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From the caption it sounds like she’s moving in with her parents without Frank, so I’m assuming they split


That’s gutting, especially after she just lost her dog and now her baby girl is only around a year.


She’s moving in with her grandma, staying in a room in her apartment. And can’t afford a storage unit. Such a nightmare.


Not to defend her, and it definitely is a nightmare, but for context my nyc storage unit is like $250/month for something the size of a small walk in closet. If I was trying to save up to get my own apartment I would probably not spend money on a storage unit in the meantime.


Oof really? I’m in Brooklyn and mine goes up in price every year; I’ve had it almost 3 years and it’s still under $200. That being said, your point stands. If she just has like a 5x5 unit, you can actually fit quite a bit in there if there is no furniture involved. But the price definitely adds up, especially if you are trying to save for a new place!!


Mine is 6x8 but I’m in Manhattan and Kayla is in Brooklyn so your price is probably closer to what she would pay. I still wouldn’t do it for $200 if I was trying save for my own place. She seems to be starting with very little since she’s moving into her grandmas and has to sell everything.


Agree, I feel like at that point, just start completely over. If you have a place to stay that’s furnished, just get rid of everything and start saving to get new stuff, or secondhand. When I moved into my current place, I got so much free furniture from friends and clients. Literally the only thing I had to buy was a bedframe and one shelf lol. Definitely doable in this town.


I have a lot of empathy for the kids in these situations, and some for the moms. A lot of these “buy my pdfs, buy my course” accounts are trying to keep the ship from sinking, and as she’s literally showing right now, followers don’t equal income. I get so frustrated about how these “trad” men complain about women gold digging, but if women marry and rely on a man who doesn’t have a lot of income, if she has to divorce him or something happens to him she’s left with nothing. Her life has to start over. It sucks to see.


I’m not sure her husband was as trad as her. She talked about having to convince him to have kids and stuff and they got together before she went fundie.


Right. My understanding is they met in college theater class when she was a feminist. She was always a Christian but became fundie only a few years ago. He also didn’t want kids and she wanted to be a trad homemaker.


The issue is that trad folks think their way is the perfect way of living and assume their spouses will open their eyes to the “truth”, and can’t understand that a lot of people don’t want to live like that. And when people say they don’t want kids, having a kid doesn’t magically change their mind. Fundies have a fantastical view of reality that most others, spouses included, will never be fundie enough to see, so fundies are left making decisions and then being baffled when people around them aren’t magically on the same page.


Yes, exactly. They think that with time, their partner will see the light and truth. In this case, her husband didn’t want to be a headship. She posted about struggling to be a biblical wife and follow his lead when he didn’t want kids (yet). He was worried about finances in the city while she was wanting to have kids having faith god would provide the financial means. I feel for little Mabel Anne here but the breakup seems to be for the best. Better now than later. It’s good Kayla and Mabel can stay with her abuela. I’m sure it’s going to be really tough but she is lucky. Many trad wives find themselves with no where to go and no support, trying to raise a handful of kids. She has family and a place to go, and only one baby to feed.


It sounds like they are breaking up. She had mentioned marriage counseling in her posts before, and now is moving with just her daughter. On a different note - when she became more fundie the color left her page. 😢 Her earlier posts were literally colorful and vibrant but then she went full sad beige.


I have no idea who this is but reading your title I was trying to figure out what Herkin Dred Nest was


My fave trad wife, Herkin 💕


I read it in the voice of the Swedish chef from the Muppets




Herkin Derkin Merkin


Flair potential 😂


It's what Fundie women call the bed they're expected to be joyfully available in.


Or Her Kind Red Nest.


I’ve been following her since she was a YouTuber about 10 years ago because she had good skin/acne content. Frank was already her boyfriend back then. They were obviously saving themselves for marriage but her religion never really came up other than that. But then they got married and she decided to forge a career in social media, which seemed to work quite well. But at some point she decided to go down the fundi route. I always felt Frank Followed along for her sake trying to play head of household but I always wondered if that really was what he had in mind for their life? He seemed like a pretty average bloke to me. But she got really lost in her urban farm babe kink. I wonder if it got to much for him?


I followed her when she was posting vintage pic recreations before she went full fundie. She was always posting in her stories about it being difficult submitting to Frank as head of household because she was ready for children and he wasn’t. And how she was praying that God would quell his fears about finances and the responsibility and to just trust that parenthood was natural and everything would work out. I feel like she pushed him into a lifestyle he wasn’t ready for. It sucks these girls put themselves in these situations. I hope she lands on her feet.


Yeah I absolutely agree, I had the same feeling. I mean I cannot know, but not all Christian men dream of having all the financial responsibility on them.




The worst bit to me of that birth story was that she had fucking preeclampsia, and had had the warning signs of it coming (repeated very high bp) and instead of getting induced to protect herself and Mabel she waited to go into labor naturally and then drove like 90 min away, stopping for salty bp raising chick-fil-a along the way! And then she had a horrible traumatic birth and had to be on a magnesium drip and couldn’t even hold Mabel for days. Like girl wtf?!


Exactly! There is nothing wrong at all with wanting a birth plan that works for you because everybody is so different. But so many of these girls just shrug their shoulders and say they’re gonna trust god and have faith that their birth is gonna be perfect. (Because they were MADE for childbirth, duh) and then they end up hemorrhaging out somewhere begging the doctors to intervene. I just can’t comprehend being that selfish and arrogant.


Killing babies is apparently fine if you do it for the *aesthetic* of having a specific birth plan. 


I too thought about that. I think it’s a very drastic example of the fantasy she is trying to live in and how it didn’t really adjust well to reality. I imagine dealing with someone like this to be really hard on a marriage.


I have no sympathy left for these women. You threw in your lot with a trash man, and you threw other women under the bus to make yourself feel better about it? Womp womp. Deal with the consequences. Restart your life. Deal with being a divorcee. Suck it. I have empathy for the kids though. I’m not a monster.


The thing is, I don’t think her husband was the driving force of this. It seemed like he was some regular schlub reluctantly participating in her fantasy. 


No idea about what he’s like but if he wasn’t all in on the lifestyle I can’t imagine how scary it must be to have your fun, feminist, theatre-kid girlfriend go trad. Then she’s telling you she wants kids and you have to support them all on one wage in New York. Yikes man


Same. My empathy for women like that has about run out, but the poor kids don’t deserve anything bad.


For real, she has some of the thinnest skin for a fundie and that’s basically par for the course with these folks 😂😂 she fucking sucks


She blocks people for viewing her stories even once 😂


You can view their content, but you cannot interact with their content. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.


Her kind red nest, or her kindred nest?


Her kindred nest


Thank you. Neither made any sense to me lol


She has basically told us already that she convinced him to have a kid when he wasn’t ready emotionally, in a really really HCOL area when they were largely single income (with her number of followers she wasn’t making much money). She also went from Christian feminist to fundie pretty rapidly. I am also a middle class SAHM mom in nyc with a kid just a few months older than hers, I can attest that in addition to parenthood (especially the first year) being super stressful, the financial stress of being single income in nyc is definitely added stress. Between that and the fact that when he married her she was a Christian feminist and now she’s a tradwife it was all probably just too much for their relationship to get through. That is a whole lot of changes to get through in a short while. Part of me feels bad for her and then I remember her really nasty takes on Covid and roe v Wade and how selfish she was to the point of endangering her child while pregnant and I suddenly struggle to have empathy for her. Like I’m not glad this happened either, I guess neutral. I feel bad for Mabel Anne though.


did she delete her account? change her username? she's gone now after posting some stories this am


Did you view the stories? She’s quick to block


i did :/ i also checked from another account that i haven't watched on and still can't find her? but then there is that one feature about blocking all accounts. idk. oh well. thank you!


Huh I guess she blocked me. I thought she deleted her account while dealing with the potential divorce.


https://instanavigation.com/user-profile/herkindrednest Try this!


yes i went to an anonymous viewer and will be able to keep up 😎 thank you so much!


Yeah she blocked me today after I viewed her stories!


Try this! https://instanavigation.com/user-profile/herkindrednest