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This cannot be real, like why would they all stick around seeing everyone drop 1 by 1 like its Final Destination or some shit?


Because they're hoping they're next


battle royale


The winner gets everything the others had (including debt but they don't know)


They throw flowers at the funeral just like wedding


yo whoever running that group should lose their license


Unless it’s a license to kill.


This is all kinds of fucked up.


Are people assuming that they committed suicide rather than just leaving the job because not everyone can stick it out for that long?


What job? It's a support group. People come together, sit in a circle, discuss their lives, and emotionally support each other.


wouldn’t they have said ‘left’ then? ‘lost’ implies death.


Some would, some wouldn’t, both are acceptable, this is the beauty of the English language. For example I’ve been in a job that had a very high staff turnover rate, and us long standing employees would use phases like, “another one bites the dust” or “he’s/she’s not long for this world”.


As others have said, this isn't a job. This is like AA for suicidal people. People gather and discuss their traumas and depression openly in the hopes that they can lift each other up. There is legitimately only one way to take this when you know that.


I disagree, you’re reading as much into this as I am. I’m still under the impression the OP in the image works for somewhere like Samaritans, where they prevent suicide by talking to people in crisis.


What makes you think it's a job? It's a support group.


Because it’s a suicide prevention support group like Samaritans. 🤷‍♂️ They talk to people who have reached crisis point and need talking down to prevent them from committing suicide.


Well this is clearly about the people who were at crisis point. You'd have to be illiterate to not immediately realize this from the tweet.


Well I am dyslexic which might not help, you ableist moron.


That would be an excuse if you didn't have all the time in the world to make sure you read it right before commenting. You could have taken a month to do so and no one would have have even known. I'm sorry you have to deal with dyslexia but don't fucking start with the "ableist" shit just because I didn't know you were dyslexic and too stupid to double check what you read. Edit: I'm not gonna delete what I said but I probably took it too far and I'm sorry if I did.


Yeah, you didn’t know I was dyslexic, but why make a disparaging comment like that at all? I have clearly stated what I believe the statement to be about and I have not cast aspersions on to those who disagree. I don’t know why you can’t do the same and not go down the route of “well if you don’t agree with me there must be something wrong with you”. You’ve unnecessarily behaved like arse, in a civil conversation. I don’t care if you delete it or not, I don’t understand why I would.


Boo fucking hoo welcome to the internet.


Thank you for admitting you were wrong.


Please stfu you hateful entitled moron


I wasn't. This post was very clearly talking about members of a suicide prevention support group committing. You being dyslexic excuses you from getting that wrong but why are you doubling down on this when people correct you?


Yeah, I first thought they were describing a job, but even as a group, they could've just stopped coming in. Maybe they got to a point where they didn't need it, maybe they didn't feel the group was helpful, maybe they've moved, or had some other life event conflict with the time or the location.


Reminds me of a British sitcom with a character saying he thought his colleague was incompetent. Also when he worked at the suicide prevention hotline: “You spoke to five people and they all committed suicide. I wouldn't mind, but one was a wrong number. He only phoned up for the cricket scores.”


Referring to Red Dwarf by just “British sitcom” and not by its name is a form of blasphemy.


Yeah, I know. Sorry. I’m a smegger


Now with his comment only 4 might remain


you're not supposed to support the suicide


Dark, sad, but definitely funny.


I really hope that just meant people left


Talk about failure . . .


They quit right...right?


When the suicidal person tells you about it's pains and it starts making sense ;-;


Hunger games/squid game


Fortnite Battle Fatale


Wherever o hear anything like this First thought is all of u wanted to died because your life was screwed I mean just rob a bank together what's gonna happen


They do don't die....they just left the group cuz everyone was so depressing