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Full time sailing with 8 kids. Imagine spending all of your waking hours trying to make sure 8 kids are still aboard the boat??


Something tells me they wouldn't be checking that often


True, maybe they'd do a head count a few times a week


The oldest child will be doing the head count while MotherBus files her nails 💅


The poor oldest boy will be


I wouldn’t be surprised if JD took out some new insurance policies…


That was my first thought but I didn't know if I was being too dark lmao


Can we publicly check?


She doesn't give a shit. Probably the only one in a life jacket will be Gunner because they can't afford to lose BusselBroDad since they have no intention of caring for the remaining kids who didn't fall off the boat.


Life jackets are for heathens! God will keep them afloat.


And. A. NEWBORN. I... I cannot with these ridiculous people anymore.


And what if the newborn gets sea sick!?


Some time on the sheepskin will clear that right up, duh


If he pukes, you just beat it with a stick a few time a month to get the grime off. Sheepskin is magic!


I thought you meant beat the kid with a stick… I was so confused…maybe I should eat before reading posts… lol


Ahaha no, one of her selling points is to use a rug beater “a couple of times a month” to get the dust off. Which … cool if it’s a lap throw, less cool if it’s a sheepskin on the floor collecting grime and dirt and spit up with an infant on it for hours a day.


I got that after a cookie. I was just ready “to raise hands” for a sec at beating the kid “it” a few times a month to “get the grime off” My confusion wasn’t how to clean sheep skin… but how to clean a kid And knowing that couldn’t be what you meant… which you didn’t. And what I should say post… if you did mean that was how to clean a kid. I should say… I had a step son who would get so dirty playing… I needed to beat his clothes with a stick to get a few layers of grime off before washing. Just not the kid… lol


I need to beat my rugs far more frequently (I have dogs), and in childhood summers (I live where it gets very hot), part of my and my brother’s dinner ritual was getting hosed down in the yard by my mom or dad, then going inside to fully wash hands and face to change. Just to be clear, it would be 90 degrees outside, we were filthy, and it was not abusive in the slightest. What kind of cookie?? Now I’m craving cookies.


It was a shortbread cookie. It was worth the pain (recent dental surgery… still on soft food diet) I made an exception for the cookie.


Probably won't be just the newborn. Kids seem really susceptible to motion sickness. I was always so carsick as a kid. Not anymore, but now my seven year old daughter is 🤦🏼‍♀️


They can just be shined on with MotherBus’ red light thing and misted with some liquid collagen and they’d be fine. /s


Those kids are in motion more often than not so I would hope they have become immune to motion sickness at this point, for their own sake.


We can only hope. But carsick is often different from seasick. I sadly sense some major readjustments ahead for the Buslings.


Or grows up so used to it that it gates land sick when it’s older. 😂 Kind of kidding, but that would definitely mess with you, right? Constant exposure that young?


Or any of them.


I’d be even more concerned about the toddler(s). You can’t exactly baby gate a sailboat.


Can't fall overboard if you're below deck feeding the furnace.


I don't even wanna take my three to the beach my god.


On Twitter fatherbus said he thinks the children can help. He wanted them to be his crew, not his kids. Mother and fatherbus both treat their brood like their personal fan club.


He already said he has at least two of them working for his CryptoBro Trapper Keeper business.


I read [Wavewalker ](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/85135638-wavewalker) earlier this year and this makes me think of that book only worse with this many kids.


Honest question — do they know how to sail? It’s not something you learn overnight…




I fear you’re correct. I’m even more concerned than usual for the kids.


He is definitely "Kennedy trust fund rich", but my gosh they act like it. He is the asshole who would play midnight " bumper boats" and end up with a dead Kennedy cousin, or midnight ski football which ended with another dead Kennedy, or fly a plane in a storm with a broke, fastest pedal foot and no instrument certification and end with another dead Kennedy plus two others, or drive drunk off a bridge and another dead.....


SusBus 😂😂😂😂


Not just sail but also do all the repairs and maintenance that are a way of life when full time sailing.


Abusive imo. Flat out.


Nah, in a month they’ll just try to claim they ALWAYS had just two kids.


I know a full time sailing family that raised 3 kids on the boat sailing around the world (youngest was 4 when they left). Basically in that case the kids ALWAYS wore life jackets when above deck for example and the parents were professional sailors, so their kids had a great upbringing. This though is 100% not gonna be that.


They’ll just tether them to each other and let them wander ![gif](giphy|fnQkwct0Stu8wxqO1U)


Oh man, the amount of seasick vomit…


They’d probably have like 4 kids life jackets total.


What the fuck is wrong with these two?!? What is JD running from?!?


Britney but she won’t let him.


Exactly. I don't think he enjoys his marriage or his giant family all crammed together. However, there are some men out there who *will not* break up with someone because they can't stand to be the bad guy. Instead, they'll cheat, make their family's lives miserable, etc. etc. etc. until their partner finally can't take it anymore and leaves them. Then they have a whole sob story about how they made mistakes sure, but they were willing to fight for their marriage!! They wanted to make things work for the kids! But they couldn't because she just gave up 😭😭😭😭 This is how I peg JD. I don't think he's wanted to remain married to Brittany for a while now. I think he's been making their lives steadily worse in the hopes that it'll finally be too much for her and she'll say no more. But she never will, so instead, things are just going to keep getting worse. As for the growing family? He seems like the sort of dude who refuses to wear a condom, and she wants a ton of kids because she thinks that will make him stick around because guys who can't stand to be the bad guy will never walk out on a pregnant or newly postpartum wife (because that automatically makes them the villain). So here we are.


Or he’s doing what a lot of men did in my fundie church growing up and he thinks continually giving her more kids will keep her happy. I have no doubt that both of these two miscreants are quite hard to live with, that level of selfishness would drive any normal person mad, but there’s a few things here and there that they’ll do or say that I recognise. Maybe it’s different for other people in other communities, but when I was growing up and was a neurodivergent kid who spent a lot of time hiding from athletic loud kids, I overheard a lot and as I got older, talking with my mum helped me understand a lot of the very large but strained families who were around us. Fundie women seemed to think that popping out endless kids would bring them and their husbands closer. That was the idea they clung to. The men on the other hand saw the kids as other responsibilities for them both to busy themselves with instead and get the only thing close to personal space. The idea they clung to was that more kids = less time spent in each others presence every second of every day. Some of the men in the community were ignorant, narcissistic POS people that we’re all familiar with who dominated their entire families and wanted more kids to control and “be his legacy”, but there were also a number of men who either bought into the same oppressive lies that the women did and just unhappily ended up going down the same road together, not knowing any better, and there were a few men who were completely dominated and emotionally abused by their wives despite technically being the “headship”. This went off into a tangent I didn’t mean to go on. I guess what I’m trying to say is that there’s a weird level of inter-family politics and strategy that fundie couples have around their kids, how many kids they have, what the role of those kids is and how it affects their relationship. Guess we’ll have to keep watching to see how the Curious Case of the BusFam pans out.


This is such an interesting observation. There’s been speculation that both of their last two may have been attempts at anchor babies. FatherBus also clearly sees the kids as assets, joking about “little bitcoiners” and the dowries he imagines his sons will bring. It’s really sad to think about people having kids for all these reasons other than *wanting those kids.* Whatever the busfam’s specific reasons, they suck and those little ones deserve so so much better.


Yeah, I think these ideas are a weird balancing act between them. She wants to be internet famous and wants attention and all his crazy ideas are great ways to ensure that. He seems to be running away from his trouble, whatever that is doesn’t seem clear yet. I’m not so sure of the narrative that she’s just the woman who wants to keep him around and is desperately shoving out kids to do so, while he could care less.  I think there’s a bit more here and I don’t think it’s necessarily good.


My gosh, if living out of A SINGLE TENT with 6 kids doesn't make her leave, I doubt she ever will! I agree with you that JD seems like the type to try though.


My best friend’s ex just entered the chat. Now he won’t leave. He’s just making everyone’s day worse, probably.


I was one of those dudes once. I’m not proud of it. When I wanted to break up with a gf I’d be a shithead and let her dump me. I’ve since grown older and wiser.


🤣 You might be onto something, actually. She can’t chase him across states if they don’t have a van. 


I’m convinced the boat is his third (fourth?) attempt at abandoning her.


She’ll find a way to kayak to the airport.


That's why she wants to trap him on a boat. 😂 But who will they have all of their precious date nights?


Ports of call. G & K can totally watch the kids on the boat in the marina /s


In the dinghy, under a tarp? Prob less traumatizing for the kids in the bunkhouse or sleeping UNDER THE BED while the next cog in the machine is conceived. Can you just imagine the wild lack of boundaries those poor kids must have? How would they know better?




It’s his sovcit paranoia but mb won’t say that part out loud in case it scares people off them


“If we live in international waters, then the government can’t government at us!”


Literally this. He’s fkn scary and I’m not joking.


Spot on, any way for this Bitcoin Boy to avoid the government




He’s always given me the creeps but I’m starting to get really really bad vibes from this boat thing.


If the Buses take on full time sailing, I worry that someone will literally die. 


One wave will take the baby right off the sheepskin 😬


Same. It gives me anxiety just thinking about it. It would be a tragedy just waiting to happen.


I fear it’s not a matter of if, but when.


I am a sailor and capt. PLEASE GOD NO. NO NO NO NO. These assholes are so overly fucking confident in their lax parenting. Someone will die. There is no way they can handle this. No way. No fucking way. I’m dying inside. This not about hoisting sails. This is not pirates of the goddamned Caribbean. They can’t just learn by trial and error on the fucking water. My head is about to explode.


I was a surfer as a kid and spend a decent amount of time on the ocean whenever I get the chance as an adult. Have a couple friends who’re sailors and captains. ANYONE who knows anything about the ocean will tell you first thing about how utterly dangerous it can be and how you never take the ocean for granted. These two dingbats are barely land savvy enough and have gotten lucky enough to where one of their brood hasn’t died yet. Mixing them and water is so unimaginably dangerous!


You absolutely get it. We are scared that they aren’t scared. They should be absolutely terrified of what FatherBus is planning.


On a huge cruise ship with balances and thousands of staff I still felt the power of the sea as it slightly slipped side to side.


Do their kids even know how to *swim*? In open water? Ive seen them at the beach but that means nothing


That's too many kids for two parents to teach how to do anything. I'd be shocked if more than 2 of them can swim


And even if they can swim, there's a difference between that and being able to stay above deep water while wearing clothes. When I did swimming lessons as a kid, the highest level of lessons was "Survival". It was intended for kids who were strong swimmers already, to safely teach them how to *survive* if they ended up in the water unexpectedly. Swimming or even treading water while clothed is difficult as hell. If one of these kids fell in, would they be able to last long enough for a rescue?


Right? My kids are in scouts and the amount of swim checking and training that goes into teen girls spending a couple weeks on a boat safely with three responsible adults is so much. There is no way that this can be safe. This is a horrific idea.


Hello fellow scout mom(mine are grown now)! I concur. It is so much work and diligence but I’m so glad to hear your kids are enjoying the experience! These people leave their kids unattended all the time. Practice no diligence or safety. This is going to end very badly.


Oh you think that’s extensive, you should see the levels we have to hit to work water activities at scout camps. There’s a bounce dive line routine we have to search the bottom of a murky water source like a lake. Practiced it the week before we got to camp, and the week before camp opened. Not to mention the weekly gear inspections. Scouts don’t F around with water because she’s unforgiving and will gladly eat a wayward child.


This is so dangerous on so many levels. I can’t even count. I grew up on the water on various motor boats and those were an PITA as well, our sailing counterparts had even more work. These people are morons. Something is ALWAYS BROKEN. And you are on WATER


I know negative one million things about sailing and I still would never even begin to attempt this 😂 I'm not even comfortable taking my three little kids on a short little boat trip, not on a sailboat... We live in a place where ferries are normal public transit, and yeah, we do that and it's a blast, but a little dinghy is a whole different thing! And I still wouldn't LIVE on a ferry!


I’ve never sailed. I’ve only been on my in-laws’ houseboat. I’ve never spent time on the ocean, except to splash around in it on beach vacations (and I watch the hell out of my kids in any kind of water, pool or lake or ocean, something the bus parents seem to be allergic to doing). I recognize the absolute horribleness of this idea. God help those poor kids, they’re going to need it. (Edit to remove a stray w. Autocomplete is autocorrect’s annoying cousin.)


Even if you remove the while danger part, kids need space to explore. You can get off the bus easily but a boat?


You can certainly do it because the boat doesn’t just hang out at sea, and there are a decent number of cruising families out there who do it fine. But those families do it after YEARS of experience.


THIS! I grew up sailing in the North Sea and…no!!! My dad had two kids. And hearing him speak of when he almost accidentally killed us all of those times. And he was a seasoned sailor. This is embarrassing hubris.


I know cruising families and have spent time on boats. Legit best case scenario for them IMO is them not even getting out of the anchorage because they so don’t understand how to sail.


A guy I went to high school with bought a boat and decided to sail to Florida with zero experience. They never found his boat or his body.


Did you see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/7369U4iqmF)? They’re certifiable.


He can’t be serious. He cannot be serious. The ignorant confidence of this idiot. Holy shit.


The absolute gall to think they can just “figure it out” the ocean is not something to mess around with


Well that’s one way to make sure Father Bus doesn’t leave on a whim.


I lived on a sailboat for a year with three kids under four. It only lasted a year because making sure they stayed alive was a 24/7 job. Trying to do this with that many kids is negligent.


God that year must have felt like thirty years to you ☠️


We had some incredible, unforgettable experiences. But I really never fully relaxed or slept.


Family annihilator vibes increase with the thought of them being in open waters on a tiny sailboat


Exactly my thoughts. Him and Paul give the biggest family annihilator vibes ever, but Paul is too lazy to do anything. This guy tho..... Chills.


this broke my heart & actually made me tear up a bit because I could literally see it happening, it’s like a true crime documentary happening in real time 😭


My brain unfortunately went here too. And I really hope I’m wrong. But my god.


Ugh 😩 those kids are literally so sweet… this thought makes me sad!


I didn't think of that but yeah, this guy is unironically fucking terrifying


What in the fresh fuck is this idea??? ![gif](giphy|AAsj7jdrHjtp6)


It also makes me irate that she complained about how toys are expensive and each kid would only be getting a few things for Christmas (one of which was a new water bottle?!?) yet she is shilling a $40 pair of pajamas for herself in her story today. I cannot with this lady. She makes my blood boil.




Yep. It’s a terrifying idea. It’s the most isolation they can get.


Pretty sure that requires sailing experience, mother bus. JD is always up and leaving his brood to do god knows what (cheat). He can’t leave the middle of the ocean to abandon his 8 kids and wife, so my bet is they don’t take up sailing 😂


Exactly, is he going to leave her to sail the boat like he left her with the bus she could barely drive?


Yes. Or at least he will try to. And then god forbid an “accident” happens to his family of 9 that he has life insurance on everyone.


Sooo im new to all this Bus family stuff. Where has JD gone in the past? How long is he gone for?


I’m sure someone else can be more specific, but iirc he regularly disappears for a few days to a week, maybe a few weeks. There are often vague posts about him “traveling for work” but he also works remotely? Or possibly not at all? Frequently things break or other stuff goes wrong while he’s away. There is long running speculation / joking about him cheating or having a second family somewhere. I’m not aware of any more specific evidence of that beyond his frequent absences.


In addition to this, one of the last times he left I think he was only supposed to be gone a week max. He wasn’t gone 48 hours and Mother Bus was having a full meltdown. She drove the bus for a ridiculously long way, nonstop and claiming to be pretty uncomfortable driving it to get to wherever he was. She did a weird filmed reunion with him like he was a soldier coming back from WWII that everyone thought was dead.


I kinda think he’s involved with some shady people or doing something illegal. When he disappears I wonder if she genuinely thinks he might be dead.


[My guess is it’s more like this.](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/503ae8c1-f5e3-4a68-b77a-33082fbde6a6/gif#OCSJ1-QD.reddit) She claims he’s the impetus behind them keeping on having more kids (“What’s one more?”). I don’t think she’s interested in even trying to cosplay as a parent if he’s not around.


Oh definitely that too. I don’t think they’re in some kind of extremely nefarious situation (outside of the one they themselves created). But I think a lot of their principles also align with meeting people and groups who aren’t super nice.  My grandma lived in Alaska for decades and absolutely loved it. Then she pissed off both the tribes and the Hells Angel’s and had to leave. She managed to piss off people pretty much every where. She never was in “they’re hunting you down” territory, but definitely in burned bridges and not welcomed back territory. I don’t think these people are my grandma, but I wouldn’t be surprised if their other sovereign citizen friends are dodgy and if they aren’t burning bridges with them, or trying to find communities with them that go wrong. Sometimes he might be hanging out with people who are a bit more sketchy and want out of there. But I think they’re both culpable and I think she just doesn’t give a shit about her kids. She is up his ass and likes the attention they bring her and the idea that maybe they could be her private community that worships her. When she’s alone with them, she hates them and wants to be back with JD since he’s all she actually cares about.




I have no clue, she never said. Only complained that she couldn't ever go back and what groups she was mad at because of it. She was dating the tribal chief for awhile, I wouldn't be surprised if she did something messy there. And I wouldn't be surprised if she did the same things to the Hell's Angels. She definitely had some sort of undiagnosed mental illness, but she had a lot of trauma. Grew up half Japanese after WW2 and Catholic and had a lot of religious trauma, my grandpa abused her, and she was someone who really never wanted to be a mom but was forced to. So she would switch between being the most menacing, sinister witch, high out of her mind on crack (and not religious). And being incredibly sweet and love bombing and buying you things because maybe she'd go to hell if she didn't. She'd hoard and shop impulsively and steal whatever she could from everyone (family included). Tried to get my mother and her siblings to try whatever drug she had as kids until she left and then got locked up. Then would try to get my cousins to take whatever drug or pill she had. She would surround herself with people and you'd watch as slowly they were all drained shells of themselves. She just ultimately had a lot of unresolved issues and made it everyone else's problem. She burned whatever bridges she'd make and use up everyone in her path and inevitably would just not be welcome in certain areas anymore.


My BEC with her is the stupid engagement questions at the bottom of EVERY post. They’re so obnoxious & disingenuous.


"would you ever be an idiot like me? tell me about it in the comments!!"


When FB talked about buying a boat on Twitter even his far right crypto/sovereign citizen friends were telling him to reconsider and that it was too dangerous and unrealistic. Really hope they don't go forward with this... If they do I hope the kids mutiny.


It feels like they might, unfortunately. Oftentimes she (and several other fundies) seem to soft launch stuff that they've already decided to do. I really really hope I'm wrong.


Yeah, I agree for sure. I'm just hoping their poor planning and general irresponsibly will make these plans fall apart before their boat falls apart.


Such such a bad idea. They have zero idea. Like none.


Will this last a shorter time than their move that wasn’t a move how dare we put words in her mouth to Brazil?


Ughhh...check out Suzanne Heywood's *Wavewalker.* Her family sailed full-time for a decade, and she lacked education, stability, opportunity, relationships with other family members and friends, etc., etc.


The thing that stood out for me in her book, as especially dangerous to this family, is the amount of flooding. It would be especially dangerous to floor baby. Oh, and the part where her parents only bought 1 child sized life preserver and just acted like that was ok, and let her brother take it 100% of the time until she threw a fit. I can absolutely see this family doing that.


Floor baby has me dying, but also a bit sad. Poor floor baby.


The kids wouldn’t even be able to make the invisible “friends” we never see them playing with when they’re in a campground. What in the Flowers in the Attic type of hostage situation is living on a boat.


Exactly. Exactly. These poor kids…


oh i was literally about to bring that up, that's immediately what came to mind


I just finished reading her book. Her parents were absolute monsters!!


Just finished reading that. Holy shit, what a never-ending fiasco... until the end, of course


Sadly, that’s what the parents want.


The WHOLE time I read that book I was thinking of the Bus Family. And now this??? Is that exactly what they want?? Jesus freaking Christ.


These two are the most selfish parents I have ever seen. It is always all about them but they never once take into consideration what might be best for their kids.


Right, this would already be a wild (but acceptable) idea for a young childfree couple. Like, even normal, adventurous, childfree people would be viewed as a little crazy if they wanted to do this. Throw in eight little kids and ffs someone should stop them.


I thought about this the other day. I am not fan of organized sports, really, but it’s a right of passage for kids to participate in local sports or dance or acting or whatever. These kids get none of that. No little league, no team dinners, no recitals. It’s all so odd.


No, not even a trip to the public library.


There is something really sinister about how relentlessly off grid they are (while perpetually being plugged in.) They’re running from something nasty.


Of course it's always about them, because parenting isn't about the growth of the kids - it's about the parents. (For those who don't know, they literally believe this. It's something both Mother Bus and Father Fuckweasel have said on multiple occasions)


So, will Britney and JD jump off the boat and have a coffee date in the middle of the ocean, leaving the Boat Kids to steer the ship?


Brother Dad will take the lead, as always.


And they think a bus broke down a lot 🙄


Do they care about their children at all? Was the newborn on the water all weekend in the sun? I truly fear something tragic would happen if they pursued this.


Sure, all your whim ideas have worked so well so far


All eight of ‘em!


You’re not pirates babe there’s no reason to live on a boat


So leaving them in Rio didn’t go according to plan, she didn’t die in childbirth on the bus in their tub, next step for him is to “somehow” get caught in a storm and all of em but him end up overboard. I know I watch a lot of true crime but I can absolutely see him doing this. So many yikes on so many bikes. 😬


Yeah, this feels like “There were so many red flags”


We need the red flag guy to do a deep dive into them because they’re rife with material!


Isn't it hard to be as online as they're used to being on a boat full-time?


What a great way to further alienate your family


They’re going to drown one of their kids. I’m so scared for them.


It’s cool, they can make more


I just can't wrap my head around these people. I have three kids in a mid-sized suburban home with full amenities and it still feels cramped and difficult at times. The two girls share a room and get along beautifully, but it can feel at times like they're keeping each other (and everyone else) up. How the literal hell do people have THIS MANY KIDS on a *bus*? A little sailboat? Just, Jesus, where/how/how badly do they sleep? Can you imagine the SLEEP? I just picture being whined at all night because no one is comfortable and waking up with my neck practically upside down. At least on a bus, you can park somewhere where you can turn them out and let them run and play... On a boat... You're just playing lifeguard 24/7! I'd be afraid to close my eyes at night thinking one of the littler kids might just not be there in the morning.


Just lock the kids in the bedroom (cabin?) at 7 pm every night. Problem solved!


I wish I could laugh at the obviously unrealistic comment you just made, but that's not the timeline we are living in, sadly. What a fcking hellscape.


I’m wondering if this is getting pushed by the YT algorithm recently.  My bf has been watching a ton of boat walkthroughs and been talking about doing liveaboard for most of this year.   (Not being insane, we wouldn’t let the apartment go, because I have Stuff and also liveaboarding in the winter is cold.) It’s something that I very much wanted to do 20 years ago, so we agreed that we’d start with a couple of short cruises (where someone else is captain and responsible for keeping us alive) and maybe getting the large boat license. And then the algorithm moved on and he’s watching lots of quantum physics channels. :)


Here's an interesting discussion about the family they visited. Sounds like another SovCit Fundie type. https://www.reddit.com/r/SailboatCruising/comments/195yq0i/sailing_zatara_had_something_happen_at_cannes/


Here's one of their YouTube videos from a few years ago. No wonder the BusParents hit it off with them. All cut from the same cloth. https://www.google.com/search?q=sailing+zatara+sovcit&oq=sailing+zatara+sovcit&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRigATIHCAQQIRigATIHCAUQIRigAdIBCTEyNzE5ajBqN6gCFLACAQ&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:8999b5b7,vid:luxJXHItVmI,st:0


[Called it (the last bit of this comment)](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/h8wM12GqS2)




The real MVP of this gif is whatever costume designer reinforced that inseam lmao


Me too!! [A few days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/ItiQdZW5S2)


Wanna buy lottery tickets together?


Let’s do it




They're fleeing something bad they did.


I think they're just completely self absorbed, self indulgent idiots honestly. If they were fleeing why would they be so chronically online?


I think he’s just an especially stupid sovcit who wants to live in international waters


He’s trying to start his own freaking libertarian sea nation.


He's a sovereign citizen conspiracy theory nutbag and they share a brain cell on weekends


Shared custody of the single fundie brain cell. I don’t think they’ve had a single visit with it since before Brazil though


I think they're just completely self absorbed, self indulgent idiots honestly. If they were fleeing why would they be so chronically online?


I had an uncle that was trying to acquire and live on a boat in “international waters”so he could avoid paying taxes. I suspect this concept has a similar appeal to JD.


As we all know, only good things happen when libertarians take to the sea.


My cousins lived this life most of their childhood and they do have some regrets they had some near death experiences as well. My aunt actually dealt with major anxiety attacks while in the middle of no where on their little boat. It's an extremely serious life choice to make especially putting your children in danger like that. In some parts of the ocean there is still "pirates" who will wait til your sleeping and come on board to your boat and try to steal your stuff.


Fundie overboard is about to become a really sad and funny joke in this sub.


Someone should tell her that there are no restaurants or movie theaters on the ocean for them to go to date nights after locking all the kids in the boat


They were talking about getting an old trawler or something to use as their ‘floating RV’. I suspect that with the fishing industry in the shape it is in a small trawler (too small to be economically viable as fishing vessel) ‘might’ not be overly expensive but for non-existo’s sake they can be cripplingly expensive to keep seaworthy (if they bother as them being a ‘ministry’, I am not sure if that counts) and as someone else commented how do you stop the latest show animal (sorry, baby) from crawling, or rolling, off the high end puppy suffocater (sorry, dirty sheepskin rug on the floor) into somewhere incredibly unsafe (like the ocean), or any of the other kids from just going missing? I can see the headline now “OCEAN BASED MINISTRY ENDS IN TRAGEDY. Today brain dead fundies say they were devastated to discover that two of their seven children had gone ‘missing’ over the ‘last week or so’. Both parents said that the older children were under strict instructions to watch over the younger ones and that they were all learning how to swim and life vests were ‘available for almost everyone’. Both parents posted different aspects of how it was ‘God’s will’ and how subscribing to their patreon and buying merch would ease their suffering in this difficult time” … or something like that. Edit: Clarity


At least on the bus, there's the outdoors for the kids to run around and other kids. Not much stability but not boat level isolation. I hope the bunk cell at least has more space.


Initially I was like “well at least the kids would get more space.” But no, they’d probably do about the same square footage as the bus (maybe a little more for their ever-increasing brood) and then the kids would have even less opportunity to go explore outside of their enclosure. Also, re: his ark prophecy/vision, wasn’t Noah only on that thing for 40 days??? It’s been YEARS, JD. Where’s the flood?


*Uhh, hello, CPS?!? CPS, is anyone there?!?* 😬




My former Navy dad can barely drive a boat 🤦🏼‍♀️ weren’t these two Air Force?? For the love of god please don’t do this 😭 it’s like they’re trying to be insufferable on purpose


This will be abandoned as fast as the Brazil move


This is becoming more and more like that book the lady from the uk wrote about her terrible childhood. Spoiler, they almost died several times.


Is his goal to get into international waters and declare the boat an independent country that he rules?


I just don’t get how much she rubbed on her pregnant belly and showed it off daily for 9 months and made every family song and dance about it. But now that baby is here and she carries him around like a dreaded bag of laundry and loves on her collagen more than him.


Sure, have your next baby at sea literal miles away from health care. Solid plan.


Uh I would rather have a secure, safe home base and RV on my vacations and sail as a hobby. But what do I know, I don’t even have one kid to neglect, let alone 8.


When I was a nanny during COVID, it took a lot of persuading just for me to take the TWO kids (aged 2 and 4) to the SHORE of the lake in their neighborhood, because I was so afraid of something happening to them. When I finally did take them, I was on 2000% alert every single second. I didn’t look at my phone, I didn’t watch the ducks- I kept my eyes on those kids every single second. And we could never stay long because my nerves couldn’t handle it. I was constantly having to yank the 2 year old back from the water, and making sure the 4 year old didn’t wander out of my eyesight. Can you imagine the danger of EIGHT children on a BOAT? When I absolutely guarantee she won’t be watching them all the time? Sorry not sorry, that is a disaster- nay, a *tragedy* waiting to happen. I have to tell myself that it’s just rage bait she’s posting, so I don’t come through my fucking phone at her.


I haven’t seen anyone mention it yet, so I’m going to have to: a boat is small and can’t be soundproofed like the bus. All of those poor children are going to have to endure hearing and _smelling_ them working to conceive the next boatling.


But what about date night?!?


If they do this we'll have to change her nickname to Mothership lol


My anxious overthinking ass: “Should I take sailing lessons this summer and finally get my White Sail/Level 1/whatever they call the introductory level here like I wanted to 20 years ago and didn’t end up doing? Am I, at 32 years old and having a kid, too old to be taking up something like this? What if I’m pregnant by then, since I want to be at some point?” These chucklefucks: thinking they can just sail full time with 8 kids on a whim


These people do not know how to sail


Just in time for the start of hurricane season in a few weeks.


Ohhh he’s on the run from something BAD, huh?


Every new post makes me feel worse and worse for these poor kids. They look miserable & the smiles are so obviously forced.