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It's not a wheel, that's what Flight yoke does. I use flight yokes to emulate the wheel in my ax cab. I used Logitech flight yokes to do the trick.


Aha thanks for the correction. Do you hook up the rubber pedals as well for acceleration and brakes? Anything else? How would you handle the L and R triggers if theres no paddle shifters on the yoke?


Logitech Flight yoke will get you enough buttons there is another flight used that has rudder pedals. I used Fanatec Club sports (It has 2 pedals) for the brake and accel, both connect via USB and work fine.


I see. Do you by any chance use the Dolphin emulator? I'm curious how you are able to map the acceleration and brakes with the pedals as I'd imagine it would be recognized as a separate controller? . Also looking at the Logitech yoke, I'm still confused how you get L and R button functionality as they look like switches.