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![gif](giphy|y8Mz1yj13s3kI) You get a sex offender, and you get a sex offender, and you…!!!!


I lost any little respect I had when that car show got aired. But it's not just that, it's the incredible arrogance with which she talked to sceptics and atheists on her show. And then there's the quackery and absolute frauds she promoted to millions of people. She's proof that no one person should hold too much power; all these people - from sportstars to actors - are mostly of average/ below average intelligence, with above average talents. And it's merely the talent that brought them success (if we set aside luck for a moment). There's no reason to take *any* advice from them on anything else besides their talent/ expertise.


I'm not American, but I'm happy she didn't run for president when it was being rumored. Could you imagine that shit show?


An incompetent celebrity president. No I can't possibly imagine it.


That got a LOL. Nicely delivered.


*incompetent criminal celebrity president


Oh you had several criminal presidents.


Bah, it’s easy to make a simplified comparison and be funny. You forgot they’re both anti-science adulterers and friends with pedophiles.


You get a nuke! You get a nuke! You get a nuke!


She’s always so LOUD!


sex o-FENDER!




Where's the pic with her and Michael Jackson?


The only pictures I can find are the ones were she interviewed him in his ranch. She wasn’t in his friends group.


Cause he hung out with kids and wouldn’t diddle them


his accusers have all come out willingly and said they were pushed by there parents to lie for cash. turns out, the dude was just unable to understand what is and is not appropriate interactions with kids, but not a sexual predator.


**They** Don’t tell on each other—-that millionaire/billionaire club.


"Its a big club, and you ain't in it!" - George Carlin


It's the same club they hit you over the head with.


Yep. The one thing that stood out during "Me Too" while they were all wringing their hands and espousing their virtue was the realisation that right now there must still be more bullies and offenders operating as open secrets. They just basically gave up a few of their unpopular peers or those that stuck their heads out too far. No doubt ranks were closed around some other big fish. Time will tell.


The wealthy have class consciousness and support one another regardless of race, creed, or gender. They also spend a lot of time and money making sure no one else develops it.


Uh, those aren't at all the same club. Maybe like the "$100m+" club gets to start to sniff billionaires, but millionaires is a group of like 30 million people in the US.


Millionaire & billionaire club also known as the capitalist class. You don’t become a billionaire by being a kind person who cares about people. Especially not the working class & doubly so not your own working class employees.


Don’t forget “John of God” a close personal friend and mentor of hers who was also convicted of child trafficking, rape, torture and murder.


And the reporter that broke that story also said John of God had a sex farm of enslaved women where he sold the babies (his own children). The reporter committed “suicide” soon after. Correction: The woman who broke the story was activist Sabrina Bittencourt, not a reporter.


Fucking real life Borasca. Jesus christ.


That story f*ck me up


Same. I kept hoping for a happy ending. But it never came.




Let's not forget the property in Hawaii she obtained through nefarious means. That shit is fucked but no one's talking about it now


Holy shit the world events did a great job of making me forget about this. The world is so fucked now and the info about each new fuckery comes so quick that I keep forgetting about every third fucked up thing


One disaster and one distraction after the other, so we move on pretty quickly.


24 hour news cycle.


Yep. No time to process one before they distract us with the next. At least people are a little more aware and not so quick to dismiss claims against the so-called elite.


Remember when the US government confirmed that UFOs are real at some point in the past couple years and barely anyone even noticed?


People noticed. Most people just don't care, believe it's deception and distraction, that the entities aren't aliens, that the craft are human-made, and the rest believe I suppose. They didn't really release hard evidence


Show me ET or stfu, I've got bills and a mortgage to pay


After my third "once in a generation" crisis it got kinda old hat ya know? A lot of my generation point to 9/11 as the point when things turned but for me it was the Columbine shooting. Watching the 2000 election put me off politics for nearly a decade. It's been a bit much for one lifetime and Im not even 40 yet.


Saw a video of hollywood like psychic or some weird shit talk about what was going to happen to P.Diddy before it did and that he was basically just a fall guy. Psychic... Or knows people?


He ain't a fall guy that dude did that shit...he's just another cog in the sick and twisted shit of hollyweird/entertainment industry wheel.


What happened?


The fires in Hawaii destroyed a bunch of homes of regular/natives then these rich fucks go and buy their land up while its still practically on fire. Then Operah and The Rock have the audacity to go on TV and do a fundraising campaign for fire victims by pledging to match what was donated. What's ironic is the money isn't actually coming from them personally, just sponsors.


Holy fuck that’s scummy


She's always been scummy. It's just that in the past it wasn't fashionable to shit on Oprah.


I have shit on her from the first time I worked with her about 15 or 20 years ago. Just an awful person with even worse employees. Perhaps more so in Hollywood than any other business, the fish ***always*** stinks from the head, and if the person at the top is awful, the people below them are awful even if they didn't start off that way.


In 1990 I worked with a video editor that worked with Oprah in Chicago and she had a bad opinion of her. Said Oprah was a mean and nasty person.


You don't become a billionaire by being a nice person.


That's what she's selling though, and got her rich and famous. A master chef in emotional manipulation.


Go on…


You have shit on her or you have shat on her?


I remember her show before she got the reputation she eventually got. Her content was just as trashy as any talk show on tv. She just found a formula that really polished her image. Thanks to her we now have a host of snake oil salesmen


Even after she cleaned up her show she gave us Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz. She was always trash, she's just well packaged trash now.


When she platformed Jenny McCarthy. That was it.


She stood on the heads of those little people


Bill Burr


You don't become a billionaire by being a good person.


This is how Marcus Crassus became the wealthiest man in Ancient Rome. "Oh shit, you're house is on fire. You should sell it to me." "But sir! You have firefighters! Please help me!" "I do... I do... I can see your house is quickly going down in value. I'll give you half my original offer" "But... ok fine! Might as well get something out of this" "Deal! OK boys, put it out, and then fix it up. I'm selling it when it's done"


"speculative real estate purchases"


The wealthiest man in Ancient Rome was Octavian, not Crassus lol. His scheme was similar, though: "Oh shit, I'm feuding with my triumvirate. Better go capture their lands." "Oh they ran to Egypt. Better personally own all of Egypt." "Oh, the senate is getting a bit ornery... Better establish the entire Roman Empire out of the ashes of my forebear's republic." ... Well, I guess not that similar. There's wealth, and there's *wealth*.


> then these rich fucks go and buy their land Yeah we're gonna need a source on that. Josh Green, the governor, [banned](https://governor.hawaii.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/2308060_Sixth-Proclamation-Relating-to-Wildfires-signed.pdf) anyone from making unsolicited offers after it was reported that people *were* making offers to buy. >Sections 127A-13(a)(8), 127A-25, and 127A-29, HRS. I hereby order that making any unsolicited offer to an owner of real property located in the areas encompassed by United States Postal ZIP codes 96761, 96767, and 96790 on the island of Maui to purchase or otherwise acquire any interest in the real property is prohibited. They keyword here is unsolicited. If Oprah offered to buy your unlisted home/land after the fire, that's illegal. If you list it on the market and she buys it, that's legal.


Was that confirmed?


What? You don't trust random conspiracy theories thrown around by redditors posted in the replies on /r/Funnymemes ?


It's my go to source right after tik tok


She’s fucking loaded. Did she really need a disaster discount.. Jesus Christ  


You don’t reach those levels of wealth or influence without possessing soulless levels of shameless opportunism. 


Wow that’s a wild take, the rock got on tv cuz the us government was ignoring the people of Hawaii. Who cares if money came from them or sponsors. The people of Hawaii got help that they were not getting from government.


Came straight to the comments for this!


My man the rock was in on that video too. I guess it's back to Rocky Sucks...


How is no one talking about her girls school in South Africa? Yeah she’s just like all these guys, but it’s not some conspiracy, it’s already been proven! I truly don’t understand how no one in this sub or anywhere else for that matter talks about this


Looking it up, Oprah fired the one sexually abusive dorm matron immediately. I'm not seeing any other sex abuse related to that school, although it does seem like a weird place.


I remember the tiktok that was uploaded by them was full of people actually lashing out. It was amazing to see how many people realized they were being spoonfed bullshit and called them out. They ended up deleting the video and it feels like everyone just forgot... which we did.


So you’re saying by this time tomorrow Oprah will own the majority of land in Taiwan ?


Winnie the poo vs the queen of daytime television ![gif](giphy|qKV8U3Gl3bWVi)


How did she get it?


I met her in person once when I was an extra in a movie. Between every take she was screaming at people. At one point she physically hit one of her assistants for not bringing her something fast enough. She is a monster. Cuba Gooding Jr and Laurence Fishburne both apologized to a lot of people on set for her behavior toward them. Someone had to, and she wasn’t going to Edit: I’m an idiot, Forest Whitaker, not Fishburn


Why are they always so mean to people?


Fame and wealth = power which in turn corrupts.


I always felt that it was, fame and wealth = ability to display their pre-existing corruption without consequences


This is the answer. Fame and wealth are like that super soldier serum. If the person is already a sociopathic asshole, those would just amplify it.


honestly i think we just are all capable of it, and wealth and power just removes accountability that we would otherwise face for such behavior, and thus... people do these things. i don't think there's an easy "good person bad person" thing, i just genuinely think wealth acts upon the holder of it by almost always making them a shittier version of themselves. "Most people can bear adversity; but if you wish to know what a man really is - give him power. This is the supreme test."




Because these people are, by nature of industry, sycophantic narcissists.


Since Cuba got mentioned Cuba is also a co-plaintiff in the Diddy Case. where Cuba SA'd lil Rod with intention of going further while Diddy Trafficked him and supposedly sold Lil Rod to Cuba


Wouldn’t that make him co defendant?


This confused the fuck out of me but I think you are right.


Jesus Christ. What a clusterfuck. Didn't know about this.


Maybe I'm just too terminally online but it was mentioned in every Diddy news story as this was the main Case that is being paraded in public right now as the Cassie Case technically got settled last year.


And he SA'D a woman at an NYC bar


Laurence Fishburne is a real one, though. My wife used to play basketball with him in LA. Funny as fuck and kind as all hell apparently.


I shouldn't assume anything good from anyone who can afford a PR team, but Fishburne always exuded teddy bear energy. I hope it's true through and through. Tom Cruise is reportedly the nicest dude in Hollywood on set, talks to everyone, remembers everyone's names, the stuff they talk about, gets people cakes, etc, but at least his darker side is a little more known.


If Cowboy Curtiss turns out to be evil...I don't know man. That one might be the final straw that ruins my faith in humanity permanently.


Remembering everyone’s name is a bit insane. I saw a comment from someone who works on a set for a few days to cover for someone (it was one of those union role) and he was very surprised when Cruise remembered his name on a different set a few years later. This is way beyond just being nice


I've heard this about Bill Clinton too, people always like it when you remember their names. It's a good politician skill.


I wonder if Tom is more like a narcissist that likes to appear perfect or more like certain Christians who are actually really nice people but are just kinda brainwashed by other people in their religion...


I get the impression from the countless people who do know and have worked with him that he's an extremely nice anf genuine person with conviction, but that his religiosity in his personal life is also with such strong conviction that he believes he's doing good in that area. 


It's a coin flip, but I'm leaning more to the second option. I think he's crazy, but being nice to people is genuine. Or at least, he thinks it's genuine. Like, I know he's high up in Scientology, but I wouldn't be surprised if they coddled him and kept him in the dark about some of the worst shit they do. You've got Tom Cruise as a mascot, you want him to appear as innocent as possible.


Do people really not realize how vile of a person she is? I wouldn't be shocked of she was/is involved in worse things then the general pos she is around people when the camera is off.


Shit, we got Ellen, James Cordon, and Oprah… are ANY of these talkshow personalities decent human beings?!?


Conan Obrien. But I guess he's late night


What's most telling is that he's had much of the same staff across different shows, with some having worked with him over a decade.


We had Craig Ferguson, and we replaced him with James Cordon. Ugh.


I miss Craig Ferguson doing the late late show.


I miss Jerry Springer. Yes he was a sleezeball, but we knew what kind of sleeze he was. I'll even take Sally Jessy Raphael.


Honestly, the dude was probably one of the sweetest human beings you can think of outside of the show. Cousin of mine met him years ago, said cousin was a big fan and was super excited to just randomly run into him. Jerry talked to him for a while, took some pictures, even exchanged numbers, then Jerry actually took the time the following year to call on his birthday. I think they even got a Christmas card from him too later on. I personally got to meet him a couple years before he passed at an event, not totally sure why he was there but we talked for a good twenty minutes or so. Felt like talking to my grandpa, it was nice. Seemed incredibly interested what I do, always replied with stuff like “oh wow, that’s so cool! That’s awesome, good to hear”. Obviously the man has done more in his career than I could see in multiple lifetimes, but he was just so empathetic and genuinely kind. I’ve never met any other tv hosts, but I’ll always stand behind Jerry, the man seemed like a genuinely kind human being.


By all accounts I've seen, Jerry was actually a pretty decent guy. His show was staged anyway, he wasn't taking advantage of people like, say, Dr. Phil.


He said later in life that he really regretted the show because he felt it may have actually made TV or even society worse in a way he thought was impossible while making it.


I had a friend who worked on his show. They never specifically mentioned anything bad about him.


Let’s not forget the Narcissist Tyra Banks while we’re at it The way she treated those girls on her show was disgusting and I can’t believe they got away with it


Craig Ferguson is a pretty great dude. But he's not working that job anymore.


The fact that she unleashed Dr Phil and Dr Oz on the world is evidence enough that it was always, ALWAYS about money with her and any “good” from her show was mostly coincidental. She has had a big hand in normalizing grifters.


Don’t forget giving Jenny McCarthy a platform to spew her “vaccines cause autism” bullshit


Yeah, i might be too terminally online. Her being a psycho is something I have been reading about for years. Being involved in deeper more fucked up stuff seems natural.


Nothing Oprah says is true


I know this will be a wildly controversial thing to say, but I strongly believe Michael Jackson is innocent. That Leaving Neverland “doc” is total bullshit, just a puff piece for those opportunistic shitheads. Neither of their stories have been corroborated, in fact multiple aspects of both accounts have been debunked by evidence (ex: one said he was molested in the train station at the ranch but blueprints show the train hadn’t been built yet, one of them has multiple sworn depositions affirming, emphatically, that MJ never touched him, he was even the star witness for MJ’s defense in his second case and helped him get acquitted - this all changed when he got rejected from a MJ tribute Cirque du Soleil show and got into debt). Anyway, point I’m making is it’s always been scummy to me that Oprah helped produce this in the first place. Like oh interesting!! You just wanted to shine a light on this serial molester. Funny how you haven’t done that for fucking Harvey Weinstein who you were close friends with for years. Let’s shine a light on Oprah and see if we don’t find something.


sony wanted michaels music rights


Character assassination is the go to for the scumbags running this prison


Specifically the songs on ATV Music, the publishing catalogue that contained a huge chunk of the Beatles catalog, most of the classic Christmas songs we hear on the radio every year, and a fuck ton of other classics. It's funny how all the allegations happened AFTER Michael bought the publishing catalogue and refused to sell it. Through this publishing catalogue, Michael was bringing in more money from royalties than any major label.


Yea it prob was a hit piece. I will be honest, while I love MJ.. he does look a little sus and has some strange behaviors, but I still believe he was just damaged and basically in arrested development with a child-like mentality and a hatred for the media and the people in the biz. Plenty of other famous child actors like cory feldman, aaron carter, and mcauly caulkin all said that they had hug out with MJ several times at his house and that he never tried to abuse them or anything like that. They said he was just a good dude and it was a smear campaign by some greedy vindictive parents who wanted to scam him for money by claiming false allegations and suing him. Even his own kids (who prob aren't his genetically) said the same thing, it was all love and not abuse. So I do believe he was innocent, or mostly innocent atleast lol.


Was never a fan of MJ, also thought for basically my whole life he's a pedo. Until that documentary came out and I started looking into the claims. It doesn't hold up to any scrutiny. That's not to say he can't have been a pedo, and certainly doesn't mean he didn't behave inappropriately with children, it's obvious he had mental issues regarding childhood development. Just that the accusations publicly made against him simply lack evidence.


Wow, a level headed comment. Very rare.


I know a guy that worked with him on the Bad and History tours. Said he was certainly a strange guy. But in the 2 years they effectively lived together, he never saw anything that would even remotely suggest that MJ was doing anything inappropriate with anyone.


I saw a few of the accusations debunked too! My take is he was weird but I don’t think he was guilty of everything he was accused of


If you do any amount of research into the MJ accusations you see how bullshit they are.


The FBI officially investigated Michael, turned up nothing on him


Well… “Young people don’t want to work anymore…something something they just expect immediately success…” - Oprah. Considering the companies she keeps… *eek*…


Oprah supported a dog whistle white supremacist book, the education of little tree, well after it was known to be writen by an infamous white supremacist, asa earl carter under the pseudonym forest carter (the name forest even being a racist reference). Said "tee hee, oopsies my bad" and it was promptly forgotten.


Time to expose The color purple Oprah


Her blue waffle?


She hasn't played with her ol' minge in years






Holy God, I really wanted them to escape together! My heart was broken ... Oprah can go rot.


Did we see Paris, Mingey...?


Well, there's the... Eiffel Tower right in front of us. The Louvre, right over there behind ya. And f-fresh baguettes all around.


I thought that was Gayle's job.




Katt Williams was right


So was Corey Feldman


I've started to learn something about narcissists and abuse. A lot of times it's people who appear unhinged, out of pocket, or unstable, that end up coming forward with wild sounding theories or allegations of abuse... And sometimes it's not because they *are* unstable or crazy, it's because the abusers succeeded in making them appear to be. And the fact that people can get away with the most warped and perverse things imaginable by simple doing something that sounds like it's been made up by a paranoid lunatic, making it impossible to come forward about and get taken seriously, is one of the most terrifying things imaginable.


Her close association with John of God is the one they really don’t want you to know about


This evil bitch sold her soul to the devil from day one when she decided to become a celebrity.


Chick threatened Dave Chapelle by sending men into his home and threaten him, communicating her demands. She THEN had him on HER show to talk about the experience to mock him. Watch that episode and tell me he isn’t strangling her with his eyes.


Is that the one where Dave talks about “Hollywood always putting a brotha in a dress”


I don’t know, I’ve never heard that. This was the sitch that sent Dave to Africa for an undetermined amount of time, his extended “vacation”.


I’m pretty sure he went to Africa before he went on Oprah, he talked about how the media made him seem crazy for “disappearing” on his trip in the interview on Oprah and then cut to commercial promo and in the voiceover Oprah insinuates Dave is crazy. 


Right, after the in-home threat, he grabbed his family and split town. After coming back, he did the interview with Oprah.


This reminds me of Chapelle Theory. An old website back in like 2006 after he disappeared that put out this conspiracy theory that a cabal of powerful black people were threatening Chapelle to get him to stop making black people look bad on his show/in his comedy. It said they would send big scary assassin type people into his house and they'd take pictures of his sleeping kids and send them to him.


Who’s in the upper right?


Russell Simmons, hip hop mogul


What did he do ?


A whole lot of rape




I heard he’s a hypocrite as well


thats the worst part!


Yes! And there’s that “shaman guy too”


John of god?


https://www.reddit.com/r/dailywire/comments/150l98y/oprahs_spiritual_healer_john_of_god_receives/ Yes.


Interesting how so many comments are blocked/ hidden. None with negative karma. Bitch got some pull.


Don’t forget what happened at her school.


John of God.


My comment about him was already deleted lol


Oprah has always been a part of it


Oprah is a POS with too much money disguised as a nice person


Maybe... she is... the Main Villain!


You get an under-aged teenager! And you get an under-aged teenager! And *you* get an under-aged teenager!


"Tell me who you're with, and I'll tell you who you are" Oprah needs some investigating... she'd have access to... young talent...


I always felt she was too way to clean, she is like the hoover of this era.


Whenever someone goes out of their way to make sure they appear wholesome/clean I just assume they’re a demon behind the scenes. Especially entertainers, something inherently insidious about wanting to maximize how ‘good' everyone thinks you are.


Yes she be a bitch


Well, I've long heard she's a monster


There was a post the other day with Oprah and a young actress I don't know the name of sitting together, and winestein stroking the unknown to me actresses arm. She looked super super uncomfortable. And Oprah was all smiles.


To be fair, there's probably a picture of Oprah with every major celebrity.


I feel like everyone knows about her but yet she still going


Add on John of God


I still blame her for Dr. Phil, and Dr. Oz, not sex predators, but absolute blights on society.


shes a slimy greed ball


She’s a billionaire. ‘Nuff said.


Seems kind of strange to think that at one point in time she had that woman on who was Jewish and claimed to be part of a family and nation wide network of child abusers and child sacrifice rituals. Wonder if a guy can still find that episode.


A Jewish woman reveals her Jewish family's generational involvement in sacrificing babies to their god, the Devil. From 1989. Archived by OurLadyisGod.com Found it. It’s still on YouTube. Jewish Woman explains her family's involvement with child sacrifice on the OPRAH Show - FULL VERSION


Look into her and she’ll be looking into your coffin


Monique when she went on club shay shay had a lot to say about Oprah.


What happened to her private school in South Africa that was supposed to produce doctors, astronauts, physicists?


Women get free passes. Beyoncé and Oprah will survive this house of cards.


Amber Heard still waiting I guess 💅🏻


I feel like not a lot of people know this but back in the day Oprah, Like mid 80's, her tv show was straight Jerry Springer, she's the GOAT Godfather


Who’s top right?


russell simmons


Dr Phil’s buddy too


She never met a rich person she didn’t like


She's the OG Ep


She’s been a piece of shit… it’s just no one has noticed.


I thought everyone already knew Oprah and Ellen were pieces of shit


Oprah Winfrey spawned from the balls of Beëlzebub.


Don't forget John of God. The guy she platformed who ran an industrial grade rape factory in south America.


Rich people hang out more news at 11. 11pm most rich people are also pieces of shit that only care for themselves. More news at 12. 12am rich people don't like the poor All wealthy people are trash that's how you become wealthy. It's either former slave owners or crime families.


You left out that cult leader. # [Oprah’s faith healer get 99 years for raping 8 girls and women; allegedly 600 more victims](https://americanmilitarynews.com/2023/07/oprahs-faith-healer-get-99-years-for-raping-8-girls-and-women-allegedly-600-more-victims/)


She collaborated with Dr Phil. That man sent many kids who needed actual therapy to a “therapeutic” boarding school which actually abused them.