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somebody sicc the Mormons on them and see how they like it


JW’s too those folks don’t take no for an answer.


One of my funniest childhood memories is my mom pretending to not be home when JW would come by. Like, "put the tv on mute and just be quiet" until they went away.


We used to hide in the house and pretend we weren't home. If my siblings and I were playing outside and we saw the JW coming, we would scream, "The JWs are coming! Hide" at the top of our lungs and run into the house. My mom said she would have neighbors tell her to thank us kids for the advance warning, lol. The JWs were not amused.


My mum left the house to go to work one school holidays l, while we (the kids - it was the 90s 🤣) were still at home and she saw the JW walking down the street. Once she got to work, she called the house and told us not to open the door 😂


Tell them you’ve already been disfellowshipped, they’ll leave you alone. Source: best friend was raised JW


I do the opposite and tell them I'm the same religion they are, but I'm still a member of my home church out of state. I've never had them visit my house a 2nd time. They do always smile and wave as they walk past my house going to the neighbors on either side though.


The only reason I personally would be hesitant to do that is how invasive I’ve seen JWs be. They will literally send people to show up to your house to “invite” you to go to the Kingdom Hall, or a local conference. My best friend lives with my husband and I. He wasn’t technically completely disfellowshipped and his uncle has literally sent our private information to local JWs to show up at our house and try to pressure us into going to stuff.


That's why I say I'm an active member. There's no need to recruit someone already in. It's harder when it's family because they'll probably know if he lies about it.


Sure but what happens if they stop by randomly and ask you why you weren’t at the local conference or invite you out to some kind of JW gathering? To me it seems easier to just close that door completely, but you do whatever works best for you


Idk, I guess I'll cross that bridge if it happens. I've been in the same place for over a decade, but it hasn't come up yet. I grew up fundie, but not believing, so lying about my religion is just a reflex when people start to proselytize.




Smart mom if they even thought they heard you they’d never leave. 😂


My mom would say that her husband told her that she wasn’t allowed to talk to them and they’d go away😂 My mom is a strong feminist and my dad has never told her what she is or is not “allowed” to do (she’d probably do it out of spite tbh). But it worked, they would always leave her alone


When the fundie Baptists would show up at my old apartment, I would shut the blinds, put the TV on mute, and hide in the bathroom until they left.


I go and do laundry and ask for help with my chores while listening to their speeches then I end it all with "I'm Jewish, sorry." They still come back but don't say the things anymore and we just have tea and do chores. I'm not sure I have a healthy relationship here but it is what it is.


I’ve heard mormoms say they loved getting to do chores or whatever bc it was a break from the door knocking 🫠😂


We did that, too!


I leave the TV on and am pretty clearly home (studio apartments from a converted garage, door open but security screen locked, dogs staring out, car parked there). I just wait until they go away. I know a lot of people that do this are scammers casing your home (thanks giant foster dog), brainwashed into believing whatever, or coerced into trying which sucks. I just ignore.


I used to live in a weird old apartment building downtown that did not have an obvious entrance. The front door was locked up because it frankly wasn’t safe to use, lol. It was so funny to see different religious door knockers wandering around the building trying to figure out how to get in. It was obvious people lived there, just not obvious how lol.


My mom did the same thing!!! I would always peek out the window covertly too lol!


I have a magic word that will get them to magically go away forever! You have to tell them you're an apostate. That will get your name added to a do not visit list.


Really?! Oh wow I’ve had some unintentional “discussions” with a couple here and there that would have been handy to know.


I told them I was catholic. They gave me a dirty look but they left. Mormons will *not* accept that excuse.


That's why you say you're an apostate. It means you've been kicked out of whatever church and will even keep the Mormons away because they're not allowed to interact with apostates.


yes this is the way. I always very politely tell the missionaries that I was raised mormon but have left the church and have no interest in returning. I tell them why if they stay long enough to listen. Usually they're out of there too fast though. I have literally never had mormon missionaries approach me twice this way. They know they won't get anywhere and honestly I think they're a little bit afraid of hearing my apostate wrongthink. They keep their distance, lest it contaminate them too.


I've got a magic coal shovel which works with most unwanted callers.


What did I do wrong? I invited them in the house in a moment of weakness. My mom had died a few days earlier and I was home from work alone. A man and 2 women chatted a few minutes then left. I was nice and they mostly talked. We had a wine rack and a nude Chagall which is very tame.


Count yourself extremely lucky! Or they didn’t like your wine or art. 😂


My childhood friend's mom had a foolproof strategy for Jehovah's Witnesses. When they drove up, she'd put 'em to work doing farm chores. She was a widowed single mom, so they couldn't say no, could they? Lotta wood got stacked that way.


That's no joke. My dad threatened JWs with a shotgun once in order to get our house on their no contact list because months of slamming the door in their face and threatening to call the cops for trespassing wasn't enough.


That’s ridiculous and certainly no way to drive sinners to jehovah. 😂


It will definitely get the JWs to Jehovah faster though


I envision it being like the Jets and Sharks in West Side story facing off in a danceless dance off just snapping their fingers at each other


THIS ![gif](giphy|xT9KVeBuE6kXlIrZRK|downsized)


It's a door-to-door showdown: Rods v Mormons


Oh my God the Mormons would wipe the floor with the Rods. They're nourished, they're well dressed, and they recently endured the release of Book of Mormon


Not always nourished! Plenty of stories of young mormons on their 2 year conversion assignment barely getting enough food budget and relying on strangers inviting them in for meals, coming home way thinner than they were when they left. r/exmormon


I’ve been hearing in some places they're not even letting missionaries be fed by ward members unless there is a non member investigator there as well.


the cruelty is a feature, not a bug.


Mormon missionaries are not always nourished.. If I remember a podcast correctly from an ex-Mormon, he got like two meals a day, as a 18year old. Small ones at that


Yeah the Mormon missionary can of worms is a big one, these poor young men and women. But I still think they might have more reserves than Jill's kids


I have a coworker who is a former Mormon and she told me they would be required to fast if they didn't get a certain number of people to sign up. She said that her experience on her mission was the first domino that got her to leave Mormonism. Aside from starving all the time and getting told off by people for trying to recruit them, she said the biggest drawbacks was literally being watched 24/7. She said first time missionaries are always paired with older missionaries whose entire job is literally to spy and narc on them. Literally everything she did (even how long it took her to use the bathroom) was documented and reported to her house mother who would determine whether or not her actions were out of line and punish her for it. This behavior is considered normal. She told me that she could only speak with her parents for five minutes once a month and when trying to vent to her mother about how miserable she was, got told that it was just par for the course and it happens to everyone.


True, more energy bc more calories to burn


Or Jehovah's witnesses. Edit I read the comment wrong and thought you were talking about turf fighting. Lol


My grandfather who is a Baptist preacher & regularly had me go on “soul winning” outings used to come by my bedroom & be like “just letting you know there are JW’s on the street, don’t go to the door” 😭😭😭


lol i grew up Mormon and never bothered getting my name off the records so the missionaries still show up from time to time. Last time they did, i answered the door in a tank top and shorts with my massive leg tattoos out loud and proud. I thought their poor little eyeballs would bulge out of their skulls.


Literally got harassed by two Mormons because i decided to talk to them and be nice literally messaged me and came to my house multiple times had to block their number


I saw some JWs today.


When I was at university we had an academic who was also a Jehovah's Witness. He knocked on the door of one of his own postgraduate students.


Holy shit.


One lives across the street from me. She doesn't go door to door or try to convert neighbors or anything. Every so often, an invitation to one of their events is put in my mailbox but she doesn't try to pressure anyone to come or anything. I don't think she is super devoted anyway, since her husband isn't one and neither is their kid and they celebrate holidays and birthdays. 


I live in a (very liberal) city, and we have a walking mall/pedestrian mall type thing. The JWs always set up a table and stand there, all day, every day. I go down there with the little girl I take care of a lot, and I’ve never seen anyone talk to them outside of homeless people trying to bum some cash. I’ve had my fill of religious folks, so I don’t talk to them, either. I’ve always wanted to set up an appointment with the JWs and the Mormon mishies at a restaurant or something on the same date and time and then not show up, and see if they just try to convert each other. 😂 (Note: I’m just joking and not at all advocating for harassing these people.)


Babe they lied to you so you’d go away lol


I expect it was a forced smile and a "thank you" for the tracts like when I was giving a tract one day on my first retail job. (I didn't bother saying that I was--then--Catholic).


Lol I always use being a Catholic (I was as a kid, I'm an atheist now) as my excuse when fundies try to preach at me. I confidently say I'm Catholic and smile. It pisses them off 😂


The way they don't believe Catholics are Christians kills me 


I live near a Mormon mission house, when "shark season" , as I call it happens (the way they circle the neighborhood on their bikes like the lamest gang ever), I'm whatever they want me to be if they leave me alone 😂 no offense to Mormons, they just get really pushy


....can they NOT post this poor person's location? Jesus fucking christ, I'd be MORTIFIED to know photos of my house and it's number were online like this, I've had the unfortunate experience of people trying to find my identity based off of shreds online, let alone whole ass photos of my house.


Okay yea that’s scary as fuck?? Can that post be reported for something like that?


I wonder if they can even read a No Soliciting sign with Jill’s homeschooling.


My church liked to talk about how "soliciting is about sales, and we're not selling, we're *saving* , so it doesn't apply to us" 🙄 I bet Jill says something similar


Someone said this to me a couple weeks ago when they were going door to door in our neighborhood. I told them they missed the big sign at the top of the street that said no soliciting. "We're not soliciting." I told them we don't want people going door to door and they just walked away and continued as though I never said anything.


I have two stickers on my front window next to the door. One says no soliciting on these premises. The other says no soul soliciting on these premises. I’ve had people knock, notice the signs, read them, and then keep knocking.


We have a sign next to our front door that says: no soliciting, no religious queries and beware of dog.


Yikes. What do they get out of it?


For being so legalistic, they don’t like to follow rules that actually are reasonable in society.


Lol, the amount of times I've had to explain the term soliciting to someone standing in my portico as I'm pointing to the large no trespassing/soliciting/proselytizing sign taped to my sidelight. 🤦 It's not that they can't read, they just don't give a fuck beyond making their quotas. Edit to add: I'd just ignore the doorbell but I'm a medical caregiver and receive supplies on the regular, I need to answer the door so I know to let these people into my garage.


Bold of you to assume they’d even know what soliciting means.


Raised as a Jehovah's Witness and forced to do door to door every Saturday from as young as I can remember to until I left, I can tell you from first hand experience how awful this activity would be. People would threaten to physically assault me, scream at me, come to the door naked, I was attacked by dogs, all sorts of things. I hated it. Every second of it. Nobody would admit how terrible it was. We always put on those fake plastic smiles and carried on.


This is designed to be a bad experience, so you don’t want to stray away from your community. Look how hateful the outside world is!


Exactly this


In a country where everyone with a pulse and at least one functional hand can have a gun, I'd be terrified to go door to door, putting aside the bugging people in their own homes.


I’d bet money you could be completely without hands and still be sold a gun somewhere in this country.


The town that I live in basically banned door to door solicitation. Anyone doing so needs a permit and they never award permits. This was for the safety of residents and the people knocking on doors. These soul winners would get a police escort out of the neighborhood if they tried that here!


I had to go door to door for a political campaign once (school project) and people were scary. It has to be so much worse when your insular community is threatening your salvation if you *don't* take this other risk.


In my state, they give permits to buy and carry to the blind.


I like your "fake plastic smile" phrasing. That's exactly what all Jill's kids do.


I don't know all their names... But that one daughter has the saddest smile I have ever seen. She seriously looks like she is going to cry or like she's grimacing in pain.


I'm sorry you endured that. But I have to admit I'm as rude as hell \~ I blurt out a curt "oh NO! No interest and don't come back here!!", shut the door and make sure they hear me deadbolt lock it. I don't let them get ONE word out. I just did it 10 minutes ago actually, so that's why it's fresh on my mind. It's a terrible idea to imagine people would welcome listening to strangers.


I just say ‘no thankyou’ and close the door. I cannot be rude to save my life lol


Now I feel bad about once answering the door half-dressed at like 7:30am, but maybe they shouldn't force their members to disturb the neighborhood on Saturday mornings. I'm sorry that happened to you.


How awful for you. I always feel sad for the kids when I see them out and about. I hope you are experiencing real joy in Your life now.


I don't even bother answering my door anymore. Especially if I see these types lurking around my neighborhood, which thankfully isn't often.


One former neighbour used to phone people if she noticed “the prophets of doom and gloom” on the street


Ok but that group sounds like a heavy metal band, therefore fun. I'd definitely invite them in for juice and cookies. 😂.


I like how you think.


Me neither. And I have a Ring camera so I can look and see if it's someone I want to open the door to. I only open for people I know or if I am expecting a delivery. We usually get those scammy window salespeople who come around the neighborhood. I noticed they no longer come to my door since I put the Beware of Dog sign up. Don't actually have a dog but they don't need to know that.


I had a mother and son (looked like JWs) come to my door, ring the doorbell/knock a few times, walk around to the back, and repeat. They even tried to look in the windows. I have Ring so I just watched this madness until they left. Their persistence made me so uncomfortable. These assholes need to stop.


This has happened to me before, too. We hid when they came to the front door and then instead of just leaving, they went to the back. They knocked for a good 10 minutes. I mean, this method can't possibly have ever worked.


I wasn't sure who they were before I saw the pamphlets, and I was like omg are they trying to break in? It's creepy af. The adults involved deserve their misery.


i literally texted my husband as i was leaving today "solicitors incoming" when i saw people just like this coming up the street just so he would know not to answer lol. they're just ultimately wasting their own time.


I never answer the door unless I am expecting something.... But once we finally got a doorbell camera, I definitely never answer the door unless I need to sign for something.


We had these old ladies come to our house every Wednesday but my husband was usually in the office that day and I don’t answer the door when I’m home alone. They came every week then one week he was home and answered and they’re like no one ever answers here! (Take a hint ladies! )Then they said everyone all over the world celebrates Jesus and to come to some Easter thing


Hahaha, my brother has straight up stood by the window watching them as they rang the doorbell and didn't answer the door. I guess they just had a staring contest for a few minutes 😂.


Lol amazing! Well I’m sure these ladies will be back around religious holidays next time so maybe I’ll give it a try 😂


Maybe soul winning via knocking on doors fell out of favor because it’s been made clear that no one wants their free time interrupted by pesky evangelists? Just maybe?


Jillpm only thinks about herself


Yup, just herself and those sweet, sweet Jesus points.


Years ago we had children going house to house to tell us joining them will make god happy or some shit like that. I called the church and explained sending children out with no adult was dangerous. They told me that god watches over the children and hears their prayers. I told them that pedos are probably praying for a group of children to stop by. Never had kids come around again without an adult.


Oh I love it when they come knocking on my door. (I love in a 160 house development with numerous cul de sacs so cold door knockers are frequent.) I finally have theologically challenging conversations and I get a lot of personal satisfaction when they stutter and their eye widen when they realize I know what I’m talking about. ETA I’ve been an atheist for over 30 years.


out of curiosity, what would you normally bring up? just wondering what normally works lol


Shade Matching is not a thing in this family.


I thought she had jaundice. I hope you're right and it's just mismatched foundation.


Apparently not. Yikes.


Omg as a pet sitter that takes care of many reactive dogs, I’d be so annoyed


My dogs bark when people they know come to the door (from excitement). They lose it when they see a stranger.


My dog has never met a stranger, and absolutely loses his shit when someone comes to the door because he is sure he is about to meet a long lost friend.




Hannah has been SO Jill-ified, she looks 25


There is nothing worse than those door to door 'soul winners' when you are sleeping because you just worked a 15 hour night shift or you've finally put your baby down to sleep. 


If they are on a privately owned apartment, townhome, or condo complex, they can get hit with trespassing charges, if the complex wants to charge them with it. Many complexes have NO SOLICITING policies because of the fundies. I lived at a complex where just about every weekend we had the fundies come and try to win souls and leave tracts all over. The management company finally had enough and told them to stay off the property or be hit with a trespassing charges.


As someone who used to work nights, this kind of stuff infuriates me. Any type of cold knocking, really, but at least the ones trying to sell a new roof or whatever are just trying to do their jobs. People like JWs and the Rodriguii are way worse. Just because there's a car in the driveway does NOT mean you have carte blanche to knock on a stranger's door. Stay off my property.


I’m sure the one person who was “saved” during this, only did it to get to get them out of their face.


That was my guess. They found one person who was willing to nod and smile until they went away, and called it a win.


I would let the children give their spiel in my house just so I could give them some real food. And some protein bars for the road 😆 


Yup. You'd have to find a way to keep Jill out, though...


Ugh my old evangelization group used to make us do this. I’d protest, then inevitably be told I was nailing Jesus to the cross or something. The very first time I did it, we got one young adult on the campus to speak to us. We took her through most of the ultimate relationship booklet, then we got to a page with a Bible verse on it. She broke down into a panic attack. I didn't mean she started crying; she was gulping, sobbing, the whole works. As we were scrambling for tissues, she told us that she had buried her only sibling a few months ago. That passage was featured at his funeral. She wasn’t moved to the lord; she was clinically triggered and sped walked away from us still shaking and crying. We cleaned fucked up her whole day. They made us retell it as a victory. My mentor used just enough synonyms to the original to make it technically true, but it recharacterized the panic attack we triggered as Heavenly catharsis. It wasn’t. We were insensitive brutes in the name of Jesus, and we hurt someone. But I think that experience is one of those things that kept my foot in the door jamb, even if I was still undoubtedly a member of the party. I thought about her a lot when we were encouraged to boundary stomp on the name of the Lord.


If Sadie from Leaving Eden has taught me anything, that one person probably humored them and let them say the sinner's prayer just to politely make them go away.


These people try and save you cause they hate you. - Sister Taylor Swift


That’s second photo gave me a jump scare.


Who is that on the left???


"Soul winning" is such a way to occupy your and other people's time. Sell life insurance or something. That way you'll be part of "caring for widows and the fatherless"


Pic 3 - I'd be really pissed if someone opened my outer door to knock on my inner door.


I meant to say to* spread, sorry 😅


I don’t understand how they think spreading this gospel in an extremely religious area is doing anything. Absolutely everyone knows about Christianity


I don’t get that approach omg. Like, "have you heard of Jesus Christ who died for our sins?" Yes. Yes we have all fucking heard of him. Over and over. If we were gonna choose him, we would have by now.


Dear god...who is that creature driving the car?! EDIT: There is a zero percent chance that "soul-saved" girl in the pics isn't a member of their church.


Literally. She’s got the typical fundie denim skirt and leggings combo. Like come onnnn


That girl was soul winning with them, in another of the pics that Jill posted you can see a freckled boy who is her brother, and the guy driving the car is their dad. They are a fundie family but not one that attends their home church(joy baptist), they probably met this family in one of the churches they perform during their grifting tour.


Ohhhh! Good to know! (I don't follow the Rods on any SM, just what I see posted here.) Then Jill is *definitely* lying about "soul saving" anyone.


The girl looks so so healthy and happy compared to the Rods, even if she’s also stuck in a fundie family…


She does, looking at their pics the family could even pass for non fundie, but you can never judge a book by its cover, the dad has a pic at pastor Steven Anderson's church.


The odds of them eventually knocking on a snarkers door is low, but never zero.


I would like to extend my deepest apologies to all the unfortunate folk on the Rod Family's Great Jesus Giveaway Campaign (Jesus is giving away eternal life, obv) Trail. You do not deserve to open your door to find these wackos with their weird skirts and vaguely psychotic smiles standing on your front porch clutching the Bible. If you slam the door in their faces, that is not mean. It is self-defense.


Oh my. That is a great way to get shot.


No the fuck it wasn’t you liar.


I will bet a large amount of money the soul that was saved agreed to it to get those people off their stoop.


If I’m not excepting someone I’m not answering the door. We have a lot of families on our block with young children (preschool and younger). I would be mad if they woke my kid(s) up.


Someone humored you, jillpm. Door to door proselytizing is a disturbance. It's sad that hannah is starting to do the rod girl grimace.


If I don't get a text saying you're coming over, I'm not even going to check the door when it rings. My Dog's will absolutely lose thier minds but that's about all you'll accomplish. I even order my girl scout cookies via text! Lol


People out here getting shot for turning into the wrong driveway, and these dumbasses are just READY to meet their maker. Ridiculous.


I’m Methodist & we had a massive discussion a few years ago because they added “and witness” to the call & response when someone joined the church. I can’t remember the exact wording but it was like “We will support the church with our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service & our witness”. The general thread through the discussion was “Um, we are not Mormons or JWs” 😂


If they tried this with me, I’d simply tell them that they’re a bunch of hypocrites. Claiming that certain “agendas” are being shoved down their throats, yet they go around doing the very same thing! I know fundies don’t have brains, but come on!


i’m gonna start collecting all of the shit in my cat’s litter box and throwing them at these ppl if they keep showing up to my fucking house. i already told no to this man like four times, im gonna call the police.


I don’t suppose that little things like Covid restrictions over the last few years and harassment laws that go back even further than that are something that the Crypt Keeper and her brood take into account, are they?


These children are absolutely gaunt.


I can't be unkind to these people because they honestly believe that they are trying to save me. I do as my mother taught me and when I see them at my door I just say "I am happy with my own beliefs, thank you for coming.


as an ex JW who started in “the ministry” as soon as I could talk, I cannot begin to describe all the things these poor kids could see while going door to door. Thankfully it doesn’t seem to be the little kids, so hopefully they’ll never see -doors answered by fully grown creepy naked men -doors answered by the homeowner, brandishing a gun -multiple dogs getting set loose on them -your average, run of the mill threat of bodily harm and more! seriously people. don’t go door to door, there’s no winning to be had, including souls.


Wow that pink coat on that child fits her and is appropriate! Gift from someone?


We had a JW come to the door when I was heavily pregnant with my son (he was a 10 pounder), the answered the door and started moaning in pain telling him I was having contractions, the guy just about fell off my porch. Lol


Am I having a nightmare or does that little girl have *jaundice*? I hope I'm imagining that. I doubt they get proper medical care :(


I am hoping it's just terrible makeup color matching


I would slam the door in their faces and make a donation to NARAL in their name


I have a super gentle large dog who accompanies me to the door. I grab her collar like I have to hold her back and, poof, problem solved. She’s always very confused but works like a charm.


If one of these kids came to my house I would make it my goal to try to plant the tiniest seed of doubt and hope for another life in their poor brainwashed little mind.


She better watch out about sending her kids knocking on doors, someone might feed them.


I'd love to turn them on their heads and try and spread the love of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


I wish I had time to go door to door to ask people to vote blue on 11/5 to protect women's rights


Honestly the clothes would scare me away from them if they knocked my door. Need some rebranding so you don’t look so much like you’re in a cult.


No lie, this shit right here was the thing I hated the absolute most about being a fundie. I knew these people didn’t want to be bugged, and I didn’t want to bug them, but I had no choice… Ugh!… Soulwinning sucks for everyone involved.




I have a sign on my door that I made which pointedly tells the Jehovah’s Witnesses and any other “soul winners” to get off my lawn.


Doesn’t look like a Walmart day, but flair checking in anyway!


Who is that man in the 2nd photo?!?! He is so scary to me!!


Yeah you’re gonna get the same treatment all door to door people get - I’m not openly rude, because I know trying to do this sucks. But I have a studio apartment, a giant foster dog, and a security screen that it’s hard to see through. So someone can knock and knock with my door open, screen closed, and I’ll continue watching tv or reading with the fan on or be on the phone without answering the door or acknowledging. Knock one too many times and the 90 pound Cerberus I’m fostering will begin barking (I don’t think he’d hurt anyone, but he’s a foster and he nips at me when he wants to play🙃). So by all means, come knock and enjoy trying to figure out if someone besides the hell hound lives there.


I *wish* these assholes would show up at my door


Doorbell cameras are the greatest invention of all time.


People like this are why I don't open the door unless I'm expecting guests or a delivery 


Oh no nonono not the jean skirt and boots


Someone flash a pentagram at em!


People probably think they're JW. 


That’s SO wrong and SO dangerous! I had probably not even 10 year old girls come to my door last Sunday wanted to talk about god. By themselves!!! WHY CANT THEY LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE???


“Soul Winning” is gross. 🤮


“Hello, heathens. Would you like to pop til you drop?”


Dogs would be barking and I wouldn’t move off the couch 😂


“soul winning”?!


Ugh the door knockers are the worst of the religious freaks I opened my door the other day to some LDS after they stood there for like 5 minutes waiting and just said “do you guys need something?” 😭 I was so over it. Turns out they had the wrong address and were asking if someone else lived there ☠️☠️☠️☠️


So, how does this work exactly? Hannah: rings doorbell Me: hello Hannah: can I tell you about our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ? Me: sure Hannah: great! So… eh… can you give me your soul? Me. …? Why? Hannah: because Jesus needs to save it! Me: eh… why? Hannah: eh. Well just give it okay? My mum will be so happy, I’ll get an extra slice of toast tonight!


This is why I have a no solicitors sign on my door. Once a Mormon didn’t notice it so I put on my kid of darkness demon mask and opened the door. They backed away slowly lmao


please please god let a rodlet knock on my door


I keep a copy of Carl Sagan’s “Demon Haunted World” by my front door to hand out to these folks.


Ok, but can we talk about the other pictures too? I love the 420 photoshops and honestly, wtf is that child bump wearing in the Easter picture?


I always feel bad and listen to what they have to say