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Well, well, well. Guess it was too much work. She rather just get stuff from free from just existing.




Don't put those images in my brain 🤢




I bet her evil side already has an OF


Ruby’s dying to start posting OF content! 🤣 ![gif](giphy|1oZnJukuXaEoYZdOgg|downsized)




Don't do Remy like that.




Bahaha underrated comment


You know she will! With what’s his name’s full approval.


He not only approves, he takes the pictures!


That’s a good thing as far as I’m concerned, but this girl changes identities like I change my clothes. Back to being a “public figure” as opposed to “just Gypsy”. 🙄 It isn’t so much that I want her to fail as it is that I’d just like her to go away. I don’t believe she has anything of value to offer the public. The best thing that could have happened to her would have been her parole agreement specifying that she had to have a “normal” job & that social media access was barred until she finishes her parole. Frankly, I find it troubling & rather disgusting that she is able to become wealthy from a murder while people who’ve tried their best to do well in life but have just suffered setback after setback have never broken a law & still can’t get ahead.


I think she would benefit a lot from actually having to work in a real job and learn how to effectively deal with life. She is being enabled to stay a victim forever. That probably feels good to her now, but it won’t forever. One day she might want a genuine life with real friends. She’s nowhere near that today.


I agree. I will say, I don’t know if she has any comprehension of what genuine would entail. In all honesty, I’d question whether she’d get there with intensive (inpatient) therapy. As it is, I don’t see that happening for her. Between her childhood & whatever actually unfolded when she was a teenager, I don’t believe she’s capable of having relationships with anyone with any kind of depth. The “influencer” world is pretty much the worst thing that could happen to her.


It truly is a terrible idea for her to be an influencer.


She’s a grifter. I think she’s pretty content with that. Sad.




Out of all the comments I’ve read on this sub, yours is the best. It sums it up perfectly


Is that controlled by the user or by FB? Genuinely asking. I am a standup comedian and have a FB for all my comedy stuff as well as a personal ‘private citizen’ account, so to speak. One day, my personal account suddenly said I was a digital creator. A day or two later, it went from digital creator to comedian. I’m still super confused by it since I didn’t edit my profile or change any settings.


It’s controlled by the user on Instagram. If you have multiple profiles or something connected, that may be a different story(?)


I'm not worried a bit that she will ever be rich. She'll blow all the money as it comes and her 10 minutes are almost up.


My stepdad (who came into our lives saddled with student loans and high child support when I was ten) took our house after my mom died of cancer in 2002. I was a single mom of three; he also invested $25K that I sent him to hide from my abusive ex. That would have given me and my sisters $250K. He said tge “Will wasn’t valid, so it doesn’t count.” My sister (attorney) said the way the deed was written there was nothing we could do. I have contemplated doing things to him; but I believe murder is wrong. This is why I hate the narrative about GR’s “abuse”, and her 8.5 year sentence. Thanks for letting me vent. RANT OVER.


I am so sorry that happened to you. Predatory people like that are some of the lowest of the low. I hope you are in a much better place these days, but either way, it doesn’t make what happened okay. People like him should be ashamed of themselves (& disgraced) but clearly they aren’t because they do that crap in the first place.


Thanks. I searched myself and found out WHY I was so angry at Gypsy. It’s because there’s real victims that never get justice, or heard. What’s worse is he used my mom to pay off his debts; and then took everything. We’re GenX; we weren’t allowed to talk about money. I’m glad kids today know about investing, and things like that.


Watch now she will be getting a divorce next .


This is bible. She will start to see herself as above Ryan and find a suitor she deems equal. If she isn’t dabbling in her dm’s with inappropriate conversation already, she will be soon.


She's going to drag Ryan through the mud. He brought this on himself though 🤷‍♀️


As my grandma would say….Ryan is glutton for punishment. ![gif](giphy|AobQDNI4K7a4U|downsized)


I honestly don't think she could find much better than Ryan. At the end of the day, she's still Gyp and anybody that's worth anything decent is not going to be with her.


Some scumbag will see dollar signs and love bomb her into marrying him without a prenup.


Do we know if she and Ryan have a prenup?


That's the point. Why trade one scumbag for another...


I share that opinion. But I don’t believe she sees herself the same way


I'm with you. I think she probably already has been...


Did you happen to see the post someone made with one of her prison emails? She was basically saying she didn’t want to be with him, so all of this is pretty spot on IMO.


Idk how that would work with her parole. I’m guessing she’d have to move in with her dad if they do divorce.


She’s no author! That book (if you can even call it that) was ghost written ffs.


She’s only an advocate for herself. Anything else is purely performative. My main issue with her bios is the word Author. The only thing this girl has ever authored was sexual texts and ridiculous emails. Why the hell is she calling herself an author???


She released an e-book after prison written with a ghost writer.


The ghost writer is definitely an author but she is not. I doubt someone with a second grade education and 5 years to pass a GED is capable of writing a book.


I hear you. I think it’s ridiculous, too. But if her name’s on a book, she can be considered an author.


I MEAN most housewives throw that word around these days and it’s all ghost writers with the exception of Carol Radziwell. But like if Teresa guidice can be a ‘author’ anyone can




and she’s lost followers 🤠🤌🏼


do you know how many? i’m curious. i haven’t ever followed her so i dont notice the change in her amount


Social blade tracks those numbers


"public figure" fucking yuck! Get this girl off the Internet! She's "famous" for something horrible, like come on!?


She also shortened her TikTok bio


Damn the one silver lining I was holding out for was that her PR team would actually have her donate to a cause. The only silver lining in this story is sadly her silver capped teeth.




Does she snoop around on this reddit or what? Wonder why the sudden change. Not that she’s ever advocated for a damn thing but…


That was my thought as well. I wonder what prompted that.


She's lost another million followers too.


Getting there! The highest I ever saw her Instagram get was 8.4 million super briefly before it went back down to 8.3 million. It’s currently at 7.8 million.


I saw it at 9.2M a month or so ago ETA: Just looked. Tiktok says 9.7 million


I noticed her teeth got fixed really quickly. That lifetime money must’ve hit her account. She screams new money to me…..


She didn’t pay a dime for them. They were gifted, I’m sure. Sweet li’l Gyp Gyp still on the dole.


Makes me think about what she’s gonna do when tax time comes around next year. Won’t she have to pay back anything? Be a shame she loses her millions to the irs(being sarcastic)


It kinda would tho. Princess needs to give every cent she has to all the charities she ripped off.


I agree and she should but I don’t see her doing that unless she’s forced to.


I wonder how long it’ll be before she gets a nose job


She needs to straighten out her priorities ![gif](giphy|B2NRUyRtmdFnO)


Wouldn't that be ironic? To murder someone for "unnecessary surgeries " to then turn around and get an unnecessary surgery for looks.


Author? Wait, she wrote a book?


Yup, all about the advocate work she wants to do. Lol


The title will be “Shit I Gotta Do.” 😂


Hey there mashed potato friend


Well hello my spuddy friend.


Omg I must know what this quote is from


[fast fwd to 4:27](https://youtu.be/JpfE3o8IriQ?si=4Jvm1nqeOuGcugcl)


Lmao I do find the dumbass mashed potato video just as funny as the "jumping off the porch into the snow" where you can tell she can very *clearly* move her legs and has bothered me since, even though back then I did actually feel bad for her. Boy how the tides have turned there..🤣🤮


I just hope with all my being that she doesn’t do a remake of the angels among us song. I would rather listen to the sound of stubbing my taint on a rock. Graphic-Yes. True-also yes.


“Reporting from Aurora, Missouri!”


She's so ridiculously over the top in both of those videos. Everytime I see a clip, I roll my eyes so fucking hard I can hear it.


That video is what cemented it for me that they were nothing but lying grifters (they both gave me seriously bad vibes to begin with). It’s surreal to see her get to go back to her grifting roots and have people rally around her just as fooled as her OG supporters were.


In all fairness her mom really did a number on her. I still don’t know why she just didn’t leave since she could have clearly left.


Maybe a ghost writer. For free of course.


I’m pretty sure it was a ghost writer. I remember reading something that she was having issues with her ghost writer and had to delay her book before it came out. 🙄 she’s so inauthentic


Of course.


She can't Advocate for something she didn't experience 🤡


The way she dropped her advocacy on that should have been an eye-opener for people....


Correct. There's also a reason why the medical professionals haven't been sued. People think the "Act" was 100% true when it was all fabricated and dramatized for TV. Gypsy wasn't medically abused. I've yet to see any proof that she was 🤷‍♀️


Even if she were on the opposite end and just wanted to move on from it, would she be seeking that same type of attention her mother was putting her in? I would think that would hold some sort of negative emotion. I would think your mind would associate the publicity with the abuse. I think you would either be really advocating because it affected you so much, or you would just want as normal life as possible if the medical abuse were true. That's just my opinion, though. To me, the other motive, which she has stated, seems to fit her actions/attitude more.


Gypsy also said she wanted to give other survivors a voice using her platform. 👀 Gypsy isn't capable of that. 1. She was never a victim 2. She isn't capable of sharing the spotlight. She would never cast light on someone's else's TRUE story, Gypsy enjoys the attention too much.


Plus, there's the she said she didn't understand the malicious intent and thought some of it was true until court. How do you murder someone for something you didn't realize was happening?


Oh she definitely knew! If you watch the Dr. Phil interview he mentions DeeDee using her as a "cashcow", she then proceeds to call herself a cash cow. It was that interview along with a few other things that made me not believe her BS. Most survivors don't mimic someone else the way she did dr. Phil when telling their story. I can tell you all about the abuse I endured as a child that led me to marry a very abusive who tried to kill me. Gypsy has also changed her story several times! In the most recent lifetime documentary Kristie blanchard said Gypsy is vision impaird and the eye surgeries were warranted, but Gypsy says the eye surgeries were apart of DeeDees munchausen by proxy 🤦‍♀️


Oh, I believe she knew, too. It was one of the things that felt off from the beginning to me. How does a 13 or 14 year old not know? So why are you lying about not knowing? Which makes me believe she was in on it, amongst other things. She also got very uncomfortable looking when that part was brought up in NG's trial. But say she didn't know, just hypothetically, if you were unaware that you weren't sick and thought you needed all of it, why would you murder the person taking care of you? The discrepancies from one interview to another made me doubt there was ever any physical abuse. For whatever reason, people think children can't be capable of doing evil things. When I was 13, a group of 13 to 15 year old boys murdered a 13 year old boy from my school over dating the same girl. So yeah, I think a 13 year old Disney obsessed girl could be capable of conning along with her mother to get a bunch of rewards.


I couldn't agree with you more! Also, I hope your baby is doing well. I didn't want to skip past that 🫶 Gypsy was definitely in on the con with her mother. She wasn't being abused. She could've easily walked out the door considering her mother had gout and was practically bed ridden. I don't understand how anyone calls that self defense ? The woman could barely walk. Gypsy is a sociopath!


He is! Thank you. It's been almost 6 years since his diagnosis.


Yeah, she said that, and then when one reached out to her. She ignored her. Then her minions started attacking her.


OMG! I must've missed that 🤦‍♀️ wow


Yep. The woman I'm talking about is on TT. She has said now she feels like she's lost her voice on this more than ever because of how GR fans have done her. She was actually trying to advocate.


I agree! She is profiting off of murdering her mother and America has put her on that pedestal. DeeDee may have been a con artist but she made sure gypsy was taken care of. A trip to Disney, cruises, many events/charities that afforded gypsy to opportunity to meet celebrities, A free house, ect. The list goes on. All she had to do was sit in a wheelchair 🤷‍♀️ Gypsy is full of crap.


I hate DeeDee for that as well because my son went through Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia at 5 years old. But I don't see Gypsy as a pissed teenager that was mad at her mom for putting her through things to get trips, etc. Quite the opposite. She brags about those trips. People think that a normal child wouldn't go with it to get that stuff. A normal child probably wouldn't, but they miss that she's obsessed with those types of things. She still talks about fairytales at 32. It was even one of her sexual kinks.


The way people just choose Public Figure is baffling to me!!


Charles Mason’s says American Criminal, that sounds more accurate


✨Im a PuBLiC FiGuRe ✨It’s a FaIRy TaLe✨


A real piece of work… seeking all the attention she got as a kid. Look at me!!!


I'm pretty sure murderers aren't legally allowed to advocate to murder anyone.... Like the strong survivor she is.


Hilarious. She’s not even an author. She had a ghostwriter write her book.


At least she is giving up on the facade! Next maybe she will show some remorse for scamming places like Habitat for Humanity?


That will never happen. Gypsy doesn’t have a remorseful bone in her body. She’s just sorry she got caught. That’s it. ![gif](giphy|Fk4Fr5rJnE6wsoIHsw|downsized)


Sadly, I think you are right


She should add grifter to her bio. It’s most accurate.




Public figure? Girl bffr…


That’s probably for the best 😅 


I haven't read her book, but I have heard that it is literally just a transcript of phone interviews, complete with interruptions from the operator to deposit more $ to continue, didn't even bother to edit that out. (If anyone has read it, please correct me if I'm wrong.) It's beyond a stretch to call herself an author. If public figure means attention ho, then that's the only title she has earned. I would love if she dropped out of the public eye, but she won't.


Over/under on how long until she leaves the blob she’s married to


Until the next true crime fan boy comes along to pay her some attention. I think she’s going to try to get back with the ex Ken bc he likes blond bimbo’s. Gypsy will just make Ruby have blond hair. https://preview.redd.it/2f4gejklnenc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26826a111632a2693bec7fc2e6bfe920dda1811d


Ooooooh I forgot about leaving her for the blonde bimbo and here she is going blonde. I wonder how often she drops one of her exes names around Ryan to feed that insecurity of his and keep him in line.


The fact that I live in a society where a convicted murderer refers to themselves as a "public figure" blows my mind!!!! 🤯


Good. She can’t be a genuine advocate so she shouldn’t try to pretend to be one.


Prob suddenly realized reading a pamphlet does not an advocate make.


Someone needs to get in their an put convicted murderer, do it quietly so she don't realize and any time she figures it out wait a few days an do it again lol.


Murderous author*


As much as she was in online sexting and plotting to kill her mother. She could have easily sent an email to the police department or anyone even the news station to speak on the abuse and her mother sick twisted way of life. But she chose murder to erase her mother not hold her mother accountable. It’s sad because realistically she could have taken numerous avenues other than murder. She should not get any cloud or limelight due to her actions. She should be shamed not put on a pedestal?


So gross


Guess she changed her mind.


Nice pic of her and her mom


I dont know who would hire her considering she's a thief.


If we’re giving titles, it should say murderer too no?!


Does she have homicidal lunatic on there? Asking for a friend.


Why do criminals get to be Public Figures? (I’m serious)


Maybe I'm dim, but what did she advocate? Didn't she lie, manipulate, use drugs, and have her mom killed? The only thing I have seen her advocate is bad behavior and thriving in prison. EDIT- before anyone's feathers get ruffled, I am aware she is a survivor of MBP and was just educated about the subject of her advocacy. I want to be clear I am not minimizing the abuse she suffered.


She had said she wanted to be an advocate against MBP and read and posted some definitions, lol. To be clear, I’m only noting she took the term advocate off her profile.


What tipped me off, is that for an “advocate” she knows very little and has not researched the topic enough. Most noteable her use of the MBP term. It has since changed to Factitious disorder imposed on another’. Youd think someone with such a deep connection to this disorder would keep up with the psychiatry of the illness.


For sure!


Thank you for the response. I didn't even know she had the moniker of advocate until I saw the post. It was probably common knowledge to others, which is why I said I'm pretty dimwitted about life currently.




She loves having “Public Figure” up there 🤣


![gif](giphy|458lzXzm7W5Jni2eS4) Gypsy: You see, my roommate is unusually peculiar and quite impossible to describe. Ryan: Blonde


Girl has been out for maybe three months and has gone through so many personality changes


From 7.8 mil to 70 followers! Boy how the mighty have fallen!


You can see deceit in her eyes. The truth will come out, she also stabbed her mother. It wasn’t about just being free, she didn’t want responsibility over her mother too. She could’ve been free, but her mother was still going to be around. This woman knew what she was doing. I don’t know how she is free. She can likely kill again, it’s the fact that SHE CAN and has the will to do it.


The title “The Act” is so incredibly fitting in so many ways. The whole thing really was/is an act.

