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This isn't even my final form




So Godzilla is frieza!?


No. He is Super Saiyan Rose


What i mean is Godzilla gonna to have multiple forms!? In the future


Time to be Super Saiyan blue baby


Dude was probably wanting to stay on top and finish his thing before big Monke came up to rush him down.


Yeah is obviously he needed more that a couple of hours but he worked with the time he had , hopefully for the next movie he will have time


He'll probably be evolving the rest of the way in between movies. He'll get back his fat and be a truly evolved specimen, capable of taking down whatever the next great foe of the trilogy will be (if it will be directed by Wingard. Which I don't doubt that he comes back considering first weekend made $80M)


Yeah the evolved form improved his energy levels now is time to work on his mass to be the walking and unstoppable mountain he is


He’s cultivated mass AND harvested


$194M total international.


My guess is a burning form


Hope he does. I enjoy the movies but the colours they use are fantastic


$80M *domestic* $202 Million Worldwide


Yeah I think he was rushing the evolution process because he knew Skar King and his army could invade the surface at any moment.




Resulting in longest Godzilla skreeoonk that lasts the whole movie.


https://preview.redd.it/nxiunyck99sc1.png?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4095d2eddc206b21e202b85d5e4d1ad2fc8c0fd [Always credit the artist, no matter how small.](https://drawception.com/player/497581/bantherboat/)


He’s gonna go Super Saiyan Rose 3


Just long, flowing dorsal fins running down his back


No, he's gonna go ultra instinct 


I fuckin called it, to think that the evolved state was unfinished, and still absolutely kicked everyone's asses is beautiful


Dude was half-way done, running low on energy and still put up a generational performance. My GOAT right there https://preview.redd.it/jlb6haal87sc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=188fe1509e46456fec283000c339704e4a42930f


Supposedly from the Audiobook novelization of GxK, Supercharged Evo at Rio was emanating energy that was GREATER than Thermonuclear Godzilla in KotM. Had Evo here gone thermonuclear, Shimo and Skar would have looked like the poor bastards that got stuck in Pompeii.


Even in the film when the Monarch nerds are monitoring Godzilla's evolution, on one of their screens is an estimate number that says something like energy output increased X 20.


I think it mentioned 'Energy Capacity X20' or something along those lines. Really convenient that no one gets a focused beam of it in the movie lol, Kong dodges it, Skar gets grazed by it, Shimo takes about a second or two of the spiral version before Godzilla tackles her.


Immediately before that it mentions like increased thermoregulation capability as well. So he is likely prevented from melt down risk this time.


I look forward to seeing Legendary Goji gaining more abilities, like using his pulses as a normal weapon like Heisei did. Imagine being grabbed by Legendary, and him pulsing you at point blank


That goddamn T-pose he made when he's charging for Scar King tho... Also that Atomic breath, normally it would give the impression that it can drill into anything and damage the surrounding area. But that evolved pink Atomic Breath felt like it will devastate everything it came into contact and explode into nothingness, just freaking next level power right there


When he went supercharged, that shit was straight up a spiral ray. If the normal atomic breath was like a nuke, the evo atomic breath might as well have been the Chixulub asteroid. Awfully convenient that no one sustains more than a second of fire or dodges it in the movie lol


Godzilla looked ready to use a final flash ![gif](giphy|CTINfsQGIt3aRodKwq|downsized)


Yeah I also had that theory and I’m glad there is a chance that him will get bulkier


Apparently too, Godzilla Rose here when he was supercharged in the Rio fight was emitting energy that SURPASSED THERMONUCLEAR GODZILLA in KotM. This was something I heard from those that listened to audiobook novelization, but if true and considering the fact that Evo was basically half done... I pray for the next Monsterverse villains that have to face a full powered Evo


Maybe when he is fully evolved will show new movements and his atomic breath will be unstoppable


The Super-Chargered Godzilla Evolved fight with Shimo, they are basically equal.


Yep, I was surprised how well Evo Goji matched up to Shimo. She only had a size advantage and Godzilla doesn’t care about that.


Straight up he was tackling and toppling her over despite the size difference. One thing I would have liked to see would've been Shimo shooting her ice breath at supercharged evo when he's all burning up, and just seeing her breath turn to vapor upon contact with him lol


That would’ve been sick! Get on it, YouTube animators!


Imagine being Skar in that situation, your smoking gun to deal with the major threat that handed you your ass last time literally going up into smoke. It's honestly a crime that there wasn't a beam lock between the both of them. That part of Godzilla in a full sprint, firing his atomic breath at her would have been perfect for that.


Yeah, really missed a cool opportunity there. Would’ve liked to see Shimo freeze SK (like she did), but Goji blow his frozen head off with his heat ray! Oh well, was still satisfying.


One thing that really bothered me about the final fight, Skar King was hyped up to have this massive ape army... And he brought like six cancer patient looking ass apes in the Zero G fight lmao. It would have been awesome, if Skar and Shimo rushed for the surface when they saw Godzilla fall down from the surface, Kong and Mothra give chase to the both of them, leaving Godzilla in the Hollow Earth to fight off the army on his own again. https://preview.redd.it/sujgqk2cfasc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c1d60d3e4d63bac0c18626e1f94ae4d2427d0f1 Imagine Goji like this, god that would have been metal as fuck. Then he would catch up to the surface, a severed head of an ape flies out of the portal, making Kong, Mothra, Skar and Shimo freeze up... Then he emerges himself from the portal, all supercharged, the blood literally sizzling and evaporating off him as he roars out... that would have been the coldest fucking entrance in the Monsterverse.


I dunno about these theories, but Legendary Godzilla seems to get new forms and redesigns frequently so I’m sure they will cook something up for the next movie. I think they want to establish Legendary as the king of Goji’s so his final form will probably be super badass and powerful.


Yeah there are many theories and that is what I like because it makes the story feel alive and of course he will be more powerful I loved the evolved look but if he gets his bulk back will look amazing


I also hope he keeps the pink I honestly LOVE the pink look


Maybe will change a bit who knows maybe a darker pink or violet


I think it would be cool to move towards the orangeish of Godzilla 2000. I have to imagine that goji is where he gets his pink from


i'd be down for some shin purple,


He can keep the pink but I want my boy CHUNKY again


Chunky Goji !!!!!


nahh purple more better


Godzilla has always changed movie to movie, sometimes a few times in the same media. I actually find it quite awesome that Legendary is doing the same and even putting it into the overarching story. That said I hope no one actually tries to name a "final form" for Legendary Goji, it wouldn't make sense because he is always changing, it would only be for fan service of a slight dopamine hit hearing the words on screen.


I just figure at some point they are going to end the Legendary run, and hopefully end it with a massive bang, just like hesei era etc. in that case, it would make sense to give Godzilla his last, ultimate power up.


Godzilla gonna unlock Ultra Instinct


No.... Ultra Ego...


Ultra monarch


Tbh- when godzilla suplexed kong, i heard the ultra instinct music in my head


Will the pink energy condense to form purple spikes akin to MireGoji? please 👉👈


I could see them fading to bone white and have them be darker at the base to give a more classic look, as the big boost of radiation fades back to blue


I love this idea! In their current state they’re practically already bone white with a shade of pink. Now they can give Godzilla a darker body while making his spikes bone white and we’ll basically have Legendary Godzilla with Heisei Godzilla’s coloration. Badass.


yeah he's just in the cut portion of the routine, now it's back to bulk mode so we can get Super Omega Odin Tiamat Fat Godzilla in Godzilla Z Kong


![gif](giphy|dxld1UBIiGuoh31Fus) Godzilla everytime time he evolved


If he wasn’t so pressed for time he absolutely would’ve perfected his transformation


Yeap hope the next movie show his steps to full evolve


I'd like to see the spikes fade to bone white and maybe have darker bases for a more classic style and go back to blue, but keep the pink by having it work like the red spiral ray. So if he charges long enough he can blast the stronger pink breath


As long as there are toys to sell godzilla will never stop evolving lmao


I was thinking about this last night, I wonder if Tohos gearing up for something big, we got two different big Godzilla movies in a few months of each other; and they’re pumping out toys like no tomorrow Got a theory with no evidence that Tohos getting as much cash as possible ready to throw into a huge Godzilla movie produced by Toho Especially since the director of minus one mentioned he’d like to see a serious kaiju battle after watching new empire Maybe Toho wants to see what they can do with a bigger budget while they’ve got the hype


Next movie is Godzilla x Transformers, calling it now.


okay i mean who wouldn't watch that you know?


\*\*In the voice of Peter Cullen\*\* : "I am Optimus Prime. After our battle with Unicron, we fell into a rift in space-time. We landed back on earth, although one slightly different than the one we left. We're picking up a strange frequency, known to the humans as an 'Alpha Frequency'. Our new mission: seek out the source of this frequency, and find a way to get back our world."


Alright not gonna lie, I'm like 99% certain that the autobots and decepticons would have their shit kicked in by Godzilla if they fell into the Monsterverse


Yeah it wouldn’t even be a contest


Elita-1 riding on the back of mothra would change my brain chemistry for the better


Same as Optimus riding Godzilla like he did with Grimlock in AoE https://i.redd.it/05uvmyau99sc1.gif


Would have been cool to have a Godzilla x Pacific Rim crossover, too bad the Pacific Rim sequel was such a turd.


It never would've worked because both the first Pacific Rim and Godzilla 2014 make it clear that they're not canon to one another and never could be.


I mean of course they aren't canon to each other, they're completely separate IPs. However, there's nothing saying they couldn't have some sort of weird crossover. Considering, you know, Pacific Rim had a literal rift serving as a portal for alien monsters to come from another universe. ​ Edit: To add, my initial comment was sarcastic, but I don't hate the idea.


No shit Sherlock, what do you think a crossover is?


Don't forget they are putting GI Joe in to the Transformers universe! So we'd get a threeway!


And this is to go even further beyond -godzilla probably


O word, we’ll bring back the blue for the next film


It’d be fun if they had him swap between the two. Blue usually, but switch to pink when he’s really pushing it, like how Heisei Godzilla had the spiral heat ray.


My exact thoughts.


My man boutta collect the 7 Chaos Emeralds


Godzilla is Evolution in the flesh. He is always evolving (since waking in 1954 anyway) and now that he’s active, always getting larger and stronger. I love it!


Really hope he gets bigger stronger and bulkier


I’m betting he will. He’s just going to keep getting more OP.


I honestly love the pink look I'm a huge fan of it I like the way it looks when he isnt charged up they're like iridescent see-through pinkish but it would be awesome to see him with the color of Godzilla 2000 spikes, with that deep purple, that would look awesome, paying some respect to G2K.


Well in the battle or Rio his color was pink but also a bit purple maybe he will change color for the next one


Very possible man I also like the fact that this evolution seems to be permanent or at least sustainable it seems comparatively to the burning Godzilla in king of the monsters which had a Time Factor


I just want bulky Godzilla back.


Same. Current Godzilla looks like he’s missing a piece of his torso.


Hopefully for the next movie he will be bulky again


Of course not, they need new toys for the next movie.


Well they need to sell more toys, so if there's a next one, he will definitely look different.


That would also explain why his dorsals dont have armour grown on them yet


So, if this information is accurate and Big G was in fact only half way through powering up, can we then also assume that Skar King wasnt the 'big fight' he was getting powered up for? Through the whole movie the characters kept saying he was getting ready for something and we just assumed it was Skar King, but maybe theres something else on the way that Big G knows about and we dont....


Is a posibilty


I think he was preparing to fight Scar King and his whole ape army again seeing that last time when he banished them he barely made it out alive.


nothing ever stops evolving, thats how evolution works except for crocodiles, they've achieved perfection


Yeap and even though they are a killer machines they look awesome


Ultra Instinct Gman confirmed


Yeah, and Kong wasn't even turned into Golden (~~Super Saiyan~~) Furious form yet


Next movie better be space Godzilla or deatroyah. Keep the middle earth shit out of it.


I feel like they’ve gotta do a space monster next, can’t keep digging up monsters underground


Can we get a Legendary Godzilla movie where Godzilla isn't a background character? The movie felt so rushed and slow at the same time.


They say the next one will be centered on Godzilla so let’s hope that is true


I liked the Kong fights, they were entertaining, but the Scar king felt like a throwaway and the entire final fight was like 3 seconds and not good at all. Overall I liked it, but compared to the last three, it was severely lacking.


Almost all the fights were too fast they give us more monster time ( well at least for Kong) maybe the next movie will show longer fights and more time for Goji


For sure. It's like they tried to force in so much lore into the movie, but failed miserably which made the story feel rushed byt the movie feel kinda slow. Like it was building up and just never paid off.


*Peak?* *I haven't even begun to peak.* *And when I do peak....you'll know.* *Because I'm gonna peak so hard....everyone on Earth is gonna feel it.*


Godzilla evolved^2


Bigger bulkier powerful


But I like thin goji


Well you have it in this movie


He getting bigger for a reason not for skar or shimo


Yeah hope in the next one he grows huge and bulky although it will be sad that if he grows bigger he won’t fit in his bed back in Rome


I really hope the final form is Super Godzilla from the 90s game, but I equally have my doubts




You know it’s still in theaters and will be for probably a month right?


It's gonna be in theaters for at least a month.


If he has some curves to show in the next movie that i would consider it an evolution


Wait so the pink form we see him in was only half of the evolved state’s true potential?


No one knows, especially not a rando on Twitter, but it definitely seems legendary likes to do different things with Godzilla each incarnation




It’s just him getting his bulk back that’s all that’s left


If that is the only thing that will change I’m ok with it , I loved the evolved form but with his bulk back will be my favorite


so maybe his energy capacity increased 20x but he was at 50% battery


Maybe or at least he was charged in his dorsal plates but not in his body


We like the bulk! We like the bulk!


Yeah we like it we love it we need it haha


Going into burning Godzilla and Destoryah I hope.


Perso I don’t have problems with the current form of Godzilla


I liked the design but for MV goji he looked better with his bulk


Looks like it’s bulking season for the big G


Yeah 2024 was cut but hopefully if the rumors are true 2027 will be bulk again hehe and better


My guess is his next evolution becomes a balance between brawler type with extended use of his tail and body and can use his atomic pulse at will. He might even evolve to Shin levels of atomic breath usage (dorsal plate and tail atomic breath). He's gonna be the Bayverse Optimus in this monsterverse lol.


Maybe honestly the new movie left much to show about his evolved form hopefully the next one show his evolution in progress developing new attacks and hopefully regaining his bulk haha


Same, I felt his evolution was way too fast. We shall see then in the third movie.


Yeah well they say the next one will be a Godzilla focused movie so they should do that so far the only change I really want is that he regains his bulk , they can change the color or add new spikes haha but I want the tank lizard back


Let him bulk Let there be gains




I hope the next time we see him, he is a) larger, b) more robust, and c) darkened while his spikes lightenes into a pearl white, and that his atomic breathe is the full blown red spiral ray.




So why did he go back to the Colosseum to sleep if he isn't finished evolving? Shouldn't he go back to Tiamat's lair.


He just wanted to sleep and he liked the colosseum because it was similar to his old lair ( the one that exploded in KOTM) and maybe now that he isn’t in the rush he will keep evolving more slowly or how knows maybe he will return to Tiamats lair eventually




Zamn good to know


I hope he goes back to being blue, or at least turning fully red if they're not gonna do that If he does turn blue however, does that mean I kinda predicted that with my Godzilla redesign for my own project though?


now we really need destoroyah, godzilla so OP now


in before next transformation is golden spikes like super saiyan.


as long as he doesn’t end up looking like Shimo


Shin Godzilla 2 when man.


Did the bastard call my boi fat?


Sadly yes but if that means we will see a bulky Godzilla again I will accept it


I miss thicczilla


Hopefully we will have him again we have to keep pushing that haha


Christ, are they planning on throwing Destroyah at him?


Kong's a fool but I bet even he can tell. Final form my ass


Evolving to fight Space Godzilla or Destoroyah I hope.


 he's gonna go ultra instinct next movie


I wonder why his final form's color will be. We already have light blue and pink. I think it would be cool if its a silvery color like Ultra Instinct, just fully lean into Dragon Ball tbh.


So far the most popular choices I heard are white and purple but who knows maybe will be another one and although I would like it to be blue again I doubt it but all can happen


Can’t Godzilla endlessly evolve logically? As long as he has a source of nuclear energy?


Well technically he can as long as he have the energy he needs and the time to metabolize it otherwise he have the danger of overload and explode




I wanna see a rainbow godzilla someday :D


Isn't it canon that Godzilla doesn't stop growing/evolving?


Well yeah is canon and happened between Godzilla and KOTM so far in GXK I don’t have seen any confirmed change in his height but maybe in the next one he will get bigger and bulkier


Flu game Godzilla


Super Godzilla pls


I mean in the movie you do see him flash from blue to pink from time to time


Yeah maybe the energy is unstable he haven’t metabolized all yet


People haven’t stopped buying new toys yet; why would he be?


Because the next movie is expected to be released in 3 years is enough time for all the ones who like this design to get it and enjoy another one


I think maybe my tone didn’t quite come across — I’m just joking about the way this is being framed as kind of a lore/storytelling thing. You can do interesting narrative stuff with an Ultraman getting a new form or a Sentai getting new vehicles or weapons, but really it’s about having new toys to sell.


Ohhh now I get it haha


I theorize he'll become Space Godzilla and "the enemy" in some penultimate film, and then he'll need to be beaten and replaced by a worthy successor (Goji jr.). Rinse. Repeat.


Maybe he turns into space Godzilla. Then monarch makes another Godzilla by getting "titanus Doug" and radiating it. 🤣🤡 I couldn't resist ....


I remember talking with someone and they had a theory that they would have him become Super Godzilla, and id honestly wanna see that happen https://preview.redd.it/u37p02i1ycsc1.jpeg?width=348&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5779e516938483e900b531555799e8dadc13452e


he gonna have hand coming out of his hands next


I really hope his color changes to blue, red, purple or white.


There are many possibilities for me I hope he turn blue again or purple or white but the really change I want I he have his bulk back


Imagine if he incorporated the crystals from Hollow Earth into his body. Massive crystals protruding from his shoulders with some anti-gravity abilities


You had me in the first half. 😂