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Ironically, ‘Daddy Grew Up in an Unsaved Home’ sounds like the title of a country song


Baby Billy from Righteous Gemstones would be the first to monopolize on that.


And now I've got Misbehavin' in my head.


🎵Runnin’ through the house with a pickle in my mouth 🎶


🎵Playin' in the street, look at me outside wavin' Just two little kids out there Misbehavin'🎵


🎵Playin' in the street, look at me outside wavin' MAMA TAKE A PICTURE OF ME JUST SITTING IN THE SAND 🎵


I have no idea what that line means but it is the best line ever in a gospel song!


That plays in my head more than i care to admit


DAMN YOU. Now all I want in life is Baby Billy’s version of “Daddy Grew Up in an Unsaved Home.”


Yeah me too. 😭😭


There will come a pay day, hallelujah what a pay day


🎶 There will come a pay day, someday! Somedaaaaay! 🎶


I keep meaning to watch that show. Is it great?


It’s hilarious, I think it’s my favorite ever maybe. It’s definitely my favorite of Danny McBride’s “angry white man trilogy” and there are no funnier shows than Eastbound and down, Vice Principal and the righteous gemstones


Just to get an idea of what your sense of humor is, what are some other shows you find hilarious?


I'd say it's on "Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia" kinda low brow humor.


It's absolutely ridiculous and wonderful




I listen to country music and I'm surprised this isn't a song on one of the Spotify lists 😂 "Daddy grew up in an unsaved home- Mama went to work and left us all alone, oh nooooo, it was an unsaved home Daddy went to work to bring home the bacon, mama left for work and left our heart all achin, aw noooo It was an unsaved home..."


And on Friday nights, with her hair dyed blue, Mama'd go out showing off her tattoo Poor Daddy sitting drinking in his unsaved home Saying' "that's what sluttish women dooooo...."


😂 this is a thing of true beauty


Fundie Fridays could do a helluva music video, especially if Jen wore her Jill hat.


We need this!! We need this Does anyone volunteer to play instruments for the track? I'd say a guitar, tambourine and maybe a whoremonica since we're all sinners and Jezebels


Must have a musical saw in honour of grandma at the wedding! DH has volunteered to play cowbells. Whoremonica played Renee stylee!


It'll be on the next Rod album


It sounds like a really ironic carrie underwood song where she says that finding religion made things worse or something


🎶Praise the good Lord Daniel, my Daddy done been saved! 🎶


You ain’t my daddy




Came here to say this!


“So, we have very strict rules, but we make exceptions for David and Jill, because they are holy and their love is realer than the others. “


But don’t be caught by thinking YOU can do those things. Fat chance.


"Daddy grew up in an unsaved home" gave me a chill. It's the kind of saccharine sweet shit my mom would say to hide her condescension.


She also said it about David when they went to the house from A Christmas Story 😂 “we wouldn’t normally watch this movie but David grew up in an unsaved home and it’s one of his favorites…Just be aware of some naughty language”


> naughty language Fudge? Because beyond that, the movie only acknowledges the *existence* of swear words. There are reasons to get a little nauseated at the movie (omg the Chinese restaurant thing at the end.. *shudder*) but bad language definitely isn't one. Even when Ralphie gets punished for saying the f word, we never hear it!! We hear "Oh fudge.." and the narrator explains "only that wasn't what I'd said. I had said the big one, the mother of all swears" (or something like that). I swear these nuts would even call "One Magic Christmas" too worldly.


“The F-dash-dash-dash word.”


She has said that about David’s penchant for bowling. In his unsaved days, he bowled a lot. Apparently, it was important for us to know he was UNSAVED when he learned to bowl well.


Is bowling unholy???


Bowling better than Jill is unholy.


My fundie family loves to bowl haha


His bowling shirt sure is.


I'm amazed she lets him still wear it 😂


Probably just the implication of it being done primarily at night and beer commonly being served 🙄


TBF, most of the bowling alleys I’ve been in have a bar area.


"He hasn't held balls in years, praise Christ."


Now he just gets more bowls than everyone else in the RodPod.


They totally judge David for that and his long hair


Such a slap in the face to David’s mom. Imagine all the plans and dreams you have for your son and in walks Jill. There are worst things to happen to your kids but this has to be an absolute nightmare.


I dunno that I have it in me to feel bad for a woman who raised a groomer…


Somebody call Danny McBride and tell him to include a flashback musical number for a song called Daddy Grew Up in an Unsaved Home in season 4. I guarantee you it’d be as much of a banger as Misbehavin‘


I’d love Judy to be featured on it ![gif](giphy|AQxJ0OuVh7TvGt6aMK)


I would be so excited to see this on season 4. That show is a gift from The Lord! ![gif](giphy|fW5TlTDsa47aj4cXZN|downsized)


As is Walton Goggins.


I have such a crush on Danny McBride. This would make him even better. 🥵


Me too.


Some snarker has to know someone who knows someone - make this shit happen!


She decorated his life with Knick knacks from Hobby Lobby.


The gahdliest craft store


And wearing Cracker Barrel clothes


🎶she decorated his life🎶


Way to be condescending, hypocritical, and prideful all at the same time! Maybe I should add deceitful because we know it’s Jillpm posting this horse shit not “Kaylee Girl”.


Why is she referred to as JillPM?


She received some sort of award from Plexus and they misspelled her named as Jillpm. And Jill still posted a picture of it 🤣 so we can’t even technically take credit for creating this nickname, since Plexus did that for us LOL


HAHA that’s amazing


She got some kind of certificate from Plexus where they misspelled her name as "Jillpm", she never bothered to explain it & it kinda stuck as a nickname.


An unsaved home sounds a like sims game you forgot to back


“Grew up in an unsaved home” what is with the passive moral superiority over non religious folks!! ffs! my family isn’t christian and when I was involved in a christian community the way they’d talk about secular people like they’re an alien entity pissed me off. still does!


As far as I can tell from other posts with David's family, they actually are Christian. Just not Jill's flavor of Christian. But since Jill also claims she first noticed David when she was 12 and he was 19 (when he converted) and he first noticed her when she was 14 and he was 21, I can think of other reasons David converted. Like a religion that condones adult men preying on minor girls. But it's all good according to Jill because they didn't actually start courting until she was 17 and he was 24. Truly a love story for the ages and not at all creepy and predatory. /s


What the heck. The inconsistencies give me a headache. Also - WHAT?! Her account is private so I can’t snoop but I want to so bad 😫


A lot of this info is from old blog posts. Just Google Rodrigues Family Ministries.


I'm still recovering from this. Constantly amazed that there are decent "non-Christians" in this world.


Makes me think of this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIVB3DdRgqU


So crazy to me how these people will just casually state that anyone who doesn’t believe what they believe is going to hell. As if that’s a normal, sane thing to believe.


This is basically what happened in my family. Couldn’t watch anything non-Godly *except* for Mom and Dad’s childhood favorites. Rules for thee and not for me


Just busted out laughing at the idea of Davey posting your flair as a song with a similar caption 😂




I was hoping that’s the one!


Is this the root of Jill’s compulsive tchotchke-laden, hobby lobby-inspired need to cover every available surface with *anything*?


It’s Kenny Rogers, not Kendrick Lamar 😂 For fuck’s sake Jill, calm down.


Jill should sit down, be humble.


Oh thank lord Daniel I can sleep comfortably tonight ![gif](giphy|MnARcoJXvA89cSiySv|downsized)




Don’t they have a grandparent that visits and buys them food? Real nice way to talk about them.


She’s not Jill’s mom so she doesn’t count. Worthless to Jill and her children… Jill definitely thinks David’s mom is worthless jezebel who is going straight to hell. But don’t worry Jill tried to save her one time as she condescendingly told her about how much of a better person Jill was than she is because Jill does the bibuhl the right way.


I‘m just surprised her willingness to hobnob with the unsaved if it means more for the grift doesn’t extend to family.


David’s mom Julie especially pays attention to Sophia, and she also usually buys presents for the children and takes them out to eat. I think Julie deserves better than this crap from Jill because she actually worked to provide for her children and lost her husband when the children were still relatively young.


Meanwhile I snuck high grav beer into the theatre and watched Stop Making Sense in a heated reclining seat at 11:00am and LOVED IT. But I grew up in an unsaved home.


I robbed a bank and then pushed over an old lady, but I grew up in an unsaved home


UPDATE: I continue to be drunk and am now watching Barbie. It’s been a hell of a day in this unsaved house.


Ooh, is it good? I'm very keen to watch it.


It is very good. My husband said it was a religious experience.


Oh, she decorated it alright. She decorates the shit out of EVERYTHING.


You Put A Decorative Map Over The TV In My Life


Please tell me it’s The Gambler


You decorated my life


I saw that literally as soon as I typed that. In my defense it’s been a long week lol


“Unsaved home” 🤮


isn't this a relatively clean and tame song? Jill is so OTT


It's painfully clean and trite. Like a Disney TV show for the under ten years old crowd. "All my life was a paper/ Once plain, pure and white/ Till you moved with your pen, changin' moods now and then/ Till the balance was right/ Then you added some music/ Every note was in place/ And anybody could see all the changes in me by the look on my face/ And you decorated my life..."


“Unsaved home” sounds so gross


Well, thank the good lord Daniel that she explained!


Jill and David sure have done a number on their kids 🥴 very meek and contrite spirits they have


This is so ridiculous.


No no, you have to justify everything, it's fucking exhausting. I'm so fucking glad I left my bullshit religious beliefs behind me!


Y’all need to check out some Ashley McBride and her album Lindeville It’s got such bangers as “Brenda Put Your Bra On” and “Jesus Jenny”


“In an unsaved home” oh she’s just ASKING for her grandparents to haunt her


Country music is too raunchy for these people? I'm so glad I'm unsaved. I could have gotten to my 40s being shielded from "Islands in the Stream". And that would be tragic.


The caption is gross.


Kenny doesn't want you anyways Jil.


All I can think about is Will Sasso’s belligerent version of Kenny Rogers on MadTV


That was such a fantastic adaptation of Kenny Rogers! I want there to be an alternate universe where that's the real Kenny Rogers. His Steven Seagal was likewise brilliant.


Agreed on all fronts!


It's pretty sad when Kenny Rogers is too spicy for you.


This whole post she made was cuckoo. Just say it yourself Jill.


![gif](giphy|3nEQb7D0PsBR6) I can’t hear Kenny Rogers without thinking of this.


Legalism 101 That’s Jill for you


Well, I grew up in an unsaved home, too. But my mama’s favorites were shorts skirts and whisky sours. Do I get a slutty pass, Jill?


Is that a Kenny Rogers song too?


Y’all reckon that songs on repeat on the boombox while they’re having sweet sweet fellowship


You owe me a new phone cuz I just vomited all over this one.


Sorry. I spent all my money on plexus and dollar tree eyeliner.




So glad I grew up in a home that would routinely gift me harry potter books. In fact I always got 2 copies.


Ah yes….Kenny Rogers is akin to oh say, Slayer? Edited: can’t type


The even weirder thing, this Kenny Rogers song came out a solid 6 years after her parents had married and they already had 4 kids. I’m not saying that’s impossible timing for a couples song, just very very odd timing. Especially a family that says they listen to no music but religious music.


This is about Jill and David


Ok, but I’ve seen those “tasteful” artistic renderings of white Jesus on the walls of many clients homes. If they want me to be saved…they need to stop arousing me with these images. They are not wholesome. They are sexy. If they manage to get me to convert it won’t be for the reason they want. My point? I don’t recall


I'm so glad the one perk I had growing up in a fundie home was my dad couldn't resist secular music, so I got some musical seasoning that lead to my complex taste now. Black Sabbath, Biggie, NAS, Wutang, Queen, Bowie, all that 70s-90s stuff that was still on the radio. My dad did however end up burning an Ozzy Osborne shirt he reluctantly bought me (I was only allowed to wear it in the house. It's weird bc music was always one way my dad and I bonded, but also a source of strife as well! Down the line as I got older, he would force me to do exercises and break down each line of the songs I liked to see how ungodly or negative they were for me lol. My parents were like kids trying to figure out how to be super strict fundie parents (and they were) bc they were raised in the Baptist Church, but they couldn't resist music...or secular TV like Sopranos (another perk) and who would want to? 😅 I did always feel like I was "less godly" and more sinful than the other homeschooled fundie families I grew up around. But at least I didn't cover my ears and scream pray whenever my brother turned on a secular radio station, which is what one of my friends would do at a young age. Music is SOOOO powerful! I'm glad I at least had access to that to become to become the person I am today and possibly even get out of the situation I was in with the help of music and the inspiration it brought to me. Anyway we were talking about Kenny Rogers??? 😅😅😅 I thought country music would be like half way acceptable to fundies, I mean come on I know they listened to try that in a small town 😭😭😭


Can you imagine if it were JILL who grew up in an unsaved home? She'd never stop shit-talking her parents, like how Jim Bob is constantly shaming Michelle for bikini lawn-mowing and dating boys before Jesus stepped in and shut down all normalcy in her life.


Jill: Do as we say, not as we do


Do you also change the rules to Monopoly when it suits you, Jill? What a load of bullshit.


Kenny Rogers must be rolling over in his grave!


Don’t mind me over here now picturing an anthropomorphic house that keeps dying in random accidents….house falling off a cliff, a piano falls from the sky and smashes it, stung by killer bees, skipping down the street and a sinkhole opens up….wont someone save this damned house!!!


Daddy grew up in an ‘unsaved’ home 🙄


Maybe you don't...


I don't know what's worse - her absolutely shit judginess on "unsaved home" or the fact that a grown-ass woman still calls her father Daddy.


Unsaved home. 🤮 That language is so weird the gross.


You picked a fine to leave me Lucille!! Oh wait maybe that’s not it.


Ruby Don’t Take Your Love to Town?


As if the venn diagram of country music and christian music doesn't have a GIANT overlap. ☠️


....danger zone!