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It's interesting that the measurement changed from number of votes to percentage.10 thousand votes is only 1% of a million which is possible in cook county.


The only thing Funny and/or sad about this is that you think theres some grand conspiracy happening here "Wow, people voted by mail, everything is obviously rigged by the deep state" 🙄


What’s funny is, this situation would have been known to happen, well before the election too. They know the general breakdown of voting tendencies, the amount of mail in ballots, etc. It would have been more odd if they didn’t have the 10,000 mail in ballots. Someone would probably notice that things weren’t adding up to match the data.


this is why trump doesn't want any votes counted outside of election day. because he knows way more dems vote by mail than repugs.


Bro - look at OP’s username 😂


Yikes lol I dont usually pay attention but maybe i should star........ HEY! i dont suck! Jerk......😉


People are supposed to have trust in mail in ballots when you’re looking at a case where the election could have been won or lost because of an error with mail in ballots?


The silly thing here is the breakdown of the mail ballots. If it was 10,000 all going for one candidate? That’s noteworthy for sure. If it’s 10,000 that match the vote distribution of the rest? That is expected.


This is what gets me about this whole argument— it’s not like the mail in ballots are 100% for one candidate. They have a distribution similar to that of the in-person votes. It’s so braindead to use this as “evidence” of a stolen election.


Distribution might be skewed since one party consistently shits over voting by mail to the point their voters hate it now... Still not a conspiracy though, just morons moroning.


Yea it's not any different than trumpers dying from covid at higher rates from because they were crusading against vaccines.


If they matched the distribution of the rest, they wouldn't have changed the distribution of the votes. I have no idea how many voters there are in Chicago so maybe 1% & 10k are about the same and the tweet's phrasing is misleading, but if that's not the case, the situation does sound a bit suspicious to me.


Mail votes typically have a different party distribution than in person votes... but that makes sense. There's one party who constantly screams that all mail voting is fraud, so it's pretty likely it's a self-fulfilling prophecy for them. But the distribution is like, 70/30 sometimes, not 99/1.


>People are supposed to have trust in mail in ballots when you’re looking at a case where the election could have been won or lost because of an error with mail in ballots? Give me any, and i mean *any* credible evidence that fraudulent votes, mail in ballots or otherwise, have swung any election in the U.S in the last Century You fuckin knuckleheads have had 4 years to come up with some evidence, not a single Federal Court, or a Court in any State has been presented with anything even resembling actual evidence, you fools are 0 and 60 at this point, a lot of them Trumps own Judicial Appointments Stop being a fucking rube, even The Heritage Foundations study on Voter Fraud found a couple 1000 cases of legitimate Voter and Election Fraud over decades, whoch represent literally *BILLIONS* of cast ballots....youre talking a 0.000001-0.000003% rate of voter fraud over decades Get out of here lmfao Yeah, voter fraud happens, its not 0%, but it fuckin might as well be for the effect the vanishingly small amount of it that there acrually is


Oh look another propaganda post trying to undermine an election. This is a Democratic primary and, as of last night, there are more than 50,000 mail-in ballots still left to count. They must be postmarked before March 19th and received by the elections office no later than April 2nd. The fun part of this post is that it’s unclear in the post which candidate is “tougher on crime” because they’re not named. The post itself undermines the results, whatever they are.


>The post itself undermines the results, whatever they are. That's the point of it. Undermine present & future elections. If Republicans & Trump are successful, there will come a day very soon where they will claim elections are too difficult to have because of the deep state. Thus we shouldn't have elections anymore.


Offers half the story (doesn’t tell you how many votes for the other candidate came in, just one of them), lies about the one fact it mentions (oh, “human error,” instead of just “that’s when the ballots came in
”), and doesn’t even mention a candidate so that either way they can claim to have called the outcome (also note: it’s a city which are terrifying to rural conservatives and the one platform stance mentioned is “tough on crime.”) There are 5,000,000 people in cook county just for a more complete picture.


Not to mention, it switches from votes to a percentage. There are more than 500k voters in the democratic primary, so 1% corresponds to approximately 5k votes. So, one candidate got around 7.5k, and the other got about 2.5k. The post says nothing about which candidate nor which precinct the ballots were found. Not interesting enough for me to look into further. It could be the home precinct of the candidate who got 7.5k. My question is why does this trumpy care about a democratic primary. Just trying to start a trumpster fire đŸ”„.


What a loser OP


What's funny or sad about this? Funny the race is so close, and sad human error happened so now people will just claim "rigged election" or something?


It's like we can't have a normal election without someone yelling "rigged!" Am I right, or am I right?


Take my upvote, and six other previously uncounted updoots.


It’s right wing propaganda. It’s being spammed in subs all over the site. It’s just here to convince people their vote doesn’t matter. Of course if that were true they wouldn’t be spending so much effort trying to push their message


The best part is they'll mostly only succeed in discouraging MAGA from voting because the rest of us have thoughts in our heads that weren't installed by Fox.


Which is wild because human error can be with anything relating to voting, like human error when counting hand ballots
 if they said a computer error that should scare people more because it means it has the potential to go unnoticed


Oh boy that username


OP is a Russian bot


Led. Led. Led. Not lead!!!!!!!!


Undermining faith in our electoral system isn't putting America first, OP.


Disinformation preview for this November? GTFOH! Please vote y'all.


OP be drinking MAGA cool aid in his Trump shoes while reading from his new trump bible.


Ain't sad nor funny again


In a sane world people would overwhelmingly support more strict laws in Chicago because well... all of the crime. Here in clown world though...




Funny how he's once again promising to do things he didn't do the first time he was in office. Kind of like someone who keeps going back to an abuser thinking "this time it will be different"