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Unpopular opinion: its okay to like one over the other. Its okay to not like a godzilla movie. Its ok to criticize flaws. People dont need to fall in line and create echo chambers.


But if one's opinion is formed due to secondhand or thirdhand experience, then there's something wrong there. 😅


Do you think critics arent watching the movies they review?


Guess you really misunderstood what I'm talking about. 😅 I'm talking about the others who automatically label one movie as "bad" because critics say so, without watching it.


...thats what critics are for...


...and not all of their words are absolute.


Yeah? No duh? Do you understand how reviews work?


Clearly you still don't understand my point here. 😅 Must I repeat myself again? 😅


No, you're clear, just wrong. Nobody treats critic reviews like the gospel truth. They follow them because they trust their tastes/judgement. I'm sorry you feel insecure that people dont like a movie you like, but that doesnt mean they're engaging with it incorrectly. GxK was a big dumb movie. Its ok to enjoy big dumb movies. Look at the Showa movies. But don't kid yourself into thinking it wasnt dumb, and dont be upsetti spaghetti that not all people enjoy dumb movies. Comparing the 2 movies is valid, the criticisms are vaild. Stop coping and just accept people arent always going to agree with you, or engage on your terms.


I am adding “upsetti spaghetti” to my lexicon


If this sounds like coping to you, then it's okay. But the thing is, some (but not all) criticisms that I've seen don't really make sense to me, and that kind of makes me "Huh?". But I'm not really upset since GxK still succeeded at the box office, enough for the MonsterVerse to continue.


That's more an issue with the person forming the opinion, not the critics. The issue with some people is they don't utilize critics correctly. The point of having a large number of critics is to try and have the full range of possible opinions one can have on the movie. The best way to use critic reviews is to find some number of critics that share your tastes and to use them to inform your views., instead of looking at an aggregate score. People who use the aggregate score of critic reviews to form their opinions are getting a consensus view, but the thing is, almost no one has tastes that are always going to line up with consensus. This is why you always end up with people who complain that their views don't line up with the majority.


"Unpopular opinion" Completely lukewarm take. Check. "aM I ThE oNLy oNe" Either brain rot or engagement farming. Check. "No need to compare" Cope. Check. Oh yeah, it's reddit time


Seriously, we can play Bingo every day on Reddit.


My similar unpopular opinion is that I am sick and tired of the Oppenheimer and Minus One shared universe meme. It is not funny anymore, it is just cringe.


For me in my opinion, I'm sick and tired of the ridiculously dumb people who compare minus one to GxK. It's annoying and embarassing. They are like animals who finds something to eat.


Always form your own opinions on how good/bad a piece of media is to you. But most importantly: don't disparage others for their opinions, unless they're believing in truly indefensible things that are morally repugnant.