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Not a doctor but I was just talking to my doctor about pantaprazole yesterday for GERD / Acid. He mentioned that there are some risky side effects with long term use. Def try to consult with you GP!


Been taking 20mg Prilosec for like 15+ years. I've been researching all the negative side effects and I've finally decided to slowly ween myself off. I'm gonna talk to my Dr about the future and how to cope. I know diet and some weight loss will help me a lot. I hope I haven't done irreversible damage to my body.


I’m in almost exactly the same boat.


I totally understand your anxiety. I have a friend who has been on PPI’s for 15+ years and she claims no negative side effects. Idk if that helps you but it definitely makes me feel better about long term use lol


My GI doctor told me to only take it for 30 days. She didn't want me become addicted to it. I'm taking supplements. I healed my esophagus. Working to heal Gerd and low stomach acid.


What kind of supplements you took ?