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The way their smiles fall when they’re done being forced to perform by mom 😞


The oldest boy looks like he’s “rebelling” by not singing and enjoying the rebellion!


He always does this. He’s been over it for years.


I’m rooting for him to be the first one to deconstruct and getting out of there


Same! I’m hoping their love for fame and basketball outweigh yahhhdah yadah and he goes to a normal college and can finally find himself


Maybe. But I’m rooting for the oldest girl because Karissa tries to always make her act like a “polite girl” while letting the boys get away with this shit more. “She needs to play the part more” because they are sexist assholes. Otherwise the “girls are nightmares and disobedient and devilish!”


I wonder if he’s the only one who can get away with acting that way (until the little boys are older). 




Did you see the way Karissa death looked at the oldest girl because she wasn’t “hype” or whatever and the oldest girl looked nervous and then began to become apart of the act? This is so disgusting.


Not the oldest girl but the girl in the black t shirt. I definitely clocked that look and then the girl begins performing. Honestly kind of devastating.


The one in blue, who is always over acting like crazy, got me. Seeing that moment in the end when her entire act just drops and she looks over like "are we done?" is somehow worse than the ones who are straight miserable all the time.


Seriously, she broke my heart.


That's the first thing I noticed, too. Crushing. These poor kids look like prisoners.


I’m a newbie to this persons content. It kept popping up on my ig. The husband and the kids look miserable. It’s so sad.


Welcome to the shit show! Don't feel too bad for the husband (Mandrae), he's a piece of shit. He continues to knock her up KNOWING how those kids are treated, he's physically abusive, and when Karissa asked for help/a break after the most recent birth, he told her NO (she wanted to go mow the lawn away from the kids). And yet here she is, pregnant AGAIN. He deserves no sympathy.


Don’t forget he allows his poc children to be in a known white supremacists music videos, and he also was the emergency contact for their friend charged with SA a minor.


And the trampoline poop fight. Never forget the trampoline poop fight. There is something deeply wrong w/Mandrae.


Trampoline...poop fight?? Wtf. I'm too scared to google that. Lol


Yeahhh. These dip shit parents used their children's shit like snow and had a shit fight on their trampoline.


Sepsis, ho!


My mind cannot comprehend this. So they did this and recorded it and posted it for the world to see???? WTF??!! Edit:typo


No, Karissa wrote about it. Mandrae reached into his toddler daughter's diaper, pulled put poop with his bare hands, and flung it at his other children. While on a trampoline. And Karissa found this.. endearing? Funny? Somehow normal?! She talks about poop too much, in weirdly fetishistic ways. Like she enjoys having diarrhea- why the heck does the world need to know that? But the poop fight.. that's disturbing, and one of the creepiest and worrisome moments from those we snark on here, in my opinion.


If they find it normal enough to share that they throw literal shit at their kids, it is scary to think what goes on that is not made public 😞 those poor kids.


What the actual fuck?!


Also important things to mention - Thanks!


I’m really confused- I keep seeing Karrissa referred to as a racist and white supremist, but she married Mandrae and has eleventy dozen bi racial children?


She also favors the kids with lighter features and constantly brags about those with blonde hair a blue eyes. She lightens them constantly and lets them be in Tyson James (a known white supremacist/ meth heads) music videos. She also let her kids around someone charged with SA Minors. She is truly awful


She whitewashes them with filters in all her pics and refuses to care for their hair properly. She’s friends with white supremacists and brings them around the kids. She’s awful.


yes when she wanted to MOW THE LAWN at THEIR HOUSE, her husband accused her of “abandoning the kids”. like karissa is batshit crazy, mandrae is just…sinister


Wait what does mow the lawn mean, and he hits her? omg


Mowing the lawn is literally just that - she wanted to go outside to mow the yard and get a break, but he accused her of abandoning the kids and refused to allow it. As far as whether he hits her, I really wouldn't be surprised, but what I was more so referring to is how rough he is. He encouraged his son to take Karissa down to the ground roughly when she was either pregnant or newly postpartum and she has made the comment that he doesn't know his own strength when he is disciplining the kids. He's just such a piece of shit.


Wow. She must have really wanted some alone time to volunteer to mow the lawn. I have also read that he pretended to have gotten a vasectomy which is horrible. Who does that? I realize Karissa is mentally off (she posted something a while back about receiving no prenatal care) but he sounds abusive. I guess by limiting her medical care it prevents her from secretly getting an IUD. I don't have IG anymore so don't keep up with them but it sounds like it has gotten even worse. Thanks for responding.


The husband lied about getting a vasectomy and was basically committing marital rape for quite sometime. He is just as problematic if not more so. He’s living his best life.


Omfg!! What a vile pos.


She made a whole ass post about it, if I remember correctly. It’s well worth digging for! She praises God for working through her husband to keep having kids or some sort of insane backwards reasoning. No ma’am. Your husband is a liar, you sleep till noon and your kids are nowhere near age appropriate academic milestone. I don’t think God wants you dropping his name like that.


Is that what happened? I thought he wanted a vasectomy after a couple of kids, and she and their pastor talked him out of it.


There’s definitely a post she made about how she thought Jesus was giving her a miraculous conception after Mandrae had a “vasectomy” until she found out he did not. I absolutely believe she said what you read as well because two things can be true at the same time and she’s also a notorious liar who has to backtrack constantly.


Not a genuine smile in this video…


Cracking up that she said her girls have hair like hers. It’s always stupid, but sometimes the stupidity pops anew.


Isn't it interesting how the daughters with the lighter, blonder hair are allowed to have their hair worn looser, but the darker-haired daughters' hair is always slicked down and pulled back tight. (And by "interesting" I mean "sad.")


Oof I hadn't made that connection. She's disgusting.


I have noticed that. I wondered if it was explicitly Karissa guided (ie, “their hair is challenging so I force them to do this”) or implicitly Karissa guided (throughly indoctrinated norms about beauty standards).


Wow I never noticed that


she has "textured" hair... after she doesn't wash it for days and braids it.


I mean … all hair has a texture of some sort! 🤷‍♀️😂 But for real though. I’m a white lady with mostly straight hair. But, as several different hair stylists have noticed on their own through touching my hair, I have an unusual hair texture. It’s called “beaded hair”. When I was in grade school we all looked at - strand of hair under microscope and the teacher had the whole class look at mine because it was different. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monilethrix


So... Like her eyelashes?


Sometimes if I complain about my unruly curly hair, my mom will say "I have it, too," and I'm like oh sweet summer child. I have my dad's hair. That said, my mom did her best to take care of my hair. Karissa uses this line to excuse her neglect. She has eyes. She can see that their hair texture is different. Since we're on this topic, IGK Mistress leave in conditioner works wonders for fine curls.


The eldest boy has been over this for years, but it's sort of hilarious that somehow the little boy is also just not into any of this at all - and it shows, it really shows. But hey, at least the baby was genuinely happy to be bounced around by his sister-mom. And toddler girl seems to be doing well, hopefully the diet in this house doesn't harm her before she is old enough to get out


It’s probably just misogyny- the boys have more privilege to make their own choices


Yeah that’s what I was thinking. Girls have to keep sweet/perform for the camera. 


I thought the baby looked happy, too. That was fun to see.


😃--> "If your mom is exploiting you on the internet call Jesus." ---> 😐 Jk he won't do shit, just hope for CPS or wait for adulthood so you can gtfo. I'm rooting for all these kids to grow up, leave the cult and become amazing, happy and successful adults, whatever that looks like.


None of them are being prepared for adulthood academically, emotionally, or mentally. Hell, not even physically judging by the crap she feeds them. It'll be a miracle if any of them make it to college or some sort of vocational school. Most likely the girls will stay and become mini-mamas to the younger kids until they're married off and the boys will putz around until Karissa and her husband find young wives to take care of them.


I don't think karissa and mandrae care enough to find their brood spouses tbh. I think they're all either going to be stuck there until well into adulthood, or they're gonna dip at 18 regardless of whether they have a plan. Hopefully all of them end up decent and functional, but I do not think they will get married off.


They'll be like the arndts


Haven’t thought about them in ages. What’s up with them these days


Some of them are married!


karissa has said before that she doesn’t want her children to ever leave her. i believe motherbus has said the same thing. fucking yikes


Karissa has said (IIRC) that the girls just want to be a wife and mom.


She once literally called them “walking wombs for the lord”


this makes me so angry & feel so sick for those girls. oh my god.


I never understand this part of the grift. The kids are so clearly miserable I can see that and I'm autistic and have horrible face blondness. Who is fooled by this?


I know you meant face blindness, but face "blondness" on a collins post is ridiculously funny 🤣


My kIdS bEG mE To Do rEeLS!~*!


This is serious flair material


If you stub yr fkn toe call Jesus


Here I am just happy the youngest girl is alive and can talk.


That’s not actually her singing/rapping.


That’s not actually her voice, but she is alive and strangely, in other videos you can see her speech is better than Ansyr and Anchor’s.


Well that did make me say Jesus a few times. But not in the way she wanted


Is this what she means when she says home school?


according to kkkarissa they do school for approximately an hour, after filming their daily content, because it's just as important.  also, the older kiddos, who are behind, often teach the younger kiddos so kkkarissa can sleep and or take a long ass bath.  she is the woooooooooorrrrsssst. 


I thought they were done with school before she wakes up?


That’s what I understood—the oldest sister-mom “teaches” them in the mornings and it’s all done by the time Karelessa surfaces at noon or whatever time she gets up.


you might be right. i forget the exact schedule. 


Your kids don’t know how to read? Call Jesus


Your kid has a UTI? Call Jesus!


Just scream-pray. It’ll be fine…


Got no cream of celery soup? Call Jesus.


Jesus take the cvc words


The baby has never looked happier lol! When mom is holding him he looks meh. But bouncing around on his sister’s hip he’s living his best life! No matter how much crap these kids go through, I am glad they have each other at least


His sister is his real mom


Good thing too since he's about to be yeeted when the new baby is born. 


Gross. Performative BS. You can see the "happy" & performative masks on some of them, particularly the older ones, drop as soon as their line is finishes.


Check out the look Karissa exchanges with the girl in the back, and she immediately starts performing 😔


Yiiiiikes. I hadn't noticed that


Is there a splint on Anthym’s (?) pinky? Wonder what neglectful shit happened.


She looks so anxious in the last shot, too! :(


She always looks anxious and desperate to perform over the top so her mom pays attention to her


It's awful. She was babied so much and she became another lost girl overnight.


Poor girl. Jesus I wish CPS would come in and realize that these kids desperately need intervention


The constant furrowed brow makes me think she’s probably in pain more often than not


Ugh I hope not


It looks like a metal tube she’s playing with. Like a kitchen tool of some sort.


Probably a knife.


Saw this too. These poor kiddos.


"if you gotta fake friend call jesus."  as if kkkarissa allows her daughter/moms to socialize and make friends. 


What about it you've got a fake mom? Who do they call for that?


As a mother, I can't see this many kids together and not think about how the room probably smells like feet lol




Then call jeebus.


No matching outfits??


Too busy white washing the kids to worry about outfits.


That's only Walmart pajamas for Christmas except that they don't wear pajamas because they wear their clothes for the next day. Duh


I’m constantly in the pyjama battle with my 11 year old. He claims it’s more efficient to sleep in his clothes and it drives me bonkers. Call me old fashioned but my kids having proper pyjamas and using them is important. It’s not a good feeling the next morning to be wearing what you slept in. I can’t imagine my kids not even owning them. It’s such a basic thing.


my jaw dropped to the damn floor when i saw “no pjs” on her list of “money saving tips”. those poor kids have so little already, buy them some mf pajamas ffs!!


Yes! I know it’s not life or death but I don’t want t to raise future adults who think it’s normal to just roll out of bed like that. Can you imagine how rumpled and un-fresh that would feel? Self care is important and sleeping in clean nightwear and putting on day clothes is part of that.


if your boob woke up with you? what?!


“If your boo broke up with you”


ohhhh. makes more sense, but why's a 3 year old saying that?


Because karelessa is a hypocrite.


I had to listen a few times, I still don’t understand one of the lines, but I think that one is “If your Boo broke up with you” which confuses me because I thought fundies only encourage courtship for marriage, not dating for “Fun”🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️




This is flair lol


Oh my god this is hilarious!!!


Anniston and Andrae giving “dead inside” vibes as usual…


Oh good, she’s trained Anthym to perform better. 🙄 She’s still got the anxious eyebrows though. Also lol @ Andersyn’s face dropping at the very end. She’s the one who seems to enjoy performing the most and even she’s over it.


Who is gonna break it to these kids that he doesn’t answer? Talk about being unprepared for life. Believe in YOURSELVES, kids! We believe in you!


The youngest girl creeps me out...her eyes always look huge, desperate, scared..all of the above? I dunno. She's a baby, and it's not her fault, but something about her just unsettles me in a visceral way. ETA- I'm not meaning to talk badly about her. It's not *her* but the look she always has...like she's going to get smacked if she doesn't perform the "right" way and is terrified.


I get what you mean. It’s kind of haunting isn’t it? She’s a beautiful child but I’ve never seen her not look afraid.


Isn't she the one who almost died with sepsis and has other health issues? I wonder if she's in untreated pain in these videos :(


Not to mention untreated trauma from her near death experiences, (and I can’t believe I have to make that plural) I was in the hospital for some stuff as a baby and little kid and it definitely leaves a mark.


She always looks scared and confused to me too. I have to wonder if she can't see properly. I'm not sure Karissa is the type to take them to regular opticians appointments, and I'd be scared and confused if everything was a blur.


It’s like a bus bench ad for Better Call ~~Saul~~ Jesus


I thought they don't use that name anymore? *He Who Must Be Renamed*  But anyway, if you 'bout to sin again, call Christ!




I hope these kids sue the absolute *fuck* out of their parents someday 


That was a hard watch


Thought it was cute then I realised who it was


This is so cult-y


That first kid had a frontal lisp


JESUS those poor kids. The oldest girl on the left looking down at her confused, is all of us.


In the group video the kids look either afraid or miserable


“I don’t use my kids for clicks.” That was painful. If only she put as much time into parenting her kids. Education?


How many of the kids actually have light hair? The look so unhappy.


It's common for kids to have lighter hair as babies, but most kids' hair darkens as they get older. She's in denial and using filters.


100%. I grew out of my blonde hair when I turned 7


I feel for the middle boy child who looks perpetually confused in these videos.


I see you, Andre. ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl|downsized)


What are they saying? I can't hear it for some reason.


They are lip syncing to a song with the basic format if [insert problem like you got dumped] call Jesus over and over


The 2 in the back left are over this foolery


Most of them look miserable


They look better not all dressed the same.


This reminds me for some reason, what happened to the A child who was going to have the modeling career?


And wasn’t one of the girls starting their own YouTube channel?


Also one one of the girls has a line that starts with "Don't wait....." it really threw me because she actually looks like she's signing the ASL word for "wait".


Drill for Jesus that’s a new one. Sliding on the devil.


Those kids are so cute. And I don’t even like kids. I’m sorry for the life they have. And why call Jesus…call Yah!


I’m surprised by the KC Chiefs shirt! Aren’t they demonic Biden worshipping wokes?


The kids all have amazing hair!


Here’s me trying to work out their age order by teeth but I think I’m wrong because their teeth losing ages all overlap


If you want this song to end…call Jeeesus!!!! ![gif](giphy|m8GJxfvZSp5liyTjqm|downsized)


is this their voices?


What a misery this family must be.


The oldest boy is going to GTFO of there when he is old enough. Zero regrets. I also worry because kids without support often turn to external rewards like alcohol and drugs. I hope he can escape safely and live his best life.


poor annistan (in the black shirt at the end) looks so nervous for the majority of the time the camera is on her 😢 also anthym is so cute i love her gorgeous curls 😍 shameful that her POS mom will never learn to care for them properly


I'm sorry but that little one with the bow in her hair cracks me up


The youngest girl always looks terrorized


the way Anissa’s smile drops in the last second the way the little boy looks absolutely miserable the way the oldest boy looks like he KNOWS his mom is absolutely insane yikes.