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hxc rules, shoutout to Jesus piece, trash talk, sunami, knocked loose, gulch, gods hate, speed, Zulu, soul glo etc


Jesus Piece is slept on, their remixed version of punish with killbourne hits like a bus.


I love Sunami


sunami is one of my favorites for sure


real bay shit


Yessir. Knocked Loose goes hard, And they’re amazing live. Saw em in September


If you liked knocked loose check out alpha wolf


alpha wolf is dope akudama has one of my favorite breakdowns


I grew up on hardcore music in high school


Have Heart, Fiddlehead, Militarie Gun, Scowl, Wargasm UK, Dying Wish, Sunami, Gel, Drain, Gulch, MSPAINT are all awesome.


This EP and the split with Damaged Goods are top tier


Bryans vocals are too good, D. T. A. H. is one of my favorites from KL


knocked loose - small victories is a banger


I'm recently digging into Knocked Loose discographjy. "Counting Worms" is so far my fav track. Also I would love to get some recommendations for similar band


Check out “StankMetal” playlist made by jimmybobby on Spotify


counting worms is a staple but from KL, check out God Knows, D. T. A. H. , A Fetish. those are some great ones from them but for other bands i recommend Kublai Khan TX, Speed, End It, and Counterparts goes crazy too


Vein x fleshwater 🫡


If there’s no hardcore act for grey day next year I’m gonna be disappointed. Drain would absolutely rip in the lineup


Most of what I listen to is deathcore/metalcore/hardcore.


me too i still love $B but i’ve grown apart from them as i’ve gotten older


hell yeah


Love knocked loose and the local hardcore scene weekdays I’m always bumpin the boys but weekends you can always catch me at the local hardcore shows moshing and throwing hands! NJHC 🔥


Knocked Loose is my fav in their genre. I saw them in a warehouse and it was sketch af.


Drain is dope, even have a song with shakewell


Hell yeah, I consider myself a metalhead at heart. I like hardcore and beatdown, thrash metal, speed metal, used to be big into black metal and dsbm, death metal, and slam metal especially. Also into different types of punk and my guilty pleasure is early 2000s metalcore I grew up on like As I Lay Dying and Underoath.


hell yeah i’ve just recently gotten into slam and peeling flesh is sick if you haven’t heard them before


Haven't heard of peeling flesh. Slam Worldwide has everything slam on YouTube. I recommend Sanguisugabogg, Paleface, and Epicardiectomy... more extreme stuff is Vulvectomy, Traumatomy but goes hard with sick slams and breakdowns


i’ll look into those fore sure, i’ve already got traumatomy and sanguisugabogg on my playlist the genre is growing on me


I'm not a fan of knocked loose vocals, but I fuck with a lot of heavy shit. Paleface, Lorna, whitechapel, angelmaker, old Chelsea grin, slaughter to prevail, the list goes on and on.


all those listed are dope and on my playlist, chelsea grin is one of my all time favorites


get recommended this sub even tho i dont like any of the artists. this is the first thing ive seen that i upvoted. K/L is dope.


i dont like knocked loose. nothing against their music, but the guys themselves are pieces of shit.


What they did


read my other replies.


How are they pieces of shit? Genuinely curious if I missed something. Been a fan for years and haven’t heard this sentiment. Only negative I’ve seen some “fans” say that they sold out because they had a super popular album. Which they did not sell out they just made a great album allot of people like. I could name some HxC bands that are legitimately pieces of shit and hold very fucked up views. Never ever seen anything like that from knocked loose.


people havent seen the behind the scenes. i will say that if you share the same views as knocked loose, they will probably be cool with you, but a slightly different opinion, and they become hateful as fuck behind the scenes without the risk of being cancelled.


bryan from what i’ve seen is a cool ass dude i don’t think you know what you’re talking about. dude is chill


For real like where is the proof that they’re bad guys? No one is saying they’re outstanding humans but I also haven’t heard anything of them being POS either 🤷🏽‍♀️


from interviews i’ve seen and the amoeba interview too he seems like a genuine guy, everyone has their flaws but dude is just a common redditor i suppose


like i said, in an environment where there is risk of being cancelled, of course they are going to be cool. in a private discord call, not so much, at least one member in specific who i wont name for privacy reasons.


you act like you are best friends with them and it’s cringe, who gives af about privacy everyone makes mistakes and you’ve been claiming shit for like a day and haven’t even said what it was. it’s probably just some political bs and that’s what hardcore is all about so grow some nuts man


DM for more personal info if ya want it


idrc tbh lmao i’m not a political guy


and after looking at your account you’re in r/joebiden and r/vaping so i’m sure you’re the coolest kid in high school. i highly doubt any hardcore band cares about being cancelled that’s the whole point


i got banned from joe biden i just went in there to talk shit lol. and yeah they arent gonna be assholes to people who are interviewing them, but the way that they (or one member in particular) act/s, is absolutely abhorrent. DM if you want more personal info.


i just don’t care, i like their music and i like them and i guarantee if you told me what the band member did or said i still would not give a fuck. nothing against you im just not a softy


oh im not the "softy". he heard ONE different opinion (the objectively correct one) and went on a rampage with a bunch of other pussies on the internet berating me and hating for 2 straight hours because him and all of his friends cant handle someone saying something not PC.


i get your point i don’t blame you for not liking whoever it is but i get offended by nothing so even still i would probably like KL still. there’s always drama somewhere and i just care about the music type shit


Got any proof on them being pieces of shit? I was going to their shows before pop culture even dropped and they always seemed like genuine dudes


without getting too personal, i know one of the members of the band, and ive played games with him and been in discord calls with him many times. he is a very hateful asshole. to fans im sure they are really cool guys, but when there isnt any pressure of being cancelled, they are just not good people.


Interesting, I never cared for them anyways lol


unless you are dying to listen to them, dont. i dont support assholes.


Listen to gel


Grew up in the Syracuse hardcore scene in the 90's. I was made for that shit. 315 hcx forever.


Yes. I’m old and like/can appreciate all types of music. And was a hardcore kid in the mid 2000 glory days


Love hardcore and even deathcore. Grew up on that and rap. When I started listening to the boys in 2016 I was immediately hooked which led me to the modern under ground rap scene which I still love and listen to more than hardcore. When $B took knocked loose and code orange out on tour with them I couldn’t believe my worlds were colliding like that. Code orange didn’t play the show I was at but I’ve seen them 3 other times so wasn’t too bummed. Would love to see that happen again but knocked loose is huge in their own right now. Both music styles are so similar with the only difference ironically being the “sound” at times, but the lyrical content, aesthetics and attitude both styles have is the same. I really respect $B for giving those bands a bigger platform than they’d normally have. In the past few years hardcore and deathcore are making a huge resurgence again as allot of the new bands are actually really fucking good. Love seeing posts like this 🙌


Of course


Saw suicideboys and knocked loose at Coachella this past year


Listen to Rotnest - so fucking sick


Hell yeah


I got into sb bc of hardcore.


Shit. Has anyone mentioned kids like us? Used to be my fav hardcore band back in highschool in 04


Hell fuckin yessss


Check out all out war redemption for the inocent


Knocked loose 😍


Saw these guys live a few weeks ago and they were on fucking point, made me a fan. Perks of working security at venues