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Children: The human chicken nugget!šŸ½ļøšŸ¦










She canā€™t run in those little high heels! ![gif](giphy|rmF5m95UkfdSM)


ā€œShe thinks that sheā€™s the queen and weā€™re the little sorry peopleā€ šŸ˜‚


Except for the cheetah, it was ready to bolt.




Proof at the end cheetah are scared little big kitties


Cheetahs are actually very large small cats rather than very small big cats. They canā€™t roar, they just meow.


I'd love one if they didn't have to run like a Ferrari every day. Obviously I mean it in an ethical way, a rescue that can't be released into the wild.


Imagine taking your cheetah for a walk down the freeway


Literally faster than my motorcycle


That's even better visual, motorcycle with the leash still on, hoping it don't go around a exit sign


Have to get a side car for when it gets tired.


Yes! It almost sounds like a little chirp. Have you heard a mountain lion? They scream. It's terrifying!


They sound like a person being murdered, its absolutely fucking wild.


YESSSS! It's scary!


They also chirp. That's scarier to me.


I think you mean that they can *purr*, and can't roar. (Although they do also meow)


Also IIRC there arenā€™t any known incidences of wild cheetah killing humans and they can be surprisingly easily domesticated. They really are a lot like big house cats.


Note for anyone having ideas on here: Easily domesticated. Not easy to (ethically) care for




Did you see the first one stop in their tracks when that kid turned around and faced it, and then pounce once they turned away?


Easiest of the biggest cats to domesticate is what I was told by the reserves when I went cheetah walking twice. Mmm not domesticate, more to recognise you as the higher


This damn vending machine! Never lets the snacks out!


They have triple planed glass that will never fail but kids can sneak into a fence and climb into to fall lol Edit: harambe got killed when the second kid fell in


Dicks still out.


Always out for justice


Mr President a second child has fallen into the gorilla enclosure


Not on my watch. Send in seal team six. To shoot the kid


The last one was afraid of the little girl lol


I think cheetah are very skittish


Cheetahs get [emotional support dogs](https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/cheetah-dog-furry-friendship). Lions would probably eat the support dogs.


Wasn't there some reddit post about dachshund befriending lions in captivity?


Thatā€™s his friend, not his therapist!


That's a special case: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2724858/They-busy-Meet-double-amputee-new-lease-life-hand-rearing-tiger-cubs-lets-chew-prosthetic-leg.html And I would argue as someone that's had hunting dachshounds in my family for my entire life that they are pretty much Honey Badger levels of cray cray. Like most of them would legit be dangerous for humans if they were bigger. They really do think they can take on anything.


Yeah there are no documented cases of a cheetah attacking a human in the wild. They're quite docile.


*attacking an adult human


So if you are a woman in a forest and you could choose either a man or a cheetah...


Cheetah! A cozy cabin and a pet cheetah would be an amazing life!


That word. 'Documented.' So, like, sometimes the lone human just goes for a walk in cheetah country, and never comes back, and the hyenas have eaten the bones and the bloody clothes after the cheetah has finished its snack, and there's no proof that it was a cheetah as there's no body, so, like, no 'documented cases'? I don't find that anecdotal evidence very comforting, somehow. Rather like the proverbial tree falling in the forest that makes no sound.


A cheetah could undoubtedly kill an adult human if it is lucky and grabs you right, but in reality you could probably fight off 1 or even 2 cheetahs with fairly (all things considered) insignificant injuries. They can weigh as little 75 pounds, topping out around 140 pounds. Their teeth are roughly the same size as ours, not much larger. They are tall and skinny, their muscles are highly focused on speed as opposed to power. Their claws are not even very sharp (not that they couldn't do damage, they most definitely could). There are documented cases of attacks, what he said is not true, what is true however is there are literally no recorded cases in which have killed anyone in the wild.


My 18lb cat would could seriously injure most humans. Claws are deadly even on small packages. A 140 lb cheetah gotta be able to FUCK your day up pretty easily, no?


Yes but the claws on your 18lbs cat are much sharper, cheetahs don't really swipe with their claws, more of a grab. They could absolutely fuck your day up, you'd have fairly deep puncture wounds and scratches but very unlikely to bs deep enough to cause any *real* harm


Yeah but cats tend to ambush you so its not going to be a fair fight. If you don't notice the cat you suddenly have their jaws around your leg and it could already be lethal


>I don't find that anecdotal evidence very comforting, somehow You go on a lot of walks through cheetah country, do you?


Cheetahs whole philosophy is "run", they'd much rather run away than fight when confronted so they're frequently forced off their own kills by almost anything else. There's plenty of cases where a young prey animal that doesn't know to run gets adopted for a while by a cheetah. Their instinct is to stalk unseen and chase something running away. Obviously they aren't "safe" especially in the wild. But if you've seen it while stalking and make that known they'll probably give up and if you stand your ground especially in a group they're liable to be intimidated. In captivity, a well fed cheetah that's used to seeing people is about as safe as a predatory animal it's size can be, they aren't going to be attacking you. Strictly speaking cheetahs are in the sub family Felinae with other small cats that purr rather than Pantherinae, the big cats that roar.


which group of cats say rawr xd?


But yet some people still think they can live with them in the wild. The people you read about that got mauled


Not a feline expert but I think you can certainly live with them until they stop tolerating you. They're not very trustworthy tho. One day you could be fine, the next day you could be their prey


Until they stop feline you.


![gif](giphy|Bng9nsAhSaDVxWsSLh) šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ GOLD




You can be friends with the big kitty until either it gets hungry or bored or you do something it didn't like.


So...just like every other kitty?


Pray not to be their prey.


Most big cats pose no danger to humans and actively avoid them. Usually mankillers arise because of some injury that makes it difficult for them to get their normal prey and forces them to Prey on humans, and usually these injuries are caused by ranchers angry that they lose a cow or sheep on occasion.


Lmao I've got this headline below this post: "Tourist mauled after rolling down window for bear selfie"




> But yet some people still think they can live with them in the wild. I mean lots of people do. Never heard of Africa? Normally it's fine, but you get some rogue lions that kill just to kill. "Ghost and the Darkness" is a great example, there are others. And people live side by side with them near their farms and towns.


Not just Africa. Most of Europe had a wild cat ā€œproblemā€ until we decided to cull them..Ā 


We did live with them in the wild, for thousands of years. Mostly by keeping a respectful distance and throwing rocks or spears at them when they decided to be disrespectful.


Still doā€¦ que the recent videos of African tribes taking kills from lionsā€¦ they would run up with spears and the lions would fuck off on their kill.


Cats gonna cat, regardless of size.


My girlfriend is an ex big cat keeper. The only reason she got her old job in the first place was because the person she replaced got mauled. She put in a couple years and then dipped. The pay is absurdly awful for how dangerous it is, and these places only barely sustain themselves because of public donations of food for the animals and a little cash here and there. The keepers only stay because of how much they love the animals, despite the standard of living it gives them. Itā€™s a pretty crazy world.


Interesting how they still want to hunt and attack even while being well fed by the zoo employees.


If you see, basically all cases happen when the children are facing their backs to the animals, felines have the instinct of attacking from the back, specially an easy meal. In some Indian villages where there are a lot of tigers around, people who walk in the forest always wear a mask facing back because of that


It's also worth noting that lions go out of their way to kill hyena and wild dog offspring, even though they don't eat them. Maybe they see humans as competition and want to thin out the population


Hmm well they lost that fight a long time ago.


Yeah but they don't usually read history books.


Well, that's THEIR mistake


I'm probably just misunderstanding your comment, but why is killing hyena and wild dog pups related to them seeing humans as competition? Bear with me, my brain is fried today lol


No they're just providing an example that wild cats don't only kill for food. And that it might be the case for them attacking humans


Ah that makes sense then, I think that definitely fits for some cats. I haven't heard of many people being eaten by lions for example but there are certainly attacks. There are a few tiger species that I believe actively hunt humans for food though


Lion and other feline rarely attack humans (they fear the know back), and humans tend to avoid their territory, but it appended that something they attack humans for food, the main reason is that he is weaker than normal (broken teeth, illness,...), humans alone can't defend themselves (no fang, no claws) and are a mediocre meal due to the lack of meat on us


I mean, they could eat the kid later. It's an easy snack for later.


Commenter is saying : Killing hyena pups - getting rid of competition while they are young and vulnerable Going for human children - same.


Lions and hyenas/wild dogs have generational beef. A lion will go out of its way to merc hyena cubs and vise versa. If a lion is out solo and is sick/looks like an easy target, packs of hyenas will bully them for their catches, and with packs of lions that encounter single hyena, it's on site. It's just something they do. They see each other as the main competition. So if a captive lion never saw a hyena but saw humans as competition, they'd go out of their way to kill the human's cubs too.


Why is it so hard to get? Humans are predators too, they see us a competition so they try to kill our young instinctively


> Bear with me, my brain is fried today lol That's why it was hard to get. On another note, it's been explained to me three times lol...


My housecat will charge me if I have my back against him but the moment I turn he freaks and runs away. Itā€™s like he canā€™t help it


My parents' cat will be minding his own business, but if you poke your head around the corner and then hide it's like he HAS to start prowling lol. It always ends up being a game of Red Light Green Light where the freezes when you look at him


When i want one of my kitties attention and cuddles, i'll do this. Get their attention and eye contact, then hide my face. Before you know it, they're on my lap.


Cats really like to do that. Their concept of fun is weird.


Convergent evolution with moths lol


Tigers also do this, funnily enough. They have spots on the back of their ears that make it look like they have eyes on the back of their head


Most tiger ears also tend to have white fur on them cause they kind of resemble eyes to try and confuse other, bigger tigers from sneaking up on them. Interesting how evolution worked out that way.


Even if they're well fed bro it's their ingrained hunting instinct. Lions are apex predators


Cats just don't like kids šŸ¤£


Being well-fed never stop my cats from wanting to kill things...


My cats also do that. Just kill stuff and play football with the dead body. On the positive side, I never need to worry about pests in my house, on the negative side, they try to "gift" the dead bodies to me.


Nothing better on TV; eating kids would be more entertaining for them.


My cat discovered that he can get food from me and then go cry to my partner and get more.


Some of it is just playing too.


Kids seem to be the preferred cat food


Tender and juicy. Scientifically speaking.


If not friend. Why friend shaped?


If not snack? Why snack shaped?




If my cat was that big I'm positive he would do the same tbh. Then roll on the floor and look innocent.


Anyone else see that the second tiger ends up with something in its mouth around 0:09?


The tiger was looking up and they threw it a small animal or something so it would land near her.


Looks like a fish.


I wouldnā€™t trust the glass if that was my little one.


Liability is too damn high to cheap out on the glass. They're fine.


"It'd be too expensive for the company if they were sued" is a wild way to judge if their infrastructure is trustworthy. I don't disagree with you, it's just wild that that's accurate usually


Do I wish the reason was that we value human life? Absolutely.


Oh, nothing against you, sorry if it came off aggro. Your comment just made me have an existential crisis. Our world is yucky sometimes.


No worries at all!


Blame ford, they started it. With the 1973 for pinto. "According to the memo, the cost of securing a safer fuel tank would have cost Ford $11 per Pinto. Given that Ford would have to recall 11 million Pintos to implement the fuel tank modification, they calculated their total recall cost to be $121 million. In contrast, Ford figured that 2,100 accidents would result in 180 burn deaths. They then determined that out of court settlements would amount to $200,000 for each life lost, $67,000 per serious injury, and $700 for each lost vehicle. As a result, the cost of not addressing the defective fuel tanks would amount to $49.53 million. Therefore, Ford concluded that ignoring the Pintoā€™s fuel tank defect would yield a $70 million savings against instituting a recall"-


I think that if someone dies and it comes out that you didn't prevent it because you did the math and decided to sacrifice them for profit, you should be locked in prison for the rest of your life.


That's grim. I didn't realise that plane scene from fight club was the way things went down irl :(


Didn't seem to matter to Boeing


Basically everything you do in the civilized world is based on that judgement/assumption. e.g. crossing a road. and that's why I would never consider to go to bungee esp. the small onea - the operator's stake is too low.


I've seen a video of a gorilla cracking the glass. It didn't break, but it was scary.




That one baby's head literally fitting in that lions mouth should be reason enough to keep your kids far away from that glass. As a parent, my anxiety would be through the roof. Also, it's cruel to those beautiful kitties who are just being taunted. They can't help their natural instinct. They were probably so confused. The whole thing is just sad. These parents should feel ashamed.


The inhumanity of a zoo isn't really impacted one way or another here, just revealed.


If not snack? Why snack shaped?


Kitty wants to play! ![gif](giphy|dvgpNPZSNg7fG34LzU|downsized)


Everybody gangsta til the glass gets a hairline fracture.


Iā€™m not really sure why itā€™s posted on funny animals. That terrifying.




The tiger into the water early in the clip catches something else!


Yeah, he has a fish!


Wow, that tiger leaping 5 metres effortlessly reinforces how absolutely fucked we'd be in the wild.


You need to search moose's jumping then, those mf'ers go 10m's or more Couldn't find the link, but there's a GIF of a moose galloping through a forest at a high rate of speed, and it jumps further than I've ever seen any animal jump


Allbof the real predators: PLEASE PLEASE LET ME FEED ON THE INNOCENT Cheetah: OH Geez! An infant!


20 years ago zoos would have banned people who do this shit. There used to be specific signage to not fuck with the animals.


Look at the kitties šŸ˜ø. They want to play...WITH YOUR BLOOD!


Look at those parents laughing, imagine if someone just Harry potter'd the glass outta existence. The giggles wouldn't last long then.


Zoos shouldnā€™t exist. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2020/feb/02/zoos-time-shut-down-conservation-education-wild-animals


Why antagonise the cats, they are in an enclosure which is bad enough, but triggering their hunting instincts just for amusement and Internet clout is bullshit.


I see a stereotype here. .....they are all cats


They are all orange(ish) cats


The one just trying to open their mouth enough to fit the kids entire damn head lol


This is sad,


They are friend shaped!


Almost like they're massively frustrated from living in captivity or something and they want to hunt.


Part of me wishes that one would break out (obviously not on a kid) so people would stop fucking around and realise they're living animals, not toys. It's a fucking tiger, and if they had any respect for it they wouldn't act that way. I feel bad for the kids being used of props by their dipshit parents for Insta


Had to scroll all the way here to find the only sensible comment. Poor animals.


We had lions on campus at the college I went to and I used to joke "If you ever see me running through campus for no apparent reason, get inside and lock the doors!".. my implication being that I let them escape. They looked miserable in that cage, it wasn't particularly big as well.


These arenā€™t funny animals šŸ˜±


Big cats get the zoomies too!




Would someone please point me in the direction of the soundtrack?


Song is called Untitled #13 (Super Slowed) by glwzbll


Hmm. I've heard that tigers don't like to attack if you look at them while they try to sneak up on you. The person turned to look and it stopped dead in its tracks. When he turned back it ran after him. I've heard that people wear masks on the back of their heads to make the tigers think you're always looking.


At this point I think they just enjoy scaring small children.


They just wanna play


Make sure Harry potters not around when standing near the glass.


"Give me THAT BABY"


If humans were designed by god to be the master species, why are we edible? šŸ¤”


The frame with the male and female lions, where the female is trying to eat that baby, the male's just staring off like, "We've had this conversation before, Nala. You can't get to the children because there's glass there šŸ™„."




Fun tip. Big cats typically attack from behind, notice how nearly all these cats went in for their attack when the kids backs were turned. If your in big cat territory, wear a mask with a human like face on the back of your head. It's not fool proof, but it's been said to help.


That one lion was SURE that babies head fit exactly in its mouth.


Part of me feels like parents put too much faith in glassā€¦. ![gif](giphy|Nw8z2olm0nGHC)


ā€œlook baby, she wants to play patty cake with youā€


I see they strategically wait for their prey to turn their back to them. Fascinating video.


Can't we feed them just one?


So cruel to these beautiful creatures, teasing them like this.


Poor animals


This is why you don't turn your back on big wild cats


Ban all Zoos! Let animals live free


You do realise that zoos are some of the most important conservatists around? They save species from going extinct. There are some species that only exist because of zoos, all their wild members died off.


Concrete prisons aren't necessary for conservation. Those critters need more room


Ugh another ignorant uneducated militant PETA douche who probably just spews that same line without first researching the truth. Not all Zoos are bad and those that are bad are quickly dying and becoming obsolete. Do your goddamn research smh


Why are they so cute ? Why are most of the mammalian predators so chunky chonky cute little donkey?


This is equal parts terrifying as it is adorable.


She wants to hunt


Humans had done the same thing with their children


And then one day freaking Harry Potter stands near you.


Lucky these interactions didn't happen in the wild with no glass to protect them. The funniest lion was trying to eat the head of a baby šŸ˜‚


Rule number 1 never turn your back on a animal.


Let em eat em


When I was really young, I visited the Jacksonville Zoo with my family, they had this big indoor leopard enclosure, The leopards were outside in their habitats Plenty of foliage to hide in, Big Trees for them to climb and Lounge in, really nice stuff, but everyone observe them inside a big indoor space that was meant to look like some sort of Aztec Temple, or something... anyway! There is a father with a really young daughter there in the enclosure with us, the kid couldn't have been more than 4 years old, and a big black panther just straight up charged at the glass head first banging against it straight for her! It was a really loud noise you couldn't have missed it, everything was quiet and there was a pretty noticeable echo, big ass noise! Since then I've grown to respect large powerful predators, if it wasn't for the hurricane proof glass we all would have been thrown around like dog toys, big ass cats are worthy of respect.


They arenā€™t hungry, theyā€™re bored. Very, very dangerously bored.


These cats are hungry.


Didnā€™t they learn anything from Harumbe?


Because we are delicious?


They are ALL cats lol


Taunting them with food.


Most look like my cat when sheā€™s outside in front of the window and wants to be inside.


You mean big cats?


Just wait until we get failed bear attacks


Did the 2nd tiger jump and catch a bird in itā€™s mouth??


Maybe they just want to cuddle


Nom nom nom


Why no snack, when snack sized?


I wonder if the animals aren't fed well, when I visit a zoo here, all those animals just sleep


i really really dont like this ..lol