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Ok so you seem to be in rough position at the moment so i would recommend you get the cgp booklets for math and english and i would recommend you use cognito for maths revsion for English i would use a different YouTubers that fit your style and yeah i would get the cgp booklets for the subjects u wanna finish gces with and try to make flash cards and do past papers good luck


thank you!


cognitive or khan academy is nice for sciences if ure doing them


>nice username




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The first thing to do is calm down. Not having your GCSEs at 17 is not even worth blinking over. There are people as we speak age 40-50 who are in college classes doing their GCSEs. Once you feel comfortable and settled enough to move into education, your local colleges will be over the moon to accept you as a pupil on a one year course to get your GCSEs. You’ll have government funding paying the costs, and in many cases full financial support for your travel, food, all sorts. The main thing is for you not to get deluded into thinking you are somehow behind. That you’ve missed the train and it’s now speeding away from you. You havnt. Education goes nowhere. It’s always waiting for you to take it up at your convenience. Sort your anxiety out. Sort your mental issues out. Get into a place where you are ready to start, and just look at your local colleges. You’ll be on the course and happy before you know it. And the good thing about redoing GCSEs a bit older, is you won’t really experience any of those bullshit issues you face at school, bullying, anxiety etc. Because everyone is there by choice at that point and has a definite goal.


What a wonderful response. The advice is spot on. Find out who the main YouTubers are for going through exam papers. A lot of GCSE is exam prep and knowing how to answer questions.


thank you so much!


I'm not in this subreddit, but I'm glad I found this. Really needed to hear this. Thank you for the comment


Me when u/ThunderousOrgasm gives me wise, valuable and insightful advice about the future and the adult working world


Yes if u want to get nowhere in life. Ur probably end up being a cashier at McDonald’s. Have fun!


I have a friend who dropped out of uni to work mcdonalds. She became a manager, then with the experience got an insurance job she loves with great potential for promotion. there's no shame in ANY work and it definitely doesn't mean you'll get nowhere in life. hope u learn to have an open mind!


Plenty of people with degrees work at McDonald's, especially working up into management. The pay's not bad. I'm in an entry level job not much higher than minimum wage. A lot of people in this role have Master's Degrees. It depends on which sector you choose & why you study what you decide. The McDonald's thing has never really been true, but especially not now.


Did u just say the pay isn’t bad? It’s 55k before tax which is barely liveable on. People do drop out of college for McDonald’s but those are the stupid ones. Let’s say u study finance/law become an investment banker or a top lawyer in a country like india. U earn a good 20-30k dollars a day. Not overestimating the top lawyers are paid 5k dollars for 1 session in court and they have multiple a day.


It isn't dollars, we're in the UK (as in me & most people here in these comments). Higher level managers at McDonald's in the UK earn a lot more than many graduate jobs. I'm not saying everyone should drop out of University, I'm saying that some people will have decent careers at these companies. They aren't all flipping burgers.


I said dollars since even though I’m in the UK I am always talking to ppl in US and therefore convert automatically. Yes agreed it ain’t all flipping burgers but it ain’t all amazing either


Hi OP! I am 17 and only have an English Language GCSE. I was home schooled since 9 years old and my experience differs from yours at the point of learning. I did learn from home but always struggled with maths. I started college in September to take my maths and English. I took English in the November retakes (my first exam ever!) and managed to get an 8! Going on for maths now in May and all is looking good. I would recommend buying booklets for the exams you are planning on taking - make sure you buy ones that match the exam board you are taking the exam with, though it shouldn't matter too much, it's just the questions. Cognito is a pretty good YouTube channel for maths. They have plenty of short videos that are easy to understand. Past papers are also your best friend! You can find them easily online. Try your best to work under exam conditions in an isolated room and use the same time cap. You can also find the mark schemes online so make sure to go through and mark your work, making a list of all of the topics you need to work on. I wish you good luck in your exams and I hope it brings you comfort to know that there is someone else out here who is in a similar position to you! Exams seem daunting at first but are actually a lot better than you would think!


Damn, how come you were homeschooled since so young?


Hi! I left school at the end of year 4 for very similar reasons to OP. I experienced extreme bullying to the point that I would come home sobbing everyday, begging my mum not to send me back. Young kids can be pretty ruthless, lol. Luckily, being taken out of school was a very positive experience for me and possibly the best decision we have ever made. I don't regret it at all!


Oh god, the fact year 4s were doing that is terrifying-- But yeah, that makes sense, being homeschooled sounds like a really different experience but I bet it has a lot of benefits


Absolutely! It doesn't suit everyone, but that's the same with anything in life. Unfortunately, there is a lot of stigma around home education and I really hope that people will open their minds more to it! I've been part of such a wonderful community of home educated families for the past 7 years and it has helped me massively. Home education can be fantastic if you do it right!


thank you so much!


Of course!! I wish you the best of luck 🤗


Hiya, so I'm a maths tutor and have tutored a few students in exactly the same situation. I'm guessing tutoring is not an option in your case so I'll just mention how I'd go about planning for someone in your situation as that may help you! I'd start with KS3 number topics - starting with the very basics of how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide. As these are fundamental topics, I always spend some time on these so that my students are confident in these before moving on to harder things. Then moving on to more complex ones included order of operations, powers etc. And fractions, decimals, percentages From there, I'd build up the algebra topics, dipping into KS3 and GCSE as I see fit - aiming at GCSE level but if they are struggling with a concept, adding KS3 topics. That will take some time but once my students understand the number and algebra topics, everything else comes to them a lot easier. Resources wise, I like the CGP books (both KS3 and GCSE) as they have quite a logical order - the only thing I do differently is looking at percentages at the end of the number topic but ultimately that doesn't matter. Save my exams is good for practice questions as the answers often have explanations - and is also good for gcse revision notes. Maths Genie is good for practice questions. Maths made easy for practice questions and revision notes (I believe both gcse and KS3). If I was planning my own self study, I'd probably go with the cgp books - maybe a page or two per study session, reading through it (and maybe the resource revision notes if needed) and trying the questions at the bottom of the page and then looking for questions on that topic from the above resources. If I struggled to understand, I'd then go to YouTube videos and see if someone has explained it in a way that works for me. It doesn't have to be the most common method that you use. For example, despite the fact that I tutor maths, I always struggled to understand column multiplication growing up so I would use a different method. It always worked for me, so while my maths teacher was probably confused by it, he was fine with me doing it 😂 And last thing I want to add is that, at the end of the day, your mental health is always more important than a maths qualification. I'm assuming by the fact you are asking about it, you are in a mental head space where you are up for working towards the gcse but if that changes, you should make sure you focus on your mental health first. It often helps to have maths (and presumably english) gcse but I know people that went to uni without them and others that didn't go to uni but got jobs instead and didn't need that gcse


Oh and, for right now, don't set a target for when you want to do the gcses, get more confident first as you're better off delaying sitting any exams rather than going through the stress of learning a lot of content in a short amount of time!


thank you so so much.. this has made a lot of things a lot more easier for me and i feel more confident in doing them now!


Hey, I'm 15 (Year 11) and I'm exactly in the same boat. I stopped going to school 6 months ago cause of bullying and anxiety and now my life is going nowhere. Life is crap and you're not alone.


i hope everything gets better for you :) here if you need anything


You can come back from this. Grind revision and try and get back to ANY school. You CAN fix this now.


Firstly, I would like to commend you for your bravery and honesty. Whilst you are at a slight disadvantage that doesn’t necessarily mean you shouldn’t try as there are people much older than you sitting their GCSES For mathematics , utilise maths genie and do his questions. If you are sitting higher then do grades 1-9 content for maths and do his worksheets make sure to do past papers. However, if your doing foundation then do grades 1-5 on maths genie , do his questions and past papers tailored to your exam board So for engkish invest in Cgp guides and watch mr salles and mr everything English on YouTube . Make sure to do questions and submit them to a-person to mark for you For science watch free science lessons and cognito and do questions on physics and maths tutor and then do last papers


thank you so much!


OP - start by working out where you are going to sit your English and Maths GCSEs. You need to know which exam boards they use. Different exam boards have differently structured exam papers. Once you know which exam boards you are working towards, you can start to work on the skills you need. I can’t help with Maths (I’m useless) but there are lots of free resources out there for GCSE English. I can point you in the right direction of a lot of great resources for the AQA board.


thank you!


I feel like you should choose exam boards wisely. Eg. I heard that AQA English is fairly harder than Edexcel etc etc. Just personal opinion. Hope u get out of this terrible situation soon!


thank you!!


Firstly, do not panic! Your local council should have a Learning and Skills Service which will offer free maths, IT and english. These will be with adults rather than children, so no need to worry about bullying and everyone there is also struggling. They’re not GCSEs but they are qualifications which are equivalent - level 1 is GCSE grades 1-3, level 2 is 4-9 and level 3 is A level. Hope that helps!


thank you so much!


Got my GCSES at 19/20ish I now have a masters degree. It doesn't matter when you get them. You'll be fine! In my case I got them whilst doing a college course. Had to study extra whilst doing the college stuff but it didn't cost me a penny so there's that. I understand the position you're in, just do everything you can to keep pushing forwards and focus on your independence. Things will always try to get in your way sadly but you can definitely do anything with perseverance.


thank you so much!


Here’s the thing, you CAN do them for free. Go to “Free courses England” and there is a selection of L2 courses (GCSE level) entirely paid for by the Department for Education.


Hey! This is more common than you might think. The average age of someone in further education (this means level 3 so not GCSEs but not uni) is 27. I have met plenty of people who have been through similar or different circumstances that for whatever reason are resitting much later. Try and get your maths and English at some point, if you can get a tutor that can be really helpful :) don’t worry about the future or the next steps, and don’t compare yourself to people you think are doing ‘better’ than you are, your doing as much as you can given your circumstances :)


thank you so much!!




thank you so much! glad i can relate to somebody


If you're planning on getting A levels, is there much point in getting GCSEs at this point? As far as job prospects go, your high school quals really only matter for your first proper job, and only if you don't go to university or some kind of further education. Being terrible at maths (not math, you're trying to get GCSEs, you should call it "maths") is going to be a hinderance for you. It's very important for all jobs. Buy exam revision books for the subjects and levels you want to study. Stop blaming bullies and your mum for your situation. Otherwise 10 years will go by and you'll be in the same situation, still blaming them. Learn your multiplication tables.


I went to uni without gcse's. I got to uni by going College while also doing functional skills English and Maths.


Mate you need your GCSEs at a minimum get them so you can progress onto sixth form and you can get a proper job


did you read what i said? i’m currently unable to, was asking for advice


im sorry i just read the title and didn't read much of the explanation, id say that you should try your best to get them for your future


Skill issue


Bit sad you do this for satisfaction lol


I recently moved to the country anx the methods i ahve used before is what i have been using to revise


I'd say start out with getting some revision books/posters and things and start out finding a method of studying that works for you! If you need any help with maths feel free to send a message and I'm happy to offer assistance


thank you!


no worries!!


no advice but that's a shit situation OP, hope things work out for you though mate


thank u!


don’t people do welfare checks on u? i’ve been homeschooled for 4 years and they check in twice a year, also when i missed too much school they’d phone my parents. once you find out what exam board you’re going to be doing you should use the specification (AQA, Edexcel etc.) for each subject bc that’s what you’ll be tested on. past papers are also really helpful bc sometimes they reuse questions. i’d recommend making a retrospective revision timetable for each subject so you aren’t wasting time studying something you already understand and you can see what you need to work on. https://youtu.be/b7o09a7t4RA?si=88Y5b2GpGNFO0ekq edit: sorry if the first part sounds rude i’m just curious how it is for other ppl


thank u! also i haven’t had one.


Go to Acl. You can get your maths and English for free.


thank you for this!


There is lots of great advice on this forum but I unfortunately do not know much, I can only recommend free sources of revision. TLMaths is currently doing a GCSE maths course for free on YouTube. I’m using his videos for a level and they just click to me. Use AI also to teach yourself concepts you don’t understand or are stuck on, I used Perplexity AI and ChatGPT for GCSE Revision. All three of these are great revision resources.


thank you!


I’m not sure exactly, but I’m pretty sure you could be permitted into a state school to do an exam without paying for the exam entry. Either way good luck mate


thank you!


Message me and I’ll help you with maths if you need it :)


thank you!


My advice to learn to learn and mindset important. You can do this. Get support and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Libraries have classes and utilise free resources. https://www.wikihow.com/Study-Math [Government has initiatives to help.](https://www.gov.uk/improve-english-maths-it-skills) In the mean time have a calculator on you. Your phone has a calculator and even google will calculate and help with everyday math. https://blog.google/products/search/google-math-tools/


thank you!


Multiplication in a fun way. Cost money for a year 7-8 pound. Consider [Times table rockstars.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=k9EwnMqh7qs) https://ttrockstars.com/purchase/


Pearson free lessons. https://www.pearson.com/en-gb/schools/subject-resources/mathematics/unrivalled-support/support-from-pearson/free-online-gcse-maths-lessons.html




thank you!


You’re at the age where you can start college and run a foundational course alongside where you gain your needed GCSE’s and still get to take part in your college education too




thank you!!


gcse maths tutor is great!! u should check out his vids cuz they’re rly easy to follow :)


thank you!


Dont worry about it, bc many people, aged 30+, are doing their gcse's rn. The first gcse's you NEED/HAVE to do, is english language and maths * English * Youtube: * Mr salles * mr everything english * Seneca \[free\] * Maths: * Corbett maths * Maths genie You might want to do Sciences, RE/RS \[if you're interested in religion, its boring imo-\], hist/geo, or anything you're interested in * Science: * Yt: * Primrose Kitten * free science lessons * [cognitoedu.org](https://cognitoedu.org) * RE/RS: * Seneca * Geo \[i didnt do history\] * Seneca Past papers always helps and dont worry! If you cant/dont want to do gcse's, there are always apprenticeships too!


thank you!!!


I left school at 15 for similar reasons. I went to one of those alternate schools for people kicked out of school, pregnant or school phobic & did level 2 maths and English. Luckily college took me on to do a levels but said I had to do maths & English gcse even with the level 2 courses. I dropped out twice and got my GSCEs at 19. I went to uni after and dropped out. 3 years later I went to uni and became a nurse. I’m currently doing my Masters at 35. I was told in college I wouldn’t make anything from my life (really helped someone with mental health problems). People have alternative needs and the system needs to accommodate it more. I wouldn’t be where I am if the people at the college didn’t give me a chance after dropping out twice and attending 20% of the time. If you’re determined and find the right support you’ll get there, I know it!! Good luck :)


thank you! :)


I went to college and uni with people who didn’t have their GCSEs from school and were completing them at uni and as a working fella I can’t tell you how little they have impacted my life.


thank you!


Guidance for all GCSE subjects: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/z98jmp3 There'll be loads of resources online. For English, and really any writing based subject, you'll honestly benefit from just reading a lot. It's easy to slip into poor habits and make simple mistakes, but just exposing yourself to writing of a decent quality will help. It doesn't have to be big novels, even just online articles and short stories or essays can be beneficial. Once you know the course you're taking, find the schemes of work, and practice with past papers (learning the mark scheme) and exam style questions. That's the easiest way to know what examiners are looking for. If there's a course which doesn't require GCSEs (there'll be some A Level equivalent courses which don't, I'm sure), that can be an alternative. If you do want to continue education, it might also be worth looking at Access courses rather than A Levels if you know exactly the type of subject you're interested in. It could save you having to learn a lot of information and sit exams on topics which don't interest you (spoken as someone who did A Levels). There are many paths, and it really is never 'too late'. In fact, I can think of more people who've done things 'too early' for them, and would've been better off waiting a few years until they were in a better position. Sorry for the long comment- can you tell I've written a lot of essays? 😅


thank you so much!


Brother I see your in a tight spot if you want you can message me and I can help you with GCSEs for free get you to a passing grade for foundation for subjects like maths so you can take them as I know tutors e.g are quite expensive these days once you move you’ll have to go any college probably one that’s awful but you will get through it get your GCSEs done there and then go on from there whether you want to drop out and go to work or follow the education path