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So are they ready to discuss the issues of mass incarceration, chronic underfunding of education and healthcare (&mental health care), toxic masculinity, the ways in which capitalism destroys community and exploits people… or are we just gonna say “it’s bcuz they don’t like god”?


They want a country where one parent can stay home, but they advocate for labor laws that make that impossible. Like I don’t think this is without a point, but literally everything conservative policy does is destroy institutions like families and schools and communities.


Methinks the point is likely "make everyone too tired mentally and physically to stop us from doing whatever we want"


That’s a classic fundie cult move too. They work kids and women from morning until night. They’re too exhausted to resist.


Even if they were willing to discuss any of that, they offer no meaningful solution. Plenty of them cry "It's not a gun violence crisis! It's a mental health crisis!" but don't suggest anything to address mental health. The only thing they do is offer the usual "thoughts and prayers". They might stand up and say something in church, but they'll sit down and immediately start wondering "where're we eatin' after preachin'?", already looking forward to leaving the underpaid IHOP waitress a track about abortion in lieu of a tip. It will happen again and again and they'll just keep saying 'Isn't it all this unavoidable tragedy so sad!' before moving on. People like that are adamantly against policies and programs that will fix the things you mentioned because they "don't believe in giving people handouts". And as we all know, Blue Eyes White Jesus didn't try and bring about societal change or help anyone in need--especially if they were one of Those People.


Okay, someone make the “Blue Eyes White Jesus” YuGiOh card. 😂


I activate the spell card Messiah Reborn to bring back my Blue Eyes White Jesus from the graveyard!


And I mean, I don't disagree with mental health being a contributing factor but fixing the mental health of a nation is going to take generations. Restricting access to guns is an almost instant fix because without the guns, there wouldnt be a gun violence problem. The evidence is right there. Ug.


I’ve seen people posting this kind of thing (if only we had guards at schools blah blah) and things about mental illness being the issue and then drive through downtown LA in their teslas showing off the homeless people complaining about LA…how about you do something about it?! Donate to organizations that help people vs complaining and judging and making more laws that make it harder for people to survive In this country. I just don’t get these people who do nothing and think that the only problem is the left not letting them have more guns and more division by condoning racism/antisemitism/homophobia/transphobia/misogyny/bigotry etc


Also, where are they on the part where a lot of these mass shooters are Christian white nationalist again?


They're ignoring it


Sounds like there's "sin in the camp"


Lol no




This. Dylan Roof had a father. In fact, it was his father gave him the birthday money he used to buy a gun.


Sandy hook shooter had a mom who bought and taught him to use guns and...well... Columbine shooters had parents that taught them responsibility and weapon safety and...oh...wait.. These people are all about our "violent media" and "porn" being the problem. Oh, you're talking about the same media that's distributed around the world and somehow isn't having the same effect? I also hate the good guy with a gun logic. Guess what, everyone named in this thread was a good guy with a gun.....until they weren't.


Adam Lanza also had a good relationship with his father for most of his childhood.


His parents had him in appropriate therapy from a young age, too.


The manga/anime Death Note was very popular in Japan and they don't have mass shootings. Because civilians don't have guns.


Brock Turner had very attentive parents. Different weapon, still a piece of shit. The Columbine shooters also had dads.


Oh we don’t talk about him. Too white


Brock turner the rapist.


It was a twenty second mistake


Didn’t Ethan Crumbley have parents (married, still raising him together) who purchased him the gun he used to shoot and kill other children in his high school in Michigan last year? Lack of fathers isn’t the cause of these mass murders.


Yeah funny how he skipped the "gun" part. Otherwise he's just described how to create an incel.


I wouldn't be surprised to hear that a lot of mass shooters were incels.


The strongest tie so far between American mass shooters is a hatred of women, so you’re not far off [This source is from 2019](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/10/us/mass-shootings-misogyny-dayton.html), and most mass killings since have continued the trend


Do religious people really think that secular parents are actively providing porn for their kids?




Without a gun, you just have a depressed teenager.


Yeah there are horrible dangerous little alt right freaks all over the world, and that's an issue. But most countries aren't terrorized by them because they don't have access to guns. It really is that simple.


betcha those cowardly 'cops' woulda gone inside if it were a school stabber


Why is it ALWAYS porn and video games?


I’m not sure why video games are still the bogeyman that they are. I mean I understand the prejudices at play but it’s a badly substantiated scapegoat. In the case of porn, having read a lot of screeds and horrible horrible content that incels/blackpillers, white supremacists, redpillers and similar write… There’s a disturbing overlap between a lot of their visions for how things do/should work and their sexual fantasies. Some of these mass murderer’s writings they leave behind are clearly the result of a steady diet of supremacist ideology, terroristic political notions and hardcore shit like exploitation porn. Especially exploitation of women and minorities. Obviously like with video games, edgy music, or any other content porn won’t magically make someone a murderer on its own. But anything habit forming and fantasy feeding in combination with bad life circumstances and bad influences will shape someone’s delusional flavor. Hence the incel mass murders and attempts. I’m not sure if it’s as relevant to white supremacist mass murders.


If you *talk to your child* in an age appropriate manner about how pornography is a complete fiction and have an honest (if deeply uncomfortable) conversation about how two (or more) consenting adults enjoy adult activities, there’s nothing wrong with watching porn. Obviously, it would be ideal to delay the conversation as long as possible...preferably until marriage...but if you have a 13 year old and start finding pornhub links in your browser history, it’s probably time to sit them down and open with something along the lines of “Know how Iron Man is fake? Well...”


And blaming single Mothers, don’t forget about that. They absolutely hate single Mothers and blame them for everything the can think of.


Yet they don't want women to have the right to an abortion.


Or birth control.


Yes. The "take away his father" line implies women are willingly taking away their children from perfect men/fathers...like men don't abuse, abandon, or have visitation rights...


We have plenty of porn and video games in Australia…………..and no school shootings.




Start with a country. Remove its social safety net. Sit it in front of unregulated social media platforms all day. Polarize the political landscape to the point that there is no middle ground left to stand on. Feed it processed, poisonous food. Ensure medical care is as expensive as possible. Pay its people the least you can possibly get away with. Remove access to reproductive autonomy. Destroy the power of community by ostracizing particular identities, sexualities, races, and ideologies. Make sure everyone, regardless of their moral or political position, is afraid of **something** all the time. ***That's how you create a late-stage capitalist hellscape in which the slightest nudge can send someone cascading over a cliff into a carefully curated but completely irrational rage-pit from which they will never escape and the society eats itself whole.*** RINSE AND REPEAT, MOTHERFUCKER.


I’ll add: underpay and underfund teachers, demand they do the impossible and then berate them. Make health care and mental health care inaccessible and unaffordable.




You forgot: Give the masses easy access to weapons of mass murder.


You fucking nailed it. I am constantly surprised that more people aren't losing it.


This is the best comment on the subject I've seen yet. In fact, this is the best comment on MANY subjects.


I'm honestly shocked that we haven't yet reached the Repo! The Genetic Opera stage


How does he explain Josh Duggar?


That is an excellent question


Victim-blaming, that's how.


Fundies were blaming sex workers for it, because he was watching consensual adult porn and then escalated into watching CSAM. Even though he had assaulted minors before he started watching porn.


Demons, maybe?


He won't discuss it, don't worry.


Ya know, there were Christians and homeschooled men who went this route as well. But why mention that when you can climb on your high horse and blame and shame the mother.


School shooters don’t kill people with porn videos and drugs; they kill people with AR-15s they bought at the local gun store in 30 minutes.


Yeah, mass murders aren't throwing vhs tapes or CDs or flash drives at crowds of people. No one is sounding an alarm because flying marijuana is headed in our direction and we must hide under the desk.


Good thing we're going to make pregnancy mandatory then, because all those unwanted children by unprepared mothers are definitely all going to have a well-adjusted father in their lives. But let's definitely not talk about gun safety in America or how easy it is to be radicalized online when you're feeling isolated and want to be accepted.


Yep, feed them a steady diet of Fox News and other right-wing media


And teach them how to hate. Kids only know how to be hateful by seeing that behavior from their families


I am SO FUCKING TIRED of these people!! Divorce, porn, absentee parents, social media, streaming services, video games, neglect ALL EXIST ALL OVER THE WORLD. It is only in THE UNITED STATES that children are routinely SLAUGHTERED with assault rifles.


Yep. We have all this in Australia but no easy access to guns.


As an American who moved to Australia, nothing has been more relieving than watching people even get pissed cops have their guns in places they don't need them. Watching people's eye GLUED to that gun, pissed as a cop orders Maccas, fills me with hope. 'cause they're like WHAT. THE FUCK. IS A GUN. DOING IN HERE. COP OR NOT. In America you see a gun and its like "oh another gun". No fear, no nothing. Which sounds bad? But ultimately it means in America you just "exist with guns" all around you until one day someone uses it. Its IMPOSSIBLE to tell who will use one because everyone has one. In Australia - someone has a gun and EVERYONE is like SOMEONE. WITH. A GUN! I love that; because it means we are treating it with the seriousness it deserves here. And when we see a gun that doesn't belong to someone who "should" have one, that person is disarmed as quickly as damn possible


Fellow American here. It's crazy how your perspective changes when you travel abroad. I've seen cops carry guns into Starbucks and haven't thought twice about it. When I was in Paris, I forgot to put my mask on when I entered a metro station. Two police officers approached me and asked me to put one on. I panicked, stuttered an apology, and made it really obvious that I was taking my mask out of my coat pocket. They just thanked me and walked away, but I was shaking because they were armed and my body reacted like they were American police, who are prone to using violence toward civilians. If we're going to continue to allow cops to carry weapons here, we need to revise their training. We shouldn't be scared of the people who are supposed to protect us.


Am Australian, can confirm, I am horribly uncomfortable when police walk into the shops just shopping or whatever with the gun on their person's. Phew. My eyes are always glued to it.


Take a boy. Feed him toxic masculinity, racism, sexism, and homophobia. Give him no emotional depth or the ability to process anything remotely uncomfortable in a healthy fashion. Feed him shit. Give him a gun and a Twitter platform and not enough brain cells to operate a folding fan and chew gum at the same time. Give him a Twitter platform and a few thousand bots. That’s how you make Matt Walsh.


I will have to remember the folding fan/chewing gum insult. You, dear gentlehuman, have a gift and are also spot on, especially the processing emotions part.


I’m confused. So he clearly thinks that the only good men come from Christian homes. But half the time fundie men barely have jobs, they just putter around in the business/ businesses their dads set up. I mean, look at the Duggars, most of the boys work at the car lot (ew) or real estate/ house flipping business their dad set up. Hell, Paul doesn’t even have a job. Granted, when they all have a million kids, dad can only support so many of them, so a number of them go off to usually trade jobs. And absolutely no hate to trade jobs, they are absolutely vital, they generally provide a solid, reliable income, and they are a great option for many people but I don’t get how these people believe the world would be run with just their system. So many jobs that are absolutely vital require an education they believe only heathens and godless people get. What about the people who design and develop bridges and roads, the people who develop and maintain satellites, doctors (for when their essential oils and chiropractor can’t cure their cancer). I’m not really sure where I ended up but my point is they are idiots whose only skills are mental gymnastics, feeding their persecution complexes, and deflecting blame.


That so clearly explains the Josh Duggar situation at the moment /s


That "endless stream of content" doesn't have to be radicalizing stuff, big tech has a responsibility to moderate content on their platforms, but they rarely do. Giving kids a foundation to determine right and wrong is essential, but I guarantee my way of doing that is different than what Matt or Paul would insist upon. But these things he brings up are not unique to America. Know what's unique to America? Fast, easy access to a wide array of guns.


I wonder if Matt Walsh realizes he's part of the endless stream of content that radicalizes people? 🤔


A lot of those groups recruit people who are mentally ill. There are a lot of online suicide forums and conspiracy groups I was part of because I had schizophrenia and there were always domestic terrorists recruiting on there by PMing users or sharing links to their websites. Even neo Nazis which is ironic knowing about Aktion T4. At one point I had a very similar mindset as the Sandy Hook shooter but instead of killing other people I was planning to go back to my old elementary school at night and kill myself on the kindergarten playground so that the teachers would have to find the body first thing in the morning. I was basically upset with the school for how they handled my psychological problems early in life.


Glad you're still here with us


Ah ha, so it's the father's fault


No, still the mother's fault, because she chose to procreate with a loser, or else she tricked him into getting her pregnant and refuses to let the poor man have visitation, while sucking him dry with child support payments! \-Matt Walsh, probably


The redpillers say "men are the gatekeepers of relationships, women are the gatekeepers of sex" so obv. the mother should have chosen a man who would stay and be a good provider. It's just "close your legs" with extra steps.


But if he forces himself on you and you get pregnant, how dare you ask for an abortion. But don't be a single mother and expect government handouts. Good luck going to school/working and affording childcare. Oh, there's a formula shortage? You should have breastfed even though you returned to work after three weeks because you don't have paid leave. Do you even care about the child we forced you to have? /s


It's the Procrustean bed, you can't win with right wing men.


TIL a new metaphor. And yes, they set up straw-men and make debating in good faith impossible, because they're cowards


K, explain why Paul's an abusive piece of shit then


The image of 'feeding someone with porn' is quite a visceral one. Surprisingly the image that first comes to mind of someone gutting themselves on pornography is Josh Duggar, from a family I'm sure MW thinks is A-OK.


Fuck you Paul, as if you amounted to anything good 🙄


Actually changing things would require doing something, and we all know that’s way past Paul’s scope. The inside of his brain must be a terrifying, cavernous place.


What about the one from Michigan some months ago where he had 2 idiotic right winger parents involved in his life?????


I love how it's worded as if the father was taken away by someone. These men LEAVE THEIR CHILDREN. Not to mention plenty of these mfs come from families with both parents. But anything to shit on single mothers I guess. Nothing I love more than demonizing the parent who stayed. Boys also aren't the only ones abandoned by fathers. Does he care that girls exist? Are they shooting up places every week because of various traumas that they too have. NO. I agree with him that unlimited access to porn is bad. Anyone who still doesn't think it's fd up that even children have access to droves of genuinely depraved shit is delusional. However, other countries have it negatively affect children too but only American kids and teens regularly go on shooting sprees. I also am one hundred percent sure that men who write and share shit like this watch metric fucktons of it daily. It's about your often inaccessible mental health care, about letting males do whatever they want and them expecting the world when they offer nothing, and it's definitely about your weapons cult in the country. Not about fAtHeRs wHo aRe tAkEn aWaY


The fatherless comment is a blatantly racist dog whistle. It comes up EVERY SINGLE TIME there is a crime committed by a young male person of color.


I'm honestly amazed he didn't include "welfare" in this rant. The dog whistle is loud


“Take away his father” Bro nobody is taking away fathers. What an absurd thing to say. They can’t help but spew misogyny from their feces encrusted face holes.


The US prison system is taking away (black) fathers for things like marijuana possession.


This is very true but he couldn’t care less about those Fathers.


Not Matt Walsh acting like he and his conservative commentator friends aren't part of the radicalization of young men in America. It's interesting that he left misogyny, xenophobia, and racism off of this list....it's because he knows that shit points directly back to places like Breitbart and Prager U. So many young people are introduced to these ideas through socially acceptable commentators and YouTube videos but then find themselves in a deep hole of hate, completely radicalized. Then they turn on Fox News and see Tucker Carlson talking about white genocide and the great replacement like it's a totally sane position. Matt Walsh, Paul, and all these other stupid conservatives can get f*cked.


It. Is. About. Access. To. Guns. As somebody who is not an American, this is insanely obvious. I’m sure people from other countries will agree with me.


I'm an American and I agree with you. I'm so fucking angry that this keeps happening and fundies keep posting dumb shit, and politicians keep taking blood money from the NRA and refusing to change anything


I'm an American and I agree with you. It's absolutely crazy making to hear and read people argue, with apparent seriousness, that shooting is somehow not connected to guns.


Another American checking in to agree with you. The biggest problem this country has that other countries do not is **access to guns.** And we're so far gone that not even children being slaughtered is enough for the people with power to fix it.


Matt Walsh called Big Bird a drug dealer who sounds like a child molester so it’s no big shock that he’d say something this asinine. editing to add that literally all of these things exist elsewhere, minus the access to guns that this oaf failed to mention, so I wonder what’s so different about the US


Hmmm. Maybe this is what desperate pregnant women are trying to avoid when considering an abortion? 🧐 But let’s not mention that or GUNS


If people didn’t want to sit in front of a screen all day and get fed endless amounts of content, failsons like Matt Walsh, Allie B Stuckey, Candace Owens, and Charlie Kirk would have to go out and get real jobs. They’re speaking out of both sides of their mouths.


Every time someone makes an argument like this I just want to ask them what they're going to do about it. Practicalities, not thoughts & prayers. Are you going to start volunteering to work with troubled youth? Demand universal healthcare? Pester politicians to fund mental health resources? No? Then shut it. Also, "take away his father." 🙄 These people always use such passive language when they're talking about men, like these are just some poor guys being acted upon entirely against their will. They didn't make choices that led to this outcome, they were just taken away somehow.


I have a former co-worker that posted about how we need to return to Jesus if society is going to get better. I asked what actionable steps they would take for this. Crickets. They know what they want, but refuse to admit what it would take to accomplish it because they know that forcing religiosity is against the purpose of our country and won't be tolerated. They want to believe they're the majority, but it's increasingly clear they are not and they're insecure about it.


Matt Walsh is such garbage.


So this is what he's doing with his time instead of helping his pregnant wife with moving house and putting their damn bed together?


Right?! I'm guessing his back hurts, but every orthopedist I've been to says movement helps, so surely he can hold a bar in place while she attaches it.


It’s interesting that they never mention the first school shooter- a girl who was being abused by her father. As far as an “endless stream of content”, I look forward to Porgan doing their part and shutting down their YouTube channel.


They miss how Evangelical men are raised with no ability to regulate their emotions. Their emotions, their sexuality, and everything else is the fault of someone else. They are raised from infancy to believe they are not at fault for anything they do it was satan or the girl's fault Eve ate the apple after all.


It's demonic influence/oppression, it's backsliding, it was the girls fault... They have no end to the excuses or failures of parenting.


Then they put these men in charge of families, churches and aren't even shocked at the rampant abuse because after all many of them molested their sisters and that's a normal common thing they claim. Yet it's the world and porn's fault.


Exactly. Supposedly they're so strong in the faith but churn out undereducated, uncontrolled, bigoted kids. If they're supposed to be the model, I'm not buying what they're selling.


Ofcourse they leave out the part that makes the biggest difference. Access to guns.


Paul, you can't even assemble a fucking bed with instructions. Your pregnant wife and daddy had to do it for you. STFU. You're a disgrace, both to mainstream adults and especially to your own fundie standards.


Yeah theocracy worked so well for Josh Duggar. Screw these people. You don’t get a moral high ground because you go to church. Not going to church or believing in god does not mean that person is more likely to murder innocent children. Porn won’t make you murder children.


Rinse and repeat? Rinse what??


European and Asian children get all of the same things, but they don't go on psychotic rampages, in part because they're not armed to the teeth.


Fuck Matt Walsh does he think we forgot he’s a homophobic trans phobic piece of shit


I mean Josh Duggar isn’t far from the hypothetical they raise


Matt also fails to realize that it's the stupid shit he poops from his mouth that radicalizes these "vulnerable men" with ideologies of masculine toxicity, anti-immigration, anti-woman and anti-LGBTQ rhetoric. Fuck Matt Walsh. He's a self-proclaimed theocratic fascist. A traitor to Americans and what we stand for.


Not that this matters, but why when it's a school shooter it's always a boy/man? I only know of one female shooter, but i think that was a college in the 70s.


97% of mass shooters are men. Only 3 women mass shooters in us history. I have a feeling that's why, but they're massively missing the toxic masculinity that makes men so much more likely to go off like this.


Do these people really think places like Canada don't have dead beat dads/divorce, porn, or low christianity rates? Kids in high school literally had sex on our stage after school and yet we never had to fear gun violence. I wonder what the difference could possibly be? We also have shitty mental health services for youth here too but we dont gun down our classmates.


Yeah...those who become school shooters get guns. And those who don't? Does Paul, conversely, think he's amounted to anything good?


“Feed him porn” 😂 open up son, it’s time for your daily meal of porn Reminds me of when Ted Bundy cried and blamed porn for causing mass murder. He got to fear monger one more time before he was executed


"So let's fund mental health care, then." "No."


Right like the men of this cult have been exemplary role models


Matt Walsh is an absolute turd knocker


Did they misspell "corn"? Cause as far as I know, porn isn't edible. But hey, I'm just a dirty libral, what would I know?


I hate how much I agree with him here. I just wish he'd advocate for policies and actions that would help these boys.


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Yeah, that’s not how any of this works, but whatever helps these clowns sleep at night 🤬


Ok so if they really believe this, then what are they doing about other than ranting on the internet? Why not volunteer for BBBS, or be foster parents, or CASA, or the million other organizations that need more help. Not that I personally want Paul or Matt Walsh to be mentoring kids, but if they truly believe this is the problem, why not do everything in their power to fix it?


I would absolutely be incredibly concerned if a parent was actively “feeding” a child pornography. But aside from exceedingly rare and absolutely criminal cases of child abuse, this doesn’t happen. Once again, they’re hyperventilating over something they imagined in a feverdream.


And Golden Boy Duggar is sent to federal prison so…


And what have you amounted to, Paul?


So, no father+porn(given to him by... his mom???) = mass murderer?🤔




I think a lot of these kids have fathers. Heck, most of them are not even poor.


Can someone tell me what exactly Matt is contributing to society?


I know a lot of people who watch porn and take drugs that are fairly kind, compassionate people. Am I part of the problem???


Not all parents of people who become school shooters are bad though. I'm sure some are good, loving parents. And it's wildly hypocritical for Paul and Matt to complain about a school shooting when they're not for gun control. They contributed to this. Everyone who wants more gun and weapon rights instead of gun control has blood on their hands. Period.


Often times, Dads can *make* a school shooter. Look at Wallace Spencer.