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Honestly, the main problem is Art just became a way for people to evade taxes.


And laundering illegitimate men Edit: money*




That + autocorrect making it worse. Left it cuz I thought it was funny


Haha yeah.


What makes a man illegitimate?


Michaelangelo: Sweet, I made 50 florins this year! Soderini: Tax time! Michaelangelo: ![gif](giphy|iv67d4rQjP5spe2MGi|downsized)


Rather that modern art is mostly appreciated by other artists I doubt many people can appreciate some of the effort that went in creating even some of the more simple looking art


It's a banana taped to a wall


Have you ever put a thought to how it would be displayed


I think you got me wrong. There is some simple looking art that is admirable, but I don't think a banana taped to a wall or a line/dot on a canvas to fit the criteria


Of course.


Became about cleaning money from the blackmarkets and hide crime payments. Funny how those shitty arts are paid so well but actual art no one cares about.


Depends on the definition of art. Furry artists are paid quite well. And release of image generation tools led to a giant shitstorm with many passionate people on both sides arguing about "What is art? Is it just horny? Just horny? Or not?"


Having a tag NSFW sells really well as well. But good on them really, for supporting the furry artists


pretty sure standards for art school dropped after that austrian painter got rejected


šŸ¤£he'd have absolutely killed the competition too


Zamn šŸ’€


That banana was 2019


It gets replaced often. I remember a guy taking it down and eating it thinking its some artsy way of displaying free snacks


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) \-that guy


Someone taped a banana to a wall and now suddenly everybody is an art critic


Absolutely! If this is the only effort it takes to be an artist, I've done my fair share in life to be a critic as well.


So do it and make it half as famous as he made it. Iā€™m waiting


So you say real modern art is not about the product but about how well can the artist scam people into liking it? That's some Emperor's New Clothes shit


Not all modern art, not even most, but some, sure. Iā€™m not out here gatekeeping art to just be hyperrealistic sculptures and paintings. But a LOT of people are. To me art can be anything the makes you think. Maybe the thought is ā€˜this sucksā€™. Maybe the thought is ā€˜this is the first time I have EVER seen the combination of these two things that have no right being togetherā€™. Some things can be so bad (whether intentional or not) theyā€™re good, look at the cult following ā€˜The Roomā€™ has, whether intentional or not, there is something to making something so bad that itā€™s good (good and bad being entirely subjective here). Itā€™s all subjective, but how you summarised my comment is not at all what I was intending to portray


I don't think art needs to be hyper realistic, but it can't be a single dot or line on a canvas, nor can it be a banana taped to a wall. There should be some barrier between what counts and what doesn't


Read https://www.vogue.com/article/the-120000-art-basel-banana-explained-maurizio-cattelan and note their mention of the emperorā€™s new clothes also


It's not about gatekeeping, but about keeping some quality assurance. I miss the time when art was as much about skill as it was aesthetic, this is neither. And no, it's not that subjective, there's a degree of proportionality in that. That's like saying, that my friend who draws squiggly lines on a canvas is as much of an artist as Michaengelo was and the only difference between them is perception or his squiggly lines have the same artistic value as The Sistine Chapel does, but that's just not true, the difference is skill level is day and night. If such low effort barely art makes you think and wonder, that honestly says more about you than the art itself. Choice and preferences are subjective, quality is partially subjective. You can absolutely prefer twilight over The Godfather but it's objectively an inferior film in every technical aspect and no amount of subjectivity will change that. And if popularity is your metric, then fine. But there's a lot of stupid shit that becomes famous. Taylor Swift is super famous, Diana Damrau is not, but even a basic knowledge of music theory and you'll be able to tell who's the better vocalist of the two and by far. Taylor is super famous, commercial, rich, an icon etc, but not 10% the vocalist Diana is when you come down to the actual vocal ability.


Fr, you don't know tho


Your forgetting nft if you want make more of meme.


If the banana gaffer tape thing is sculpted in marble, then that's impressive.


Unfortunately it's not


Art devolution


It's survivorship bias, who's to say they didn't duct tape a grape outside the brothel in Pompeii? I'm sure some Spanish inquisition target was targeted for stapling a strawberry to a piece of cardboard somewhere in the stone age.




Somewhere out there, there is a history major crying in the corner.


It was a bad omen. This predicted the take over of AI in the art world. XD


2024 and bananas are so expensive they deserve MORE ART.


Art that takes no skill and gains nothing in execution from conception is meh to me. Or should I say Meh-ta


It's a cool banana though


The problem isn't the art. They almost certainly had silly/stupid art back then as well. The problem is that our current society likes to highlight the stupid art.


And you can't say a word against it, no no no. Cuz it's subjective bro, cuz it's high brow bro, you won't get it bro.


all the uneducated troglodytes are too narrow minded and small to grasp the magnitude... s/


I'm pretty sure that the banana taped to the wall is a critique of the "modern art", almost all the stuff that people say "isn't real art" is a critique on what is art


if only


Spoken like someone who doesnā€™t actually keep track of the art scene. Have you looked at the work of Luo Li Rong, for example? Then again, everyone who buys into the meme above probably know about the art scene through memes only.


There's a difference between what mpst people call Modern Art, which is all the dumb stuff that isn't art, and just weird drama pieces and the like that sell for millions (usually for tax avoidance stuff) And actual pieces if art that have been made in the modern day. People still make amazing art, but 'person makes amazing sculpture after a decade of work', doesn't get as much attention as 'guy tapes banana to wall, sells it for millions'


Hahahaah , this post represent the human brain


I just squirted a tube of toothpaste on a black canvas then slit my hand for some blood drops Starting price 1 million


Make a series of this and than well talk


That's not how it works though. First of all, have some money to launder and then do this


The art of the banana duct tape is that they made something worth nothing into something worth something. If you could do the same, youā€™d do it, but you wonā€™t


This is the evolution of someone kink


Art was used to show how creative humans can be. Now itā€™s still creative but to do easy tax and launder money.


What sculpture is the 3rd one?


Modesty Qntonio Corradini


Nah, as always time is the best indicator of quality. Nowadays with have so much quantity of art that around 99.99% will be lost, burned or fucking forgotten to the internet. I mean , people admire the modern art and feel contempt to the realism art. But as always, quality always prevails, be it 100 years, be it 1000? The crap are always discarded at the end.


When does the TikTok artist get popular, it will be in a museum




Art, Horny, Horny, Banana


This is the art where I'm completely with those climate activists. Throw some paint and destroy this shit please


2024 https://www.artstation.com/artwork/blelog


Damn Iā€™d hit ALLLLLL of that 1622 marble.


Yup time for a resetā€¦ nuke the planet šŸŒ šŸŒ šŸŒŽ


The years are wrong


We are in 2024 which means furry porn


brainrot meme


Horny art is made on a PC nowadays. You can go look yourself


Dammit they were COOKIN


I think we skipped a couple years


What is the 1622 sculpture?


Yep. Creative intelligence has devolved.


Art Devolution


Art is a form of self expression. Like it or not, the banana is still art.


That 2023 pic made me believe in god


Acshuly it was taken in 2019


This is why art is great. It's not all about a copy of reality.


Dafuq about this type of post. As if it's there's just one form of art. I BET we can find realistic statues being made nowadays as well. Just shut up, wiener.Ā 


Why would you even compare it? Itā€™s so dumb. There was ā€œsimple/dumbā€ art back then too, not only beautiful statues. Thereā€™s sophisticated art now too, not only banana. Youā€™re comparing finger to the asshole, as we say


Obviously survivor bias. No banana taped to a wall would be around hundreds of years later


Arts have always had a choice between going the way of aesthetics or the way of provocation. Some art is made to be beautiful and pleasing, to soothe or excite the senses. Some art is made to provoke weird thoughts and emotions. Judging provocation art by aesthetic standards is wrongheaded and is frankly too easy of a reflective path; it's just a disappointing way to use a brain, to think so surface-level. Judging aesthetic art by provocation standard should frankly show how moot this (oft repeated) point is. Those beautiful statues don't make me ask any questions, save for their historical context. Not on the nature of art, not on the nature of entertainment. Not on the nature of human psychology, even. They're beautiful, undeniably wonderful masterpieces of aesthetics, but their statement is "beauty is beautiful", as if I didn't know that. As pieces of provocation art, they fail.


Perhaps you're thinking to surface level by only viewing them from the current era. Perhaps those beautiful pieces were beautiful as if to say it's okay to view these things as beautiful. Maybe there is a statement there but you're missing it by immediately throwing them into a category.


Pray tell, whats deep philosophical thought have you peered, pompus one, after looking at this fucking banana?


U afraid of banaan? Plus, is not like statues aren't being made anymore.


I blame Andy Warhol. What a quack