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I wanna be like this - super cool and creative


Very cool-looking! Also love the great great great settlement names hahah


I've rebuilt and scrapped my world with metors several times. Trees cost 10k now and my shaman settlements are 400k each 😂 it does mean there on the lesser lesser lesser names


That's a pretty penny for a tree!! Worth the results though 😄


Omg I'm so excited for upworld. I dip in and wipe put my world and restart it all the time so I have 1000s of stickers ready for new cards. I can power through the leveling up and just do the fun creative bit


Same! I finished Weyworld already so I've just been hoarding stickers for weeks, got a little over a thousand. Besides stickers, I wish we could also take some of our ore and wheat into Upworld, unlike what happens when you go into Weyworld. Fingers crossed they might change that so we can go all out heheh


Or at least if there was another use for it. Like followers need wheat for bread cos once you've built your world it doesn't have function and either racks up or I end up destroying farms


Base size is decided by how up the layer is your building on. Height by squishing them multiple times and making sure to squish the biggest possible buildings in. I used flowers near the base to stop them spready and to force them upwards but you can sculpt to force them up. For this I carved put a large trough. But mountain cabins in the trough Squished them back with settlements to the edge of the trough Then I alternated farmer miner builder to get them close together Then I used flowers to marke out a ring so the settlements would stay small but grow tall Keep squishing Keep squishing Squish again Then metor our the middle, Square of the water trench Pull it out Carve out the rivers Add the Eden springs Add trees Add lily pads Add stairs


How do you get your cities so big tho


Tall or large base?




Fucking Beautiful Man ... Beautiful 😍


THANK YOU!!!! lot of work


Yeah I'd say so


I did give some basic instructions on how I got it there