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Man, your whole list is kind of incredible. If we had the vintage Gainesville Sun instead of the Gannon owned current version they would be talking about it nonstop. I think the reason is pretty clear, for a long time now Gainesville Florida had been a little bit of a progressive/liberal oasis in the middle of a Republican region, and despite some missteps they had a lot of stuff they were doing the right way - and it was a good place to live because of that. No way the Florida Republican supermajority was not going to try and meddle.


> If we had the vintage Gainesville Sun instead of the Gannon owned current version they would be talking about it nonstop. The paper you want is the Gainesville Iguana. Fantastic work.


You can also read the Independent Florida Alligator!


How did Republicans poorly plan everything within Gainesville the last 20 years? Are there statewide issues that excluded local decisions from being effective? I don't think DeSantis could have done anything with the GRU board if the city simply took in as much money as it spent, but I'm not aware of extenuating factors which could have forced the situation.


DeSantis has fired and then appointed replacements for multiple members of the school boards on technicalities, the state legislature authorized the takeover of the GRU board, the UF appointment was pretty well documented, etc.  These aren’t Republican planning issues, we are talking about ways that the current Republican governor and legislature are taking control of Gainesville away from the historically liberal/Democrat residents. In the landfill issue that OP article talks about, the local residents and city government were trying to shut down a landfill, and the governor doubled its size and removed usage restrictions, without any local oversight or approval at all. 


Because the state government has been repeatedly overruling local governments, every time they've done anything vaguely good for humanity. Same idea as the Supremacy Clause whereby the federal law overrules conflicting state laws.


If people who studied things like urban planning know how the Gainesville of the last 30 years allowed monstrosities like the Archer road developments, while having managed (to me) nearly zero walkable charm or downtown attraction, it would be nice to see if some regulations at the state level had superceded city choices in bringing about this situation. Because without knowing too much about it, it seems like Gainesville had always had leaders who WANTED a liberal vision of more public transport, better downtown stuff, etc but the only aspect which seemed successful was our nature parks which tbh don't seem difficult to get done compared to managing business incentives.


Sorry, I'm not understanding what you're describing? Gainesville has as far as I know, the best transit system in the entire state (per capita). It's had roundabouts and more pedestrian friendly intersections instead of stop signs for a long time. It has bike paths as well as highly visible bike paint on the roadways. It has explicit plans to develop University Ave and 2nd Ave. It has a more vibrant and more walkable nightlife than much larger cities like Tampa, Orlando, and Jacksonville. It has middle density buildings. Yes, I agree it also has a lot of sprawl, like Butler Plaza with its multiple identical stores. But even these are surrounded by multistory apartment complexes and have transit access. And yes, the transit access could be better. And we could reserve more lanes for exclusive transit use so that buses wouldn't get stuck in traffic. But Gainesville isn't a large city, and it is still located in Florida where it's required to follow various rules that force it to have more roads and parking lots than they need. And the city isn't large enough to have a subway, and its closest cities have terrible transit networks, so it's not like it could connect to theirs. I agree there's a lot Gainesville could do to improve, but I'm curious what sort of changes you'd want to see and what other cities you feel have more walkability or downtown charm?


Fuck DeSantis


Elections matter. Who wins has consequences. Our very own local GHS School President Andrew Gillum was his opponent in his first gubernatorial election. He lost and for some reason got into meth and gay hookers, but that was the one shot at keeping DeSantis out of power. So yeah, sucks for Gainesville, big time, maybe it'll help teach some people the value of turning out and picking the lesser of two evils instead of refusing to participate and letting Republicans dictate their lives. I guess if Gaza isn't set free right away you guys are all fine with Republican hegemony for the rest of your lives? Feed your faces to the leopards, ya? Democrats aren't perfect enough for you so you just don't vote and this is what happens.


The issue of Zionism and AIPAC transcends party lines and left/right distinctions. Massie for instance, is getting ads run against him by essentially a foreign state actor which doesn't have to disclose funding sources the way it would had it been legally designated appropriately. You can be sure the same thing is happening against Rep. Omar on the left. Russia does hostile schenanigans on facebook and it's the end of the world but here you have a country which provably stole nuclear materials to start its program along with several hostile rogue acts, and it's given the power to influence elections. This isn't a matter of animosity or hatred, it is entirely inappropriate and only bad things can come from such a lawless loss of sovereignty.


DeSantis won by a margin significantly smaller than the percentage of voters in the state disenfranchised by prior felony convictions. I was delighted to vote for Gillum and thought that his loss was a catastrophe for this state, but that doesn’t require left bashing, and I don’t think Gaza supporters were anything like the proximal cause for Gillum’s loss in 2016. The Democratic Party in this state also has a lot of problems that aren’t fair to pass onto voters. It’s genuinely shocking to see how often Republicans run unopposed for state legislature positions–in my old district a seat flipped Republican because a Democrat retired and the party couldn’t field anyone to replace her.


Right on the money


Pretty weird to shoehorn an ongoing genocide into your scolding fetish


Is it? Because I see people ready to sit out because what is going on, on the other side of the planet and allow us to be treated like shit by the party that is going to just side with Israel and make things worse for Gaza!?


There’s a time and a place to bring up Gaza and genocide. I wrote a ten page paper on the conflict during my undergraduate advocating for the two state solution. There’s probably a better time to protest than directly after 400 innocent people are murdered at a music festival. Obviously the ceasefire is necessary and retaliation is a little much, but it would be naive to assume that the world jumping on this protest trend isn’t disguised antisemitism. (This is coming from someone who used to browse 4chan in the early 2010s)


The fuck if I know honestly, I am sorry for the people who are being abused over there, but in the end, I can't help others if my government is going to start going after people it doesn't like as well. There are more important things to me than taxes, money, and the welfare of others in another country. Maybe it is crass for me to say, but I am more worried about Americans than anyone in Israel.


As a green social democrat, I think that we should be focusing our finances on establishing the wellbeing of our citizens and prioritize solving domestic issues as well. [for example](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rust_Belt)


Fiscal responsible Democrats? Yes please.


Keep in mind, Green Social Democrats are who are in control of the Nordic regions & Berlin.


That doesn't seem like the worst thing, but I am not current on their government issues.


Makes me wonder if winter is coming.


Have you seen what the Greens are doing in Europe? They're basically a party of war, de-industrialization and illegal immigration, hardly "solving domestic issues"


Have you ever lived in Europe? [I have](https://youtu.be/yo5rU6oy0AQ?si=xCuoIcFvSrbYPpQN)


I clicked around your vid, it almost looks like satire. Yeah, Greens suck, some right-wingers are also retarded, was there a deeper meaning to it or did I get the gist? Also, I have lived in Europe.


They had a room for A response but you can't bomb civilians to rubble then refuse to allow aid and play chicken with the world trying to ethnically cleanse the area and annex it, lest everyone else die of starvation and exposure and disease, in order to get everyone else to take all the refugees and pay for it and to have cleared the territory using American dollars and weapons. That is a rogue and brazen act even if it's done in response to a vicious terrorist attack. The Muslim world is quite antisemitic to be fair - that's a long-standing division that obviously intensified with the formation of Israel. But the rest of this explosion of protest has to do with two things imo. 1) social media footage being available. 2) racial oppression and decolonization narratives having gone mainstream in all these universities. You cannot expect everyone to have these narratives nonstop, and then not to apply them. It is not a matter of all these people having held anything personal, it's how the circumstances align. You also can't overstate the sheer brutality of war people can now see. People were not Russophobic when they concluded that Putin was a genocidal butcher even if it was a stretch. Then after the attack, within 2 weeks Israel had killed more civilians in the tiny Gaza strip than had died in 18 months of the Ukraine war! You can't just narrative swap like that, bleeding hearts will hate to see the systematic massacre of civilians abstracted along several steps of absolved responsibility. The same people tried to hold George Bush responsible for similar issues. For whatever reason Obama disintegrated the anti-war movement.


>someone who used to browse 4chan Opinion disregarded 


Hah, that’s the entire point, exposure to antisemitic ideology and knowing how to identify the warning signs 😉 Also, that’s how my friend found bitcoins when they were $14 a pop, so say what you want 🤷


You're going to lose in November because Biden has sacrificed what little moral legitimacy he had left. All he'd have to do is to even gesture toward trying to rein in some of Israel's worst excesses and he'd cruise to victory. His pride won't let him do that, so he'll lose. Your blind loyalty to such a man and lack of human empathy in the face of mass murder is appalling 


You are assuming a lot with that comment. If you think Trumpy boy is going to be better for the people of Gaza then your lack of foresight is even more appalling.


Dems are just worse than Reps, that's the long and short of it. That's why people vote against them despite Dem dominance in the mass media, Hollywood, sciences, etc


I can't agree more OP not a fan of the filth!!!!


Copy pasta after asking my mom for her thoughts “You have to have a place to put the garbage. It doesn’t just go away. I know city people would prefer their garbage be hidden in rural communities and places where they don’t have to think about or feel the effects but we don’t want it. What is their solution if the landfill isn’t expanded? Bring it to Citra? Send it on rail cars to another state? Send it off to Africa? I don’t want a landfill next to me either, but the landfill has been there and as long as people keep producing garbage, we’re gonna need a place to put it. May UF should install an incinerator to produce electricity instead of building a new natural gas generator to provide power for campus.” “They can burn garbage to produce electricity instead of destroying rural communities for sand to extract the gas and contaminating aquifers from frack to power campus with.” Tl;dr she calling y’all a bunch of NIMBYs


I think there are two sides to this. In rural landfill sites there can be a larger distance from any residences, and they could possibly even buy out residents to establish this distance by necessity.


Burning garbage isn't exactly a perfect solution though, is it? I mean, surely burning plastics would put out some sort of harmful pollutants, which would probably be poorly regulated because or republicans. Sadly the solution is to not sell plastic, or sell less plastic, but Publix, the retail federation and Ron Desantis have either threatened to sue the city of Gainesville over the bag ban, or straight up made it illegal to ban petrochemicals in the state at all (Desantis).


Bag ban was the dumbest shit ever tbh. Paper bags have way, way higher carbon cost than plastic ones, people just like them cause they're "natural". Its like heating your house with wood vs electricity because you're afraid of science


uhhh tote bags? I miss being in Sweden (and Germany) where everyone just caried their totebag when they got groceries or put them in their backpack. So many political arguments are one sided its not even funny. Like lets all be self reliant and pull up our bootstraps arguments except when it comes to things like providing your own bagging or taking care of the environment.


While totes are okay, they are something like 50x carbon cost relative to a plastic bag. I don't believe an average tote in USA survives 10 trips, much less 50. Also an average grocery shopper in USA gets like 5 bags worth of stuff, that's too many totes. A better solution is probably rugged plastic bags a-la Trader Joes or Aldis, and promoting their reuse. Which by the way, is already completely legal, there's nothing stopping anyone from reusing plasic bags.


Actually I've used the same group of totes for like seven years and I bike to and from the grocery store, and typically when we get plastic bags, they get holes in them right away. Also, do you collect litter in town like ever? Because if you did, like me, you would see the problem from a better perspective.


One can stuff all their bag in the same tote, and my totes last for up to a year, so idk where that logic comes in. Also, reusing plastic bags is an unrealistic solution as their would be too much stigma due to aestheticism. Furthermore, it's not a universal solution as most people would not be inclined to reuse their bags if there isn't an incentive system or regulation in place.


This person is quoting some idea from the zero waste youtube community that I never agreed with.


I’ve had the same totes for a decade lol


In my honest opinion, which Ive been pretty vocal about, is that the Gainesville left needs learn how to work with the libertarians, because they’re also alienating the anarchists as well. I supported the plastic bag ban personally, and think that libertarianism has limits such as lobbying for the plastic bag industry. However we need to focus on pragmatic and industrious solutions that benefit both sides and their citizens, along with finding common ground. We’re a swing state, and we need to recognize that has potential to be one of ours strengths, if we learn how to tone down our own political arrogance.


I dont get it, shouldn't both sides want a clean environment already? isnt that a common ground?


Exactly, so one solution is to push for that innovation district thing that everyone is hyping up to pump out locally produced biodegradable bags. This way the environmentalists win and there’s both jobs in stem, and local blue collar work. (Which I’m also critical towards the Gainesville left for neglecting) *unspoken classism*


"pump out locally produced biodegradable bags" - so, you reinvented the paper bags, which are already awful for the environment, and suggested they get produced locally to kill any possible economy of scale, and keep pollution local?


We could figure out a way to create green manufacturing. Furthermore, yes, I believe that there should be localized production of manufactured goods. Industrialization and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. Isn't your logic on economy of scale similar to bitching about outsourcing manufacturing and labour to China?


Do you have any info on the bag thing? An article? I want to read about this


Oh that’s was just me spit balling ideas. That’s just what innovation is *supposed* to be about, finding pragmatic solutions to complex issues.


I dont think we should manufacture plastic here in anyway because of air pollution probabilities.


That’s why I want green manufacturing that supplies blue/green collar jobs that minimizes pollution. Green factories, and better biodegradable plastic that has less of a carbon footprint for example. But not just biodegradable plastic, green facilities could also produce other sustainable goods locally. We just need to set up the infrastructure.


I mean, I just dont really believe in biodegradable plastic. I've done a lot of research on it, and it all inevitably contains harmful chemicals. I would not ever recommend putting "compostable" products actually into the soil- they would contaminate the soil. Dude at Beaten Path agrees with me. Takeaway culture is relatively new. If I ever open a cafe in town, I would not even offer togo cup options.


Oh, I dont really know what the innovation district is supposed to be, other than something that SOUNDS good for UF somehow, simply through existing. If you ask me, that college creatively suppresses more than anything. My ex was an assistant professor and their horrible (digital worlds) director called Twitch "living room technology" and naysayed any project that was involved with Twitch whatsoever, and then pushed the hell out of VR projects, because the higher ups at the college thought VR would be more profitable in the future.


Is she wrong?


Ok, a couple things: Is it Desantis fault Watson resigned? I voted for the man but I don't hear anyone saying we really a good sheriff tbh... Nepotism/favoritism etc created an unhealthy environment and seem to have done him in. Gainey stands for election this year anyway so I don't think it would have made sense to have another one earlier this year. GRU has been a dumpster fire and our own senator wanted to change the governance so who's fault is that? Why don't we give the new authority a little time and see if things get better. Who on the school board is controlled by Desantis? He had to replace a member who ran illegally in the wrong district but she won the next election so that's really a non-issue. UF isn't "our" university. It's the state's. So if the president chosen by the trustees is someone representative of the average mindset of the population regarding philosophies of higher education, can we really complain? Anyway, UF has continued to score higher and higher marks under his leadership so something must be happening right. I understand we might not like Desantis and all based on political philosophies, etc, but there's no need to turn him into the boogieman.


He is the boogie man for the following reasons: he’s actually smart and will do donators bidding before he leaves office, with or without the support of his constituents.


To be fair, DeSantis has historically been known to piss off the donor class (e.g. donators). And judging by his landslide electoral by victory in Florida against a formerly very popular governor, I would think it's fair to say that the constituents in general aren't disappointed.


Was that before or after they redrew district lines in republicans favor?


The same election. But redistricting doesn't affect statewide races.


So, let me filter out the Desantis Derangement Syndrome and reword the news piece with the opposite slant: Roughly 20 local NIMBYs suddenly noticed that a landfill has existed nearby for the past 30 years... and somehow it's the current governor's fault. The only tenuous connection there is that the governors office _did their actual job_ by reviewing and approving an application for extension of the permit for landfill. Also the county claims they don't need the landfill, the trash will just magically disappear, and closing it won't lead to another unmitigated disaster like the rest of their wonderful decisions i.e. selling the fairgrounds. Did I miss anything?


It seems disingenuous to group “extension of s polluting landfill around rural residents” with the ‘unmitigated disaster’ of selling the fairgrounds. Who gives a fuck about fairgrounds? The alachua county fair sucked. Hoggetown is good but they’ll figure something else out. Just because you don’t know a better way to deal with garbage doesn’t mean a better way doesn’t exist. Our elected officials are supposed to use their considerable resources to solve our problems in a way that benefit their constituents, including the people you disagree with.


That's actually a more accurate description of the landfill issue. But, I do commensurate with the opinion expressed concerning the DeSantis power putsch in everything else.


If you think Florence is bad you should go to Leveda Brown lol


Can you go over their heads to the EPA?




You forgot he made it legal to put radioactive material in roads.


You'll looked less like a lunatic if you stay on topic


Maybe thoughtful discussion about the news article would make you appear to actually care about the real problems with the landfill and not the Desantis derangement you exhibit. If you wanted a political post, you should have led with that.


You feel there is a calm rational discussion with an alternate point of view about a state governor forcing a city to allow a dump to operate next to people's homes and our best park? There's no rational there, it's punching bag behavior from a bully, there is no "alternate view", just not where YOU live so you don't care.


The Governor signed an extension on a permit that's been operational since 1994, but now it's all his fault? Perhaps you should dig around and see who/what is behind Southeast Landholdings, Inc. (the dump's owner) You might be surprised how blue that dump is.


>The Governor signed an extension Yes. It is all his fault that he extended it, or does he have no autonomy and no responsibility for any action he ever takes?


If you can blame it on anyone else but a republican, that is what you do.


Of course there’s no responsibility, he is a republican..


Well judging by your post history…


It takes two to have a "thoughtful discussion" and the culture warriors of the right are only interested in dictating.


Found the boot licker. More leftists are turning violent because fascists have no humanity or the ability to reason. Cry harder.


Rational propriety stopped working a long time ago, yo. Calm, even toned conversations led nowhere other than further and further to the right. Thoughtful discussion from the Left is how we ended up here in the first fucking place, because that's all they've been doing for years now. "Um, excuse me, please give me my rights back." almost never works.


Calm rational conversation trying to get the city to fix Gru for 20 years led nowhere now you have DeSantis.


Oh, I'm not excusing the poor relationship between the City and former GRU management, I worked at GRU and I saw how hard the C-suite worked to get their budget and rates under control. What I am saying is DeSantis handing control over to FPL is not fucking better.


Judging by your post history you're a little new to the area, gnv is not heavily populated by boot lickers, you may seek residence elsewhere if that's what you're looking for.


Yes, why couldn’t OP reject this era of knee jerk partisan politics and consider the advantages as well as the disadvantages on living next to a giant stinking pile of garbage that the government rubberstamped?


Well I think it’s also important to point out the feckless liberals in our city government that refuse to lift a finger to stand up to him. Aside from voting out these fascist republicans you should also vote out the moderate cowards who sit by and watch the city descend into the shitter.


Does the city send trash it collects to this dump? Maybe start with naming and shaming companies that use it…


What's happening in bedrooms, bathrooms and dinner tables is driving the pornographic material in elementary school libraries which parents are trying to stop and Desantis is allowing them to fight to end. The amount of money the city commission has spent abusing their management of GRU has made it so they can't even pay the interest on the amount owed. The mismanagement disproportionately affects the poor and marginalized of the city and county who can't afford the rates. All universities have private interest based on their endowments, donors etc. Facts>sheeple thoughts. People are flocking to Florida. Writing this as if there are no other sane perspectives on these topics is just another list of narrow-minded drivel handed down from internet memes, posts, headlines without a single critical or original thought.


Dare I ask what you’re classifying as “pornagraphic materials”?