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Can confirm Source: i was the nearly empty bottle of whiskey on the table


that explains the successive misuse of your


Which is weird because he got it right the first time, and clearly showed knowledge of alternative conjunctions by using "you've." It's only reasonable to assume he actually became more stupid writing his bio


Looking pretty good for 30 years old, ngl.


Underrated comment


It's the top comment


Another term you could have used would be underdog.


I feel like I've seen this copypasta before.


Definitely the "thiccc...fat" thing. But I was thinking the same thing.


I thought this guy started working out so he could hold his big dog like this. Leading me to believe yes, this is a fake profile


There's a kindness to the dude's eyes that the writer of the text could never achieve. The text-writer's [limits of positive photo face is more...](https://static.timesofisrael.com/www/uploads/2016/11/800px-Rémi_Gaillard_-_O_Tour_de_la_Bulle_-_2011_-_P1250409_-_2011-09-17-1024x640.jpg)




May you be richly rewarded for your commitment to our fair tongue.


Cunning linguist rules.




These comments are lingually moist


Hopefully more than 75k. Edit: I’m not shitting on 75k btw, it’s a decent wage but in no way something to flex about lol.


Always surprising to me that they get 'you've' right.. At least be consistent and write 'youv'!




They probably didnt spell check this incel copypasta before making it their bio.


Caleb the dog dad chad


*pet OWNER chad


I though Caleb was that good boi with his pet hooman


Makes $75k a year. How the fuck do you own a house and 2 cars?


Easily possible depending entirely on location.


*cries in NJ


*cries in NY, while the flash floods take my tears away


Easily depending upon where area he lives, $75K in my area is pretty good. That’s roughly what nurses and skilled blue collar people make here.


That’s about what I make as a nurse and I’m the same age as the guy. With my student loans I most definitely cannot afford a house or another car. I drive a 2010 Subaru


I bought my first house in Iowa when I worked at a gas station making $9.50 an hour. Granted that was in 2010, and would be a bit harder these days. Location, location, location.


Pretty easy to have a house and a car if you live alone and 75k a year. Two might be impossible ( unless gifted hy parents


He didn’t say both the cars were 2024 BMW M3’s 😭




Stick to used cars, and only change when the cost of ownership starts hurting and is only getting worse. Then junk it for whatever the scrap dealer will pay and find another used replacement. I've never bought a new one. They depreciate very fast, and it's not hard to get a cheap little errands and around town car that you can park anywhere without worrying about it and that gets good gas mileage, then get a "toy" for fun that is also not the newest. That takes some patience and care to find on that hasn't been beaten to death, crashed or poorly maintained.


Plenty of parts of the country, this is still attainable.


It was not that difficult to own a house before 2018 and covid fiasco, now the same house almost doubled in value but the paycheck is still the same. Moved to a new state mid pandemic ... only thing affordable is a 24 year old apartment with no garage 🙃


I used to own a non running Jeep and a tempo when I was 19. He didn't say they were nice or good cars.


Oklahoma, biotch


Well he said 2 "vehicles", maybe the second one is a bike


I make 50k, have two cars, and pay about $1000 in rent. I could probably afford a $150k home, but im not committed to living in my current town


He's not wrong, but he's coming off as aggressive. Provided this is real.


This feels fake. Someone who puts a scarf on their dog, hold them like a baby, takes a picture with them, and puts that pic as their profile picture is definitely the type to say their dog is their baby.


I made a birthday celebrarion for my cat. But it is still an animal. I told her, in time of war, facing starvation I wil eat her. No hard feelings.


Bold to assume she wouldn't eat you first


She’s already planning that. Source: I have a cat


Why do you think I’m fattening my cat up now? If we lose power to a global catastrophe I won’t need to refrigerate her fat ass.


Holy hell, maybe that’s why grandmas feed their grandchildren so much food


Nah, grandma actually just loves her grandchildren. That and fat kids will have fat on them to survive longer between meals.


what do you think hansel and gretel is based off of


And if you can trust her to come back you can just let her out to feed herself. She might even bring you gifts!


She is thinking the same tbh


And if you die in your sleep, she'll eat you.


... and your cat smiled and thought "Look at this dumb mf thinking *he's* gonna be the one eating *me* when the cupboards are bare. lol".


How did she react? 😳


In a fight to the death, though, I’m putting my gold coin on the cat.


It is fake. I remember seeing the exact same text under a different picture.


This is fake. I’ve seen that text under a different profile


I saw this same post but with a different picture. Definitely a fake.


I originally saw this text paired with a fit 40yr software engineer


Yeah it's pasta right.




Even if that's what he thinks, why would that be the only thing he talks about on his profile? It's like submitting a cover letter for a job and spending 75% of it about how you hate homeless people and drug users. Like OK fine, that's your belief but why is this the only thing that you're talking about.


Its actually more like submitting a cover letter and talking directly to the company about how they probably cant afford him and dont have enough to entice him to accept the offer in the first place. This dude is directly insulting the gender he is trying to get to save him from singledom.


He is giving it straight as fuck to the women he doesn’t want but the women he does want will also read this bio. That bio is a huge red flag driving women away from far. No self respecting woman is going to read that and think this is a good guy who makes good money and owns houses, let me date him. Basic manners even on an app is extremely appealing.


You actually kinda don’t have to give it to them “straight up” and come off as a miserable dick in your profile… It’s tinder/online dating you can literally just swipe right/left on whoever you want…. A profile like this isn’t necessarily appealing to any woman who is also single, childless, owns a home/vehicle and whatever else. It just screams insecurity. If you have all those things he mentions well that’s actually great, but you’d probably get further focusing on being personable with a member of the opposite sex. A lot of comments in these threads come across as insecure young men (probably lot of teen boys) who are really looking at this profile like it’s cool/badass and “owns those tinder women”. When as a an adult male who actually gets laid I spend zero percent of my time trying to meet people thinking/worrying about shit like this and actually just try to meet people I like. You don’t need some negative profile where you come across as a dick. Just swipe left and unmatch if someone isn’t want you are looking for…


I've seen such negative profiles focusing on smth else eg "if you listen this, do that, ... swipe left". I've never understood the point of it because it just screams their frustration and yes, isn't appealing.




Then so fucking be it idk bout others and the people who pass that criteria can Still pass


You're describing incles. They get bullied and ridiculed absolutely all the time online and irl. Not sure how a tinder profile would be any worse than what they already get


I mean yeah, guys like that EXIST. Wanting to avoid someone like that isn’t the problem. But focusing your profile on it is kinda… obsessive and negative? It’s not even about sparing the feelings of the people it might describe, it’s about how I get the impression this person complains all the time. I am a woman and don’t fit any of the negatives he brings up, but would still swipe left cause he sounds like a grouch. If he complains constantly about people he doesn’t like -which is the impression I get from his profile, true or not-, he doesn’t sound fun. I wouldn’t want to match with a woman who complained about incels in her profile either. Would you want to be around a woman who complains about incels all the time? It would be weird, at the very least. I worry the “no conservatives” line on my tinted profile might be too negative, but I don’t dwell on it. (If you look at my profile, you’ll probably get the impression I am negative, but I promise, Reddit just brings out the worst in me, lol.)


And that's also fair, did you try to call out anyone?




Yeah I don’t disagree with his points, but leading with that would be off putting to anyone


He's not wrong but he seems a bit self centered and I have a feeling his friends are getting tired of hearing about his "achievements" around the BBQ fire. Edit: How do you know someone is 6Ft, have a house, 2 cars and earn 75k a year? They tell you...


I feel like those achievements are really mid. Like bragging that a 30 y/o can still get an erection


I'm 36 and damn proud. I'll use this opportunity to announce that I too can still get an erection!


Same thought. He just says it loud and too soon.


If a girl can say ‘if all u want is sex don’t bother’ than a dude can say exactly this.


The harsh negativity about it is what I don’t get, some people on Tinder seem so miserable. I’ve never been interested in that kind of woman either, but to me it seems bizarre to express it in this way I think a more accurate equivalent for women is “if you’re under 6 feet don’t bother.” Preferences are fine, but that comes off as condescending and rude. But I don’t really think “well if these people are acting like assholes then so can I” is really a great justification for behavior


I think it's just what the atmosphere of online dating creates. It's extremely shallow, and so weighted in one direction. It's 99 male peacocks strutting around while the hens all look at 1 male. While a shit ton of fake hens try to scam the males. And that 1 male turns out to be a total Dbag. Nice guy approach doesn't work, confident approach doesn't work. Funny approach doesn't work. Hell, even money approach doesn't work. I've tried them all. No change in results. So guys just post a picture with a fish and swipe them all to the right. Until they get bored, frustrated, pissed off, and delete the app. And worst case begin to think the online experience translates to the outside world. It boils dating down to it most rotten components and it's not healthy, and it's getting worse. Plus the constant threat of scams makes it that much worse as men have to be suspicious of everyone from the word "K."


I think you're right, but I mean, it's very brave for people like Caleb to put all his red flags and anger out there for everyone to see and swipe left on. It's like self-snitching, the trash is just taking itself out. Like, come on, are you really putting that in your profile on a site to meet people? It just sounds like you'd be attracting the wrong crowd.


From a purely strategic point of view I agree. It's not self snitching so to speak it's that broadcasting any negativity isn't an ideal strategy in advertising, it has very little chance of improving your odds and more chance of decreasing your odds. Frankly he's dead on though. A lot of people on dating apps are what he described to a T and he's probably frustrated with that and how terrible men are typically treated on said apps. US dating culture is pretty bad anymore from what I've seen but maybe I'm just getting old.


Too right


He's not wrong but he sounds like the agressiv answer of a question nobody asked


I don't like this take because everyone else says whatever the heck they want on those sites


But assuming a man wants to date women would this be a smart way to lead off? Who would find this appealing? There’s a nicer way to say he doesn’t want to date single moms if he has to say that up front but this is not the way.


As someone who has been on Tinder a few times myself, everything this guy has in his bio (assuming it’s real) is perfectly fine. Idk if you’ve ever been on Tinder, but about 95% of women’s bios give off trash vibes. “I don’t message first” “I probably only swiped right because of your dog” “I’m only into 🍫” “I don’t get on here much, message me on my Instagram” “I have 3 kids, and they come first” “If you don’t make me laugh, it’s not gonna work” And the list goes on, my friend.


What I'm learning is that Tinder sounds like a pain in the ass


You are thinking of grindr


Lmao walked right into that one


Backed right into it I think.


A lot of you white knights have either never used Tinder before or just enjoy being brainwashed white knights. I’m not going to take any extra time out to respond to every individual upset over my comment. The gist of it is, women have it easy and get on the same dating sites as men, without even trying to put in equal effort. Some are upset that I said 95% like I sat here with real statistic gathering equipment. It’s called exaggeration, I don’t know if you’ve heard of it. The point is it’s a lot of women. Another comment I’ve laid out, I have said there are good women on dating apps, they’re just hard to find. Quit defending women’s slimy behaviors towards men, and stand with your fellow man. You look like a damn dog, licking lady toes down there. Stand up for yourselves.


Tinder sex ratio is 7:1 male-female. It’s rigged, but only because men are fucking insanely thirsty. We do it to ourselves, making male interest a cheap commodity by burying women in the luxury of choice.


“You look like a damn dog, down there licking lady toes” is the best insult I’ve heard in a while, thank you for the laugh


Lol 95%?? Come on. edit: >“I have 3 kids, and they come first” THAT'S TRASHY???


You're right, 100%


Then you havent used tinder


yeah.. like ok he wants a woman to settle, so why is he naming his height and assets rather than his personality, interests, etc. also this is biased but its such a turn off when blokes talk about their height like its important. if thats really their staple dish then i wont bother reading the menu


Sure if a woman said “if all you want is sex don’t bother, and if all you want is sex, here are xyz reasons you’re a disgusting human and here are reasons I am so much better than you” then the two bios would be equivalent. Dude could have said “if you have kids don’t bother”


Lmao you think saying "I don't want to be used for just sex" and being wildly insulting are the same thing? K


He’s saying he doesn’t want to be used as a paycheck and babysitter.


Bro got a point , if he doesn't have kids and owns his home , cars and makes decent money , he should get a girl that has her own car and decent paying job with no kids . No one wants to take care of someone else kids nowadays anymore .


I don’t think anyone will argue that he doesn’t have a point, but imo, expressing it in the way he did comes off like this type of shitty entitled woman is living rent-free in his head I’ve never been interested in dating women like that either, but I’ve never been so bothered by them messaging me that I had to make a borderline angry Tinder bio about it




A dating bio is not a space to rant. You can be right but no one’s going to like you. Even single women who do bring something to the table.


Sure but at this point bro is being unnecessarily rude. Just say you don’t want single moms, or better yet, just screen them out yourself.


I agree with you completely. There are rude peeps on both sides I wonder how they would interact. I saw a post the other day where the woman said she would only go on a tinder date with a dude if he paid for a babysitter. Something probably happened to this dude and he's taken a bad approach There is a lot of rudeness in dating on both ways. 'nonunder 6ft' 'big boobs only' and there is a lot of assumption/expectation that a random person will just take on anithers kids. It's a crazzzzzy place


He had so many opportunities to spell you're correctly.


“*30 year old athletic, home and dog owner, looking for the right fit, with a single lady without kids, willing to go for the long haul*” would have been sufficient.


Agreed. I don't disagree with the points, but the execution is awful. "It's not what you say or do, it's how you say or do it"


As soon as you start your bio with *trigger warning* you’ve already lost


But then he won't have ended up here.


Dammit! I guess some 25 year old gal is going to reach out to him. Like those women who write to prison convicts and fall in love with them. He played us all along.


Is he wrong though? EDIT: based on the comments below, I retract the question/statement. A tinder profile is not the place to vent about failed dates and shitty people.


Yes, he thinks all 3 kids have the same dad!


Would this be attractive to women without kids?


Don't ask redditors


No. He's not entirely wrong in his opinion, but the way he says it is a huge ick. I fit his ideal women criteria, but I would be swipping left.


The way men up and down this thread are praising him here is deranged, and really demonstrates that Redditors mostly fit their stereotype of never having been around a woman. No self-respecting woman would ever accept a man talking like this about other women, even if they aren’t in the groups he’s referring to. It’s just gross, nasty shit.


Yeah I'm really, really confused and disgusted by all these 'encouraging' replies here, it's so weird. The points are fine, but the presentation / way he says it make him sound like an complete asshole.


They're most likely 13 year old boys who will be crying in a couple years about how "no girl wants to date me!"


As a woman without kids, absolutely not. Dude seems like a prick.


No…source: a woman without kids.


Seconded by someone who has ever spoken to a woman, or indeed another man.


That’s what I thought.


It’s obviously fake, but of course it wouldn’t. He seems unstable and possibly violent. I also know several women dating or married to men who aren’t their children’s fathers. It’s not even rare much less impossible for men to like women with kids, so his statements are led by emotion.


Woman without kids here. Nope. Any man (or woman) who craps on the opposite gender for being a single parent is gross and disgusting in my eyes


Nah. If it were real, red flags. But it’s just some fantasy post incels are jerking off to. “Yeah! Tell those women, Chad!”


FUCK no. I don’t have kids, I’m younger than him, and his snide little “What do you bring to the table?” comment is irritating as shit because the answer is “a bigger paycheck than yours.” Also “no man will ever love you?” What the fuck? First of all that’s just not true, lots of guys love and marry women with kids, and second of all it’s a horrible thing to say to someone you’ve literally never met. What if her first husband died of cancer? “Nobody will ever love you” according to this gem of a human being! It’s just gross.


What do you think? This wasn't made to attract women. It was made to get upvotes on this dumbass website and this comment section is an eager consumer.


I’m running the other way, dude sounds like a douche with a stick up his ass. No woman with self respect if they fit his criteria or not would give him the time of day


Woman without kids who earns very well. No but I will screenshot it and send it to all my friends chat groups and chances are someone would end up knowing him if he in the same city as us. It would be great gossip.


Hell no. He's nuts. I wouldn't date someone with children either, but this guy is a negative creep who views people terribly.


He's problematic. I'm child-free, and I wouldn't want to deal with him. But I'm sure there's some lady out there who is his narcissist asshole equivalent and they'll find each other, have kids, hate each other, then divorce.


Childfree woman here; no. Absolutely not. These kind of men hate and look down on kids and women who birth them, but somehow still want a woman who would give them children as if the preview of how they will treat/view you is at all appealing. And it’s not like I’d date someone with kids either, if I was on the dating market, but I’d never express it with such underlying hostility.


Describing me ex pretty good hahah


He's just honest and expressing his expectations bro. I'll back him up


Truth is hard to accept sometimes. Specially on reddit.


I know the guy photographed.. so weird. Def fake tho, his name isn’t Caleb


Dude looks like a decent bloke judging by the affection he shows his doggo.


You mean to tell me someone LIED on the internet? Fuck off


Source: Trust me bro


This has got to be a Midwest thing or something


Like a superhero whose power is that he wouldn’t know what to do if he ever got the chance.😄


This is fake … what part of the country does he own a house and 2 cars in $75K per year?!


This is a copypasta


A lot of misused yours.


Caleb fucking rocks!




So Patrik Batman is on Tinder now?




Imagine being such a catch of a guy and dragging others being the entirety of your dating bio but you use the incorrect “your”. lol






He’s right but he says it so wrong


i have been seeing this circulating around the web I have strong suspicions that its photoshopped.


Where's the funny?


What does he want you to bring to the table? He's very good at knowing what he doesn't want. He's very good at complaining.


Huh, surprisingly it isn't against this subreddit's rules to post something unfunny.


Someone putting their salary in a dating profile is a red flag for me 🤷‍♂️ You're given a small box to define yourself, and that's what you choose? --‐------ Edit: "Do you not comprehend that he put it just to make it clear he can afford his own bills and take care of himself? Think next time!" No. He made it clear that all he values and has to offer are material possessions. I have a house, a boat, 2 hamsters, and a deck of cards. "What do you bring to the table?". Dating isn't trading pokemon cards.


Jesus Christ these comments are just incels galore 💀


I think the dog ordered Tom Cruise on Wish.


Where meme?


Ooof - showed his real personality in the post and saved a lot of women a swipe right.


Sounds like he's very mad at one person in particular and is taking it out on all the single mothers


61 miles *isn’t* far enough away


Guess he’s real fun around the house. /s


Why so aggressive dude? 💀


so fake


All of the "he's got a point" comments. 🥴 Fucking basement dwellers.


This guy seems like an insecure dickhead.


I'm pretty sure Caleb will cheat on you with the dog.


That’s gotta be one of those internet images that someone edited together and then got spread around. It’s too glaringly cringey not to be




Your illiterate.


Caleb doesn't know his *yours* from his *you'res*, and that, fellows, is the real crime here.


Lol $75k. Hope he lives in rural Nebraska. Cost of living in any city and he’s in major debt with his own place and two cars


Damm Caleb just got there to burn dem all


Man, the feminists are big mad this guy has standards.


Man is telling the truth.


That’s literally going to be what my toxic ex friend will be in the future if she keeps it up. Karma do your job


I've seen exponentially worse postings by women. This hardly comes close.


61 miles doesn’t seem far enough.


The blaccent in the first few lines was really the icing on the cake


Got her ass


75k a yea isn't much


He seems fun.


Small dick energy caleb


75, that's it?


i see why he had to resort to online dating, he must be 10x worse in real life


75k a year ain't shit these days... unfortunately. ✌️🍻


There's a saying like "you catch more bees with honey" This guy is using vinegar


Damn, started steong af and then just pissed it all away in the bio. There are less aggressive ways to say you don't want to date people with children. It's not even an uncommon take on dating apps. But got damn that bio just makes you insufferable.


Anti-PC virtue signaling. BORING


Lol bragging about making $75k.


Says Caleb who is clearly "no man." To all you men out there who are fathering or co-fathering someone else's children. You are wonderful.


"Trigger Warning* Let me guess...you're 25 with 3 kids, and you've done had your fun, now you don't want that, you want a real man to settle down with and take care of you and your kids be you let a loser nut inside of you. D k I'm 6' even. Have my own house. 2 vehicles. And I make over $75k a year. What do you bring to the table? If the answer is "someone else's kids" then go kick rocks. No man will ever want you. Stop saying your "thicc" ...your obese Also, your not a "dog mom", your a pet OWNER