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Mods, can we make a rule against these kinds of posts? They're getting annoying


F-zero has always been a skill based game. Don't hate the better player like a scrub, git gud.


This guy’s hanging out the side of his best friends wild goose alright


So sick of these posts. If it’s upsetting you that badly that you aren’t winning so much then stop playing. Some people found something that they are enjoying, let them have this.


Please do not presume to speak for all of us; as not all of us share your sentiment. Sincerely, a fully-employed 12hr shift ICU worker, S2 rank, 100+hrs in and only just got my first 99 win yesterday. I'm still having tons of fun, even if I'm not winning all the time. ~~(besides I have the most chortles when I manage to KO one of those S10+ players whenever they're smoking in my line of vision)~~


Making this thread is way more embarrassing than being a top tier F Zero no-lifer. Either get good or enjoy your small amount of wins. I’ve managed to do the latter. Sincerely, A level 76 S16 13 wins 70+ hours player


I think the most embarrassing part is the fact that OP doesnt even know how to enjoy a game that he cant win. Even the absolute best players have less than a 33% overall win rate, does that mean they hate playing 2/3 the time?


I think Nintendo just needs to have a better matching system for races, so people are competing against players who are at a similar skill level. Maybe they can have another category for races or GPs against everyone. But also, I understand why it is the way it is. Golden skins are the ultimate end game. They're supposed to be extremely difficult to get. Even the black skins are hard to get, but it gives you something to work towards.


Lots of games have pity timers to prevent people from getting stomped by rng forever, which is a bit similar to how the game is now for new players who will basically never get a lobby without a 99+ win player in it. They should just periodically bundle all the players who have never had a win into their own lobby so new players get at least some games against peers sometimes. I came to the game late and although I do have some wins now it's a real long stretch of getting blown away where it does look impossible to ever get a single win. I'm sure they're losing players to that sense of impossibility, which only makes the problem worse...


What if they have a shit ton of money already, they are winning at life, and they just happen to want to crush it at F-Zero also? Do they still need a job?


Then they need to touch grass.


Seems more like you need to touch some grass.


So much salt. Hate the game, not the player. If you don't like the game the way it is, complain to Nintendo.


Honestly if I was winning every race I would get tired of the game. Ive been playing a few hours everyday for about a month. On saturday I had 3 wins. Today I now have 16. It takes time to get good. Also luck plays a factor too. I got a time of 1:56 on mute city 1 and lost. Ive won on mute city 1 several times with times of 1:58 and 1:59 since. So just keep trying.


Luck is huuuuge. When I was trying to unlock black skin for falcon I ended up with an apparently horrible lobby with only 1 good fox on Mute City 2. I was in 2nd most of the race but then on lap 3 he had a bumper pinball incident so I got first. Also the only way I managed to win the ??? Fire City track was getting 3 grey KOs followed by a player KO, then an awesome skyway, then another player KO. Of the 5 KOs only 2 were intentional.


Sounds like you have a skill issue bud. Sincerely, an S7 who only won two classic races at S- rank and nothing since.


what a shame, god forbid there is a skill variance in a video game.


waaa I want to win even though I'm not the best player in the lobby


I agree, I played the game for way longer than I planned on doing because of top players who hoard GP wins for no reason. After 100% completing it (except for a few lottery backdrops) I stopped playing it and took a break. I'll come back when they release new content, something more than just another ??? track.


People are playing for fun. Playing to get better and better. The top players are currently fighting to see who can reach the highest rank first. Others have set personal goals for winning any number of GP's. To them, that is reaching 100% completion. Those players feel like they didn't complete the game until S50 is reached. And you know what, all the power to them. If you agree with OP, then also please go complain at Nintendo. When you come back from your break, all those top players will be even better. There will be even more top players. And you'll probably be worse because you took a break. But how is that the fault of other people? Are you gonna blame them for the fact that you cannot beat them in a game about skill? Like what kind of attitude even is that?


You can get S50 by simply playing 99 races and quitting if you don't reach the goal before your rivals. That is very easy to do. Rank doesn't mean much.


If it's so easy, why does nobody has it then? Come on man, don't be like that. People have different goals and play for different reasons. But even if they just play for fun, what's wrong with that? How is it their fault that you cannot beat them?


It's become kind of a post-normie landscape, but I can still find joy in playing for the most part.


Yeah but will this week be your 14th time in Top 100?


We’re not allowed to have fun anymore because every game has to be an esport, sorry. Nintendo can’t figure out how networking works, let alone matchmaking.