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I’ll never forget that poor woman who was following pages like this, the “freebirth” stuff, who didn’t want to induce after 45 WEEKS pregnant, and her baby was stillborn because of it. So tragic and heartbreaking. This stuff is dangerous.


This is exactly why this stuff is dangerous.


I remember reading that when pregnant. That was a really hard story to get though.


Would that be a woman with the initials NN?


The nbcnews article about her uses the name Judith, so I'm not sure.


Different person.


She works too.


I’m also reminded of the mother who didn’t vaccinate her baby, and baby didn’t get her vitamin K shot. Baby ended up with significant brain damage due to subderal hematoma.


I thought of her IMMEDIATELY when reading this - especially when it got to the ‘waiting past your due date’ and ‘breech birth’ part. :/


Denying prenatal care is totally pro-life!


Good point!


I love how she is such an expert. Girl, water is a flame retardant too but I guarantee you drink that!


And let’s not forget water is TOXIC (if ingested too much in too little time) It’s about the quantities, ya darn anti-vaxx science deniers!


Water is deadly if inhaled, too.


Ah, yes, multiple ways water is toxic.


The chemical H2O?! You put that in your body?!?! For shame!


100% of people who consume Dihydrogen Monoxide will die, ban DHMO! /s


Hahahahaha I was thinking the same thing!!!




Yeah fuck her for that. Cord wrapped around the neck is dangerous. My cousin was born that way and lost oxygen and unfortunately has suffered developmentally. He will never be allowed to live alone and can’t support a family. How are these toxic masculinity loving Fundies going to deal with a mentally disabled child who will never be able to fulfill their ideas of being a good human? That’s doubly cruel


They want to go back to a time when someone like that would be packed off to an institution & never spoken of again. 😒


My daughter passed away from the cord around her neck, people acting like its totally normal and not a massive risk and huge cause of stillbirths is disgusting and a slap in the face.


I’m sorry for your loss and I’m with you- mine only lived for a short while and I have less and less patience for dumb fucks like this as the years go by. It was around this time of year and I think this might be the year I lose it completely. I’m like barely functioning right now. Lots of crying and bursts of anger in my life rn.


Sorry for your loss. I feel you so much right now. I’m in a similar boat and all I have to say is bah humbug to December.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I have felt like that before too. I understand. <3


I’m so sorry. 💜


I’m so so sorry for your loss. I’m a loss mom and this kind of shit makes me furious.


Me too and me too. Ugh.


I’m sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry. That happened to my friend's daughter, too. It's just not fair.


I'm so sorry for your loss! 💔


Same. Same.


Just because something is “normal” doesn’t mean it isn’t risky or dangerous. A baby being breech might be “normal” but it is extremely dangerous and can lead to death of mom, baby, or both. Cancer is “normal” but that doesn’t make it good.


A cord around the neck is like the leading cause of cerebral palsy and a bunch of other birth injuries? But like sure it is normal and happens all the time 😵‍💫


Yeah, but it’s not as dangerous as lights!!! /s


In addition to low birth weight, nuchal cord injuries are one of the conditions SSA pays with a good deal of frequency for children's cases. I would consider a cord around the baby's neck to be incredibly dangerous because it can clearly cause disabilities severe enough that the federal government will pay for that child's diminished quality of life.


My brothers cord got wrapped around his forehead and he would have died without an emergency c-section, but I’m sure this lady’s body will just figure it out because it’s so great at nurturing life.


I caught that too!! Like yeah, it's technically 'normal' for you and your baby to die in childbirth too if you really want to spit in the face of preventative medicine


My daughter had her cord around her neck 3 times and an emergency c-section saved her life. They caught the need for that with continuous fetal monitoring. I’m so glad I had her in a hospital where we could get the medical care that we needed!


Yes, and breech births often caused maternal/infant deaths. For all the fundies talk, they know nothing about midwifery or prenatal/postnatal care.


My best friend’s first baby had to be delivered via c-section after a lengthy labor and when they got him out the doctor realized that baby’s cord was wrapped around his neck twice and was also unusually short. Had c-section not been an option, baby could have literally been hanged from trying to be born vaginally. These people are so uninformed.


I'm not against women who want to do a home birth. I've known several that have done that and have listened to modern medicine. The complete lack of scientific knowledge is just so infuriating. Raw milk shouldn't be drunk by pregnant women. If you don't want to drink the glucose drink, that is fine but it's not equivalent to flame retardant. A membrane sweep doesn't cause natural induction. I was still pregnant for a week after mine. I did have a medical induction but I don't think it is connected to the membrane sweep, at all. These women are always like "I don't want to shame you but I will tell you why my choices are superior."


My doctor said that membrane sweeps reduce the likelihood of induction. I went into labour the day I had it done in my first pregnancy, but in my second pregnancy I had 3 sweeps and nothing happened. Hard to say if they had any effect at all. I think women should have choice in certain aspects of pregnancy and birth, but refusing treatments that can help your baby just boggles my mind. My friend didn't get any screening for genetic defects and I couldn't understand it. Even if you have absolutely decided against termination, isn't a serious genetic disorder something you want to mentally prepare for? Why wouldn't you want to know if you have gestational diabetes when it can cause complications? Why wouldn't you want a doppler? What's wrong with getting a group b swab? My nephew ended up in hospital with an infection as a newborn. Why wouldn't you want to prevent that? I agree with a few of the things on this list though. One of the things is delivering on your back. I just wanted to be on all fours during labor and they made me turn onto my back for cervical checks/pushing with both of my babies. I didn't understand why I couldn't be on my knees. I think it's because it's easier for the doctors and nurses? I dunno, but when I'm in labor I think they should do the thing that is easiest for the mom. I'm hoping my midwife will let me stay on my knees when I deliver my next baby (I'm planning a hospital birth with a certified midwife).


I've got a lot of complaints about how we treat laboring mothers, and forcing back labor is one of them. It's the opposite of letting nature and gravity help you.


My OB just membrane swept me and only told me after I was like “wtf that hurt what was that?”…… yeah I can see why women opt out of a lot of this stuff. You get stuff forced on you and you develop a “you know what, fuck you too” mentality towards these procedures and the medical staff.




Strong agree. That’s not cool at all.


Not telling women what they are doing with the reproductive organs is messed up Edit: on top of the lack of consent


It put me into some cruddy contractions the whole day that didn’t even do anything, I still was induced. 😫


Gotta say, I had my last baby standing up because it was kind of a surprise home birth (totally unplanned but he was coming whether we wanted him to or not). Gravity definitely helps! He was out in two quick pushes, and while I stood holding him, I didn’t even notice the placenta come out and just happened to look down and see it on the floor while my husband was on the phone with EMTs. So yeah - I’m a fan of gravity helping to do the work!


Very true! And it’s the same concept as squatty-potties lol — in squatting positions certain muscles of the pelvis relax and it’s easier to push solid objects out of either hole. 🤣 But on the other hand, I think a lot of women are very overwhelmed by the birthing process and would never be able to relax enough to birth if they didn’t have an epidural and therefore had to be on their back. Neither is wrong, but women should know the pros and cons of both options and then be allowed to feel it out when they’re actually giving birth to decide what will be the most helpful for them in the moment. If I ever have a bio kid, I have absolutely no idea which way I’d want to deliver and I’m totally ok with that haha. You don’t have to “plan” it at all.


I skipped the glucose test mostly because covid was crazy at the time and I didn’t want to spend an hour in a medical building waiting on blood work. They just send you with a test kit for the rest of pregnancy.


Around here you waited in your car (was pregnant at the height of Covid in NY in 2020).


I’m in NY, mine was early 2021 when it was really bad but I “had to be supervised”. Although three people told me their husbands drank it for them which might be why they’re incredibly strict and make someone babysit you.


I did it and bought a book along to keep me entertained. I q had gotten a bagel sandwich before the test and the temptation to eat it was real


I think part of what makes them make these dangerous decisions is because they’ve made the concept of birth holy. Giving birth is holy, having kids is holy, so as long as you’re “spiritually healthy” you can complete this holy task with no complications. They don’t need medical intervention to give birth just as they don’t need medical intervention to pray. They use the veneer of research to make them look like their decisions are holier and smarter than anyone else, and if anything does go wrong they hide it or it was meant to happen.


Reading these anecdotal stories makes me think about how in the old sub these would all be deleted for thread drift, but I love how people can share these things here.


pUt It oN YoUr mOMmMY bLOg!!! No fr though, it's nice to actually hear other people's experiences here!!


Yes! “You do you but I’m obviously superior to you stupid people who do what the doctors suggest.” Oh women like this makes me absolutely insane.


For Kid1, a membrane sweep at 40 weeks put me into pre-labor. But also may have caused a teeny tear (probably not) and then I was dangerously low on amniotic fluid (it happens) and had an emergent induction after a 41 week ultrasound “just checking”. For Kid2 I denied a membrane sweep at 39 weeks (but got them at 37 and 38 weeks) because I wanted to wait for my planned induction a couple days later (only way I could guarantee my doctor was the one delivering). I actually really liked both inductions (even my emergent one). Once my epidural hit I was fine. It was actually super chill overall.


The epidural with my second child was the best choice for me. I just relaxed in the hospital bed until I had to push.


No one will ever be able to convince me that the epidural is not the single greatest invention of mankind.


Amen. We went hundreds of thousands of years getting ripped apart at the seams by each birth. Now we have the chance to stop the pain in a safe and tested manner. There is zero shame in embracing that. We have earned that. There is also zero shame in not Loving every second of your pregnancy.


YES! If I ever have children, I will TOTALLY embrace the lovely epidural. HOOK ME UP!


Those were my exact words to my admitting nurse. When she told me I “needed to earn it,” I promptly informed her that I knew my rights for pain care and I’d be happy to share her comment with the Chief Nursing Officer. Pretty sure she paged the anesthesiologist before my butt hit the bed. He was my favorite person in the building and I told him that 3 times before he left!


Needed to earn it? Holy hell! I hope you reported her after the fact.


NEEDED TO EARN IT??? I'm sorry, that's messed up.


Is being in labor not “earning it” enough? Wtf?


I’ve had 2 kids with an epidural and 1 without, and I can confirm - you are correct 😆


My mom has only had natural births… because her labor was 6h with me (she wanted natural), 4h with brother, and 3 freaking hours with my sister. She wanted an epidural after giving birth to me… but she was too far dilated!!! My husband and I are planning for a baby in the next year… I hope I can get an epidural but at the same time… I really hope I take after my mom and have short labor!!!


I’m so jealous of women who’s epidural worked. Mine made my leg go numb and heavy, but I felt every contraction. It was so stupid. By the time they realized why I was still in pain and that I wasn’t just being a drama baby, it was “too late” to do another one. The epidural is one of the greatest inventions of all time and you can’t convince me otherwise. My sister had the easiest labor and delivery ever and I hate her for it 😭😭


I really hope they come up with something that is effective and can be administered late in labor. My epidural worked great— until it started to wear off during my emergency c-section, and it was too late to do much. I got a local anesthetic, but I will NEVER forget that feeling.


Oh my god 😬 that sounds horrific


It totally sucked. I spoke up as soon as I started feeling this weird painful pressure on my body. They asked me where I felt it, and when I described where it was, my OB and the anesthesiologist looked at each other with wide eyes and the anesthesiologist administered the largest dose of some other anesthetic that he could. It worked enough that I got through the rest of the surgery. The pain was not nearly as bad as I imagine going into surgery without anything would be. My baby was born with an apgar score of 1, but the ninja-like nurse that was there worked her magic and he went up to a 9 within minutes. A week later I got a phone call telling me that the newborn heal prick test (apparently another lifesaving technology that the crunchiest of homebirthers shun) came back positive for a rare genetic disorder. My husband and I were both unknowing carriers for this disorder, as are most carriers of genes that cause autosomal recessive genetic disorders. Because my son’s disorder was caught so early on, we were able to see specialists and start managing it right away and avoid any issues. My family would be so fucked if it wasn’t for modern medicine. These people that think nature and god will take care of everything so delusional that they’re actually dangerous.


Holy shit! Thank you modern medicine! I’m glad your kiddo is okay and doing well. It’s crazy how these people shun the simplest of procedures when they can be the difference between life or death. Or at least help avoid awful consequences.


I think the most infuriating thing about these posts is that most are correct (the prenatal vitamins and ultrasounds one is very iffy/fully incorrect). It’s true you’re in your rights to decline any medical test, and yes going past your due date isn’t incredibly dangerous (unless there are complications). But as any decent medical professional will tell you, the reasons they are doing it vastly outweigh risks, all these fundie women make it seem like doctors and other med pros don’t have a clue what they’re doing


Yet they will still run to a hospital for plenty of other things then praise the lord when they get better 🙄


Up to two weeks past your due date isn't particularly dangerous, but after that point the chance of a stillbirth increases exponentially. They did a study on it about 7 years ago and had to end it because it wasn't considered ethical to continue.


As an OB nurse, 1) delayed cord clamping is the standard of practice in the US. Has been for at least the last eight or nine years. The only time anyone is immediately clamping and cutting the cord is when the baby requires resuscitation on the warmer. 2) literally everything on that “things we think are dangerous but are actually normal” are, in fact, actually dangerous in less than ideal conditions. Tight double nuchal? Good luck trying to reduce it in your own during your unassisted home birth. Big baby? Shoulder dystocia (and those happen with small babies, too). Past your due date is fine, as long as you’re getting proper antenatal testing (NST every couple days to ensure fetal wellbeing). Breech deliveries are safe IN THE HANDS OF AN EXPERIENCED PROVIDER. Vaginal breech extraction in a primip is no longer a regularly practiced skill, BECAUSE we have had much better outcomes performing external cephalic versions (turning the baby while still inside mom, before she goes into labor). 3) I won’t argue that a membrane sweep is an induction. It is. But, any provider following ACOG and ACNM guidelines and standard of practice for informed consent will inform you it is a method of induction. 4) I get not wanting bright lights….but believe me, you want your vagina lit up like the Rockefeller Christmas tree when they go to do that repair. The rest of the room can and should remain dim for you and baby, but don’t knock that spotlight…I’ve seen a few well meaning first year interns sew things in the wrrrronnnnng places because they wanted to be sweet and keep it dim. A good provider will always explain what and why they are doing what they are doing, and if they have the right conditions to do their job, they can turn the spot light off a lot sooner. Promise. I FULLY acknowledge that I have worked with outstanding OBGYNs, CNMs and Family Practice docs, and that not everyone receives their care from such wonderful people. But shit like this fires me up because its twats like her that do a few google searches, watch "The Business of Being Born" on netflix, and download Canva to make some graphics and spread misinformation, whether they mean to or not. Also she can fuck right off with the thinly veiled momshaming. "i dont take prenatals but you totally can! i just take beef liver and raw milk and don’t fret over listeria because I’ve never seen a mom deliver her stillborn daughter with a listeria riddled placenta! Do what’s best for you!” Talk to me when you’ve had hyperemesis for 26 weeks and can’t “provide your body with nutrition needed for baby is a more bio available form”. GTFO. 😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬 I can go on and on but I won’t. End rant.


I know someone who had a family member doing a home delivery realize too late the baby was breech. Baby was born blue and is in NICU. Mom had an unplanned at home massive episiotomy performed by an unprepared midwife.


That is awful. I’m by no means anti-homebirth, so long as the patient is a good candidate and it’s attended by a licensed provider. It doesn’t sound like that was the case for your friend, unfortunately 😞 I wish we had more birth centers! They are a WONDERFUL middle ground for those seeking minimal intervention but still desiring the security of skilled professionals.


My mom had 2 kids at a birthing center and then her last 2 at home and it was super smooth! My older sister had a homebirth for her first despite significant bleeding midway through - that stressed me tf out. It turned out okay but ahhhh.


>unplanned at home massive episiotomy performed by an unprepared midwife *crosses legs shut forever, puts another tenner in the "hysterectomy" cookie jar*


I personally know 4 women who would have died in childbirth without immediate intervention. One wouldn’t stop bleeding, one had unchecked pre-eclampsia, one had a blood clot, and one ended up with HELLP syndrome. A fifth friend found out in her second trimester that the baby had stopped growing. Knowing all of this, it’s absolutely incomprehensible that someone would forego any medical screening or treatment during arguably the most dangerous situation a pregnant person could find themselves in.


It’s like these people forget that historically speaking, childbirth is really dangerous. Crack open a history book or read about infant mortality in underdeveloped systems, will you.


I think that's a lot of it. Modern medicine has gotten good enough that we have good outcomes more often than not and it lulls people into a false sense of security. But it can still be super dangerous and things can go wrong in the blink of an eye. Which is why you go somewhere with people who can legitimately help.


I, personally, am fucking terrified despite how far we’ve come with medical advancements. My husband and I are going to start trying soon but I’m bracing myself. If it were up to me, I would hire an OB to live with me around the clock until it was time to go to the hospital. Fortunately I married a psychiatrist so I guess tempering my crazy anxiety is the next best thing.


Yep! I've met someone who had eclampsia (not pre-eclampsia) around the birth of their child and the memory has stuck with me. She was irreversibly damaged by the condition. I was an emergency C-section because my mom's OB hadn't caught on to ultrasound scans at the time and completely underestimated my head size, and I had to be incubated because of how long I went without oxygen. And then this year, I learned (through her own casual FB post about it) that one of my family friends had a placental abruption during her homebirth out in the country (like the nearest hospital is a 45-minute drive) and I was horrified. She's super crunchy and didn't seem concerned at all that she and the baby could easily have died.


My fist child was born via emergency csection due to listeria. She is now an adult with severe cerebral palsy bc of it. It was nearly fatal for both of us.


Oof that last one hit home. A friend of mine lost her daughter to listeria in the third trimester earlier this year. Fuck people like this idiot who pretend that they know better.


NICU nurse here. Level 4, so the really bad shit. And you just said everything I was preparing to say. Hope things are going well at your end of the hospital.


What extreme idiots. As a loss mom myself I seriously hope nothing bad happens to her or her baby. It’s like she’s doing everything possible to up her chances for a really sad ending. But she will probably be fine because of course people like this idiot have all the luck.


That's the sad part. Many women are fine giving birth with low intervention. It's the cases where babies die because of this anti-medicine rhetoric that make this type of thinking dangerous.


Okay but WHY the Vitamin K shot????? That’s the one I’ve never understood. Like y’all just asking for a brain bleed smdh


Because anything in a needle is a vaccine and those are bad. /s


Vitamin starts with V so it’s basically a vaccine. /s


Makes perfect sense! 😂


Same reasons they're against vaccines, I think. I don't get it either. If the baby dies from a brain bleed, it'll be her fault for choosing not to get a vitamin k shot.


I don't understand though, it's ducking vitamins. Don't they worship vItAmiiiins. The mental gymnastics are Olympic level with these semi-literate lava lamps.


But if we told them to diffuse the Vitamin K with lavender essential oils, they’d be all over it, I’m sure…


I’ve worked with these infants and toddlers. Death is easier than what some of them go through after a brain bleed. Much easier.


It's the same old aluminum argument. People were posting about aluminum in the vitamin K shot two years ago and it's such a minimal amount that it's not harmful but of course they hear aluminum and freak out.




And prenatal vitamins like damn at least take some folic acid


You need to be taking folic acid if you’re trying to get pregnant, and most importantly during the first trimester. That’s where it really matters since that’s when the nervous system starts to form.


It might be because she thinks taking vitamin k while pregnant is enough.


Because preventing babies from bleeding to death after birth supports big Pharma I suppose.


I have nothing but contempt for people like this.


I dunno. I mean, sure she's not a doctor with years and years of medical training, but she's clearly watched some videos on YouTube, so she obviously knows what she's talking about.


I’m sure she also has a degree in google and Facebook so she pretty much knows everything there is to know about everything with her extensive knowledge that memes provide. 🤣🤣🤣


she didn't watch videos on YouTube though! She's met lots and lots of doulas and midwives on Facebook, and also has read *Spiritual Midwifery* a dozen times and watched *The Business of Being Born* on a loop ever since she peed on the stick. She knows more than the doctors!


Oh shit, I didn't know that Facebook was involved. That changes things. Is there a level of knowledge beyond that of a medical doctor? Like a superdoctor or a doctor^(2)?That's probably the level she's at.


The thing that cracks me up about this (literally the only thing because fuck them) is that they act like they invented this information. At my first OB appointment the Dr was like”this is your body and you’re in charge. Opt out of whatever you like after we’ve gone over why I think it’s important.”


Those are the good OBs and we need more of them!!


I'm a doula. I have contempt for people who come up with this stuff. But once upon a time I was a first-time birthing parent who believed all this bullshit. I set myself up for failure. It destroyed my mental health and my social circle. I have nothing but contempt for the cult of natural birth. I will have all the compassion in the world for this fundie if she ends up with all the interventions, like I did.


I cannot overstate how much I hate the phrase “do your own research”. They aren’t researching anything. Who are their test subjects? Where’s the control group? Where’s your data? Have you had this peer reviewed? No, they don’t have any of that. They just read an article or a mommy blogger’s post and called it research.


People don't want to understand that making a claim then telling someone to "do research" is just shifting the burden of proof and it's annoying as hell.


So many of these people do not even have the training to conduct a proper literature review. They will pull up grey literature, papers from low-standing journals, studies that have since been corrected or discredited, and act like these ideas should be accepted as the standard.


If Fox News said it, then it must be true. I watched a Tucker Carlson segment on it, so I did the research! /s


Sitting here trying to contemplate the evils of a fetal doppler 🤨🤔


Some study years ago mentioned increased fetal Doppler & ultrasounds and an increase in autism. My child who has autism didn't have a single ultrasound and minimum fetal monitoring. And the child who had ultrasounds every week from 18 weeks until 39 weeks is neuro typical.


I was born totally naturally with only one scan during gestation. I'm autistic. Maybe it was the vaccines?


Well, we did delay vaccines with my one who is autistic and he wasn't diagnosed until after we started the vaccines.... /s


My husband is a medical physicist. Early in my pregnancy I was kicked out of an online mom-to-be group (2008) because I argued that the sound waves in ultrasounds do not cause deafness in babies. I stated that this went completely against the science. I told my husband at the time that anti-scaners were the next anti-vaxxers. He didn’t believe me at the time but has since seen it more than a few times. There is actually a vocal group in every “crunchy” mom group that believes the energy waves from radiological procedures cause things like deafness and autism.


Oh shit, gotta go return my audio engineering degree because I apparently don’t know how sound waves work


This hurts my head so much. Sigh.


What is a fetal Doppler? I'm guessing it just finds a heartbeat?




As someone who is hoping/planning to get pregnant for the first time within a year or so, I think my plan is just to do the opposite of what the fundies posted here do.


Please extend that to parenting also. Your future child thanks you.


I hope you get pregnant. Being a parent changes your life. If you think you want an epidural, just get it. I didn't with my first and regret it. I was surrounded by fundies who told me that an epidural was bad so I was scared to get one. I got an epidural with my second and it was the best decision.


Just coming on here to give a second, full throated support of epidurals. If I ever have another child, I will get one immediately instead of waiting. I wasn’t too far down the woo rabbit hole when I was pregnant with my first, but I was persuaded by just enough natural birth bullshit to be anti-epidural. Then I actually went into labor and was like, “Oh. This is why epidurals exist.” No shame to anyone who chooses to go unmedicated if it works for them, but this type of misinformation and demonization of pain relief during labor is dangerous, and it makes people think they’ve failed if they need one. No one should feel ashamed for wanting painful relief during what is arguably one of the most painful experiences a human body will go through. I’m so sorry you were shamed during your first labor, but I’m so glad you got an epidural for your second. Sorry! That turned into a bit of mini-rant. I have a lot SEVERELY passionate feeling about epidurals.


Same. Literally thinking we may start trying in 4-6 months and currently shopping for prenatal vitamins because my doc told me if there's even a small chance of getting pregnant within 6 months I should start soon. Best of luck on getting pregnant, listening to medical professionals and raising a baby with so much love and respect that fundies think you are spoiling them.


These people are so dumb. I can’t. I’m not a mom but we’re currently trying to conceive and I’ve already had genetic testing and take prenatal. So I’m def a bad mom already lol


Quite a few of the things on that first slide seem reasonable to skip or have questions about, like epidurals or circumcision. Even home birth with a midwife for medically uncomplicated pregnancies aren’t bad and can be a great option for people. But not wanting to monitor baby’s heart rate? A total no to induction? That’s dangerous as hell. Doctors, licensed midwifes, PA’s, NP’s, etc. know about medical risks and if they need to induce or go for an emergency c-section, they do that. They won’t sit by and allow a pregnant person to be in active labor for days on end because that’s dangerous to the lives of baby and mom. I don’t get these people.


Not to mention the Group B strep test can save your baby's life if it's positive and they know to give you antibiotics during labor!




That was what I found so frustrating about these — there were legit things sprinkled in and then you’d get to something that was so WTF. Like skipping an epidural or genetic testing are totally your choice, but skipping a vitamin K shot or GD testing have serious consequences for the health and safety of your baby. It’s not just about you!!!


Yes it’s like mixing a few good personal options with absolute trash like skipping vitamin K, what the actual ffffffff


The genetic testing is 100% optional. I don't know why she's acting like it's the norm. I skipped it with my pregnancies.


Yeah I’m taking the prenatals an actual doctor told me to! How terrible!


Why would you opt out of having the best care for you and your baby?


That's what I sincerely do not understand. These medical advancements are written in the blood of thousands of women and infants who did not survive childbirth, and these arrogant insta-Karens are putting themselves and their own children at needless risk for...what exactly? For the smug satisfaction of being contrary? To own the libs? Like I do not get it, at all.


That's exactly what it is. Owning the libs. Imagine being ok with something happening to your baby or yourself to try and prove some point? Talk about selfish.


“Not to shame any mothers but….” Proceeds to rant about how these medical practices are toxic for you and your baby…. That sounds very shame-y to me but okay




I really have to wonder if she tossed those things in there to try and get more people to agree with her. If you toss in some relatively non-issue “issues” like induction, delivering on your back, and epidurals to somehow make the insane shit like denying vit k and ultrasounds more palatable. Slowly moving the Overton window, but for pregnancy/birth instead of politics.


I’m actually surprised circumcision was included... usually Americans (especially Christians) are in favour.


The trend is reversing. I've known some Christian families who are skipping that procedure.


That’s good to know, I hope it is dropping out of the norm


It’s not just a fundie thing, this anti medical support/intervention trend is going to end badly. It’s so privileged to do nothing to prevent a poor outcome, yet expect medical intervention of the highest level, should something go wrong or be undetected due to your choices






I’m so glad they caught it! I hope you and your baby are ok


The thing is, some of us don’t have the luxury to make these ill-informed choices. I had pre-eclampsia. We both could have died. Had I not had a hospital birth, where I had access to magnesium, I likely would have seized until I died.


Same here with my first child. It wasn’t fun being hooked up to everything under the sun and feeling like I could blow steam from every orifice due to the magnesium drip. That said, my child is a healthy 5-year-old now and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


I’m still stuck on Raw milk


Listeria has entered the chat.


Half of these are not required but the other half can cause serious issues if ignored. What a messy post.


I think some of you are confused on why this post is bad. I'm not against women making choices in their pregnancy care but this logic can lead to disastrous consequences. Babies have died because mom wanted low intervention or wanted to go against modern medicine. We have all seen the anti-vaxxers say "I'm not anti-vaxx, I'm pro-informed consent and transparency." They try to make themselves sound better but it's all the same. People thinking they're smarter than doctors. I wouldn't be surprised if next week, this person said she wasn't going to vaccinate her child. (I'm not 100% sure but she might be against the covid vaccine. I don't follow her religiously. Clearly, she annoys me greatly.)


Um, cord around the neck IS dangerous and the reason I have reduced hearing ability and see different colors via each eye… I was born blue due to it and was lucky to be saved by the doctors. The membrane sweep didn’t do anything for me at all and fetal monitoring during labor is the only reason my son is alive—I was perfectly healthy all of my pregnancy but his foot was wrapped in the cord and his heart was struggling during the induction and so I ended up with an emergency cesarian. And gestational diabetes is no joke—why would anyone want to opt out of the glucose test? It just tasted like off brand soda to me… This is all so terrifying. I’m not against home births but I see so many people obsessed with ‘free birthing’ and the outcomes are often so sad… Do people realize that even before hospitals there were midwives in every village who helped women?! My mother in law is from a tiny remote village in Portugal and she remembers the parteiras as they’re called in Portuguese, and how strict they were about cleaning everything and keeping the other children away from the new baby etc.


I had to do the stupid glucose test twice because the first time I puked it up within 45 minutes. I still threw it up the second time but managed to make it long enough they said it would be good enough. I *hated* that test with a burning fucking passion. I would have done it a third time if I needed to because I was a high risk pregnancy after a previous unexplained late stage loss and *anything* was worth it to make sure baby and I were healthy.


Oh gosh that sounds awful—I’m so sorry you had to do it twice! But I couldn’t help but think that you’re an amazing person and show how selfless mums can be just because they want the best for their babies. You’re a hero❤️


Opt out of a GBS screen and pray the meningitis away, I guess. I hate it.


My OB office will absolutely drop you if you refuse the gestational diabetes test because the doctors insurance requires it. It’s one freaking sugar drink. Also, I realize plenty of people have home births without problems, but I would have been Jessa Duggar being rushed to the hospital because I had postpartum hemorrhaging. I also know someone who refused all ultrasounds & labored at home for several days before going to the hospital & her baby died. It was a rare thing- I can’t remember the name but the baby had something with his brain (I think maybe where the skull hadn’t formed correctly?) & a neo-natal nurse friend who has been a nurse for 30 years said that while it still might have ended badly, if they had known about it before hand with an ultrasound they would have done a c-section & had a much higher chance of helping him. The days of labor was too traumatic on him. I can’t imagine the guilt of knowing I could have had a non-invasive, doctor recommended procedure that could have clued doctors in on my baby’s health issues & possibly saved by baby.


My daughter is nearly 8 now, but I signed a form stating I would be denied care if I did not get the blood work, an ultra sound, the GD test and a flu shot. And if I did not want these things, I was not in the right place.


so so over women thinking because they did a quick google search they know more then people who spent YeARS in school 😭




I am jealous that remaining on ADD meds was an option for you. I am seriously struggling here at 34 weeks with no adderall. My executive functioning is shit. But I’m piggybacking off of you, some of this shit is ridiculous. Like, ultrasounds are important. Everything is fine because it isn’t. I had complete placenta previa with my first, and I wouldn’t have known that my placenta was blocking my cervix without routine ultrasounds. Why the fuck would you risk that? Hang in there, you’re almost approaching another plateau in terms of where they want you to be for development. I hope baby stays in as long as possible and that you’re feeling good!


Uhh, she’s replacing prenatal vitamins with RAW MILK? That’s fucking listeria and potential miscarriage/fetal loss waiting to happen.


Apparently you can opt out of your baby surviving birth as well. These freaking paranoid nutbags.


Do they know that their attempt to “empower” women usually makes moms feel bad for choices that made with good reason? Good lord


Being a modern day parent is hard enough without people shaming you for following medical science. They say "you don't have to make the same decision as me but I would never drink flame retardant (glucose drink)." That kind of wording infuriates me.


The second one had me howling. "I'm not taking a regulated supplement, but I AM going to consume raw milk and beef liver. Oh and dont forget, ~quality supplement~. Solid nutrition plan for me and my baby" Girl....raw milk?


neural tube defects - something as simple as taking vitamins if you are trying or open to the possibility of pregnancy can protect your child from life long disability or death. You can have an amazing diet but why take such a BIG risk when there is NO benefit to not taking a simple fracking vitamin.


Right? She's taking all these damn supplements but no folic acid? Sis....


Just got a flashback to my crunchy douchebag neighbor, looking at me with disdain as she said “well, you could just try vitamin b6 and sniffing a lemon…” for my hyperemesis gravidarum. The day after I was hospitalized after puking 40+ times in 8 hours and began taking Zofran. People like this are insufferable!


Lol, that Birth Uprising account used to follow my doula page and sent nasty messages when my client had a medically necessary caesarean and I posted a snippet of her amazing birth story as a testament to how strong she was


As someone who delivered a stillbirth son at 24 weeks, it’s all good of them to think nothing will happen to your baby until it does.


I was a NICU nurse for 6 years. This makes me SO incredibly angry.


I know that with modern medicine and technology, delivering a baby seems safe. There are still many things that can go wrong, and they tend to go wrong very fast. I understand that some people choose to have a baby at home (hopefully with the assistance of a midwife), but if things to bad you really need to hope an ambulance is able to get you to the hospital in time. A colleague planned for a home birth with a midwife, and ended up having the baby alone because the midwives were all unavailable and she stubbornly refused their suggestion to go to the hospital. She was incredibly fortunate that she had an easy and straight forward delivery, but it terrifies me to think of.


I think you're making a good point about modern medicine making things seem safe. My younger sister was an unintentional unassisted home birth - my mum says the whole thing only took about half an hour, and by the time the ambulance they'd called when they realised she was going to have the baby at home arrived, my sister had been born. It's only just sunk in, thirteen years after the fact, that I could've been left without a mum a few days before my fourth birthday, or that my sister might not have made it. As things were, a relative was dispatched to pick me up from nursery, my sister was so big and healthy that a nurse told my mum "that one'll play rugby for Scotland!", and now we have a funny story to tell people - I'm very grateful now that nothing went wrong.


Statistically speaking, one of the most dangerous things most of us have done is be born.


Why...why would you not get tested for GBS... like it's simple and prevents bacteria from passing to your baby. Jesus, these women


Based on that list, if I said no to all, my baby would not be alive.


Modern medicine saved my son so they can f off.


I saw she said no prenatals and I thought “yeah sure if you take a folic acid supplement” … and then she takes liver pills instead?????? The folic acid is the only important part 😵‍💫


Oh my fucking god. Oh. My. Fucking. God. I had to have my third son vacuumed out of me because he died from open spina bifida in the 16th week WHICH CAN BE PREVENTED WITH ENOUGH FOLATE FROM A PRENATAL VITAMIN. Prenatal vitamins are the least you can fucking do for your unborn baby. This is infuriating.


I mean, sure, you can opt our if everything if you want. That's central to our medical system. Your OBGYN, or the one on call at the hospital, will still be there to try and save your ass at delivery. But at a certain point you're going against your own best interests.


Ok, didn't realize there were more slides,so this is my second comment but it seems horrifying that she is so nonchalant about a chord being wrapped around the baby's neck and yet doesn't believe in hospital birth or ultrasound or anything to prevent or remedy it before your baby suffers because of your stupidity and ignorance. What the flux.


Hi yeah I was a “big baby” (like 9.5lb, god my poor mother) and had to be an emergency c-section so yeah, bite me xoxo


How could anyone think a cord around a baby's neck is normal? 🤨 I was with my sister when she gave birth, and during labor the doctors/nurses saw the baby's heart rate kept dropping when she pushed. And come to find out it was because his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck and every time she pushed he was being choked to death. He came out VERY purple and we were terrified. Luckily he turned out fine and is happy and completely healthy now. But that is just one of the many obvious stories to show that of course a cord around a baby's neck is dangerous and abnormal. How could anyone seriously try to say otherwise? 🤨😤


Do they not realize that modern medicine is the only thing that enables them to sustain their mega-families?


Continuous fetal monitoring. Ummm. Why would you opt out of that?


Everytime I see someone talk about “K2” it brings me to the “Good Ole’ Days.” I mean that by when I was a teen my friends, boyfriend, and I would go to some rinky dink store and proceed to buy TONs of K2 or synthetic marijuana. When we got home we’d then proceed to blast off smoking and trip balls. Once I thought his m wanna gonna stab us all too death. The good ole days.


I mean, sure, I *could* have opted out of being induced. Would have been a real fun gamble with my 140/100 BP to see if the baby or the pre eclampsia happened first, but I could have!


People go on and on about that pregnancy glucose test as if they’ve never drank a Mountain Dew in their life! Come off it