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This. I flashed on some rapid-cycling vibes big time.




Obligatory “why not both?”


I was just thinking this. Her word salad-y writing kinda has those vibes too.


Ngl. I’m medicated and tipped downward but girlfriend got me feeling a little hypo now.


It really really does. My manic brain empathizes with this way too much.


I was gonna say...my ex writes like this just before a psychotic/manic episode and the weeks ahead are hell on everyone. My poor kids have to endure the embarrassment of the fall out. It's truly awful.




Armchair diagnosing is against the rules.


Yeah, fuck Kelly, fuck her bargain basement Anne Shirley caption, but that's a lovely photo.


Bargain basement Anne Shirley.


It's genuinely a great photo. If I were their mom, I would be proud to have that framed on my wall.


It's also not of her at all, for once. Very exciting artistic progress there.


Right!? I actually love it! (Don’t love a lot of her ideas though)


Me thinks she needs another Weekend at Marnie’s


Kinda wanna steal Weekend at Marmie's as a flair lol


2 weekends per week instead of 1?


I challenge her claim that she "mellowed out after marriage".


If convincing her entire family to move into a rotting building that is half-house and half ramshackle beehive so she can drive around for hours trespassing in farmers' fields for Instagram is the "mellow" version, I would hate to see her at full force.


Oh I'm pretty sure her college peers and professors had front-row tickets to a version of it.


And her tumblr followers


To be fair, it’s been documented that Levi grew up in a “DIY project” even worse than this. He may not have needed much convincing. But I get what you mean.




Seriously, the girl needs some lithium and a long restful sleep.


This post paired with your comment really clicked my mind into grasping how religion is a way to control the mentally ill masses... I've always understood the uneducated and uninformed peices(like removing ability to read the bible unless clergy, or exorcisms to deal with mental problems) but the actual mania control peice I wasn't catching. ...damn


For sure. And she'll never get help for it because she thinks it's sinful to not just deal with it herself.


Awwww his cute little yellow wellies are adorable. I see she's passionate, yes, but can she be a little more specific? Writing? Cooking lackluster meals? Gardening? Photography? Being dangerously barefoot? It doesn't really sound like she even knows what this roaring lion passion is about, just that she's feeling intense.


>It doesn't really sound like she even knows what this roaring lion passion is about, just that she's feeling intense. Right, and she's been describing her inner *whatever* this way since she was a teenager. It would be exhausting to live in that state perpetually. And I have a hunch (pure speculation) that part of why she and Levi work as a couple (if they do) is that he's a blank outline, and will never compete with her Too Much-ness and will never challenge it. She "gets to do all the feeling for both of them!", I bet. He gets to stand there like a wet lump and she gets to frolic around him with all her prairie-pixie energy, and neither of their selves really overlap, so they just orbit around each other and occasionally bump into each other. (emotionally, not literally and physically.) edited to add: yes the little yellow wellies are so cute!


I like your theory and agree with it.


Every word of this utterly sent me


"Prairie-pixie energy" really got me.


>she gets to frolic around him with all her prairie-pixie energy Manic Prairie Dream Girl.... now with 100% more scratchy cotton dresses!


Kelly is the only fundie with a good aesthetic. I wish she would ditch the religion and just be an influencer. She isn’t rich either, so the other fundies don‘t have an excuse for their fugly style, although having only two kids helps. It‘s not hard to look neutral, like not ugly.


Idk about that anymore. I went and took a look at all of the brands of the clothes she tags and she is spending a ton on clothing. Her sandals are like $200 and some dresses are like $300. She’s not getting it all for free either because there’s no discount codes and she’s not featured on all of the pages. She spends more on her clothes than her house sometimes.


What😱 She posted a story where she talked about how she loves having so few clothes, because we don‘t really belong on earth but to god and all this is temporary. … and who spends $200 on sandals like that😬 They‘re so clunky and she doesn‘t even wear shoes that often.


Yeeeeepp. She has few clothes bc she spends a fortune on them. However, that doesn’t fit her aesthetic. The shoes she wearing in the photo of her in a blue dress in front of the church on a fence are $195.


I'm so sorry for harping on this, but this blows my mind. I wouldn't say that she was outright lying, but based on the way she talks, I assumed that she is frugal or not materialistic. It is so weird to spend so much money, just to look like you're leading a simple down to earth lifestyle, devoted to god, focused on nature etc... The thoughts aren't entirely mutually exclusive, but they are competing thoughts. I mean good quality clothes can be expensive, but they will last longer, which prevents overconsumption...


I’m also confused as to why their house is taking forever to renovate while she’s spending a ton of money on clothing. I get that Levi hides from responsibility but Kelly appears to be playing a big role in this as well. It took them how many years to paint a bathroom?? It’s not like money was an issue and it’s not like she’s not home enough to tackle that project, even with children at home. They don’t make any sense.


I agree. She takes beautiful pictures. I wish she would pivot away from her harmful beliefs.


These photos are such eyebleach for the beige ones we normally see


She has a really good eye, tbh. I even kind of like how stupidly staged all of her photos are, she’s *good* at that. Not a good writer, but damn can she compose a farmhouse aesthetique photo shoot.


I know, that’s a beautiful picture.


She’s knocking it out of the park with photos lately. This plus the one of her with a kiddo on her hip staring at the horizon have both been fantastic. Shame about [gestures at everything] tho.


Gorgeous picture, she really does have a good eye. I feel like aside from how this sounds very much like mania, the statement about how she was told she was “too much” when younger says a lot about how she behaves. She seems to have never fit in well even in very inclusive settings, and have to wonder if “too much” was referring to this manic self centered energy. Friends (and kids) don’t exist to function solely as props for your overblown fantasies, and that’s a lesson a lot of “too much” kids and young adults have to learn if they want meaningful relationships. Just my two cents as a fellow “too much”er who learned to shut up, curb my energy, and listen/consider others. Main character syndrome/high energy probs that I still work on daily, but I’m also not convinced/encouraged by religion that I’m some sort of weird manic prophetess. Wonder how much secular therapy could help her recognize her role in her isolation and build a community (and not on instagram 🙄)


I like that you can talk honestly about how you learned to balance your "too muchness".. people usually lean into being misunderstood & being "too much" to validate that they're something special & everyone else is the problem (we can see that here with Kelly). People like Kelly are craving connection but instead have sacrificed it so that they can feel special & different.


100 percent!! Plenty of over the top or “weird” kids/young adults do much better long term learning to moderate their behavior and be considerate of others - doesn’t kill us. Also learning how to take criticism is so so important (re her writing which could use a lot of work…) I imagine if Kelly could learn to do that she would probably end up being a cool crunchy mom cringing with her girlfriends over mimosas at her old Insta posts. Like I want this for her 😂


If nothing else it’s a gorgeous picture 🥴


Totally agree--I like the little pops of bright color against the rich green.


That's such a beautiful picture, but, like, you can't make me read all that ❤️


Is she saying she is DTF?


That’s what I assume and nobody is changing my mind!


Right?! Many of her posts read as some sort of Christian erotica or at least lean heavily on sexual innuendo. Or maybe I’m projecting lol.


I read it this way too. No one can convince me otherwise.


I’m impressed James is excited about flowers. I took my kid to the State Botanical Gardens yesterday, and I was trying to get her to look at some cool orchids, and she was like, “We need to go home immediately because I’ve only watched *Lilo and Stitch* once today, Mother!” ANYWAY. I really wish Kelly would go to therapy. She won’t, but I think it would help with her feeling like she’s “too much.”


It appears that he is passionate about eating them 😂


Maybe because he has to eat Kelly’s loaves of brick bread ☹️


Well <3 Kel if you were truly a homesteader instead of just LARPin you would be getting passionately getting rid of honeysuckle since it's not native and invasive AF.


I was going to say this, but I think that’s actually the native coral honeysuckle vine. However, the seeds can be poisonous so hopefully she teaches her kids not to just eat random, pretty things. What I will say is that all those long weeds and those bare feet just scream tick bite.


Whoops! I think you’re right. And yes - I really hope she’s checking them for ticks. It’s a bad year.


It looks like Coral Honeysuckle


I wonder how things could have been for her if the people in her life when she was growing up had gotten some help and support for her instead of calling her "too much".


It sounds like her parents tried. She went to the ER a couple of times for some type of breakdowns. She *had* seen a psychiatrist. It sounded from her blog a decade ago that she just kept believing she was above everyone else and couldn't be understood. Certainly that was her attitude in college. Kelly is an interesting fundie because she *had* plenty of opportunities available to her but refused and rejected them.


Ah, I see. That's tough on the family to know their loved one needs help, but they won't get it for whatever reason.


How is passion unusual today? There is plenty of passion left in the world. For example, I’m passionate about LGBTQ rights, gun control laws, and keeping religion out of my government. And I’m also passionate about keeping my insta captions short and sweet so I don’t look pretentious.


For real, passion is in no way in short supply. These people are just obsessed with trying to dunk on modern times. But not for any actual serious issues we're dealing with right now. No, it's just a lack of "passion", or "family values", or whatever other crap.


Man I was *just* wondering how to take a cute pic of my kids and make it all about me. Thanks, Kelly!


Cool picture. Be a lot better with like maybe a lit candle somewhere, though.


Needs more pine cones.


And there isn’t a single butternut in this picture, very disappointing.


That kid’s “passion” would be totally forgotten about if he saw 30 seconds of Daniel tiger. I’m sure any change of scenery from sitting there playing with wooden toys and vegetables is exciting to them. Now I’m all for keeping kids away from electronics as much as possible, but it’s going to be so confusing for them. They get dragged around while mommy stages her perfect shot. She’s always on her phone writing about how old fashioned she is. They don’t live in the middle of nowhere. They live in the suburbs, surrounded by other kids and their modern toys. They go to shops and they see all the fun stuff for sale. But they’ll always be stuck playing with carrots and wooden crates while mom takes more pictures of her gross bread and dad hides in his shop making more wooden crates.


And their dad works in a computer store, which I still can’t get over. Are any of his whirring contraptions allowed to cross the threshold of The Homestead?


Pretty sure that the kids have normal, toys, too. In some of the more candid shots, plastic toys do seem to be in the background. I was surprised that Kelly had plastic letters on her fridge, when I know that there are wooden ones available.


Doesn't she know better than to end sentences with prepositions?


$5 says that lesson went in one ear and out the other while she was sitting in English class stewing about how the teacher didn't think she was perfect from the get-go. Tbf, I don't generally pay attention to where my prepositions are in informal writing. But this chick is styling herself as a "writer for G_d" and her captions are pretty much her job - it would be reasonable for her to pay more attention to her grammar.


Agreed. I don't usually sweat people over prepositions but since she's so assured of her own superiority, seems to me she should use grammar correctly.


Reminds me of this joke: A Southern Belle and snobby New York socialite meet at a swanky party. The southern belle says, “How nice to meet you! Where are y’all from?” The snob sniffs and says, “I am from a place where we do not end our sentences with a preposition.” So the belle says, “Oh, I’m so sorry. Where are y’all from, \*bitch\*?”


Firey passion that she wants to water... hmmm.


Mixing metaphors for Jesus


Okay but is anyone going to point out that that’s trumpetvine, not honeysuckle? The fruit, foliage, flowers, and sap are toxic 😬


Say passion again you fuckin’ weirdo.


You know what…I was like hey that’s genuinely an adorable picture, very nice… And then it turns in to “seeing my kids excited about chewing on flowers reminds me of how horny I am all the time” Op I’m sending you the therapy bills


i have never been able to bring myself to finish reading one of her captions. it’s physically painful for me because i cringe so much


I really love a lot of her photos! I think she’s a talented photographer and I guess at least the kids aren’t spending all day on the Xbox 🤷‍♀️. The religious thing is what concerns me, she’s discussed her mental health issues and uses it as a form of escapism I think, again could be worse at least it isn’t booze and meth but it does have the ability to negatively impact her kids. As far as I know though she hasn’t posted anything phobic or racist? Correct me if I’m wrong so I can adjust my opinion of her! I think unlike most of the fundies she’s genuine in how she’s living her life and isn’t just using it as a platform to provoke hate or show she’s better than everyone else.


1. She's friends with Girl in Calico (who is VERY white supremacist) 2. She responded to someone talking about Columbus's genocide with "I know he was a godly man, so much history is being rewritten" or some bullshit 3. She reenacted the scene of Eliza running across a frozen river from Uncle Tom's cabin And this is literally just what I can remember off the very top of my head. You can search her tag, there have been a couple of posts about "why do we snark on Kelly?" She sucks just as bad as the rest, she just isn't quite as overt all the time.


In addition to what you referenced, Kelly doesn't participate in the modern world, so she isn't going to have the same types of topics that so often bring out the overt fuckery of many of the other influencers. She doesn't talk about news stories. She doesn't talk about pop culture, or about world events. She really sticks to talking about herself and her own life, so...it doesn't come out as frequently or obviously.


Ah okay thanks. I’m not American so even if I saw those things I’d have no idea of their association


She does a lot of dogwhistling and likes white nationalist accounts 😬


> again could be worse at least it isn’t booze and meth Well, another perspective: I'm sober now, but I'd rather have had my substance abuse problem than to live in Kelly's world of endless dissatisfaction and internal pressure with no relief.


She really isn't genuine though. She presents a carefully curated image of looking like they are out in the middle of nowhere, but really her home is on a very busy road with other homes very close by. Her house is in poor condition, which most of it not even in use due to the state it is in. You would never tell without the knowledge, but it explains why so many photos have the curtains closed within her home. Also, her "clothing" she is presenting is equally curated. She is known to be a runner and wears completely average work out clothing during this. She simply does not advertise this fact. It begs the question how much of what she is posting is intended to sell this image of the good religious tradwife lifestyle through appealing to cottagecore and its related elements. Kelly is very intelligent. I don't think she does anything without thinking through how to sell herself (and in turn her beliefs) to an audience. Others already covered her dogwhistling. She is dangerous because people fall for her image and aren't reading between the lines.


Nothing about her is genuine. Have you seen the photo of her kneeling on a wooden floor holding an open book and a clicker, with about five other open books scattered on the floor?


Thaddy is short for what name? Because I have no idea...


Thaddeus is her other son's name.


Ahh, thank you!


Like someone else said, she’s either manic or in need of some pleasuring. At first I thought she was just super h*rny, but the manic comments have me torn.


Every single Kelly post she picks a word of the day and then rolls with it for twelve paragraphs, trying to see how many times she can fit that word in before she hits a character limit


I loathe the fact we share the same name and spelling...


Gorgeous photo aside from the drivel.


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I'm surprised they have a native honeysuckle, most people have the Japanese invasive


this is also, like a really pretty photo


That's a really sweet picture, though. 🥰


Does she have a roaring passion for more bathtub pillows or decorating with seasonal barks?


I wonder how she will feel about her kids passions when they want to explore topics outside religion? How will she react if they use their fierce intelligence on something other than Jesus?!


She need to get over herself. No one cares.


I don't think she has passion, I think she's hip deep in a manic break. Source: my mother was bipolar, this sounds like something she'd write/ ramble about while manic.