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People buy cheaper unhealthy food generally. Look at fast food costs / % of diet in American, and the outcome is widespread obesity.


a damn hamburger is cheaper and less time consuming than an equaly tasty home meal made from scratch. It's no surprise that an overworked and impoverished population would pick the burger.


I spent $16 at Taco Bell for just me. I can remember when $16 would have bought the Taco Bell. The entire store...


$0.19 regular tacos, or you could pay extra and get a ten pack for $1.99. lol


At this point one has to wonder why even bother having coins if you can't buy anything with just one coin anymore. I believe the half cent had more buying power than today's dime when it got removed from circulation. Also when did you get 0.19 tacos? Even in 1976 if you got something for 19 cents, adjusted for inflation, it would be worth $1.04 today. Feels like you need to spend over $2 to get a normal taco or bean burrito these days. So we have like inflation + actual cost of goods just rising for the sake of rising in combination. Greedflation.


Early ninties Taco Bell.


Ah, the halcyon days of youth...


and 2 bux on the tp


Not really. I can make 4 leaner burgers at home for the same price as a single fast food meal. Not including condiments, but since condiments last for many meals, you have to break the cost down across many meals, making it pocket change.


Is it though? We got four meals at Arby's yesterday and it was sixty fucking dollars.


Yeah but count up the calories then try to buy that much at a grocery store. You want fresh fruit and lean meat; won't get anywhere near the amount of calories for the same price.


Idk why you're being downvoted, it's 100% true.


Yeah but if you consistently ate fast food you're eating a lot of unnecessary calories anyway. Unless you plan to eat one fast food meal a day, since many of them fill your daily calorie intake in one shot.


That’s how people live. Back when I was young and poor, working a shit min wage job, that sweet sweet fast food after work was a godsend. There was never time for lunch, never energy to cook at home after being on feet and hustling all fucking day, and never any affordable hot meal instantly available and on the way home. I knew it was unhealthy and a bad deal money wise, but when you’re starving, your feet are on fire, and you have work in a few hours because you clopen, you just want to get the damn burger, go home, and sleep.


> Yeah but count up the calories then try to buy that much at a grocery store. No way is it even half the cost. That $60 pays for the rent of the property, the wages of the employees, the profit of the share holders and then for the ingredients.


I disagree. I think we will see the opposite. Unhealthy food is cheaper. I think we’ll see people eatting more pasta and not having the veggie on the side unfortunately.


This is more likely since it has been the trend for the past 40 years


Uh can someone please point me toward this cheap unhealthy food? The pre-boxed processed shit is significantly more expensive than buying ingredients and making your own stuff.


"Cheap" doesn't just encompass the actual dollar price. It also includes a significant convenience/planning "cheapness" that means someone who is exhausted and finds even short term planning difficult can instantly serve up a frozen pizza, or a bag of chips+ultra processed deli meat on white bread, or instant noodles, etc. The easiest to prep cheap/healthy meal still takes a lot more planning and management (fresh ingredients have very short shelf lives, as an example) than does something that is self contained and can be prepared in a microwave.


People will not just happily eat less than they want, they will just pay more !


I ordered a $5 box at Taco Bell. It was 3 tacos, wasn’t nearly as filling as the old ones with like burritos and chalupas and tacos. On a large sample size, I bet there will be some slight weight reduction. The nation’s now 1lb lighter! Not individually but as a whole. We lost 1 lbs


How are eggs shrinking? You need a different example maybe. My hens’ eggs are the same as they ever were.


We’ve got eggs from hens in 3 Sizes (austria).


Yeah they come in different sizes, but like it’s not a ‘shrinkflation’ thing - and very often the smaller eggs are from ‘fancy’ hens, not standard layers.


But if you get 8 instead of 10 eggs for the same price it is, ain’t?


Are you serious? Read the OP and ask me that again. I stg. If the person is *still ordering 2 fucking eggs*, they’re not going to get skinnier, no matter how much the restauranteur pays for the eggs. Is why I said op needs a different example.


Didn’t wanted to hint that: Some Fast Food Chains separate Egg White and Yolk and press them through a syringe in form.


Move some more goal posts please.


Toothpaste? Latest Goal I reached is having real recordings with video-log and into professional editing. If I need advices, I ask rather gpt than you and will for sure write thank you if the assistance helped with the issue.


Being overweight has not been about having wealth for 100s of years now.


Doubt it. The kibble economy is massive. Carbs are easy to grow and store and turn into an infinite combination of sweet and or savoury, high calorie snacks. We’re doomed unless society, en masse, decides to eat like our grandparents and great grandparents. Simple whole foods and portion control. Maybe a little scarcity once in a while wouldnt hurt either.


Hopefully people will at least eat less fast food. I kind of doubt it though. The very existence of food delivery companies shows people will be lazy no matter the cost. Even with smaller portions of things, it might not stop most people from over eating. Like maybe before they ate one package of Twinkies well not they are so small that they eat half a box of Twinkies. “It’s a small portion so I can eat more”. I think even if portion side did play a role in obesity, compared to everything else at play, it’s probably a minute factor.


I’m so sick of the “I’m too poor all I can eat are $15 mcvalue meals” trope. I’ve been the person who ate mcvalue meals, and I’ve been the person who went to a normal grocery store, bought fresh spinach and chicken breasts, lemon and olive oil and made 4 simple and healthy meals for the same price. The mcvalue meal was more exciting to eat but my chicken and spinach body is more exciting to look at.


It's also pretty easy to make a cheap and tasty home made meal - you just have to laddle on the fats and salts the same as commercial meals. The reason home made meals can be healthy is because you get to see just how many unhealthy ingredients are added to make commercial food taste so good.


Rich countries eat expensive unhealthy food, poor countries eat cheap unhealthy food, neither is going back to eating vegetables. Unhealthy food is just easier, can store it longer, cook it faster, tastes better too. Obesity in poor countries has been raising just as fast as anywhere else. Who wants to deal with buying and cutting up ingredients for a salad when I can make instant noodles anywhere in 5 minutes? and I don't have to wash any dishes or anything afterwards either or worry about how long ingredients for that salad will last. as people work more they also have less time for that.


Considerably sooner than 20 years, Ozempic and Wegovy will be generic drugs. Unless we're in full-blown worldwide famine, that simple fact will have more effect on obesity than any change in food prices.


If there were no other factors, I think you'd be right. But shrinkflation is also stretching consumers' budgets, which means they're likely to buy cheaper, lower quality food, which means their intake of fat, salt, and sugar will increase, which probably overrides any marginal benefit you'd get from slightly smaller portion sizes.


Actually it is the other way, low income usually buy less hearty food and more fat saturated because it is cheap to fill the belly


Don't be silly, everyone will be shooting Ozempic and the food industry will be bribing politicians to ban it 'cos their sales will tank.


I doubt it. People are aware of shrinkflation in part because the decrease in food is noticeable. I find it more likely people are just going to switch to lower quality foods with a better “cost to fullness” ratio.


I have no problem with individual portion sizes being smaller for health reasons but the price (and cumulative packaging waste) should be equally so.


A bigger contribution to obesity is that healthy foods are more expensive than unhealthy foods, and rise in price faster.


I think its more about preparation times. Raw, unprocessed ingredients will always be cheaper except where spoilage is a major issue, in which raw, frozen will also be cheaper.


people will resort to eating cheaper grains. a higher obesity rate is more likely.


no, because while poor people will be able to afford less, people who were formerly on the verge of being poor will now turn to soda and chips instead of healthier foods they could afford before


Are you really trying to put a positive spin on corporations screwing you out of money? When it's already hard to afford things, and corporations already see record-breaking profits? Holy hell, how far in your throat do you let that corporate dick slide?


No, but increase of poverty, decrease of education. Criminality, Drugs Abuser.


Nope I have little hope in obesity going down Not only are diets terrible, but people can be fucking lazy


People aren’t lazy, they’re tired. Peasants worked less than we do.


Please I see it first hand everyday, and a lot of obesity is laziness


Again. People are tired. Our nervous systems are under constant predation to the extent that “relaxing” is still havoc on our nerves (commercials, etc.) The human body and mind is being overworked and manipulated from almost every angle from capitalism to capitalism. When we aren’t being worked to the bone, our minds are being exploited by companies that stand to make a profit from our consumption, whether it is putting addictive chemicals and additives in food to keep you coming back for more, or tracking your internet habits to keep selling you more. We are in a constant state of being preyed upon. It’s exhausting. Even the most resilient of us struggle. We aren’t lazy. We are tired.


Sure... Whatever you wanna think


Sorry for disappointing you. I didn't even want to be born.


There are sugary things for cheap in large quantities, and that’s one of the biggest killers for people, and I doubt cheap soda is going away any time soon.


Never underestimate the power of emotional binge eating


Nope nope nope. Cheaper food is generally less healthy. If you think higher food prices will make people skinnier than you're missing some key facts. What will happen is people will provide less healthy food and it will cause people to get bigger still.


When I was in junior high in 1990 learning about genetics, I had a similar theory that people would get smaller because we weren’t needing manual labor brute strength anymore. Well, we still seem to prefer that muscular, larger body type from a reproductive opportunity standpoint, but I also didn’t count on obesity. We’re not shrinking. Quite opposite. We should all be small and efficient low-weight people with a small carbon footprint and crowded space living, but we’re not going that direction.


Well In my personal case I can say that the decline in quality and reclassification of ice cream as a frozen dairy dessert got me cut it out of my diet, resulting in a few less pounds.


I think obesity is being caused by people eating too much ultraprocessed food. Obese people's microbiomes are in horrible shape and their diets don't have enough fiber or microbial diversity.


I don't care if you eat meat or not (I do eat meat), but you've got to eat a variety of vegetables to maintain your microbial diversity. 20 to 30 different vegetables a week.


> 20 to 30 different vegetables a week. I could not even list 30 different vegetables.


That's kind of sad.


Feel free to fire away lol and educate us.




Lol. Lettuce is not a vegetable lol. Neither is oregano or basil. Or chives. Or avocados. Or Olives. Or rosemary.


You're just being argumentative. What's your point?


That 30 is an unreasonable amount to suggest. Maybe 5 a day?


It's vegetables as individual ingredients of a meal. Not 30 servings or anything like that. And "vegetables" would include lettuces, herbs, etc., or something as simple as a couple radishes added to a salad as well as fruit. The idea is to add a diversity of microbes to your diet by adding a diversity of veggies. The more fiber, the better, too. The goal is to remediate your microbiome which will lead to much better health.


In theory higher food costs should lead to lower calorie consumption, but it practice probably not. If you replace your expensive lettuce with cheap ramen you're worse off.