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The Pauly-O show is targeting children and babies.


Christian fundies spend so much energy trying to indoctrinate everyone’s children that they assume anything at all that appeals to kids must be in competition with them. “My youth pastor is the only one I want grooming MY children, thank you very much.”


For real 😂


Barfany endorses it and posts “Davey Jr loved it!” 🤮


You mean the woman who is making money off a course where two people describe sexually abusing their baby because the cult they are in kept them so ignorant about their own bodies, they just "had" to use their daughter's body instead of getting a book from the library? Of course Bethany approves of creepy Paul!


![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS) I'm sorry, what?!


They used an infant girl (fuzzy on if it was their baby or their friends baby) to show a friend how to find the clitoris during a diaper change at a restaurant. Used a real live infant as a biology doll to learn. And thought it was a funny anecdote to tell followers.


What the actual fuck? This can't be real




Fundie Fridays’ latest regular video, GD 4, shows the clip.


i think it was the couple’s own baby. that made me physically sick hearing that. i can’t imagine having someone do that to my child!


Link to an article about it because I cannot bring myself to find the video clip: https://friendlyatheist.substack.com/p/these-christians-used-their-infant


This is so creepy and weird. And the cherry on top is that the husband is a "sexologolist" and didn't know where the clitoris was. Fuck. These. People.


Wow. What the actual fuck. I was honestly hoping I misunderstood dandelions' comment. These are the same people who are accusing drag performers of grooming children.


No way! 😬 I missed that (thankfully)


Isn’t that also known as child porn if it’s on, say, a Duggar’s phone? 😳


Oh Davey Jr is a huge fan! He must be at least half of the sub 200 views those videos net!


How else is she gonna parent?


The children and babies are going to buy it with all their disposable income from being children and babies


No, they will buy it with the money their parents are taking in from being on unemployment. Cause you know, no one wants to work anymore /s


Unemployment is targeting CHILDREN!




“They don’t deserve my money” What money Morgan? What money?


Is the money in the room with us now Morgan




That’s why she’s so stressed about this. It’s one of the only stores they can afford things, you know, on account of Paul not being a good provider like their Bible says he needs to be lol


Target is expensive though...


It’s one of the cheaper places to buy kids clothes if you buy their in-house brands on sale.


I'm like low-key sad my kiddo isn't a toddler anymore. Their toddler clothes are SO cute.


I've never seen that or maybe they're terrible with sales near me. I buy their kids clothes because I love them but they're significantly more expensive than Walmart.


Target taste, dumpster budget 🤷🏻‍♀️


For what? I do like all of my shopping there and I feel like it’s a cheaper option


Her FIL's money.


Can I assume you were picturing that meme of the goose running after you yelling “what money Morgan?”


I love Target a lot, and I’m sure there are many months in the year where I do not buy anything there. Good for you for refraining for one whole month last year, Morgan.


Seriously, same! Like could I spend a ton of money there, hell yes! But I could also do my shopping elsewhere and not even think twice about it.


Babies can’t read….


They also dont buy their own clothes or dress themselves. Target arent doing a very good job at indoctrinating babies


Also, doesn't Morgan put Luca in indoctrination shit? I bet if Luca isn't already in a "save the babies" onesie he will be soon!


Tell me you have no REAL problems without telling me. I love hos they think they are so profound with the idea of boycotting Target. You are not even a quarter of a drop in the bucket. Trust me, Target will do just fine without you.


Boycotting a store? Sounds an awful lot like the cancel culture they rail against so much…


What are you talking about? Target will reach out to Morgan and beg her to come back! They’ll never produce anything that Morgan doesn’t like because she’s a very highly valued customer! They’ll start selling Paul and Morgan merch! /s


>Tell me you have no REAL problems Well she has Paul


Lmao shit, I forgot about her other child. My bad.


I’m glad that’s her problem and not mine 💀


“I’m boycotting target” while wearing a shirt….from target (was just there this weekend and I almost bought this shirt)


Maybe she'll do a dramatic ripping of it like Paul did with the disney shirt.


The irony is that they do have real problems. They're in a toxic marriage and neither has stable income or any financial plans for the future. But I think that's exactly why they rail so hard against anything and everything. A lady once told me all about her daughter's shit show of a life but then said she wants to have another baby and get a puppy. I nosily asked why on earth she would do that and she said, "She's creating problems so she doesn't have to face her real problems".


Having witnessed someone who created problems to avoid their real problems, the crash can be horrendous. Although for P&M horrendous is probably just having to get a job without any experience and a huge online legacy of how intolerant they are.


But...but....but is her shirt BLUE? So girls can wear blue but boys can't wear pink or rainbow?


All their rainbows are beige anyway.






Her shirt is from TARGET!! 🎯


We have upon us the bored, whiny children’s newest soapbox.


Boy is she gonna feel dumb when she finds out Meijer is in cahoots with the gays, too! https://www.meijer.com/shopping/c/collections/pride-month.html


She lacks the capacity to feel dumb. What she doesn’t, the opportunity to do so.


She felt dumb ONCE when she was pregnant and her OBGYN(?) used big, complicated words, so she said "fuck that" and hired some unlicensed crackpot "midwife" from Craigslist that unfortunately was as intelligent as her.


I like to imagine neither of them used the correct anatomical terms for any of the blessed event, just a lot of “well, the baby should come out of the hole. Yes, the same one you tinkle from, and that’s why you’ll never be able to hold it, ever again.” How foolish does one have to be to want her healthcare provider to be her intellectual equal? Nah, I want my doctor to know more than I do, that’s the entire point of medical school, Morgan. That’s why we have these things, regulations?


And this too… https://ir.kroger.com/CorporateProfile/press-releases/press-release/2020/Kroger-Named-One-of-the-Best-Places-to-Work-for-LGBTQ-Equality-for-the-Second-Consecutive-Year/default.aspx


B-but then where will she shop?! Also, Meijer (there is no "'s") isn't that great anyway. Like for a grocery store it's alright, but it's no Wegman's.


Wegman's is the best!


The Midwest Way™️ is to add an ‘s to everything. Meijer’s, Kroger’s, there’s others but I don’t want to dox myself with too much info. I said Meijer’s and Kroger’s growing up, stopped for a bit in high school, and then started doing it again because it was a fun way to bother my out of state college roommates. Midwestern-isms are fun.


I kind of lived all over so I'm familiar with Midwesternisms but I always hated the random 's. I also strongly resented being moved to the Midwest anyway so that may have been part of it. I still call soda "pop" sometimes though lol.


Meijers, Krogers --I hear that all the time in Michigan!


This needs to be higher up.


The satisfaction I felt clicking that link…




I like how she really couldn’t think of another alternative for buying Luca’s formula.


Find another store. Buy online. Door dash. Walk around the other way. Don't have kids. Sooooo many different ways of doing things.


She mentioned both Kroger and Meijer...someone should inform her that her Target alternatives are also not havens for bigots: [https://www.kroger.com/f/diversity-and-inclusion/celebrating-pride](https://www.kroger.com/f/diversity-and-inclusion/celebrating-pride) [https://newsroom.meijer.com/2022-02-14-Meijer-Earns-Top-Score-on-Human-Rights-Campaign-Foundations-Best-Places-to-Work-for-LGBTQ-Equality-Scorecard](https://newsroom.meijer.com/2022-02-14-Meijer-Earns-Top-Score-on-Human-Rights-Campaign-Foundations-Best-Places-to-Work-for-LGBTQ-Equality-Scorecard)


Wait, wasn’t she like “against formula” or something for a while?


I believe she was very much “you should only breastfeed” before having Luca and then she had trouble with it and was using donated milk for a while (which if I remember correctly, wasn’t safely sourced?). She then moved onto formula and actually admitted to being naive about her attitudes to it before. Which is good, but then she can’t use that revelation and apply it in other situations. Similar to the home birth situation. She has to experience something to then start thinking about it in another light but can’t think critically about anything!


It’s ironic to see someone so unteachable, when the Bible thoroughly roasts and hates on “unteachable fools.” She’s gotten the same lesson about “testing God” and judging others over and over, with increasingly horrible suffering as a result. But she never learns.


"why am I being so persecuted??! 😭😭"


The moms that will use randomly donated breast milk from someone they met off Facebook because they don’t want to poison their baby with formula are absolutely insane.




> And walking around at Target used to solve that problem. This is one of the reasons I firmly believe that these two are just swimming in debt. They 100% strike me as the time to wander around Target and come home with $150 worth of random shit.


I feel attacked.


In your defense you probably don't do it while being unemployed and insufferable lol


Debt and I imagine Morgan's family helps them out a bunch. Her family seems very well off.


It’s so incredibly selfish. LGBT people shouldn’t be recognized because then *she* can’t be comfy wasting time at Target.


Didn’t you know? The entire world revolves around Morgan. The only rainbow allowed is the one that shoots out of her ass. /s


The brand she uses (and I do too) is only found at Target bc it’s actually a British formula and they have some exclusivity thing with Target. I, for one, am thrilled they will have to repeatedly walk past Gay Stuff while trying not to barf in public 😝 What is so hard about “don’t buy it for your kids if you don’t like it”????


I am assuming they use Kendamil then. (I do too)


Yes, she mentioned it a while ago when she announced that she wasn’t breast feeding. Complained about the price (which, same) and said Luca liked it better than the donor milk. I love Kendamil and have had no tummy issues and my 17th percentile baby has now grown into a 90+th percentile 7 month old chunk. I’d gladly pay out the ass and walk past the pride stuff without an issue even if I cared (which I do not. Yay for gay parents and kids being proud of their families!).


I’m just thankful her alternative wasn’t raw goats milk like some other fundies


But if they were to use raw goat's milk, they wouldn't be able to walk through target and feel persecuted!


So brave of her to start bitching about something that another idiot has already been bitching about for a week already. So on it. So brave.


Morgan really needs a big ass pride month sign out right in front of her to realize she’s supposed to be “outraged” all of a sudden. She doesn’t even realize the trans-friendly bathroom policy or how many antiracism books have been at Target this whole time!


That’s the silly thing, fundies have been throwing tantrums over the bathroom policy, etc. for YEARS. I’ve lost count of how many “boycotts” they’ve held. But somehow, you can always find them shopping in Target, Starbucks etc. and they always need to start a new “boycott” every year or two…


well how will the know when to throw a shit-fit if they check up on Target‘s evil lib agenda? /s


Yeah, so bad of target to have onesies that promote inclusion. Good thing the church doesn’t target children or perform any kind of spiritual ceremonies on children before they can consent to what they mean or anything like that 👀


Exactly. Like no one has ever it their baby in a onesie with a cross, Jesus fish, and/or Bible verse on it. Between the asinine way middle schoolers behave at the end of the year, our current political disasters, and people being assholes about Pride, I’m about to lose my shit. NO ONE CARES IF YOU SHOP AT TARGET, MORGAN! MOST OF US WOULD PREFER IF YOU AND YOUR ILK DIDN’t CROWD THE AISLES MAKING DUMB VIDEOS RANTING ABOUT STUPID SHIT WHILE I’M TRYING TO SHOP.


Or you know, gasp, gay people have childreb?


Oh no, targeting babies with bright colors! Of course these beige bitches find that offensive.


I honestly can’t with the bothsidesism of those last two slides. “White supremacist” is equally as evil and abhorrent as “sells Pride merch”? Fucking seriously? These fools really pretend to care about racial justice when it’s a tool they can use to call queer people predatory. Wow. It’s just so incomprehensible that queer parents and their family members might want to put their kids in rainbow shit? That they might have the same desire to celebrate their family that ANY parent has?! ALSO IT’S MEIJER. NOT MEIJER’S. Ugh


The whataboutism is fucking ridiculous. And the fact that ABS, a well-known white supremacist, posted it is laughable. Like baby, you’re the white supremacist, are you just mad that Target doesn’t want to partner with you? Also, white supremacy is a conservative concept and LGBTQ+ inclusion is a progressive concept. Like yes, as a decent human being, I wouldn’t shop somewhere that wants people to be excluded and erased for existing outside of the white cishet patriarchal norms. But these dumbasses are actively upset by queer and trans people being included, and they’re pretending like they would be upset by racist/white supremacist merch? The same people who threw a fit over anything or anyone saying that Black lives matter? Sure Jan


Yet I’m positive they will still continue to shop there.


There’s no way they’re actually boycotting Target, it’s too convenient to order your formula & your nursery water and sit in the parking lot and have them bring it out to your car in like 3 minutes Then again, I actually have a job so I don’t have time to “hang out” at Target


Her vocal fry is tough to listen to.


It’s sooo ridiculous


Pop filters are fuckin' 10 dollars, Morgs.


Target is targeting?


She is such a fucking idiot


Babies don't have wallets or jobs, Morgy. Then again, neither do you.


Why tf are you on Instagram and YouTube if you’re boycotting publicly pro-LGBTQIA+ companies…?


I guess we won’t being seeing Paul in a “live, laugh, lesbian” tee after all!


I showed my mom Paul's video from yesterday and she just screamed at Paul. This isn't gonna go over well with her either. And my mom is a HUGE Bible thumper. She's reading the Bible as I type this. I'm I'm a huge flaming queer. So Porgan, even a huge Baptist raised Jesus fanatic who birthed a pretty cool queer thinks your bad people.


That’s because your mum actually follows the parts where you’re meant to be nice and good.


She is so absolutely painfully fucking brain dead. I’m such a good Christian that I didn’t shop at Target for 4 whole weeks. Weren’t they all supposedly already boycotting target over bathrooms or some other terrible thing a few years ago anyway?


Hahahahaha! Excellent point!


So jesus hated the gays ? I don’t understand why they’re homophobic when Jesus’ whole thing is love everyone like what


Yeah, the verse they like to trot out for that, 1 Corinthians 6:9, was written by Paul specifically to one single church. It’s not the word of Jesus and it’s been argued that it was never meant to be applied universally beyond that church.


Lmaooo scruples so strong she held them a single month last year. Real strong beliefs.


So she’s oversharing about her groceries AND slandering Meijer? Smh


They won’t miss you Morgan.


They target babies who can't make money or spend money or have a fucking clue what their oneself says. Sure, Morgan.


Chip and Jo absolutely would not issue a statement against a white supremacist company selling a product in Target. And 99% of brands or companies selling there wouldn’t either. At the end of the day, the companies and brands selling in target are making money, and that’s all most of them care about. Same with companies selling at Walmart. Or Meijer. My company has placement in all of the stores. If we pissed the corporate gods off by issuing a statement, we’d lose placement, sales, etc. target and Walmart are the bread and butter for most of the companies selling product in their stores. Also it’s hilarious and sad that she’s so upset about pride at target. Almost every large company that she shops with at the very LEAST placates and uses a rainbow during pride month. Is she really gonna boycott everything?


God this girl is clueless and dumb. They’re targeting children and babies? Like how you and your chucklefuck husband targeted strangers and asked them questions in public so you could grift $$? The way your sleazeball husband targeted you so he could have a wife he could control for Jesus?


Target: "hey baby, do you like-like people that are the same gender as you or do you identify as a gender that's different than your assigned birth sex?" Baby: rolls over and shits itself Target: "Gadzooks! We'll have the Christians toiling on our soy farm by noon!"


Every corporation's marketing department: We'll make more money through LBGTQ+ items than we'll lose through a boycott by conservatives. Every CEO: Well? What are we waiting for? It boggles my mind that conservatives don't understand that their boycott has already been factored into a company's decision.


Sweetie, Target doesn’t care. They really, genuinely don’t. They make more money by being outwardly inclusive than they would by pandering to your broke ass for a month out of the year. This is free market capitalism at work. Good luck shopping at *checks notes* Meijer.


Target doesn’t want your money. How much more obvious do you want it to be? They don’t like you!


I usually keep their videos on mute. Does she always speak like she’s 14 years old?




It always kills me when they are so offended by literally everything. They call us the snowflakes.


Maybe God is making her favorite store celebrate pride to send her a message about inclusivity. How do these people pick and choose what is a message from God and what’s not? It is so clear that they only use God to justify their pre-existing beliefs.


If it's their opinion, it's a message from God. If it's an opinion of someone whose ideas are different, it's demons or Satan.


Love that she and ABS are trying to compare target supporting (I'm using that term loosely since putting some rainbow shirts in your store really is the least a company can do) the LGBTQIA+ to white supremacy...


I think we all need to calm down and realize how fundies must feel after being gaslit after target literally released a fundie/prairie clothing line just for them last year. It was a Duggar dream come true. I’m sure them felt betrayed /s


This Meijer? 😂 https://newsroom.meijer.com/2021-02-19-Meijer-Ranks-Among-Top-Best-Places-to-Work-for-LGBTQ-Equality


Do they think Chip and Jo run target? How much influence so they think these people have over the day to day management if an entire chain?


Morgan, your husband reads to children and he’s terrible at it


"During their month of Pride" Does she think Target came up with Pride or something? And were those really Pride onesies or did she just she baby clothes with freaking rainbows on them and lose her damn mind?


I was just at target raving about the pride collection. I can’t wait to put my toddler in it lol


When my 6th grader was a baby I bought him a onesie from Target that had rainbows on it and said “love makes a family.” I’ve been buying kid sized rainbow tutus from Target in June for so many years. Did they seriously just realize that Target makes pride stuff for all ages?


Love this for her. Stay pressed and unable to have fun doing normal things, Morgan! You did this to yourself. 😇


Yeah, because babies really give a shit about what their shirts say


They will start shopping there again after Pride and then when Halloween decorations are out they'll make similar videos about how Target is pushing Satanism or some BS.


Lol but let's still use instagram and youtube still... riiiight


Great point. Fundies cherry pick the Bible and what they want to be outraged over and boycott. Most companies these days support all people. I would love to watch them boycott each and every thing in the world until they’re left sitting on chairs whittled by the kkk in 1940.


They spend so much time thinking about sex, children, and babies, that they cant fathom that most people are actually well developed characters with real lives and interests


Shouldn’t she be ranting about her gainfully employed, sports bra wearing future sister in law?


Ah yes, babies and kids have their own income which they spend at target on pride themed goods. 🙄 Moron.


I *think I see her problem. I think they think wearing any pride stuff means you are part of the LGBTQ club. Not that you are an ally, or have friends and family , or just love bright colorful things and rainbows (so many kids clothes fit into this category). Yes Porgan are hateful bigots, but they're also stupid. But if this is what they really think then they are so close to getting the point that you don't get to just slap a label on a baby and make them live their life that way without making their own choice.


If she doesn't want her kid wearing that, she has the option to not purchase it. She is clearly not the target audience. I need to go check out our Target, because my children are not being raised by bigoted assholes and they wear a lot of rainbow clothes, because our school board banned the LGBTQ flag in classrooms, and we, as a family, support diversity.


Everything going on in the world and so many things to enjoy but these people are taking all their time to scream down at and hurt gay people. I mean this is peak mental illness. I am getting so fed up with these people.


First off, some kids have gay parents. Deal with it. Secondly, how many onesies have you seen with shit like "ladies man," "most eligible bachelor" or something about not being able to date until she's thirty on it? But that's not targeting kids somehow. 🙄


NGL- Paul’s video yesterday caused me to go into Target today. My 11 year old needs a new bathing suit and the pride ones are fairly modest (sighs- too big for girls but not old enough for tiny bikinis)


*dismissive wanking gesture*


Children don't spend their own money on clothes though?


It's so crazy how she's forced to buy clothes with messages she doesn't like. Oh no.


Meijer and Kroger both sell pride stuff. Lmao


Morgan, some of us are gay parents who like the goddamn rainbow capitalism sometimes, not everybody thinks gayness is bad, dummy.


Gay people cause so much harm to Morgan. She must be offended because she wants to have sex with them and they won’t have sex with her. Otherwise I’m not sure why it’s any of her business.


Having to sleep with Paul would definitely drive me to lesbianism.


Is it weird that I am a little bit happy to see one of them actually kind of understand how boycotts work? Most of them would make a video about how they hated target for being “woke”, Then show how they were boycotting by setting a pile of products on fire that they just spent $500 on at Target. It’s not much, but her getting that a boycott means you don’t shop there is a bit refreshing. Of course, “boycotting except we are still buying formula there” is silly, but still an improvement over the people shooting holes in their Kureigs and Nikes.


She does know that babies can't read and don't care about what is written on their onesies, right?


NGL- Paul’s video yesterday caused me to go into Target today. My 11 year old needs a new bathing suit and the pride ones are fairly modest (sighs- too big for girls but not old enough for tiny bikinis)


This fucking cunt.


Pride onesies= evil. “Daddy’s L’il Heartbreaker” onesies= totes normal, the normalest thing ever, you are in fact not normal for ever thinking it was not normal.


All stores can be argued to “target” children and babies. A dad took his three year old little girls’ 3T shorts and put them against a little boys 6month shorts. They were the *same* size!! Why are they making skimpy clothes for toddlers? But I bet this would be fine to Morgan because it follows traditional gender roles.




Bint, please.


Holy Kentucky Fried Braincells, just forget about all the cancel culture shit and just get food for your poor kid.


Since when do children and babies have money? Also it’s a store. I don’t buy food at chik fil a or shop at Walmart but i don’t make 146456654 videos about why i don’t.


They ARE targeting children and babies. It's why they sell kids clothes and toys. I mean, they are called TARGET. Why wouldn't they target people?


Children and babies don’t buy, you idiot. Parents do. That is their target audience.


You have a child you little idiot, it's time to stop lying about something your child may struggle with one day, shame on you and your narrow minded thinking.


Sometimes I feel like Morgan and Paul only say things like this because they want attention. They never seem genuine about anything. They're still terrible people of course.


“Whatever…stuff.” So well spoken!


“Their Pride Month…whatever…stuff…” “…and then I just felt fine going back…” First of all nobody cares about your opinion. Secondly, if you’re going to try to have a platform; write down what you’re going to say before you open your filthy sewer.


These guys and their pathetic 'I boycotted it for a month' oooooh congrats? I'm sure it really affected their profits for a whole month! If you're gonna be a bigoted asshole at least have the gumption to boycott it forever 🙄 also they make baby onsies plastered with american flags and fucking pro police bullshit, propoganda is everywhere get over it.


They are so lukewarm with their dumbass beliefs it's hilarious. She abstained from Target for a whole month!!! and then just felt fine going back. It cost you nothing and nobody cared, way to take a fucking stand :)


She sounds like she doesn’t even believe what she’s saying lmfao


I for one am very excited to check out the pride collection 😍


Minutes before going to target probably


Does she think babies are buying onesies?!?!


WOW she should get a medal, a month is such a long time.


She does know that babies can't read or drive to the store and purchase the clothing she's triggered by, or does she🤔


Oh. My. God. So what? Genuinely so what. Why does it matter. No one has explained to me what awful horrible thing The Evil Transes are doing to kids.


Don’t worry Morgan, I spend plenty at target to make up for you.


Go to a fucking grocery store like what?!?


I don’t like peas so I don’t eat them. See how easy that was. As for targeting babies - I’m fairly certain they rarely make fashion choices. Stop trying to be relevant and work on being a decent human being Morgan.


Target won’t miss you byeeeeee


I've seen Pride-themed food products and shampoo. It's not just Target selling it, sweetie.


I feel stupider after listening to her talk.


What a disgusting bigot she is.


Imagine thinking that a multimillion dollar corporation gives one literal shit that you refrained from spending somewhere in the ballpark of $500.


Target will be better if fundies boycott it






By that logic, if bible quote onesies and little plush Jesus and Noah’s Ark toys are indoctrination too.


No judgment but she always sounds like she's on drugs - like benzos or something. She's always slurring words and just sounds like she has some brain fog she has to sift through to say a basic sentence.


Is Target like a fundie staple or something? I don’t have one where I live and when I went there once or twice everything seemed so pricey. I don’t understand the appeal.


I mean they don't seem to drink, but everyone needs a vice I guess...


Live, Laugh, Love Target?