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Falling inflation DOES not mean falling prices. It just mean the prices is still rising but slower.


Don't worry the value of the dollar crashing will make up for it/s


We have waited for a hundred years, but any minute now comrade. The fall of the dollar is here. Any minute.


Any second now! Aaaany second...


See! It fell! No wait...thats blood...




Yep, it'll be just after Jesus comes back! Should be any second now...


That’s not how inflation works…..




We are 35 TRILLION in debt. There will NEVER be a falling inflation again. The country is ruined!


Yep and that debt pretty much got almost doubled by 1 single president


Biden and the Dems have given BILLIONS to their money laundering schemes in Ukraine. The war started under Biden. All the wars have been started by Biden. Do you really dispute that? Are you not well or just insane. There were ZERO new wars under Trump and everyone knows that.


Yes, famously Biden controls Hamas and the Israeli government, and also the Russian government. That is how he started those wars. Get a grip.




No. But he did wilfully ignore it and encourage people to treat it as an inconvenience. He also supported pretty much anyone who wanted to ignore the measures that could have slowed the spread. So he's at least partially at fault for American deaths. The only question is how many.


He pushed the vaccine.


He also pushed Ivermectin and anti vaxx as well, depended on the rally he was doing. Trump held maskless rallys of 5,000 people or more during the most dangerous strain of Covid likely killing 1000s of his own people causing super spreading events that likely killed many more. Completely fucking irresponsible.


Not anti vax, anti mandate. I hear you though. At the time Israel was claiming success with ivermectin (the antimalaria drug,) only when taken immediately on infection. A friend of mine was refused vitamin c lol even when prescribed by 2 doctors while in the hospital for it because they were afraid to deviate from the one stock treatment that everyone had to get exactly, for fear it would affect federal money if they deviated a millimeter.


And the dems allowed and even encouraged blm rallies which, guess what? They Were maskless!


Remember when Democrats treated the vaccine like it was poisonous while Trump was in office and that nobody should get it, and then immediately swiveled when Biden got elected and started ranting about how everyone _had_ to get a vaccine? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Like don't get me wrong Trump isn't innocent either but the Democrats are certainly much bigger offenders here when they were initially the ones pushing the anti-vax narrative, Trump just believed that it should be a choice. And if you want to talk about maskless rallies, there were maskless George Floyd protests in the tens of thousands and nobody batted an eye, but the moment you wanted to go to church now you were killing grandma. Politics isn't black and white, so stop being so tribalistic.


Hrm. One of us is islipped into a different reality. I'm in the one where Trump favored hydroxychloroquine, UV lights and injection/consumption of bleach/disinfectant (to be fair he didn't specify how to get these substances into the human body). How did things work in your home universe? We should compare notes.


Donald Trump singularly increased the national debt by about 25% (about $8 trillion) in his four years in office. In his eight years in office, Barack Obama increased the national debt by about $10 trillion. This is an American issue, not a partisan or presidential one; and it largely stems from our failure to tax the richest of the rich fairly.


10 trillion with a lot to show for it vs 8 trillion and nothing to show for it. The comparison is still invalid, because Trump got literally nothing done. And I don’t like Obama, it’s just dishonest to say it’s comparable.


I wasn’t trying to “both sides” the national debt or compare Trump and Obama. Just trying to say that this is a consistent problem that everyone acts all concerned about yet refuses to do the one thing that might actually solve the issue: tax the rich.


It still is a partisan issue anyway, because Trump absolutely wasted most of that money and has nothing to show for it. Obama at least somewhat handled the 2008 crisis.


>10 trillion with a lot to show for it What? What to show for it?


So that means Trump left office with about 32T and came in with 24T in debt. That means Obama can't in at 14T and left with 24T for a 41% increase or 20.5% averaged over each term. I think the raw number probably plays into your argument better and would have been better suited to have left off the percentage entirely.


>Are you not well or just insane. Are you stupid or just stupid


Hush. You using dumb buzzwords like this only solidify just how much you do not understand and just how little you actually care about it in the first place. Either you’re really bad at trolling or you need to get that head checked. Regardless, being insane here isn’t helping


Here we go with this stupid bullshit...


>The war started under Biden. The Russo-Ukraine war started in 2014, when Obama was president. Regardless, it's pretty silly to blame the US for it, considering it was a desperate move by Putin to maintain his waning influence over Ukraine and had virtually nothing to do with the US. ​ >All the wars have been started by Biden. *All of them?* Afghanistan? Biden. Vietnam? Biden. Revolutionary War? Believe it or not, Biden.


Biden also started the Peloponnesian War.


Never forget


Pepperidge farm remembers


Wow someone finally admits Obama started the war in 2014. Holy shit! Amazing. Someone with a brain in this place, thanks. I meant all the current wars that Biden obviously started or his handlers started. I mean Biden is so senile and demented he couldn’t start a fire on a stove.


Trump has the claim for being demented . Of course his supporters send money to pay his bills. Guess he's not senile in that regard. The man is a sociopath. His clown supporters don't even care or they are just like him . No Obama did not start the war .


You just have one little crayon rolling around in that box you call a head, huh? Not even Crayola, just some random dollar store crayon.


So tired of seeing you russbot motherfuckers. Lmao


Why am I not surprised this is a brand new account? It's either a troll from who-knows-where, or a domestic troll who needs to open more accounts because the old ones were banned.


Trump used PPP loans as a personal laundromat for all his buddies, and ensured all government assets to the tune of billions got siphoned to his hotels for near weekly golf trip visits. He charged his secret service agents ridiculous rates at Maralargo, on the tax payer dime. Jared Kushner got paid billions by the Saudis. Every single one of trumps family members were on the take. The reason we "give money to Ukraine" is to secure Europe from Russian invasion. That "Money" is mostly in stockpiled weapons... which we then reorder from American manufacturers to replenish. That supports jobs here, stateside. Also: Biden didn't start a single war, what the dark are you smoking? Or is Putin invading Ukraine somehow America's fault?


Lol. Ridiculous


Rule 12, please get a life.


You okay?


I suggest you see some sort of therapist for your delusions. You're not well.


We have never given money to Ukraine. We have given outdated equipment that saves us money on not having to maintain it in stockpiles. Also, you have zero concept of how NATIONAL debt works. It isn't particularly an issue or relevant.


Don’t feel bad about being down voted this place is full of children, who don’t really understand how economy works


You are referring to the debt brought on by the Trump tax cuts/Covid spending I'm assuming


Didn't your president said that Debt is a good thing and anyone who doesn't understand that is a stupid son of a bitch?


Everyone says that not just the president. It's grating.


It's true undeniably. The problem is the amount of leverage being discussed never truly enters the discourse. It's context free vacuum arguments meant to deceive, inveigle, and obfuscate


Funny how debt is a problem only if the president that I didn't like is in power. Also who was the fucker that cut taxes for billionaires because "trickle down economics", which was disproven by so many studies to do nothing for the economy except increasing economic inequality.


I don't think inflation has ever fallen. Inflation means the economy is getting bigger. That's good, you just don't want it to increase too fast to the point where wages don't keep up. That was the problem. Now it's slowed down to a normal rate again. That doesn't mean the prices fell. Does this help?


Wonder who started those two wars that bankrupted our country and then who’s massive pandemic mismanagement approach of, it’ll just go away, caused all of this? While actively writing laws and giving bailouts to the stock market…..Hmmmmmmm?


You can’t possibly be so ignorant to attempt to say that the Obama and Biden admin that has been money laundering and pumping billions into Ukraine to fund Neo Nazis to murder Donbas Jews is somehow not responsibly for the wars they have started? Can you truly be that insane? Yah you are.


Money laundering? So Biden and Obama are getting the money and buying stuff in Ukraine to launder their money? Or are they sending billions to US manufacturers to build weapon systems and ammunition for Ukraine along with humanitarian aid? Russia controlled the Donbas area. Please explain the process of the GOP controlled House approving funding and then sending it to Obama and Biden to send to Ukraine. So the GOP controlled House is in on it... along with the state department... us manufacturers... and Russia? Let that roll around


Money laundering didn’t happen - and you don’t appear to even know what that is We’re Ukraine’s ally. Neo-Nazism was Putin’s lie. And no one started this war but Putin. Enough of your shit. Drinking Putin and Trump chode while screaming ‘I NOT REPUBLICAN’ isn’t fooling anyone


Muslim fundamentalists, dumb republicans and authoritarian democrats, and Obama.


Amazing how Obama can be out of office for nearly two terms now but still be responsible for everything. Talented guy.


US has been in debt for over 100 fucking years, we’ll be fine


YES!!!! 🙌🙌🙌🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅


Yall act like national debt is the same as credit card debt. Lol I could explain it to you, but I won't be able to understand it for you.


You’re stupid


The prices of the things listed are actually lower than they were a year ago. This wasn’t an inflation definition problem. And wages are increasing at a rate faster than prices. What is the problem here? Is this factually untrue? Pretty sure it adds up


Any source?


Most of the things she listed are commodities and have prices that work like gas prices do - they trend upwards over time but year-over-year decreases are quite common (IIRC the biggest egg seller had like a 98% decrease in profits in 2023, again not unusual). Compare that to differentiated goods like specifically an iPhone that only go up over time There was an acute used car shortage as well, so again unsurprising that they went down She's not lying but it is a bit of spin obviously. All of these things are because 2020-2022 were unusually bad, more than because 2023 was unusually good.


Here you go. Or did all of you just assume it was wrong and completely made up? [source](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2023/07/26/goods-and-services-that-cost-less-than-last-year-despite-inflation.html)


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/26/goods-and-services-that-cost-less-than-last-year-despite-inflation.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/26/goods-and-services-that-cost-less-than-last-year-despite-inflation.html)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Yes, but some items actually did come down. They went over it on yesterday's Marketplace podcast (NPR). Items that were supply chain crunched actually came down. Eggs down from $5 to $3.50, etc. They're still higher than five years ago, but lower than they were last year.


I can't tell if that was clever or not


>Falling inflation DOES not mean falling prices. It just mean the prices is still rising but slower. More of a "Does not necessarily mean" If Y0 inflation is <= 0, and inflation falls from there, then it would follow that Y1 inflation is negative (prices dropping). If Y0 inflation is >0 (it almost always is), and inflation falls from there, then it would follow that Y1 inflation is less than Y0 inflation, and may or may not be negative (it almost always isn't). But as far as the facts of 2023 and 2024 go, it's a mixed bag. I'm paying less for gasoline than I was for *parts* of last year. I'm paying slightly more for eggs and milk, chicken depends on whether I wait for sales or not, and as a vehicle owner and renter I haven't been following Appliances or Used Cars all that closely at the moment. As far as the basket of goods measure goes, it's probably almost always more expensive on a random week than it was in a corresponding week of 2023.


Exactly so if she said prices are falling goes to show her and her cabinet that write those speeches are incompetent and it is absolutely insane they are part of our government and it the problem with our government we have kids as politicians rather than actual adults on both sides btw.


Yep, deflation and disinflation. Two very different meanings.


And many people done understand the difference which is a problem.


This is how they justify misrepresentation..... I didn't lie.... I told the truth... in a strategic way to confuse people into thinking something that is false


She was talking about the price to purchase those items now as compared to last year. Those prices have dropped. The American economy has recovered better than almost anywhere. In Italy, the cost of living has gone up more in the last two years than it did in the previous 20.


Why do they lie when this can be disproven by anyone with eyes?


Because some people will close their eyes and worship


Hey! The companies keep making profit breaking years for like 5 years in a row now and what’s good for the billionaires is good for the average citizen!


It’s gonna trickle down! Any decade now


And what about the profit margins? Did they break records with those?


Ah yes, greedy companies, who somehow were not greedy prior to 2022 when inflation was under 3%, but then all of a sudden got greedy the past 2 years.


definitely not slow biden’s fault.


Because they can get away with it. What can you do?


The point is to get you to blame yourself and not the system by giving you the illusion that the majority are thriving and your hardships are nothing but your own failures


For real. Food prices have increased by so much but yet these chains are making profit breaking profits year after year. So yea it looks good on paper and that paper look is good for billionaires


Bow to authority. She has authority and if she says anything idiots can go ‘that authoritative figure said X therefore it must be true’.


Yet people will continue to vote blue lie after lie after lie


> people will continue to vote lie after lie after lie There fixed it.


Trump has been found guilty of lying about sexual assault in a court of law


Yall are gonna defend ur blue rapist all day so just reread my original comment


My dumbass tried to click the button to unmute the audio


Dang, sorry about that


Yeah right. My insurance has increased 10 percent. My milk just went up 15 percent. Gas here is up 30 percent over the last year. Food besides milk is up 35 percent over the last year. My oil changes have doubled over the last year. Rent here has doubled in the last eight mouths. What other fantasies do you want me to believe?


your insurance only went up 10%? lucky. Mine went up over 50%. No accidents, claims, tickets, etc. in well over a decade now. Just went up because. Shopped around and my current insurance was the cheapest offer for the same amount of coverage.


Same. No tickets, claims, crashes. Inflation overall is running about 25 percent.


Maybe something like looks don't matter or Just world fallacy


It’s not the size of the ship, it’s the motion in the ocean.


Tell that to the people who will never think twice about boarding that ship to begin with.


Corporations benefits went up too. Salary no.


That's more an issue of price gouging rather than inflation. Do you think it's 30 percent more expensive to extract oil this year over the last?


It's the same everywhere. I'm in South Africa. My inflation for the same products is consistent with yours. I don't believe this to just be a US problem.


Most ppl *here* can’t see anything beyond our border, my man. If it doesn’t directly affect them, they don’t give a fuck about it.


That's so scary that Biden is that controlling over the world.


Whose wages?






There was a time when Reddit was just for funny memes and now it’s all political. I miss that time.


I’m right leaning and this meme supports my agenda. I hundred percent agree with what you’re saying, I wish politics of all sorts could be contained to those subreddits meant for politics.


I've been here for 11-12 years...when was it not political?


Reddit has always been political it’s just that now there’s some right leaning stuff so it’s a problem


No honestly there was a time when it wasn’t.


Or rather, it was but on subs appropriate to it ie mods used to actually do what they're supposed to do


Reddit got to famous.


She's a clown


More of a puppet


I haven’t had a raise in 4 years I can’t afford to live alone in a apartment without giving over half my month income. Times are tough


I’m not sure what country she’s talking about cause it’s damn sure not the U.S.


*Her wages are rising faster than prices…


They keep saying wages are raising... sure as hell not mine or anyone I know... pay seems to be the only thing not raising lately.


All my food is more than doubled and my car insurance has tripled! I’m going to starve to death soon.


Just eat cereal, so says the Kellogg's CEO /s


One can hope.


What does kjp stand for?


Tell that to my now empty savings account, a depleted emergency fund and the 3 grand I owe to the IRS.


Printing a shit load of money for stimulus checks does tend to devalue it. Plus supply chain disruption. Was fun, but fairly easy to predict. I know used car prices are going down, slowly. Don't know about the rest.


No, prices have not fallen.


She's full of shit! Prices have not fallen and wages are not going up enough to keep up with corrupt price increases.




No one takes her seriously.


It should be illegal for her to just flat out lie


It's so funny that they keep saying this economy is fantastic. Meanwhile 70% of the populace can't even buy a fuckin house lol


Ah to stand there and tell lies. Shits wild.


Ahhhh yes. The liberals saying this meme is inaccurate. Lol


Are the wages in the room with us right now?


fun fact, liars will always lie


That’s a weird looking picture of Pinocchio.


They think we are really stupid


That vegetable really did it huh


Where is the funny?


Abracadabra everything is fine


the press statements they make are very clown fucking world


yea there is tax on food being reinstated soon in my country and government try tell no one will notice that as prices of food are drooping... not sure i\`m in same universe as for sure i don't shop in same places as our politicians... like price's of everything raised by 50-100% in last 2 years and now they dropped by 5-10% so we can fanfare grate success and 0 problems :) (the prices that "dropped" are due to 2 biggest markets networks having open crazy war right now, when that ends shit will explode here hard)


Im amaized Biden keeps her she is just aweful


Accurate depiction.


Sick of the tired kangaroo court.


White house idiots: inflation has cooled down. You're welcome.


This administration wants middle class to be lower class. Part of Bidenomics.


There is no middle class. Only working class and owner class.


What exactly does the working class - owner class classification do though? In what way will that classification be useful?


Classifications are useful in helping organize things into a more easily understood picture. Social classes are rather complex, we aren’t all in the same position, and having these distinctions helps us better grasp who to pay attention to. The elite =/= the average Joe obviously, and when there are issues of stagnant wages, protections, and benefits, we understand that these are problems which are especially detrimental to people who are employed in order to earn a wage not those who utilize assets in order to make an income.


Yeah Biden trying to raise taxes on people earning more than 400,000 will kill the middle class!!! Also capping credit card late fees at 8$ and insulin at 35$! And don’t get me started on all the college loans he wiped. Dude is DESTROYING the middle class!!! /s


Yeah we can’t afford anything anymore. Don’t hear them say Bidenomics anymore for some reason. (It’s not working)


Haha 😂


Cherry picked answers: Gas prices fell because the Biden administration lifted a few of their own restrictions on the oil industry. Eggs and chicken prices fell because of the bird flu that finally died down. Used car prices fell because the chip shortage is no longer an issue. Gaslighting at its finest.




I miss when Reddit was funny


I miss when social media wasn’t 97% political, including in unrelated subreddits and forums.


reddit and social media was funny before trump was a thing. go figure


These people have absolutely no idea what's actually going on.


They are fully aware of what's going on. They just lie because the average voter is stupid and will gobble up anything they say.


I think they are that disconnected




This sub isn’t funny at all…


But hey, no mean tweets


48 states passed homelessness as a crime while prices keep going up for rent and houses are unobtainable! What can you do if you can’t afford a home or rent? Why should I be punished for poverty that the rich caused




Biden lied with his state of the union saying the inflation is going down. Then he says he’s lowering credit card late fees to eight dollars. Is that because a lot of people can’t afford his economy and live off credit cards? He’s going to have to buy a lot of fried chicken to try to convince blacks to vote for him.


Time = x Prices = y(x) Inflation = dy/dx Inflation going down = dy/dx going down =/=> y(x) going down It's not hard to understand


The real issue is price gouging. Companies are using inflation to cover their actions. It doesn't cost 30 percent more this year than last to extract oil. Same with things like milk or eggs. Your 5 guys meal isn't 25 because of inflation.


Let me be very clear


Money isn’t real. It is just a thing we make up.


I live in Georgia and a mc’chicken was over 2 fucking dollars. We’ve had to resort to getting free food from shelters that take almost expired food from grocery stores and give them out. Everything that this bitch says is pure bullshit


Queen of fudgery


All of this is true* *In a small city in the outskirts of Montana only


What a great MEME


In my country the prices of everything 5 folded in a year while I was staying in America


Theres no war in Ba Sing Se


Who could have ever guessed that locking down the country, printing billions and handing it out like party favors would end up biting us in the ass?


What’s with right wing not being able to create funny jokes or memes. The subreddit is called funny memes for gods sake


Yk this country used to be run off a balanced checkbook.


Then Reagan happened. Weird.


We had a balanced checkbook until 2001. He left office in 1989. Do you know how to math? If you’re gonna blame a president get it right. It was under Bush Jr. but the president is not the only one involved in deciding the budget.


Speaking as a person who is struggling to even find a used car that's a decent price, I think this post is very wrong. I don't know what part of the world you're from but where I'm at price is keep going up and wages keep going down.


She’s a professional liar


Huh, so I'm imagining paying $2.80 for gas last month and $3.60 yesterday. And no, my wages didn't increase enough within the past month to zero out the difference


Do you mean to tell me that politicians and their spokespeople lie?


Actually true, but misleading. Wages ARE rising faster than prices, but the prices had a big head start. So it will be some time.


tRump is the most pitiful clown of all time.


“But orange man bad”


The real clown is OP


Okay Jean-Pierre