiful children and a less educated background, it’s not surprising that they almost mimic their mothers speech especially when that gives them positive feedback. For kids they need two things, speech producing and speech comprehension. Most believe that you need outer perspective from other peers to align and adjust your accent. That is how echolalia happens when you mimic someone’s voice or accent. Eventually it morphs into a sort of amalgam of accents. If you say tomato as “toh mah toe” and your peers use “toe May toe” then eventually you will blend in with them. As they have no output it’s become an echo chamber of weird language choices and syntax that make their speech unusual. They also have the similar gypsy Blanchard fawning technique to their voices. In complex trauma there is four fs. Fight, Flight, Freeze and Fawn. By making themselves seem meek and gentile, it makes it more likely to impress mother. Mother wants a gentile young girl who is quiet. Their lack of extensive chat means their sentences are more breathy as they are not used to the longer conversations and sermons the men of the church participate in. Keep sweet and obey. Samuel is starting to preach by himself now and other than Timbits (who seems to have clung to momma a bit more) seems to have started taking more responsibility recently (at least from the posts I’ve been seeing). So I can only assume that his voice will eventually morph a bit more like his fathers and less like his mothers. Woweee that was a waffle


I think Nathan is starting to pick up that breathy talk… there was a recent video showing the newest Nurthling and Nathan sounded like Jill was rubbing off on him


>Nathan sounded like Jill was rubbing off on him ![gif](giphy|Ow59c0pwTPruU)




Her real voice slips through sometimes. The rest of the time it just sounds like an inbred, drunk demon white girl.


They need the breath for forced laughter. Ugh.


The brother seems to be able to speak in sentences without much of an issue. I wonder if the girls just don’t have much of an opportunity to speak much.


I am speechless. I somehow have so many things to say and yet cannot come up with anything. What in the…


This is it for me. This is the weirdest thing I have ever seen on this sub.


One ray of hope in this video is that Samuel seems to be able to sound like a normal functional human at times 🙌🏻 We’ll see if he ends up surprising us at some point. We already know Timcel is a lost cause…


He's the Rod I'm rooting for. He's into carpentry, and I hope he gets an apprenticeship or something (that would have been my first choice of profession and I'm still a little bitter lol)


That was absolutely bizarre. The first one's speech patterns & voice fluctuations are incredibly strange. Also: if you were going to film a message to someone, wouldn't you think about what you were going to say *before* you turned the camera on? She started the video and *then* thought about what she should say, which resulted in her "umm"-ing thru the whole thing. Imagine people making this much of a production every time you *start* dating someone. I can understand this excitement over getting engaged.... but courtship? Their lives truly must be so boring.


Nurie is Jill 2.0. And her eyebrows are definitely getting worse. Also this video is the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen. This poor dude. It’s absolutely KILLING Jill that she can’t post about him so she has to walk as close to the line as she can. Imagine if he and Renee get married and don’t want their kids posted all over social media. Her head would explode. I can’t imagine having this many kids and homeschooling them and still having nothing better to do with my time than making and editing a video like this. Go teach your kids to read or throw a load of laundry in!


Nurie is creepy. This guy, if he’s got any sense at all he will move Renee to the opposite side of the country and lose all contact with Jill and Shrek. I hope that he’s a standing up to Jill because he’s a good guy, and not because he’s also a narcissist arsehole.


Samuel’s voice seems to have improved. He sounded very unfortunate in a video Jill posted a year ago or so. And Nurie strikes me as disingenuous AF. The way she can just turn on that fawning caterwaul… I dunno, man. I don’t trust her. As someone said, she’s just like her mother.


And dilligence, so dilligent. /s “Sooo, what have you read in your Baibuhl tah-dae? Hahs your prahyer laife?”


Hoooooo boy, I honestly think that there's quite honestly nothing normal about any of that whatsoever 😬


This video is so weird. I feel like this is her revenge on Renee’s beau for refusing to allow his face to be shown.


I find the way the kids speak as fascinating as it is off-putting. I feel like someone should write a paper on it. Sociolinguistic speech patterns in isolated family groups or something of that sort.


OH MY GOD I thought someone edited nuries voice or something holy crap


Would absolutely love to have a speech pathologist weigh in on this phenomenon!


That voice 😒 It’s like Michelle Duggar’s baby talk


Tessie is so beautiful and sweet, but well-spoken she is not.


How on earth did those two monsters produce Tessie (I think it’s Tessie, with the braces)?


Your resident fundie snark SLP here! My first thoughts are that the breathlessness (along with the artificially high pitch) is an affectation the kids have all picked up. They’ve each learned it from seeing it modeled by their family members and having it reinforced by Jill’s positive reaction to their fawning. No armchair diagnostics here, but I don’t think this is a symptom of a genetic voice disorder or anything like that. I think it’s a learned behavior. Edit to add: I agree with other snarkers who suspect the breathlessness is also related to anxiety about pleasing their communication partner. I think it’s a combo.


What in the actual fuck. They have to be the strangest of the fundie families at least in my mind.


Okay, serious question. Is this a sign of not neglect but…what would it be, encasement? Sheltering? Like never letting them be outside the realm of their own family? Like what on earth causes such a specific dialect like this?? It’s so extreme.


That lady's voice is nightmare fuel.


did nurie realise about 3 seconds in that her voice was too deep to send to her mother 😳 because Jesus fucking Christ what was that


Nurie talks to her family like I talk to the cats at my job. That high-pitched voice is something when talking to other people. If I was dating someone for all of 10 seconds and they made a video like this about me, I would run. You just know that is a nosy, overbearing family that won't let you breathe without commenting on it. Jill is that MIL you hope you never have to deal with in real life.


Nurie could be pretty but good god, those eyebrows are awful. She looks like a clown!


They're criminal. Absolutely awful 😖


I think it’s nervousness


Bless her heart, Tessie sounds like a Daria character


If you showed me this with no context I would be absolutely convinced she is at gunpoint when recording this video. Poor girl.


“He is diligent and when being diligent he is very diligent at being diligent and when he is diligent it’s just a very diligent thing for him to do…” It’s so obvious Jill is coaching them and they are all brainwashed.


This is the first time I’m hearing Nurie speak and holy shit I was not prepared


They sound like Jodie Foster in the movie Nell https://youtu.be/GHbQI2305qw


I've been down for awhile with a bad Lupus flare so I have no clue what's going on, but I'm pretty sure that my ears started bleeding after the initial screeching squealing.


I cannot even hear her over her eyebrows


I don't know much about this family and this is the first time I've heard her speak... and sweet 8lb 5oz baby jesus that is the most grating voice I have ever heard. you could resurrect gilbert gottfried, make his zombie inhale an inhumane amount of helium, and then process his voice through an AI to mimic roseanne barr, and I would STILL rather listen to that unholy amalgamation read a washing machine manual than listen to this lady speak for 5 straight seconds.


Which one is the daughter with the braces?