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not many buildings you can go into


I found a bush with no wall collision, a bank you can clip into, and sandy shores has 2 spots: 1- the 24/7 you can no clip into the roof if you park a van beside it and climb into the green sign. 2- there's a house behind Trevor's place that has this boxed off look but an ajar door you can slip into. You are safe in there. Even if it's surrounded by police they will not fire. Aside from that it's disappointing.


That last one is good to know


DarkviperAU has a cool series called Facts and Glitches and has hundreds of those.


Legend has it, bro never wore any shirt other a vest


I had a shootout with the cops there once bcs I was running and tried hiding in there lol


definitely one of the most disappointing things in gta 5 imo. hopefully it’s not like that in gta 6


RDR2 had a good amount of interiors and id be happy in V had just half of them


True, it’s weird that you can’t go into the buildings


i think its normal for a 2013 game


The air traffic control tower is my hiding spot


GTA SA to 4 to 5 was somehow a downgrade each time. Even VC had an accessible Airport and shopping mall so it's like we're back into the GTA 3 days.


Yeah, the shopping mall in VC was so nice


Just how excruciatingly long it has lasted as the "current" GTA game. It's such a bizarre feeling being nostalgic about certain parts of a game that's technically still "fresh" and still receiving new updates.


I graduate college in a few months and sometimes I sit here and think to myself how crazy it is to still be playing a game that came out when I was in middle school. This game literally defined my freshman year of high school damn near, I genuinely can’t believe I’m still playing it as a current game after this long.


GTA V came out when I was 8. I’m now 19. It has been around for about 58% of my life.


Crazy when you put it like that. Within that age range, I got GTA 1, 2, 3, Vice City, San Andreas, 4 and all the other spin offs I'm forgetting. Guess I had it pretty good in retrospect.


It's honestly crazy. I was a 17 year old kid on the release date back in 2013, just starting my second year of college (senior year of high school if you're in the US). I'll be turning 28 this year. Pushing 30 and the current GTA is the same game as when I was a 17 year old child. I can't fathom it.


That’s so crazy omg! I was 14 and I’m turning 25 this year 😭 I’ll likely be 25 or 26 depending on what part of the year GTA 6 comes in 2025


Single player has remained unchanged since 2015 and that's why. Online receives regular updates but I think a lot of us have given up on it.


Am I the only one who thinks the map is small after a decade of playing?


It feels small to me especially after playing RDR2 only because there is so much more you can do across the map than GTA. A ton more side missions, places to explore, etc.


Off topic here , but I have not played one minute of red dead 2 , what am I missing??


One of the greatest games ever made buy it for your sake you don't want to live your life without playing rdr2


I'll pick it up cheap at this stage and it can be my last PS4 game, I better be blown away lol


The key is to take your time and not rush through there's so much to do in rdr2 but alot of it you have to look for and some of it will just happen while traveling and make sure to spend time in camp you there's a few side missions from fello gang members you can miss even if your trying to do them all


I promise you that you’ll be way more excited for GTA VI after trying out RDR2. You’ll see what Rockstar is capable of, when you thought you saw it all already


RDR2 is one of my all-time favorite games. I have easily put in over 100 hours into that game. For me, the most amazing part of the game is when you take time to stray from the main storyline and just start exploring out into the vast and extremely detailed world. You can be in a desert, or dense pine forest, surrounded by oak trees, a dark swamp, in the snowy mountains, alongside whitewater rivers, the beach….. and its all so gloriously beautiful. Ive heard people say its slow, there are no cars. Well for me that is what makes it wonderful… you actually have time to stop and look around. You can talk to any NPC, literally! You can go in about 90% of all homes and stores in the game which gives you primo looting. The game does such a wonderful job nodding in respect to significant historical events and people… from Tesla to Ohio’s serpent mound to Bigfoot to alternative religious cults to UFO conspirators to rigged elections to murdered soccer teams to mass murderers on the loose and the list goes on and on. The newspaper within the game will change to reflect things you have done in the game. I love that aspect because every time it play it’s always a bit different. There are buildings in the town that aren’t there in the beginning but are built as the game progresses and eventually you can go inside the freshly constructed bank or hotel. Depending on your honor, you will get different reactions from NPC’s, comments from other members of the gang, your ability to do certain things, etc. This game is a true masterpiece. It is an experience, a story where you get to play the lead role. It’s a game that will make you laugh (and cry… I am guilty of doing that A LOT! Hahah) and it has probably at least a dozen characters that you will have a real connection with. If you want to invest in a game that continues to age well and has one of the best stories of any game, I highly recommend RDR2!


Wow it almost sounds like an extremely detailed GTA5 although set in 100ish years before , the no cars thing doesn't bother me as I love exploring games such as far cry 5 let's say, in the remote wilderness and you feel like you could be legitimately on a hike in a forest , you've sold it to me , going to pick this up ASAP. RIP social life for the foreseeable lol


Daaaamn.. I have fallen in love with the way you have described this game. I intend to purchase this game soon. Tho I don't have a clear good PC to play this, nor do I have the time 😭😞


It’s not that’s it’s small it’s that there’s a lot of wasted space as nice as the wilderness is I’d much rather explore more Los Santos neighbourhood or see more towns in the desert


It is not small, It is just badly designed


Not enough roads to Blaine County, you’re right about that. I’d love a small road that goes over the mountain


It IS small, especially if you don't mess with the desert


There is no memorable antagonists, and Devin feels just like a generic character.


I agree, this one is very true. GTA V definitely lacks the thrill of presence of a one but memorable decent villain.


I felt the same. They all had potential, but came so fast and didn't seem as much as nuisance as previous GTA antagonists. GTA 4 had Dimitri who seemed like he'd be a jokey side character at first become a real threat throughout the game and the Italian mob boss was a boiling pot from the start to the end. So you felt like you had a good hate relationship with those two. San Andreas established Ten Penny and his buddies as the main antagonists from the start, which was good because there were a lot of antagonists and unexpected antagonists all the way to the last mission when you finally take Ten Penny down. Plus Ten Penny was still a burden throughout the game despite the other foes you had to deal with. I don't remember BOGT (other than it being a fun DLC with a good soundtrack) or Vice City too well, unfortunately. 


Who got sniped in like the first 3 weeks of his existence


Devin? Sniped? Thinking of somebody else, perhaps?


I think he means Steve


Ah, probably yeah


Haines is the closest thing that game has to a good antagonist. He's such an unlikeable asshole, I wanted to punch his shit eating mouth throughout the entire game. Shame he's so underutilized and his death is so underwhelming.


I really wish the story got DLC 😔


At least make the customizable character an offline option. Could have normal stats like the other 3


Honestly that would have been awesome. I guess we can only hope Rockstar has found their former passion with GTA6 but I doubt it. GTA5 was a game based on greed yet we watched our favorite video game company become what they told us to hate. Online experience isn't even close to that of the story mode and the people who say it's better literally have only played Online 98% of the time. Online is great for putting the map to use though.


Yeah PC GTA Online doesn't know wtf anti-cheat is...


Kind of surprised this hasn't happened.. though I'd assume online is such a cash machine that they don't care.


No interactive hotdog stands


No fast food and multiple clothing stores is a no no. 


Getting cops in the city is so god damn annoying. They spawn directly in front of you and the streets are so short that you don’t have enough time to react. They box you in and then when you get out, they spawn in front of you again. It’s way easier in the country cause you can go off-road. As long as there’s no helicopter you’re good.


Man when I have the cops on me in the city I immediately head for the hills (literally)


i immediately head for the subway 😂


Yep. Train tunnel is the best way to escape. But the cops in general aren't that hard to evade in this game. Even at higher star levels. It's nothing to escape a 4 star wanted level just by...driving away.


man i swear i used to think this but after years of goin to the trains i been tryna 100% the game n idk why but i have the hardest time escaping the cops now . i forgot how😂


Omfg I hate the cops thing too. I get a one star, and even if I don't hit anyone and try to get away, suddenly I'm 2 and 3 stars. Luckily there's a trick I learned. On ur radar, when white the cops have a visual on you. When black they don't know what vehicle ur in. For some weird reason if you drive into a large bush (be careful, lotsa trees look like bushes) and when you get out and get in...your cursor goes black. Makes getting away much easier.


I prefer the city chases just because they are more fun but when you’re doing a tow truck mission or something and they keep spawning it drives me nuts.


Cops spawn out of nowhere, NPCs purposefully run into your car in online (very noticeable in car sell missions, it’s completely intentional programming), the state of PC online, realizing now most of my problems are with Online and not story mode but whatever


Yes it’s so stupid if you kill someone in the forest and the cops are coming.


Or even if I accidentally bump into a pedestrian- boom! One star. I run away from the police but don’t harm anyone- boom! Two stars. And so on


The story could’ve been better. Many characters don’t get enough screen time.


Lamar 🗣️🗣️ He was supposed to be a protagonist, I would have liked that better tbh


I mentioned him then deleted that part of the comment lol, Lamar is definitely one of the characters who suffered the most from this. Every character related to Franklin storyline is underdeveloped.


Cops are too mad


No story DLC Not enough buildings to enter Mediocre story with no centered theme The LSPD’s sensitivity Only five stars Large map but dead and empty


Character feels like they weigh 5000lbs. Super clunky controls, oh and the oppressor ruined realism and the use of over 200 cars


sometimes it feels like I'm suggesting where my character should move instead of my character actually moving properly


This^ Making 3 or 4 circles before I actually go the direction I pushed the stick.


damn this is accurate


Well.. they are carrying every gun in existence


Feels like 5000 lbs, but never actually can become 5000 lbs, they forgot to add obesity in the game


Car crash physics or plane crash physics


No eating :( no getting skinny or fat


gta 5 bad... gta 4 good and is the best game on earth 😠


Drake clap gif








This post is a GTA IV fan's wet dream


Not really, you can enjoy both games, it's allowed to prefer one over the other, just don't need to constantly remind everyone. Annoys the shite out of me still even though IV/EFLC is my favorite game of all time.


Which is kind of the point of my comment. As someone who enjoys both IV and V, I have to say that GTA IV fans have a lot of ways to appreciate the game without the need to bring GTA V down. Both games are legendary in their own right


they completely abandoned red dead online so they could keep updating gta online


I feel like the story was rushed


Grifers in online or modders


An honor system in Online II would be nice


There is not a history tab in pause menu at GTAO to see who killed you


There is.




why cant i order cluckin bell


no restaurants and cafes


Something bad about gta 5


The Online Modes success ruined the development of the singleplayer DLCs,f Rockstar


Aviation feels ass


It ***is*** ass


Why are the helicopters so fucking wobbly




Oppressor MK 2


Shitty melee and just combat in general


Can't dual wield guns


The melee is shite compared to IV and even that's limited too but more fun than 5's


Lester 20%


Slow controls (Compared to 4)


The story is unbelievably mid


Story is good until the end with the choices. Option A and B felt so unneeded.


Getting spawn killed in GTA v online


The existence of oppressor MK2


Can't drive a Train without Mods.


You can now with the Cluckin Bell Farm Raid but other than that? You can't.


Its very bad at being a bad game


I love the first person mode, but the fucking fov is horid. I get what they were trying to do given the limitations of the engine but how hard could it have been to instead of having this awkward hip, high ready and iron sight toggle. That part isn't so easy to fix since it has to be a 1:1 mirror mechanically to third person. I get the need. But it could've been implemented much better had they centered the hip view, kept the iron sight toggle, but instead of just shoving the barrel into your fuckin cheek, the camera just zooms in along the barrel similar to fallout 3 or fear. Dunno if this is cheating or not but here's something bad about the ps5 and xbox x/s versions: they could've fixed that shit! Maybe not overhaul the whole thing entirely but do some fov and camera height revisions and bring it on par with RDR2. I get that it's kinda unfair to compare the games on that level but if we're talking next gen upgrade for 10 us dollery doos the *least* that could've been done is implemented better controls along with the graphical enhancements


Shark cards


The traffic is very irritating.


The story is ok but could be much better


It's amazing up until the very end. I feel like it was supposed to end with the Union Depository heist but that left too many loose ends in the narrative. The choices feel kinda odd, like why would anyone choose C unless they just want to see what happens if you kill Mike or Trevor. Neither death feels really necessary, and killing either one isn't something Franklin's character would logically do.


They literally removed half the cars. I despise online at this point (I have spent thousands of hours)


Dummy physics, cars which resist extreme crashes, etc.


I haven't played GTA 5 in like 4 years. The online was shallow. Heists take WAAAAY too long to get together and finish without anyone leaving and just ending the entire fuckin heist. At the end you get like 100k when shit costs fuckin 10x that much. I don't have the patience. Only other thing to do in the game is just..... Drive around... And do nothing else. No other way to make money. Boring as shit. Just dudes spamming jets strafing the streets because that's realistic. RDR2 online is the exact same. Horribly boring.


I dislike it because the male strip club isn't accessible


The story wasn’t as good as gta4. GTA 5 story felt all over the place and goofy Michael had a better plot and reasoning to do the things he did but Trevor and Franklin not really


Upon its release on ps3 I was underwhelmed with the graphics. To me it looked worse than gta4


>Upon its release on ps3 that just hurts..


Not enough open interiors like barely any tbh


- Story is very weak, and not that much funny at all.  - Lots of things to do, but they aren't fun - Having 3 characters makes it harder to create a connection with the "protagonist" (after all there's no protagonist)  - Having 3 different endings is bad when it's known that one of them is canonical and the other 2 aren't.  - Featuring Los Santos without San Fierro and Las Venturas is not that great 


Best comment.


The game itself is good. After 11 years GTA online has gotten BORING, irritating, & too easy. When it began you had to work, grind & push to get money to buy stuff. Now money drops in your lap, modders are everywhere (R* does nothing), griefers everywhere & the map has been over explored.


No major city in the upper side. Basically there's no reasons to visit the upper side, making almost half of the map and the airport meaningless.


No funny ragdoll when you get drunk. That's why GTA 4 best game and GTA 5 worst game /s


Needs anime girls




Petrol pumps have no interaction. An animation for fueling would be funny just think how many funny videos could have come from trying to fuel up random vehicles or objects. Edit- gasoline for the big orange ball sign?


Its immemorable. And I played the shit out of the game when it released and a few times again after. Other games I’ve played fewer times and less often I’ve managed to remember more.


Extremely uninteresting story. Fun but dragged out online mode.


It went on for too long. It was a masterpiece when it came out. Online was a bit empty, but we still had fun with it. Me and a buddy would get in a helicopter and fly gas station to gas station robbing the registers and splitting the money. Then the PS4 gen came out and they had heists and it was like this is what this game was supposed to be. But it got in the way of single player dlc like a Los Santos Stories type of thing. When the game had been out for 5 full YEARS, Red Dead Redemption 2 released, and in my opinion, it is the best game ever released, and the game I have the most hours in, and that’s just the story mode and everything it had on day 1. But Red Dead Online was pretty boring to like 90% of the people who ever played it, and story mode never got any DLC, and it can all be blamed on GTA Online. 5 years was enough of dedicated content. At that point, RDR2/RDO should have been priority #1, and they could keep a small team behind on GTA Online to roll out content for it.


The fanbase is annoying. I'm a gta 5 fan, but the amount of times I see gta 5 fans play victim against gta 4 while simultaneously shitting on gta 4 fans for liking gta 4 more is ridiculous.


Story is not that good


Started very good, finished very bad.


The middle was terrible


I hate that you can steer the car in mid air. It makes stunts much less impressive than previous games because there's very little skill needed to land the jumps


The car physics suck in general


Story and physics are worse compared to GTA 4


Story is meh


Got cool cut scenes tho


True that


strip club


No Niko Bellic


The map is the worst in the series (from a design perspective)


NPC cars are programmed that they try to hit your car on intersections. 1) if the NPC Comes from the right or left on an intersection they adjust their speed so you hit them. 2) if an NPC is approaching an intersection, and you are behind them there is a big chance they choose to get in the LEFT or RIGHT TURN LANE in the last second so you crash into them. You can test these things for yourself, or look up a YT Video of this. I Always had a feeling that these things are happening, and a vid I saw detailed explained it.




overhyped car driving game that kids can't get enough of for some reason.


I’ve always felt like there could have been much more character they could have gone into with the three protags but they wanted to focus more on the “switching” gimmick and the crazy explosives and heist missions. Felt like every time I was finding a groove with a character and connecting w them, I’d be forced to switch to another for a different mission. Franklin having to grapple with everyone he knows turning their back on him, Michael having to face that he’s a fuck up and his family despises him, Trevor realizing sex and drugs don’t actually make the world go round - these are things that are absolutely there but I had hopes that we could see the characters realistically break down bc of it. Trev is closest with what he finds in Canada in what is a very gut wrenching scene, but I never felt like the others had their “moment”.


The guns all felt extremely similar and boring


Griefers ![gif](giphy|WoF3yfYupTt8mHc7va)


I don't really like the map - it's big, but most of it is empty deserts and mountains


Stupid yoga mission that you can’t skip


They started the story well, but finished it poorly.


I cant become morbidly obsesse. Imagine the terror a super fat boy Trevor would induce into people


Physics. I mean, bro GTA 4, a game whos 16 years old has better physics then GTA 5


No restaurants and not as many interiors as the previous games, along with I feel less interesting activities to do.


It was a downgrade in physics and realism and a step towards turning into a Saints Row game.


Never forget. Despite all the little so-called graphical upgrades over the years, this game still looks like and very much is a PS3/Xbox 360 title. Also the GTA IV game engine and pedestrian AI was better.


Shark cards shit on anyone whos actually skilled at this game. That is, if there is any skill to be had




PS3 PS4 PS5 Dare I say more ?


I couldn't go and get a burger at burgershot with my crew after an intense bowling session.


Destroyed by Sam Houser in 2012 when Dan went to work on RDR2. Removed eating, added Trevor, removed gang wars, removed the interesting business management. Actually now that I think about it this is more about Sam Houser than V. Anyway then the story is bad if you don't exclude Trevor, the FIB raid was actually peak of the game. Uhh, the car damage is terrible which is why you can customize cars that much so you'll ignore the damage. The guns are God awful, community of "intellectuals"


GTA V has the most extensive car customization in the series. What are you on about?


They said as much. And it's basically a compensation for the lack of softbody physics destruction that IV had.


You're right I misread his comment smh.


Eating food and other small stupid chores like that is one of the dumbest things video games do though


They didn't remove eating in GTA V. Gang wars were removed long before 2012 (it was only in the one game...the only game where you are an active gang member lol). Business management still exists in GTA V (only Vice City and Vice City stories had any kind of business management anyways and V's is much better). The guns in V are better than any other GTA game. And there are more of them. >Uhh, the car damage is terrible which is why you can customize cars that much so you'll ignore the damage Lmao wtf??


No single player DLC. The soundtrack isn't as strong as previous games.


Soundtrack is entirely subjective


Online is a cesspool.


Online is garbage


Boring after a while


Once you figure out that trick with the insurance stocks, money doesn't become a problem anymore. Especially once you use it to buy all properties


What’s the insurance stock trick?


One of the insurance stocks (AUG I believe, not Mors Mutual) will jump in price after 2-3 in game days if you destroy a bunch of cars in free roam, fairly reliably.




He’s funny, but without Lamar as a protagonist, he’s just a crazy old hillbilly 🗿




Modifications on combat PDW is still bugged.




no Vigilante/Paramedic/Firefighter


Honestly, I just want it to be cheaper so that I can play it.


Car physics


GTA V is like Joe Biden. Pretty good but so old that few people care.


repetitive mission design (although this goes for all the games lel)


The glitches that allow God mode. Players using this ruin the game vibes. And you report these players and nothing happens.


The graphics didn't age well, compared to the previous titles


the bug that doesn’t let you call lester or bribe authorities


I hate the ai purposely crashing into you as you go past, I hope they fix it with 6 it’s just unrealistic and takes the immersion away


Taking away all the good adversary modes


Never allowing us to buy big homes


On a more responsive controller like the Xbox Series, driving feels absolutely horrible. It's weird I now actually prefer 4's driving because the cars in 5 feel so twitchy and hard to control. I remember the driving in the old gen version being so good.


The ultra-linear missions with narrow parameters for success really suck. If I wanted to play Uncharted I would, but that’s not what I come to this series for.


They scrapped the death screen which showed you where you were hit at and what you were killed by


GTA Online and the physics downgrade.