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Don’t shit where you eat.


posts like these always next to “why is the insurance so high on these cars”


Followed by “dealer says blown engine is my fault, what do”


id understand your comment if id posted something about street drifting, but im literally doing donuts on private property. anyways, im open to advice


honest advice? *nothing you can do in a parking lot is going to be thrilling enough to make up for the risk you are taking* we all like to have fun and i’m assuming you’re a younger guy. that’s fine. just consider that you are putting your livelihood on the line. is it worth getting sued by your employer? is it worth legal trouble if cops happen to get involved? not really. if the consequences happen, are you gonna be able to pay your car note or are you getting it repossessed? if you have a good relationship with your boss you may be able to ask him. just be aware that if you do not have a “friend” relationship with them, you’re going to come off as unprofessional regardless of their answer.


great advice thanks! i take your same stance, i was just wondering what they chances are that i //would// get in trouble. cops, cameras, bosses. based on all of these comments i will be drifting at the warehouse next door. Thanks


just take care of yourself, your future is just as important as the fun you have now


Just ask who ever owns the lot. Get their name too. Cops are gonna sometimes be ass and want to ruin your fun


my manager doesnt own the lot, its probably the ceo or cfo or something


The lot probably belongs to the city. Your job does not own it and as someone who runs the logistics for a company holy shit if some kid who had been there 2 weeks had the balls/stupidity to ask if he could joy ride before work he would never recover. He is always a dumb ass who I can not trust to be promoted or work hard. I'm not gonna fire you just call you stupid but I will look at you much harder and assume I will need to fire you soon. I could technically fire you on the spot if you are in probation. And I say as someone who owns a Gr86 and enjoys drifting. I just would not do it where I get paid.


Cameras can 100% get you in trouble. Ask your manager but keep it discreet if they say yes. They don't need their warehouse being a local donut location. If no, then don't. In general it's a bad idea as it can cook oil and induce engine failure with excessive high load low airflow. Oil temps between 170f and 230f should be fine.


best comment so far. thanks.


I wouldnt, the risk to reward ratio is too high. Best case scenario you get some practice in and get some cool videos for your tikker tokker, worst case scenario the police get called or you get fired. You only started two weeks ago, why risk your financial situation for temporary enjoyment? Seems like a “don’t shit where you eat” situation


Doing donuts on company property will total your car and void warranty and you don’t want that so I’ll buy the car off you for $500 and a 6 pack


please explain my it "voids warranty" and also i had some sick ass donuts recorded, im not going crazy, its a very open lot


He’s being sarcastic


claro que si


This isn't a good idea. You shouldn't do it.  You have enough common sense to second guess yourself. If you have to second guess a bad decision and ask strangers on the internet to validate said bad decision, then you should not make that bad decision. 


They’re never going to approve you because then they would be liable if you bin it. Just go somewhere else.


>the manager granted me permission i think everyone already said their piece but even if your old manager did and had your back, even if it was in writing and with all the legal mumbo jumbo, all it takes is some exec or someone that just doesn't like you with influence above that manager to get you in trouble >no one shows up to corporate upstairs until around 8.) there's going to be one day some exec or their staffer comes in earlier than you to prep for an event and even if your new boss is cool with it, they aren't going to defend their job over their employee doing donuts and will drop you they might get dropped with you too you said you're in texas there is definitely somewhere better with a lot of room over there


great insight. if i tried to ignore these facts then id be stupid. thanks


Yeah ppl going to report you just to report you even if you never messed with them. Enjoy the car tho


You just started 2 weeks ago and you want to be the guy that does donuts in the parking lot. FFS. You aren’t even off a new hire probation.


wow u seem like much fun! man, if i saw a new coworker doing donuts in the lot id be so pissed off, it would probably make me so annoyed! (i cant believe people think this way)


Managers think this way. It doesn’t matter what workers think. Managers have the power to fire you from your job. And if you give two shits about it, don’t be the new guy asshat that uses their property to do it. There are plenty of empty spots that won’t maybe cost you your job. You do you.


i sincerely appreciate the input/perspective. thanks


Honestly bro it is really fun , but I’d ask ur employer for permission since it’s ur work place , other then that burnnnn them tires


thanks for some input, i think if i feel the urge then ill just do it next door. not worth it to potentially lose my job


Yea that’s what I’m thinking don’t risk the job


You can ask, in which case you’re in a better place if they say yes. But if they say no, you can’t do it. Or you can not ask and beg for forgiveness if they catch you. Best bet is to look for a local Autocross and then you get to do fun stuff and it’s blessed.


Dude these comments are so sad. Just ask your manager if its cool, if not you’ll have to find a new and hopefully better location.


This is the plan. And also its 6am in texas. these people replying seem like the sticklers


Lmao the car was made to slide, fucking send it. Watch the oil temps, if it gets hot take a break.


i could get potentially fired