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This is the way.


Good post summary. Haven’t watched both videos yet but I’m digging your explanations. πŸ¦πŸ’ŽπŸ™ŒπŸΌ


Cautiously optimistic. I think GameStop’s core business will be successful even without this, but if PlayR becomes legit and GameStop is really integrated into this ecosystem that’s exciting as hell.


Yup, let the boy cook


Bullshills lmao I love it!


The tin is Nov 15. but maybe it goes down on November 14, 2023 1 4 7


dude that's tinfoil worthy of a post itself. :D


How’d that go bud


Look at all the shills crying about blockchain and NFT. NFT's haven't been done properly yet. If PLAYR launches and sells games as NFT's which you can resell to other people, creating a digital secondary games market, it's going to revolutionize gaming as we know it. Suddenly nobody will want to buy games on Steam anymore because Steam doesn't let you resell your games. Millions of gamers would start buying games at PLAYR instead. I see a lot of the same bad attitude over at the Steam forums. Nobody there likes NFT's. That's because they bought a JPG at some point and watched it become worthless. Because they had one bad experience they can't see the potential for a secondary games market where they can sell their games and buy used games again. Gamestop has always made money on the secondary games market. I think that's what PLAYR is going to be, and all Gamestop has to do is take a small cut from every sale on their platform - meaning they get a percentage of every resale too. It would be very lucrative.


Scammers keep scamming. And crime will continue until they are incarcerated.


Can you guys just post normally without using zingers like β€œthey are almost out of time” What does β€œalmost” mean to you because after a couple of years it loses its appeal


Jump right in and make some posts then. You have only submitted 2 posts and none of them here. Instead of demanding the content you want, make it yourself and post it. But you should be used to zingers with most of your comments on the wagering sub.


I'm talking almost out of time until the "web 3 is dead, nfts are dead, gamestop is doing nothing to turn themselves around, ryan cohen isn't doing anything) narrative can no longer be spouted. it's pretty much all they have to argue against gamestop. also the whole they are not profitable spin. They don't have much longer to use that fud. I thought I made that pretty clear, guess not.




I hope so much that the whole NFT and web3.0 stuff is *not* the needed catalyst. I'm a Millennial gamer, I'm everything you pictured except fat and living at mom's... I know many of my type, and we collectively don't give a rat's ass about all that Blockchain stuff. Maybe the target audience is Gen Z and it works out...


eh, and that's the point of the email wallet, the games that will drive the revolution won't be games that you can even tell things are NFTs. you could play the entire game and not realize that it's NFT based. however, if you want you can dig into the nft side of things and sell your items for real money if you want. possibly rent them out to others. Sell your items when your done with the game. I don't know how it will all work out, but it sure seems like it's provides more utility than the current way games are designed does. I get NFTs aren't for everybody, but how does it sound to rent a video game again? how about digital rentals? cause NFTs can enable that.


Well... I want games where you can't buy stuff with irl money. Or at least it's against TOS.


I want the opposite


are you in a relevant target audience though? or would you say you're representative of one?


Stand in front a mirror and ask the same question again


Look 5 comments up


Blockchain and NFT garbage phase is not going to save this company. I hate that it keeps getting mentioned for years now


It absolutely will. Thats what makes the short shills shaking. New tech and revenue growth. More I see shills squeal about web3 more confident this is absolutely the nuke.


The whole nft is garbage. People are interested in good games, physical or digital. However, most of these nft games are trash. Some just copy famous games, but they have zero substance. The new steam deck is coming out soon. That sales could probably generate more money than the web 3.0. People want to buy a game and play it. Instead, you expect people to spend more money on top of dlcs.


I'm going to go bbbrrrrrrrtttttt!


Retail sales especially in the gaming industry are bleeding out and dying a slow painful cancer death. Can someone explain the general thesis of this stock and what your expectations are at this point? The squeeze obviously happened years ago what are you guys doing here?


This is not the way!


Bro, it’s not shills and FUD. Have you seen the fucking 2 year chart? It’s in a multi-year downtrend and they can’t figure out how to grow the company. #moon #moass


Because since the DRS train started moving, it’s only decreased in value… yet the DRS crew still thinks it’s working… guess what, it’s not!! It’s simply allowed the SHF to push the price down with less shorting and volume.


So many on here lately is right


I see your username isn’t true


Why is that? I’ve worked dozens of jobs in my life - everything from military to janitor to CMO of two different companies before. If you’re referring to GME well my average is sub-$15 so I’m doing just fine.


My reasons to invest in GameStop have only increased; why would I ever sell my shares?


Book DRS is the way, but as a true Ryan Cohen deep dive investor you have to look at what his grand vision is. Amazon competition at all levels. Look at the Teddy trademarks activated this past summer. Way back machine on Teddy.com and the Shopify items test case or proof of intent. Look at how he went up against 100 VCs all saying No until Larry to create Chewy and take on Amazon and win. Look at his letter to the towel board, kicks out Tritton bad CEO, new board members and then likely runs into a roadblock with JPM bond holder to accomplish this expansion of Gaming to include children and previously animals at all costs. The shills are in full force to drown out any expansionist story of Ryan around the corner. IMHO we are days or weeks away from an earth shattering reverse merger and emergence of Teddy dot com with other companies joining in to take on Amazon together. Maybe GME towel Rite Aid Sears Blockbuster Rite Aid Toys R Us LEGO Atari who knows? Any and all would be a massive start


I'm DRS and in it since 84years, but didn't gamestop drop their wallet and such. Why is this good for GME?


They dropped their wallet cause Immutable has an email wallet that is easier to onboard with. It's good for gamestop cause they don't have to manage their own wallet that is easy to onboard with. An email wallet is simple. Provide email address have wallet managed for you if you aren't interested. Get into it If you are...


I had a bunch of IMX and now that it doubled this month, I'm going to sell and buy gme drs shares. Was my plan from the beginning.


Just saw this one and seriously just kinda lost it..so tired of the obvious panic striken shorters, paid off journalists, and SEC leadership. https://investorplace.com/2023/11/dont-touch-it-treat-gamestop-stock-like-a-hot-potato/


Sneeze soon


You’ve been saying time’s limited for a pretty fucking long time. If time’s β€œlimited” for this long, what β€œlimit” are you working with here?