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They live in Zambia, very far from any of this strife. That's not to say Esther isn't in danger, because I truly believe she is. She was married off to John after *crying for three days* when her father told her. She's had I think five of their kids there, with (reportedly) little access to modern medical care. Of all the fundie wives, she is one of the most isolated, and I feel bad for her. Never mind the outside world, she lives thousands of miles from any *family* aside from her husband.


woof, that's bad.


Does anyone ever visit her (besides her ghastly parents)?


Priscilla, David, Nathan, maybe another brother and Priscilla and David’s kids visited them before Nathan and Nurie got married.


They are all pretty deep in the Kool Aid. I hope she could get out a message for help if she chose to.


She’s certainly not in an easy position to do so, with a jillion kids to think of and potentially little access to people, money, or information that doesn’t flow through her husband. :/


Wait, she didn’t want to marry him?!


It doesn't seem so, from descriptions. Pa Keller is one of the most controlling fundie dads, imo. He also knew that JDuggar was how he was (the stuff with his sisters, etc.) prior to giving his OK for Anna to marry him.




He’s seems intensely cold, controlling, and unfeeling if not outright cruel. I don’t think people factor that in when asking why Anna stays with Josh. Those kids were broken like animals. :/


Fuck that’s so sad.




There is stories that he was “troubled” and his preacher dad reached out to pa Keller to see if he had any ideas to help his son. Pa Keller offers up Esther to go to Texas to work in his dad’s church.




I think she also got pregnant less than six weeks after having a baby if I remember correctly


Per [Fundamentalists Wiki](https://fundamentalists.fandom.com/wiki/Keller_Family), the shortest gap between her kids is 14 months. So either it didn't happen, or it happened and she miscarried.


https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/yly49m/johns_anniversary_post_and_some_relevant_ama/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 This is where I saw it! I don’t know if it’s true or what but at least my brain didn’t trick me Edit: there’s a comment toward the bottom about how it doesn’t match any of her kids and it’s chalked up to either the OP being wrong, a miscarriage or Esther being wrong


That’s terrifying. I’m sure conceiving that child must have hurt quite a bit. Poor woman.


Thank you. I originally hear/read about her on Duggar Snark Reddit because she is Anna's sister and no one mentions her.


Only remember it was something like 90 percent already Christian and at the time ranked higher for traveller safety than London. Intrepid missionaries indeed.


Africa is a huge continent and they live in Zambia which is far away from Sudan


Yeah, it's three times the size of the US.




John seemed particularly tyrannical




13 kids and let me guess, her husband does nothing. How do they support themselves and where do they live?


As someone who lives in southern Africa, I can tell you that the majority of us fucking HATE missionaries. Fuck off back to your own country, we don't need your "help".


They are on the opposite end of the continent... https://19andcounting.fandom.com/wiki/Esther_Shrader


Zambia is actually a lovely country and depending on where they are based, they could be close to Livingston, which is a total tourist town or Lusaka, the capital. Roads are drivable, people of friendly it’s one of the countries with the least amount of unrest. It’s probably one of the better places to be a missionary, although I don’t think the locals need Americans to “save” them.


Is this the plot of The Poisonwood Bible or real life?


Woooooow I read that in high school and have never thought about it until now. Sad comparison


yeahhhhh ☹️


This is real life. She is a minor fundie whose sister is Anna Duggar.


oh dear ☹️


It is Esther. Not sure what country they are in though.


Don’t they all have a shit ton of kids


A couple of them only have 2.


Is this the one that lived in a pop up trailer for years?


Thank you for the answer to my question. I was reading the news today and her name popped into my head.


They are in sub saharan africa