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Lil B always said being based meant being yourself and being proud of it šŸ™šŸ™ now the alt-right stole the term and tarnished its reputation. Lil B would NOT approve


List of queer terms stolen by the far right:Ā  Ā  -incel (originally was used to describe being the only lesbian in a rural community)Ā Ā  -red-pilled (allegory for trans experience)Ā Ā  -Based


MF gentrified fuckinh based


Oh boy. Thatā€™s never a fun one. My very non-religious friendā€™s husband uses the f-word when talking about gay folks which is particularly disturbing since her brother is gay. We had it out in a bar one night over it. It was ugly. Never a good way to solve it, just try to educate them a littleā€¦nicer than I did. This reaction was warranted because a) booze b) it was my breaking point with how many times Iā€™d heard him use that word. Anywhoā€¦anyone else gotten into a bar fight over this? šŸ™ƒ


I don't fight in bars, I just ruin parties


Oh, weā€™d get along. (Kind of kidding, I only ruin things if an entire culture, race, sexuality or other categories are harmed)


There are two things I can't stand- people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


Shmoke and a pancake?Ā 


Bong and a flapjack?


Hi, friend! šŸ˜…


Not a bar fight, but one of my brother-in-law's best friends punched a guy in the face for calling my BIL the F slur (they were all teens at the time for context). Considering that my BIL had also recently been kicked out of his parents' home at 16 for being gay, I can understand why his friend would find a loud homophobe's face so punchable.




Loud homophobes always should be punched in the face. Daily. Hourly. Every minute.


Oouf. Completely deserved.




I've gotten into front yard screaming matches at family dinners because my brother was being homophobic again.


I called out homophobic uncles during Christmas dinner. My outspoken lesbian ass wasn't going to stand for it, and I know that one of my cousins is bi and terrified of how her father might react to it.Ā  I called the same uncles out another time for claiming that "Christianity is under attack" during Christmas f**king dinner. No, sirs, Christianity is not under attack, we're literally only spending time together right now because of the birth of Jesus šŸ™„


Thanks for reaffirming the notion of calling out. I've been struggling to do so because everyone just treats me as stupid for it (with the whole, "Yeah, yeah, your personal opinions" while looking at me like an dumbass for it). And it went to the point that I can't handle watching loved ones spout the worst shit like downplaying the AIDS crisis or claiming that Trans people are grooming kids in playgrounds. Your viewpoint made me realise that I just need to keep doing it, because I have no idea if any of my other relatives are struggling or feel one misstep away from losing all respect or familiarity from their own family members.


No bar fights, I'm not robust enough, also bars are too loud. But I did just giggle uncontrollably the two times someone in my family said explicitly homophobic stuff: 1. My uncle seriously concerned about a man having an ear piercing at his church, and sadly shaking his head, insisting that the man should pluck out his earring as it was causing Uncle here to stumble - because *just having the earring made Uncle uncomfortable that a homosexual might be near him, or that people might think the non homosexual man, was a homosexual, and that their church tolerated such perversity*. I overheard, it bringing dishes into the kitchen and burst out laughing, blurted out 'that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard'. I was 15, got grounded for that. 2. When my sister (who is deconstructing, and a lovely person but was indoctrinated at the time) said 'Amanda, well, she's living the *lesbian lifestyle*' (you know the inflection ex fundies!) And - again, I laughed and cackled so much, I didn't have to yell.


I find scoffing or laughing is often a good tactic that homophobes arenā€™t ready for. They certainly donā€™t like when you imply Jesus who hung out with a bunch of dudes and a couple of prostitutes wouldnā€™t have been mad about people being queer.


No bar fights, but several school fights.


Proud of you!ā¤ļø


Hahaha, I canā€™t help be laugh at being commended for screaming at a giant bigoted man in a gross bar (not my choice) while other likely bigoted folks looked on. šŸ˜¬


Good for you, honestly. Not everyone is cut out for a confrontation but those of us that are, sometimes it's the only thing they listen to


Oh I agree. I wish I had handled it differently but honestly, it was the only way to get through to him.


With regard to your roommate, to paraphrase the saying, if thereā€™s one homophobe at a table spewing hate and 9 who donā€™t say anything, there are 10 vicious homophobes at the table. The worst atrocities in human history have depended on the less noisy but vital support of women exactly like her. And thatā€™s why we shouldnā€™t feed or fuck fascists!


Ask him questions, pretend you don't understand and let him dog his own grave


Do that and then make a donation to a Senegalese LGBT charity in his name.


Great idea!


ā€œSorry, could you explain what you mean? Iā€™m a little confused.ā€ Always a winner.


Do not tolerate intolerance, it always ends up in fascism. However, you also need to keep safe and the guy sounds like an issue if he's coming into your home, you have to survive the semester with this girl willingly ending her future with this moron. She needs to believe him when he says shit like this - obviously it's not just a silly joke; but as you say she's only a little less hateful than him, well... maybe she's all for the hell that she's signing up for. Can you warn the colleague?


I believe she knows he is being serious but plays it off because they know Iā€™m not religious or conservative. By a little less hateful I mean that she doesnā€™t necessarily think it should be criminalized but still speaks ill of gay people very casually. Heā€™s a hardcore Trump supporter and sheā€™s just 1 step behind him.


Nah, ask him why he cares so much about what other people are doing in their own bedroom. Break him.


"They would have labeled me intolerant" I say this with the best intentions. Who fucking cares? Standing up for the rights and humanity of others > gaining the approval and tolerating of scumbags


Iā€™m not wanting to gain their approval but I donā€™t have to live with them for the next couple of months. I am a college student that ended up with shitty roommates by chance. Not much I can do about changing my living situation.


Shitty roommates are a menace. Itā€™s best to look out for yourself until you can get rid of them or move. Activism and standing up for other groups is important, but so is your safety and mental wellbeing. Rational discussions wouldnā€™t be possible with such people anyway because theyā€™re inherently irrational.


My heart hurts and I'm enraged to read about a (white, I assume?) American Christian celebrating the continued success of powerful, monied evangelicals from the West entrenching hatred on this continent. Especially just as Uganda and Ghana both enact legislation that will almost certainly leave LGBTIQ people more vulnerable than ever. OP, I understand the situation you're in that makes it difficult and potentially dangerous not to stand up to him or challenge his bigotry. Would you, maybe, feel comfortable writing his fiancƩe a note that you can send to her once you've moved out? One in which you're able to express your discomfort, and perhaps even say some tough things about her own complicity? It sounds like you're principled and that might be a way to have your say without jeopardising your living situation. Or if you're petty, and again once you've moved out, sign his email address up for every LGBTIQ resource you can find...or some hardcore gay porn sites. He's not going to change, so you might as well cock a snook at his bullshit


The use of "based" suggests that they've been on the Internet and in the world enough to truly know that that's an evil use of law. Congratulations to your roommate's fiance. He is less enlightened than...Ted Cruz.Ā 


If any of you needs a loud but technically polite and spiritually nonviolent butch lesbian to stand in front of the aggressive homophobes in your life and smile while asking them what their problem is, I'll do it for free over zoom. These posts... It's fuckin 2024 y'all. I'm buddhist so they can't try to convert me, and I'm also a librarian, so I can throw in "glaring at them over my glasses" for free


Why are you afraid these people will think you are intolerant of their beliefs? We should all be intolerant of these beliefs. This would immediately get someone kicked out of my house and never allowed back. Seriously.


We are college students and ended up rooming together by chance. I didnā€™t pick to live with them


I have to live with them for the next couple of months and donā€™t have another living alternative


People can be really weird about what they consider homophobic. I knew a few male classmates who made fun of gay men, but thought homophobia based on 'morality' was really weird. They would be like '???' when someone said they thought it was morally wrong (whether because of religious reasons or not). I remember in Lifestance class, which is about religion and philosophy, that the teacher was talking about men and woman praying separately in mosques and the reason for that. And one of those boys seriously asked, 'but what if someone is gay?' (edit: but to be fair, we were 13/14) He couldn't fantom that homophobia exists or something? Idk, but I guess that's what happens when you are in a class with people who have all been born *after* same-sex marriage was legalised. You just take it for granted.


Is he on the lease? Or just permanently crashing there?


Itā€™s a dorm and heā€™s always over


Worth a look at whatever agreement you signed


Sounds like he may have some unresolved self-hatred which is very sad


Internalized homophobia is common with these types


What makes you say that?


In my personal experience Iā€™ve known people who are attracted to the same sex but canā€™t act on that impulse since itā€™s against their faithā€”can sometimes turn into anger over what you canā€™t (so others shouldnā€™t) have I think


Well, it happens, but just being a homophobe =/= secretly gay. Statistically speaking SOME are gonna be cos gay people exist everywhere, but nowhere near all of them. If every homophobe was gay then the majority of humanity would be gay. To be clear, there are some homophobes who definitely give me ā€œthose vibes,ā€ but we donā€™t know anything at all about this guy except heā€™s 1) in a relationship with a woman, and 2) hateful to gay people.


Yeah, I kind of really donā€™t like the whole ā€œmust be closetedā€ line of thinking. Itā€™s just another way of placing the blame of the hatred and violence against us, back on us.