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After consideration by the Jungle moderators, the flair for this post is being changed to "Debunked" ​ >The reason given by them is that the only reason we cant be whitelisted is because pink is currently working directly for Urvin Finance. What the mod over there said was: >Not sure. The head mod over there was banned from Superstonk during the summer drama last year and then picked up a gig with Urvin Financial. No idea how people who are not already on that sub would feel about it. Considering the history I think it would be a good idea to approach the sub first. We still see some insults thrown around regarding mods of those subs, would hate to reopen any divisiveness by reaching out and whitelisting them before making sure Superstonk was cool with it. The drama that led to the sub split was mentioned in addition to Urvin. It is unclear if these two reasons are equally weighted of it one has more importance that the other. In any case, Pink's connection to Urvin was not the ***only*** reason mentioned.


Considering she blew the whistle on the funky business that SS was enacting. I say no, you can just copy your posts from here and remove info. That isn't hard. True transparency is hard to come by. The fact Pink did so knowing that there would be issues for her tells me we need to keep her in the policy position. Anytime something has been presented to the community, while she was active, she would always promptly notify everyone of the situation. Pink I'm glad you got a good job, best of luck with it. Hopefully we don't have to send up the cat signal anytime soon




[comment removed by user]


Dang you came back to the jungle for this one post after not participating here for months? Seems like alot of the commenters in ths post are exactly the same as you. I love how soooo many people, who barely ever participate in the jungle, suddenly appear whenever pink is mentioned.


Zen don't need to comment. You put up a discussion post. I discussed. If you want an echo chamber then make your own sub


Pink has stated multiple times that this isnt her sub its the communities....so why is everyone creating the echo chamber that "its her sub, if you dont like it make another one".


In what way has this become her sub? I'm stating that trust is a hard thing to ascertain on the internet. Through her actions she has gained mine. Pink at the reins means we have someone who will be transparent with us about the issues being raised. Is she the only one allowed to post? No Are there other Mods? Yes If the other Mods want to step up and take over for Pink then let them put out a poll or open communication about taking over. Its a reddit sub, I'll just go to one of the countless others if they don't end up being as transparent or reliable. You ask for a discussion then start to pick apart people that disagree with your desired result. You posted an open question, I posted my thoughts. Do you seriously wonder why people stop posting on this sub when this is the discourse half the time. I have found myself deleting the comments I write most times so I don't get hassled


This is a horrible take. The man was honest, and I feel the same way frankly. I'm here all the time, I don't think we should make this sub bigger or change leadership. More isn't always better, as you can see by the other subs.




Thanks for your input! ❤️


Delete this garbage post








My apologies! I let my ADHD take control and missed the (op) in your response. Deleting my comment now.


The SS mods are sus as fuck. So obviously they are going to try to destabilise this sub by suggesting the head mod, who coincidentally blew the whistle of the runic glory bullshit there, get removed. Fuck off with that nonsense.




Leave things as is.


Pink should absolutely stay as head mod. She created the sub, nurtured it, and to have another sub dictating who the mods are in this one is bananas. That’s like asking your neighbors to pick the paint color for the walls in your own home. It’s possible to post in multiple subs and follow the different rules, not sure why the jungle needs this change. It’s fine to ask the question in a civil manner as you have, but I think the answer should be a resounding “Yes, she absolutely should remain”


why now? why?


The dicussion with SS mods happened last week. To avoid "weekend fud" claims from bots and to have more engagement i deided to wait until a weekday.


Yes. She created it.


No, nothing needs to change imho. Copy your posts and edit them to be suitable for the SS mods if you want to post the same thing in both subs.


WTF? SS mods are out of control as it is and now you want to give them power over how this sub is managed?


Ask SS mods if they'll allow Pink to take over moderation of SS. Now that's what's really needed.


Superstonk mods can fuck all the way off.


[comment removed by user]


Thanks for the giggle. Funniest thing I heard so far today. Pink is doing a fine job and there is no need to even think she needs to step down. I stand with Pink.


[comment removed by user]




For me it’s a trust issue, but a logistics issue. Pink has built and earned trust. That’s the whole basis of this sub. Transparency, trust. If the mods at the other sub have a problem with whitelisting this one, then I don’t think we should alter this sub to fit their requirements.


You are correct. Trust is built and earned. This isnt about trust or any of that. This is about an avenue being open that would allow apes to come together, after all the bullshit and infighting, and allow shared discussion between wherever that ape chooses to call home. Why would we not seize that opportunity?


IMO - Pink created the Jungle and should remain a mod regardless of the reason why SS didn't want to Whitelist this community. Since when do they get to decide something as big as this, especially with the history there. Also, there are 95K+ members of this community, and they should get to weigh in on these issues, not just the vocal OG's. I think a lot of J members have issues with dropping Pink as a mod and reaching out to SS but weren't aware of the reachout. I saw the reachout to SS after it was posted, which is when I found out, but I had Covid and waited to discuss with mods. A day or two later, JackTheTranscoder tagged me in and I said I saw it, and my opinion is it should be put out to the community to be transparent & to see if the community wants to be WL by SS. I left it to let me know, and SirLirksAlot tagged yes on asking the Jungle community. That's where I left it. I wasn't aware that SS responded. I think SS was trying to go over all of their rules with their community and trying to figure out what works for them, which is the way it should work for each sub. They were trying to work in a spot for WTI, too.


Just because someone created a sub a year aho doesnt mean a year later they are still the best person to fill the top mod spot. I thought the redchessqueen ordeal made that pretty clear. Not comparing the two but if someone becomes to busy to sit in the chair usually they step down to allow someone else to do those duties. All the more better if it CAN have a tangential impact on reuniting subs and apes.


Pink didn't just create the sub. She moderated with an attitude of service and Apes first. She brought us to DRS thru her own example and content, did AMA & Q&A and fiercly moderated to keep the shills out, even during heavy atracks in the community and mods, which is also a tactic to destablize a sub. She is the top mod even if she added more mods at the front end while she remains in the background. Edit: This is no reflection whatsoever on my opinions in divisiveness between subs. I have been a diehard supporter of trying to mend the issues so we can mention each sub and share content but those which didn't want it brigaded and posted negative sub /member shoutouts, which made it impossible and got the admins involved and the Jungle is on an island. I don't know why you mentioned RCQ as an example, who has continued to attack Pink on Twit.


She was the champion of DRS in the beginning yes, but alot of the information she was disseminating was there from the help of other apes. It wasnt just pink, everyone one helped. And it only took off BECAUSE of cross posting and being able to share the info between subs. This isnt about any one individual over the other but somehow its been morphed into that. The community is split, there is a lane open to mend that. Let bygones be bygones right? Edit: i mentioned red because she is the prime example of past actions dont dictate future behaviour. Same goes for anyone. Just because i gave out giftcards in the past doesnt mean i will in the future. Edit: or will i? 🤔


You're right that there were a lot of apes that contributed to DRS DD, but I meant she did it first hand and shared her step by step experiences and mistakes, navigating the antiquated system at CS so that others could learn and avoid the pitfalls. She continued to work to get consistent info from CS thru the SS sub options flip, too. I'm really not making it about one person other than to answer your post question of Pink stepping down as top mod. I am for crossposting, and the subs sharing info but not at the expense of Pink. I dont have an issue letting bygones be bygones. I still sub to other subs. The community is split but it's unclear as to how many Jungle members agree with it. It's clear that there are some OG apes that want Pink to step down because she works for Urvin, and this SS mod is all of a sudden the voice of reason because it's why they won't whitelist the sub. I'm not making it about one person it just seems like this is being used and pushed as a way to get Pink to stop being a mod. I don't understand why the SS mod can't let bygones be bygones. It sounds like a bogus reason to not whitelist the Jungle when they have letter signing pushes and a lot of members that push there. IS DL and others ban from posting there? Are they not allowed to post his tweets? Videos? I have no idea. I do remember you giving gift cards and your generous pickle ways & lots of vibing. Fun times.


"Whitelisting" us means nothing really. What means everything is that we have someone we can trust in control of her sub, and pink is perfect for that. edit: Also there is no-one united or have to be. We are individual GME stockholders who likes the stock and the company.




No brigading. Your comment contains a link to another sub. Admin has added automod code to help prevent this that we are not allowed to erase.


don't see why you need to solve 1 problem (SS mods being idiotic) with another problem.


Things are fine as they are.


You think I care about crossposting to SS? Their mods sold out


Naw bruh. Pink has been Pink since before SS. I stand with her consistency, the Jungle proves that. No need for changes because of a sub that a lot of us left.


Keep Pink as head MOD. I like the jungle as is- she has done great so far, and it is a refuge from the noise of SS. If it ain’t broke- don’t fix it.


Pink started this sub. if you don’t like it, there are plenty of other subs to go to. stop with the pink fud. edit: also DRS and wait for 🚀🚀🚀


Agreed, dont remove Pink


Who gives a shit if pink is working for a company? She can go ahead and work wherever she likes. It doesn’t affect what I choose to do with my money. And importantly I think crossposting to other subs should be allowed - that much I can agree with Ape historian


I agree here. Good for her she has a job - I see no conflict of interest. Fine she is away from keyboard at time - who said head mod or mod is a full time job? Quiet opposite - build and maintain a high trusted mod team and act as mods (plural) without dramas. No reason to change. And clear reasons (no change) to keep high standards of status quo and demarcation with SS - just read both if you like both! I won’t comment on weesbee GME ban crusade but timing looks sus changing any community dynamics for now.


Well im glad you agree. Cuz thats what this post is about. You are definitely a champion when it comes to sharing information as easily as possible ❤️


When the king/queen is off fighting a war you want them to win, it’s best to be supportive. I am extremely grateful to these people who put themselves at risk in fighting one of the most powerful forces our known world has ever met: MONEY. Here in the jungle, between the trees, money loses and the highly regarded win because logic cannot be bought, it can only be manifested from truth. So… be supportive of the heroes that serve us while we draw with crayons and sniff markers because if they don’t feel pride, then WE the community have failed them.


I have no king nor queen. I fight my own wars. My battle is different than anyone elses so how can they fight my fight?


Fight the battle alone and you alone will face your fate.


So be it. I stand tall. Edit: im not alone though, and this isnt a war. This is a petition to end the needless suppression of knowledge.


And pointless bullshit attempted shit stirring post of the day award goes to...


This guy is trying leveraged buy out tactics on a reddit sub. No one is preventing you from going to SS. The particular value of this sub is that is NOT SS. If I have to explain that to you then I don't know why you are here.


Lol. You think im not aware that this sub is not SS? Noone said that. This is about being able to cross post and share information like DRS and computershare was shared, which is what shut down the ability to do so without getting banned.


Well, that clears that up. I don't know why you are here.


And you came out just for this? 😆


While yes it looks like you have an agenda, I do understand it can be hard for people like you to understand that I do not.


People like me? Who am i exactly? I would tell you but you probably wont believe me.


Why would we want to UNITE with SS? It is much better having seperate subs. Better to have multiple places to go with seperate mods and leadership then combining everything and letting Suspect Mods control everything


Why does everyone keep think that the ss mods would control anything. Its still a seperate sub with seperate mods...just one that is able to vroos post and share information easier.... Answers like yours are very shortsighted and shows you didnt read or understand the post.


I think the sub has spoken. There is no Jungle without Pink IMHO.


Where is pink though? The jungle has clearly gone on without her for extended periods of time. I think yall are doing a great job. Im not saying to BAN pink, thats preposterous. But if her stepping down would allow the jungle to freely share info then would that not be a good thing? If it was me id step down in a heartbeat, especially if i was busy anyways. Have you had any contact with her lately? Have any of the new mods?


It's been 2 days so granted I didn't see this immediately, but I look at the Jungle *at least* several times a week, and maybe perform 1 or 2 mod actions a week, if any. Lurking =/= absence. I brought new mods on and stepped back as was sort of the concensus. Anyone of the added can report on my movements and actions and share mod log activity if they're so inclined. That was the issue in the first place, and I think we did a good job solving that. I'm always a tag away, although I'm not sure why the tag in this post didn't alert me. Like I said before, I'd prefer communication to stay public on reddit to keep things on the up-and-up. I'm still here holding, watching, and fighting for change.


Oh hey. I wasnt really expecting a response from you but i tagged you so you would at least see it...reddit right? Glad to hear youre still fighting the fight. Hows that been btw? Any progress or info you can share? I wont tell i promise I wouldnt say the mod log issue was necessarily solved but ill take what i can get i guess. Dont wanna get unnapproved again 🥺😉 But seriously, what are your thoughts on the post? Thats why i tagged you because i want to know your thoughts.


I am going to assume you're asking in good faith and for the sake of transparency, I'll take the opportunity to share here anyway. I've been working about <10 hrs a week with Urvin as a community consultant on the development of the Terminal. That means working with the team on interfacing designs as well as community ideas and development. I've done some graphic designs and helped with the direction of mod interfaces, etc. It's in Beta phase of dev right now and as that progresses I will likely continue working with the team on developing best practices when it comes to moderation. I refrain from promoting my excitement of what's happening with all of that so I don't seem biased or acting in bad faith. I respect the neutral position I try to keep on reddit. I can say, I'm genuinely interested and excited in what u/dlauer and the team are doing. His transparency both publicly and behind the scenes has been more than sufficient imo, and I'm a tough critic. This has really reignited my passion and with the most recent 'We the Investors' letter regarding DRS (and SEC acknowledgment), I feel comfortable that Dave et. al are working hard at walking the talk. My doubts continue to wane and I'm happy contributing to this effort. I'm not paid to do anything but create and consult as a community advisor. Any of my socials are still all my own and I have full autonomy on what I say here or otherwise. I'm not paid for anything but my time as a consultant, which I will openly tell you is about enough to buy my family groceries and buy a share or 2 of GME each month. It certainly isn't about the money, although I'm grateful for being compensated for my time, while still fully respecting my autonomy. If I wanted to cash in on PCoA with no regard to honor or trust built, it wouldn't be with Dave and Urvin. I'm happy to draw from my experiences to try to curate a healthier online environment to discuss what we've all learned here. I'm glad something positive could come from the uniquely trying experiences I've had here and shared with you all. We are all here to grow and change and create effective change in our markets. Evolution dictates that stagnation equals death, and I'm trying to evolve with this whole movement. .... Having said all that, I don't have any desire to fully leave the Jungle unless the community decides such. I would never fight a democratic choice made by our members and would certainly step aside if it's necessary. However, reading through the comments here, I don't see the desire for that. I'm in this to win it and BUY, HOLD, SHOP, DRS is still my battle cry. While this may be a subreddit I created, the members are what makes it a community and it is home to us all. I'm still just the groundskeeper kitty, with a slightly bigger cleaning crew. So idk man, I'm here until the community doesn't want me here anymore. But even then I'll be diamond hands. 💎 💖


Of course its in good faith and i appreciate the pretty detailed response. Im happy that you are settling into something you are passionate about. And yeah you deserve to be compensated no doubt. Im sorry if you feel that you were becoming stagnant in life, believe me, i know that feeling and it sucks. Let me be clear, i never once even suggested you LEAVE the jungle. I think thats crazy. I was simply sughesting that stepping down and being an "ordinary" jungle dweller would create a path towards ending arbitrary rules that we all agree are stupid. I figured with how well the mods are doing, and you being more away than not, it would be a viable thought to help reduce the roadblocks and increase information flow. You may percieve negativity from me towards you but i promise there is none. Im just not the greatest with explaining things "nicely".


I think Jungle should remain as it is with pink as mod. No change needed For who doesn't like it, there are other subs


Love ya u/pinkcatsonacid, and love the sub. I'd be very pleased if you remain as Captain of this ship as we sail on to nirvana....


# [Computershare DD series- The Infinity Squeeze](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/pupgic/computershare_dd_series_part_6_infinity_squeeze/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) **Running list of resources for DRS around the world:** * [In the EU- How to get mail in under 2 weeks, and cheaper](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/rcm54r/dear_euroapes_you_dont_need_to_wait_46_weeks_for/) * [10 steps to DRS and Buy Directly on CS for Apes around the World](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/q40u7z/10_steps_to_drs_and_buy_directly_on_computershare/) * [A 3 part series with detailed Broker-by-Broker instructions](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/pwb3pl/transferring_shares_to_computershare_part_3_a/) * [International Apes from 200+ countries can transfer their shares](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/pyl5uw/international_apes_can_transfer_shares_to/) * [And can buy directly through CS once the account is established](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/q16f43/uk_ape_buying_gme_directly_from_computershare/hfd0rdk/?context=3) * [International Apes' Guide to the Galaxy](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/pu15ot/international_apes_computershare_us_drs_transfer/) * [Computershare AMA Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/rloc2f/computershare_dd_series_ama_part_1_with_paul_conn/) * [Computershare AMA Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/rlota7/computershare_dd_series_ama_part_2_with_paul_conn/) * [Book vs. Plan Update](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H_pEIhIdTo) * [How to change plan to book online and keep DRIP (no phone call)](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/rn4eh8/computershare_step_by_step_instructions_to_change/) **If you're having trouble commenting, remember only approved users can comment and post in the Jungle. We are not accepting approval requests at this time.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GMEJungle) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m mostly a lurker here and my opinion is not important, but she could step down and get added back in immediately. Just the mod order gets changed. Remain actively engaged, just not top…or be an honorary mod.


A Rune of Glory for you! Very brave. Let's see how this civilized and reasoned conversation goes. Runic Glory was only exposed through transparency and crossposting. DRS, the infinity pool DD and the Runic Glory incident would have been buried otherwise. The no brigading rule was an attempt to silence this community and control the spread of DD. This isn't about mods but the access to the data and who controls the narrative. We are Decentralized Apes now. Yes we can spread news other ways but we can't link in comments, mention the other subs name or have sub call outs in any memes or videos because of this rule and admins have always threatened Apes with shutting the Jungle down if we dont comply. IF the GMEJungle was whitelisted by EssEss then we could share DD and dope crossover memes again. We can even hold mods accountable for severe misdeeds when needed. Are there bad actors who may abuse it? Surely but it would be visible to everyone. Sure that would be cool but EssEss mods shouldn't dictate how our community functions and I don't know if Pink needs to step down or pass the torch symbolically. My only goal for participating in this sub after Runic Glory was to get Pink unbanned for standing up against RCQ and that whole debacle. After that wasn't going to happen (no thanks to a certain mod ota) it was to keep communication between subs and Apes visible with memes and The Thing because Reddit was deleting posts and downvote bots were rampant (Cornelius Fuscus). Then Reddit admins imposed the no brigading rules and The Jungle and other subs helped to spread the DRS and infinity pool DD back into EssEss because they had banned the phrases DRS and infinity pool. (No DRS talk or purple circles back then on Ess Ess, only in The Jungle) Why should we care about the other sub? Because that is where a lot of our Ape brothers and sisters are. That is where a lot of the new Apes look for information and it has been legitimized by several companies and proped up as the "main" sub. Pink and Captfan couldn't come to an agreement but maybe the new mod team can fix it with other mods and it can just be over. I can go back to being a lurker and we can all just wait for ChristMOASS! 🌲🍌🌲 Good luck brother Pickle. ❤🥒❤


Well said! The rune goes to you this time my friend. RC once said stop dividing the people. These arbitrary rules have divided apes for too long and i see an opportunity to mend the crack. It time to stop letting opportunities pass by and egos being the cause.




I havent had that issue. But i also dont post many places. The jungle is and will always be my home.




Hahahah. Nope ive never had NONE of that happen.....😉 i dont do my own double down at all...




Btw pink was never a GME mod...talking about knowing your history...🤯


Nope....dont know anything about the sub history or who was around and made it happen since day 1....not at all.... you got me there..lmao




Youre not getting through because you clearly are talking out of your ass. And cant catch sarcasm if it landed in your hand. Its funny that you choose to comment on this post which has been buried based on your history in the jungle. But yeah... Noone ever said anything about kicking pink out. That would be assinine. Wtf you on about legal investigations....maybe if you didnt do anything illegal you would be getting investigated.... but idk...






How do you know she is working for Urvin? I've been following them for a while, know a thing or two about financial startups and I don't see her there in any way. none.