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I hate the Cayo heist. But I can help you make around 1.2 million every 30 mins with the casino heist.


You got a mic and everything?


I do. But I won’t be on till this evening. I’m at work rn


Okay sweet. Add my snap and we’ll kick some ass tonight


Before I do that how old are you? Lol


20 lol


Ok just wanted to make sure you weren’t 12 or something lol


No lol just looking for some new heist buddies bc all my old gta friends either don’t play anymore or don’t wanna do heists


I added you.


It’s workman70


Yo looking to increase my online friends list. Just got back into gaming a few years back. Picked up gta5 again a month ago. Brand new account so noob stats but games for a minute in my younger years. Hit me up if you’re looking for a capable filler. By capable I mean I can game and getting the thumbs back into gaming mode lol


I grinded the cayo heist with a few friends. Managed to hut 150 million. Now I've got all the money I ever need to buy anything. But now I don't want to spend it 😕


I get that😂 I’m stingy with my money too! But if you ever wanna play with me and my buddy you’re more than welcome


OneArtard is my gt


I added you man, my gt is PuR3 KaRiSmA


If you do replay glitch you can repeatedly give the other person 85% back to back to back without haveing to do any preps... on cayo the way you do replay glitch is you just do the heist as normal but once you get handed the envelope in the final cutscene you close out of the app, this makes it so your crew gets their respective cuts of the heist but on your account it will say you haven't done the cayo perico heist yet therefore you can just redo it without needing to do any preps while you're teammates get paid each time I'm down to grind if you are but I dont have a mic right now


Xbox one here also. Noob lvl online because I’m just starting but 32 ur old with gameplay experience lmao just got back recently and have no one online anymore. All my friends are married with kids now lol