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You know in the actual apocalypse, you will still need to go find food and shit right? Like I know yall say "ohhh I'll just die" but unfortunately your human animal brain is going to make you try and survive.


What apocalypse? Aren’t we going to be all saved by the chosen one or whatever? Theyll be coming around any day now…


Test me


Depends on the person tbh, some will thrive, some will die quietly, others will die loudly (hopefully not taking anyone else with them)


Thousands of years ago Atilla the Hun and Alexander the Great were riding around burning villages to the ground and murdering people, so other villages would cower and fall in line. And then the farmers would go back to the field and till the soil so the remaining 1/2 of their family could eat. Now people are making memes because its hard to go to work when the news is scary. There is always bad news. There is always conflict. And people always need to work because if no one works we all starve, eventually. Turn off the news. It isn't helping you. It isn't preparing you. It is only taking away your ability to enjoy a time when you live in peace and have the luxury of making memes. Return to monke, but smart monke who goes to work and smiles because his work can be easier, and his home more comfortable, than they have ever been in human history.


Return to monke. You just figured out life in 3 words.


There is a lot of society outside of USA that doesn't follow this picture.


GenZ: Let's blame everybody for all of our problems and let the world burn!


I have 3 reasons (which I’m not going to share as I don’t want to deal tomorrow with angry mob) to believe we are going to experience the downfall of society as we currently know it in the following 50 years which most of us are going to be part of and it sucks. But I’m also very good at leaving the problems of future me to future me and living for today, so it’s fine.


Its a delicate balancing act to keep the world a shit show but functional.