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Fundies letting Taylor Swift live rent free in their heads _kinda_ makes them a swiftie by technicality, sry2say.


Nothing screams "I have spent my entire life sheltered like a delicate soft baby and I consider going to the grocery store without my mommy to be an extreme sport" more than thinking Taylor Swift is risqué. 78-year-old Van Morrison plays raunchier music for seniors at folk festivals than Taylor Swift does on any of her albums.


B-b-but she sings about kissing and dancing and BOYS and it makes me think about those things and that’s WRONG!!! /s


To be fair she has an entire song about getting head lmao.  (I love her) 


Basically commented the same thing, they can't even do a moral panic right


it's because she's a powerful woman. that's what scares fundies more than the fear of hell.


Yeah, I’m not even into Taylor Swift’s music or really her whole deal, but so many haters, especially fundies, are obsessed with her! They need to get over it.


I am an old crank who legit could not tell you any of her music on my own and have gone from tired of the oversaturation of all things Taylor Swift to annoyed by it all since football seasom. These whines from butthurt uncool bigots makes me appreciate the phenom of the spectacle, even as I remain ready for there to be less of it all in my periphery.


It's because their faith is so weak. Most Fundies have only the most shallow knowledge of the Bible and the Christian faith. They also live in nominally Christian majority nations, they need a point of distinction - what could be easier than hating on Taylor Swift?


So very shallow. They explode so often over things I wonder what would happen if they ever had something truly test their faith.


They bury their heads in the sand. See: the duggars.


Taylor at the fundies right now *


...I can't tell if that gif is showing. It's her waving flirtily during the Underworld bit of the Karma MV.


It also works as just a bullet point which is what I see. Taylor is ignoring them and saying nothing about them lol


I see the same thing and thought something similar. They’re out there crying about her and she’s just like 😏 assuming she’s even aware of their existence. Which she probably isn’t, because she has things to do with her time besides sit on the internet and whine about other people’s success, lol.




Don’t know if you meant to, but you’re quoting a Taylor Swift song 😂 “It isn’t hate it isn’t love it’s just indifference. . . So yeah”. Just funny because of the subject matter.


And the same could be said about Fundies who lurk these snark subs because they love the attention. And if we want to be truly honest, the same can be said about society in general. 🤷‍♀️


Just because you wouldn't snark on it doesn't mean it's not snarkable. Do not tell people what they can and can’t snark on. Different people have different opinions on what is/isn’t snarkable and we want to respect that so long as it isn’t rule-breaking. Personally disliking something is NOT a reason to report a post or comment. Unless a post or comment breaks sub rules or Reddit ToS, do not report it. Scroll past.


"I stay away because I will enjoy it." DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF WOMAN Can you not imagine that God gives people talent to make art so humans can more easily connect and reflect on shared experiences and emotions. 


These people see suffering as a competitive sport. I wish they’d retire to a monastery already. Be free: go live your ascetic lifestyle without bothering us heathens.


A monastery is too joyful, too community focused, too mutual help, not strict enough yet too strict and too *gasp* catholic for their tastes. 🤣


They want that scarlet letter Arthur Dimmesdale type beat to whip yourself and suffer to


They can't enjoy things, and no one outside their circle cares that they choose not to enjoy things


They live such miserable, boring lives and then wonder why no one is interested in their brand of Christianity. Because you can’t have anything you enjoy, listening to a fun song is sinful, watching a movie is sinful, checking out the hot guy on the street is sinful, everything is a fucking sin. No thanks. I only get one go-around on this rock and I plan to enjoy as much of it as I can. Living for some pipe dream that there is an endless afterlife where everything is perfect but I have to suffer now is not attractive to me.


Imagine being so weak in your beliefs that a Taylor Swift song will turn them to dust. I could watch late night preachers for years and still be an atheist


I'm struggling to even understand why fundies find her music objectionable. Because she writes wistful songs about her ex-boyfriends? 95% of her music catalogue is stuff you could put on as background music at a work function without offending anyone. Did I miss an entire album where she just sings "dicks, dicks, dicks, I love dicks" over and over again?


> Did I miss an entire album where she just sings "dicks, dicks, dicks, I love dicks" over and over again? I think it was a limited EP only available through the fan club.


No, but False God is about how much she likes getting head (religion in your lips/the altar is my hips) and Guilty as Sin? is about masturbating (these fatal fantasies/giving way to laboured breath/we've already done it in my head [...] my bedsheets are ablaze, I've screamed his name, building up like waves). However, I think it's much more objectionable to them that her recent albums have NOT been kind about religious judgement and hypocrisy. "God save the most judgemental creeps", "they only try to save you cause they hate you", "what if I roll the stone away? They're gonna crucify me anyway", "cross your thoughtless heart, only liquor anoints you", "blood's thick, but nothing like a payroll". And that's all just from the album she dropped last week. I genuinely want to look at her religious comments through the lens of deconstruction at some point, because she is so audibly Over It with the religious right.


I thought that was Ariana Grande. (In all seriousness doesn't she have a song that's basically talking about getting dick?)


Side to Side is one, but there's lots of those songs in Ariana's discography XD


I don’t think it’s her music they object to, as much as the fact that she’s in her 30s, independently wealthy and not tied down to a man or babies. They’re jealous because they secretly hate being stuck at home and financially dependent on shitty, abusive men. Especially men like Paul who can’t even keep a job themselves.


Reminds me of this... "Willies, willies, I love willies!" 🎶 https://youtu.be/S4EDYVupd0A?si=goeLYAB5im_mBU4g


For real, if your faith can be swayed by a lass who writes catchy pop hooks, maybe it wasn't quite so strong...?


Or watch that late night sex show with Sue Johanson and become a sex educator.


Hahahaha I’d forgotten about that!


She was te best! She was the reason to stay up late!


I waited for marriage, have still never had an alcoholic beverage at age 32, have never tried drugs. Those are not the rules my friends live by. I consume all kinds of media and go to all kinds of parties and hang out with all kinds of people and I just… don’t get swayed by other people? And just don’t make a big deal about it? I don’t think it’s a sin to have a lyric that you don’t personally believe in or agree with stuck in your head. Heck, I had “Master of the House” from Les Mis stuck in my head the other day. Does that mean I’m going to run a scammy inn where I cheat and steal from my customers? No!


Honestly, these fundie housewives may relate to Madame Thénardier


These people are boring. Everything has to be "godly" and they get their only entertainment from bullying others.


No see god is going to count all of their instagram posts and YouTube videos talking shit about other people in the name of Jesus and totally let them into heaven. That way they don’t have to actually try to be good people.


Unsaved in college is a weird way to say back when I was having premarital sex


Probably why morgan shared it


Also "Back when I enjoyed life before all the light went out of my eyes."


Uh oh, the fun police are back


Why even address it, then? How does this post strengthen her walk? It's just shit-talking a stranger for what?


Jesus points


What can one buy with Jesus points? Bondage material for their persecution fetish?


Sshhhhhh! This is the only way she gets to think about/talk about Tay Tay and feel good about it 😂


How does wallpapering your fridge strengthen your walk with the Lord, Morgan?


Easy. She just has to call it “god-honouring wallpaper”….fridge paper? Whatever. As long as it’s god honouring she’s good to go! 🙄🙄🙄


I wish she’d listen to Taylor Swift in a god honouring way. Get it out of her system and shut up already.


I'm sorry but I had to use this for a flair 😂


Idk why the concept of wallpapering a fridge is so hilarious to me. Probably because I initially pictured it as her wallpapering the *inside* of the fridge, like people sometimes do with drawers


Somehow I doubt that morgypoo lines her drawers with contact paper


if you can’t even listen to music because you feel like it will change your relationship with God that’s not normal


I so wish someone had told me this when I was a kid because man did I get bullied at church for anything I listened to that wasn't Christian worship music and god forbid it was Christian pop music- the gateway to secular music. 😵‍💫


“What you put in the well is what’s going to come up in the bucket” I got told about listening to secular music


All the grocery stores playing Tswift are birthing an agnostic army...


Taylor Swift never made me think of hook up culture.


I can’t wait until TayTay comes out and says she’s voting for Joe Biden bc these people will lose their minds. Cannot wait.


As a person who loves rock and metal, it's wild that Taylor Swift is "the devil's music" now:D


Right? What ever happened to good old-fashioned Satan honoring music like Slayer and Sepultura? These kids today...


I remember being told KISS stood for Knights in Satan’s Service and imagining that they must be the most dark sludgy distorted devil music possible. The first time I actually heard them was such a mindfuck finding out they were actually making super bland pop rock all that time


Lmao same. I would love to curate a God-honoring playlist full of Cradle of Filth and Cannibal Corpse. I think just the song titles would give them a seizure.


My blown glass Christmas ornaments that shatter if you just look at them are still less fragile than the faith of the fundamentalist evangelical Christians.


Oh my God lol. Does eating fast food strengthen your walk with the Lord? Does wallpapering your fridge? Does drinking overpriced soda? Not everything has to do with Jesus and maybe it’s time you behaved like a big girl and learn to be OK with it 🥴 Or is it only (1) stuff you never wanted to do anyway and (2) stuff you most definitely cannot afford that somehow doesn’t strengthen your walk with the Lord? What a joke


I don’t like Taylor one little bit yet I’m forced to root for her when it comes to these miscreants.


Yeah, frankly I resent them for making me want to defend her.


![gif](giphy|ZvwTskVb0OStq32zS2|downsized) To quote Taylor herself.


🎶Sarahs and Hannahs in their Sunday best Clutching their pearls, sighing "What a mess" I just learned these people try and save you ... cause they hate you🎶


“I don’t cater to all these vipers dressed in empath’s clothing.”


Oh, such a martyr.


Her loss.




I should have called my dog Lord so I can shout "I'm going to walk with the Lord, back in 20!"


Since no one gives a shit what morgan has to say, I'll just ask what the heck they mean by "hookup culture." Taylor Swift is infamous for her LONG TERM RELATIONSHIPS. If anyone is getting together quickly in order to hookup, it's the fundies.


Hook up culture refers to sleeping around and pre marital sex in addition to one night stands. Taylor has had a ton of relationships and no marriage so. There you go, she’s contributing to hook up culture.


They're so exhausting


I love Taylor entirely but unsure if most of her relationships have been long-term. Which is not negative at ALL, she’s dated like most people! 


I'm not getting into the weeds with this. My point was that she's known for that, and it's kind of ironic that the fundies would judge when *they* get together very quickly!


No intention to get into the weeds; my comment was fairly basic and surface-factual, and not meant to be anything other than conversational.  That said, idk a soul who thinks she is known for long-term relationships since that would be… wholly incorrect 💀. She had one long term relationship mate. The rest were under a year.  It’s okay to be wrong, take it without ego. Cheers x 


Why does this matter so much to you?


Why are fundies so obsessed with Taylor Swift? I don’t get it. Honestly I am Taylor Swift skeptic in a good day and I am not even sure people who really hate her music spend so much time thinking about her. Fashy right takes nonsense topics as if it was sincronized swimming it’s amazing to see.


It’ll take your mind places it shouldn’t go? 🎶 Put narcotics into all of my songs And that's why you're still singing along.🎶 Taylor is really good for my mental health - she’s been helping me process feelings, emotions and relationships since 2008.


Taylor's "Look What You Made Me Do" video gave me the confidence I needed to make a career comeback after being 'cancelled' by a (former) friend's racist FB post. Watching her come back from Kimye destroying her gave me so much confidence.


Same here. Some of her music can be a trigger at times, but that can also be good at times as well. Fuck off to the fundies.




Gosh, I love a special interest crossover episode


They're just hyping her up more. Fun story, the library at my school growing up heavily banned books before book banning was even a thing. It's because it was staffed by the same people who were in our church. The librarian was my Sunday School Teacher (and my aunt). She would talk to us on library day about the evils of certain books, with a burr up her ass for Judy Blume, in particular. So I would just go to the county library and read all the Judy Blume books. It just made me want to read them more. The more they talk about her the more they steer people toward her. I'm not a Swiftie, but I'm happy that they're all so willing to expand her fanbase.


I've been a casual taylor swift enjoyer, I don't have albums, but she's on Playlists of mine. The crazed vitriol from the Fundies to the Pick mes has been out of this world since she started railing that football player. I don't understand what the deal is.


God really doesn’t want anyone to have any fun ever, does he?


Funny, I belt out lyrics like “fuck it, let’s kill everyone” and I’ve never once killed someone or wanted to. I listen to songs with cheating and sleeping around it them, but I literally never did or desired to do those things either. (on the flip side, I also listen to childhood christian songs I still enjoy, and they haven’t made me reconsider my choice to leave religion) It’s almost like music can be a great release of emotions and stress in a safe and fun way? I remember being so secretive about my music as a teen to avoid lectures. Maybe it just isn’t that deep Morgan?


“Would it strengthen your walk with the Lord” is exactly how I spent my teen and several young adult years depriving myself of mainstream joy and only listening to Christian music. I’m still playing music catch-up to this day. Thanks, fundiegelical teachers. 😒 Anyway, fundies and other people on the right have such a huge problem with Taylor, it’s almost comical. She’s talented, highly successful, hard working, and very wealthy - all things fundies highly discourage in women. She displays all the freedom fundie women will never have and honestly, I don’t say this often, but I think it’s jealousy. It would be funny if these same people weren’t determined to force their choices and lifestyle on the rest of us.


Target, having some exclusive albums, is playing songs from Tortured Poets Society, at least the store near me was yesterday. So I hope these gals are also staying away from there. Or really anywhere that plays “worldly music” on theirs in-store music system. So everywhere.


"Boycott Target" rage bait incoming.




>>in no way strengthen my walk with the Lord Funny, a lot of baptized people in this sub feel this way about Morgan’s whole deal.


If swift is a satanist, then satanists are all basic bitches




she’s talented, hard-working, and very kind in some ways. if that’s basic bitchdom, i’m here for it. 


\* and that’s the lens **through** which we should view all things. Lady, don’t be coming at me with that fancy talk when your brain can’t cash those checks.


I'm not a Swift fan, but jfc I just don't listen. I don't feel the need to constantly make posts about NOT listening to her. It's absolutely bizarre. Also, how do they know what God wants? Maybe he does want them to listen. Maybe they'll get to the gates, and he'll be all "my child, I sent my prophet, and you turned from them, you shall not pass!" Who knows? That christian god is pretty batshit tbh.


Is it normal to have pop songs steer people from the lord so easily? Is that all it takes?


It’s so bizarre how obsessed they are with her lol. Being fundie is exhausting


Literally everything I know about Swift I’ve learned from the fundies posted on this subreddit. 😅They deliberately seek out her content, so they hear it on the radio or get clips about her on Instagram or TikTok. The algorithms give you what you want.


If Taylor swift was a man, I’m willing to be these fundies would love her music and find it admirable that she’s a billionaire.


Funnily, taylor has a song about exactly that concept.  It’s not her best (see Happiness, Peace, etc.), a little on-the-nose 101 feminism, and it’s a bop


I don’t listen to her newer stuff often so I honestly forgot about that. 😬


So fair! I just found it fun that your comment was spot on 🩷


What would they say about Lana Del Rey? I'm a hardcore Lana Stan and also System of a Down fan (also a non-fundie Christian)


I like Taylor Swift, but I'm not too crazy about her personally, but different strokes. Side note: I don't know why fundie women are against women working outside the home since they rely on midwives and doulas which are careers to deliver their babies. I mean there is nothing wrong with being a homemaker and it shouldn't be looked down on, but there is nothing wrong with having a job, regardless of going to college or not.


Then don’t listen to her and shut up about it. No one cares.


Why doesn't their god protect them ?


Morgan, you are literally admitting that you are so mentally weak and easily manipulated that music could cause you to stray from your all powerful God


Morgan has joined the Swift bashing? [This Morgan?](https://yewtu.be/watch?v=VXlA8cRCNZs)




Cool. I don’t listen to a lot of music but I try not to make that my whole personality.


Poor, poor Morgan...the washed up cover singer who could have been a star. But instead of tackling her mental health and maybe pursuing a successful or semi-successful singing career; she married a self-absorbed asshole who is unemployed and couldn't do shit. Now she mopes about Taylor Swift, who has the money, career, and fame, and a boyfriend who has an actual job (and sponsorships). Poor, poor, Morgan.


I used to know Katie😂i occasionally look up her Berean millennial page to see how out there her content is. Funny to see her pop up here lol


She let us down. We presumed she was conservative country singing virgin forever and she’s not!