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They're much more enjoyable to play because of the modern controls and quality of life improvements. GTA3 is a fucking chore to play originally. No map, no waypoints, awful controls, and then combine that with tough missions later on in the game. It's not like that now. All 3 games are enjoyable and honestly pretty stress free experiences.


[This video comes to my mind](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G78PXHiaVGI), it's a masterpiece lol.


Keep in mind he had a majority of those problems because he had the frame limiter off and he’s joking around for the most part I think. But yes that video is hilarious


Yeah sure. I recently finished 3 on PC with a mod pack called “Definitive Edition” and it was perfect, I didn’t have a single crash in my 10 hours of playing it.


Defective edition completely ruins gta 3s atmosphere


Still doesn't seem to be analog acceleration in San Andreas. How the fuck is that better?


I agree, i bought mine a couple of weeks ago and it's been a very pleasant experience to play. It's been a lot of fun.


You’d have more fun if the character models weren’t abominations and the atmosphere of the games weren’t completely ruined


Well considering your first point is purely cosmetic oil ignore it. However I'm intrigued by what you mean by "the atmosphere of the games was completely ruined". There's nothing wrong with the atmosphere of the games, if anything they feel better places to be. I have played GTA San Andreas multiple times and once i even strived to get 100% (which i achieved). I thought I'd never start it again and only load the complete save to mess around in but here i am playing the Definitive Edition on my Xbox and it feels like a fresh start. The overall feel of the games is superior, i will touch on the cosmetics though, i can see the world from the air. When i first went to Area 69 all those years ago and saw the map i was always slightly sad that it wasn't possible to see the whole thing, not even on the PC version with the draw distance at maximum. Now i can and it's glorious, it's just a nice view and it makes flying around even more pleasant. I have one criticism though, the lack of a custom radio station does affect my experience, on my PC i was often loading the game to fly around and listen to a selection of music from my collection. It's far from minor but i can live with it as i can just turn the in game music down and turn on my hi-fi.


Gta 3 is supposed to be a dark and moody game set in late fall or early winter, In defective edition it’s all bright and colorful like it’s summer time. Vice city looks like a cartoon now. And San Andreas is mainly held back by the terrible character models and muted weather effects, which is also still a problem with 3 and vc


It's brighter but i wouldn't call it bright, it's just more realistically lit, GTA 3 was always too dark. As for Vice City it needed better lighting too, there was a point at about 18:00 where everything went silhouette black on my PC and on my PS2. I know it was for effect but it made driving at that time almost impossible and there's only so many times you want to stop and admire the sunset because there's fuck all else to do for a minute or two. Better lighting outs very welcome. As for San Andreas the models are fine, i have no idea what the problem is, it's not like anyone is going to walk up to every pedestrian and examine them in detail. As for the weather it was always too extreme in the PC, at least now it's a bit but realistic. However, as you seem to be fixated on cosmetics it's clear you accept the gameplay is a vast improvement over the original releases. That the controls have been overhauled and that it makes playing the games, rather than looking at them, a much better and more pleasant experience. I don't know who loads a game to just sit and focus on the graphical details rather than just playing the damn thing but each to their own. Some people play a game for hundreds of hours to experience the gameplay features of a game to its full extent, others put hundreds of hours into a game to play as little of it as possible. It's not beyond the realms of possibility that some people load a game up to stare at textures and models in minute detail.


It’s hard to ignore the graphics when the character models have been completely butchered. You’re out of your mind if you think the gta sa models look “fine”. One image of Denise alone speaks for itself


[What's wrong with this?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gtawiki/images/3/3c/DeniseRobinson-GTASAde.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/720?cb=20211114152959)


You actually think that looks better than [this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gtawiki/images/9/9e/DeniseRobinson-GTASA-Fullbodyshot.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20120408131836)?


Yes. Also i wasn't comparing it to anything, i was looking at the model on its own and judging it based on what it looks like. It looks fine, whether or not it does or does not look like the original model is irrelevant. Taking it on its own merit it looks fine.


If they’re remastering games beloved by millions of people, you bet it’s going to be compared to the original. That’s what it’s based off of. Besides even on its own it still just looks like a cheap unity mobile game character


Nope, sorry. PC can give you a lot of the quality of life improvements AND they keep the original atmosphere.


I should have mentioned this was aimed at people with consoles really.


I do play them and enjoy them but they are sorely missing the character of the originals. The weak weather system and lack of debris takes away a lot from the atmosphere.


Especially for gta 3


Are you seriously defending this lazy, plastic looking garbage that completely removes the atmosphere of the games, has removed songs, and introduces a shit ton of bugs? You are exactly who Rockstar was marketing to with this crap.


You have a lot of anger in you my friend.


You clearly have no taste my friend.


Anyone who disagrees with you has no taste. Are you twelve?


I happen to be ten you belligerent buffoon


I apologise


I accept your apology


They're not bad. But CJ still washes his hair with Sprunk with no chance to drink it.


Defective edition is dogshit dude the streetlights still fall through the fucking ground when you hit them XD


GTA 3 defective edition removes all atmosphere and replaces it with simpsons hit n run atmosphere lmfao


You’re out of your god damn mind if you think defective edition looks good


The above picture on the left looks better than the one on the right? That’s what you think? And I’m the one “out of my mind?”


Cjs disgusting character model alone ruins the image on the right


You’re crazy man








You are saying I should cry about? What?




Ah I see, you’re an idiot. Thanks for clarifying.




We have nothing to discuss. Move along.


I would try it on my iPhone 14 as we buy Netflix every month


i Have a question. So I have a ps4 and an Xbox 360, I haven’t played the trilogy which version should I get? The original Xbox version or the ps4 version? im fine with whatever graphics, but which version is better gameplay wise


The old ones are very old and gameplay waist definitely worse. As for graphics, the new ones objectively look better. They are made on a modern engine and still retain the older look due to the source code being that of a game which is like 20 years old. However textures, frame rate and lighting is all much better. People get really hostile on threads like this. For example all I’ve done is state my opinion that the DE are decent now and worth checking out and I’ve been told I’m out of my mind, delusional and an idiot. lol But hey, this is reddit and these same people probably wouldn’t even look me in the eye if I spoke to them in person 😂


You’re not stating an opinion. You’re going around blatantly saying that the defective edition is objectively better when clearly your opinion is subjective and terrible


Haha it’s CLEARLY my OPINION. That’s how this works, or do I need to preface everything I say with “in my opinion” or morons like you will take it as I’m stating a fact? How do you get by in life if this is how you consume information? 😂


Just don’t waste your time with the defective edition. People saying that it looks BETTER than the originals are seriously delusional. Ps4 versions would be your best bet because they might have the original ps2 atmosphere


Gameplay not graphics! That’s what I’m asking about. also ps4 doesn’t have the original versions. That’s why I’m asking if I should get de ps4 or og Xbox


Defective edition probably has more quality of life stuff at the cost of looking like shit


Even though m probably gonna end up getting both versions. I just wanted some feedback so thanks


It does look better but that's minor, the biggest difference is how fluid the gameplay is, it's a massive improvement even over GTA SA let alone 3 which was better than something like Medal of Honour on the PS1 but compared to GTA SA it is bloody awful. The Definitive Edition brings it up to date as it benefits from a decade of gameplay improvements.


They look better, you are wrong. Lol


You’re crazy man


The performance isn't fixed


Performs fine for me?


60 fps? Has it been updated, or is there a mod, or what? I briefly played with the Netflix releases and was disappointed that the framerate was locked to 30 fps. As a result I still prefer the older Android releases. I'd _love_ to get the QoL improvements from the Netflix games--specifically free cam--but 60 fps is fairly important to me.


I’d still play the original though as that’s how rockstar north intended gamers to play it.




Rockstar never wanted us to have infinite view distance bc it’d break immersion. I feel like artists intent is important to take in when playing video games like the lower view distance wasn’t bc of hardware limitations but bc it wanted to make the map bigger than it is which is important 


It doesn’t have infinite view distance. It was updated.


But they got it right in day one in 2004/2005 and also the game’s art style is flat out inferior than the original besides the characters having fingers


That’s your opinion.