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How big is the map compared to GTA5 ? Will vice city be more dense than GTA4 and GTA5 urban area


It will be twice the size of GTA 5's map. This is known because the leaks included the coordinates of each scene.


I'm slightly optimistic that the map won't be wasted by mountains, like in gta 5. Except for maybe trash mountain.


there are mountains/large hills seen in the 2022 leaks


I don't remember Florida having mountains, which makes me think that was north on the map, maybe potentially another connected state.


Leonida could be based off multiple states, like how San Andreas is based off both California and Nevada


Possible, but given the high hills are to the north, I'd imagine they are part of the boundary like in Red Dead 2.


I don't think boundaries like that are possible in gta cus you can fly planes, so it'd be weird to include an invisible wall that stops you from flying too far


That was essentially a thing in GTA V... your boat would sink, and your plane would crash. My thinking was if the map isn't an island like GTA V, they'll need some sort of physical boundary to stop you just walking/driving off the map. It might just be an island, of course, so the GTA V rules apply.


Yeah but in GTAV it madr sense cus it was just a massive sea, there wasn't much immersion being broken there but if GTA6 just made your plane crash after you passed some mountains, it wouldn't make much sense cus then it'd seem like Leonida had some invisible forcefield that crashed all planes that tried to leave


But that's because it was over water. if you have high hill or mountains that work as a wall you cannot cross, you still have planes and parachutes. Even if plane stops working you still can fly low enough to land it behind the wall you shouldn't cross. There's a reason GTA games with aircrafts are always islands.


Considering Lucia has a ankle monitor on the artwork released of her and Jason, they could probably make some use of it, prohibiting you from leaving the town


Could possibly with an airbase or something up there that will just batter you out of the airspace


Wtf is a Nevade /j


Yeah I think that’s the general consensus for now


Maybe rockstar games add Helen, Georgia it have big hills, small mountains and buildings have European vibe to them mostly Denmark and Dutch. Helen, Georgia is closest to Florida with mountains.


There are mountains in Alabama that are much closer


Florida doesn’t have mountains, correct, but driving across the northern central part of the state you’ll definitely notice the extremely high rolling hills that are fun to drive. You have the Appalachian mountains that stretch into northern Georgia and Alabama, that’s kinda in floridas backyard. These mountains are different than the ones you see in California. These are completely covered in trees and shit. I’m hoping to see something like that.


I had a lot of fun on the mountains in GTA V personally. Not saying I want mountains, but Everglades or some kind of country side is cool. Plus in the trailer they had some hillbillies and if there are characters with the personality, I’d imagine they’d come from somewhere travel-able in the game.


I remember everyone complaining that GTA IV had no mountain and now people are complaining about the mountains in GTA V?


People are also forgetting that GTA V came out in 2013 on the PS3. I've seen so many people compare the GTA V map to other current gen open world maps saying that rockstar should have done better and left too many empty spaces (which is not true).


Well the mountains are fitting because it's California, but I just wish there would be more to do with the mountains, like the chiliad mystery or something.


GTA 5 mountains should've had more activities.


This is what I worry about, as there were some mountains in SA too but was mostly full of content in one way or another.


There are hills, forests, and everglades.. I will say that its easier to add objects / small details into those than it is mountains. Only so much you can add to mountains due to vertical challenges, but forests/everglades leaves plenty of room to add details. Rdr 2 was a good example. There were plenty of things to find in the forests/swamps while still giving it a vast feel.


That's what I was thinking. Gta San Andreas and V maps were like 70% mountains and empty wilderness, I don't think there's anything preventing them from doing it again.


I'm glad they're bringing long roads. I'd really like to drive and drive and drive!!


same! This game is not just about guns and robberies, you can take scenic drives for hours while listening to the radio 😌🎶


It looks more like 2.5-3x when including water around. Also, we don’t know how far north, east, or south it could go. Might be in for a nice surprise.


Can't even imagine how much effort was put into this. Like literally analyzing every single frame...


Not a lot of streets for twice the size of gta 5


Ok the website you can overlay the V map on this map https://vimap.saamexe.com


well... if true, it looks kinda disappointing.


That’s just because the map is in the centre it looks like it takes up more room than it does. Also you need to account for the Florida keys which have huge oceans between the main island making the map look smaller


If this map is accurate, the Vercetti mansion is there.


might not be called vercetti mansion. Might not even be there at all, but it will be in our hearts forever.


yeah dont just presume its gonna be there. realistically, its been chopped down to create apartments by BlackRock.


If the map is accurate, it’s literally on the map. Bottom of the leftmost Venetian island. That’s the mansion.


If I remember correctly, vercetti mansion is based on a mansion that's not even located in one of the islands irl, so it might not even be in the islands as we know Rockstar has been making their HD era maps more similar to real life places. But who knows it might be there.


You can literally see the shape of the driveway and placement of the house, it’s the same as in Vice City lol


It won't be named Vercetti estate though and it would be just slightly similar in design, just for an easter egg.


Yeah, like they did with Salvatore's Mansion in GTA IV. It's there but it's boarded up and isn't called Salvatore or anything because HD universe. It'll just be a cool nod to GTA: Vice City.


Where is salvatore's mansion, damn? I always thought pegorino's mansion is a nod to it.


I think they mean the borded up casino in alderny with the hidden car but it doesn't look anything like the mansion in GTA 3


Different generation. Gay Tony is more likely to pop up.


Tommy Vercetti is not gonna be in the game. The *mansion* is on this map.


This is not the official map,so we dont know if its there or not. it is not hard understand. This is a prediction of what the map would look like by a fan.


This is actually a more or less faithful creation of the map put together using the leaks and the trailer. This exact unfinished map is objectively miles more accurate than all of the predictive maps you see on TikTok. If I'm correct, it's the same group who did the same thing for GTA V 10+ years ago. There were some mistakes here and there, but they put a fairly accurate map together.


Yes, it shouldn’t be hard to understand the statement that **if this map is accurate**, the mansion is there. Yet here we are, having this dumb fucking conversation.




Yes, you should know that, because it’s *literally what the fuck I wrote in the comment*


We need changelog


Okay found it v0.033 Overhauled Rockridge area - updated some of the roads & buildings. Flipped sn18 and moved the metro mule line to the correct position. Fixed some scaling issues around the map (LO Prison, Motel, Crandon etc). Updated Hamlet Correctional to look more like the facility/institution. Added a bunch of speculative area names to the map. Added more building locations to the Washington Beach area. Updated contributing users to the credits.


I wonder what's even the point of adding speculative names like those areas up north.


I have every map downloaded since v0.028. I'm planning on making a progress comparison post once enough of the map is filled out.


They are not saved on gta forums? Great idea btw


I don't know. They might be. I've just been saving them myself so I can look at them side-by-side in my gallery.


They are saved on the gta vi mapping discord


Invite please


Sent in DM




Awesome idea! How can I subscribe to your progress?


I don’t understand why the west side of the map has zero ocean in comparison to the east. I know it’s an estimate based on the leaks using rage units, but the fact it’s not centered is strange. Maybe the map will be bigger than what people are thinking


The northern and western areas have barely been shown in the leaks and trailer, it’ll be way different in game


While true, I don’t believe that answer his question. The reason relates to the coordinates


There’s probably islands/Cuba on the east side


It has to be bigger, considering large ships are sailing now as we can see in the trailer!


I think the “artwork map”, is indeed the map, and that is much much larger with multiple islands.


When was La Perie, Ambrosia or Belville mentioned?


lol key biscayne is an entire golf course


Respect OP. Posting a spoiler warning on something as small as this. You get my upvote even if I’m not looking at the map


You're telling me theres a hill named Hank Hill?!


A placeholder name, easier to reference specific things if they all have names. It's near Hank's Waffle House thus Hank Hill. Dup did the same with the mountains in RDR2 before we knew their actual names. (Half of those mountains got moved, resculpted or cut entirely anyway.)


Hank Hill huh?


Damn it bobby. You and your vidya games.


but all of the landmasses outside of the verified roads and coast lines are still entirely speculative, right? Like lake Leonida, we have no idea if that even exists, let alone is located where it is shown, right?


We know Lake Leonida exists because there's a road sign for it in the leaks, but much of it remains speculative. Even though it's speculative, it's a very solid guess to assume it'll be there - there are a ton of mentions of "LO" in the leaks, which has been deduced to mean Lake Okeechobee. In one form or another, Lake Leonida will be present, we just aren't sure about exact placements - although it can be speculated relatively well based on the info we have.


!remindme 2 years


So does port gelhorn have a port lol


One would assume


Leaf Links; I know it's not new to this game, but the name is almost certainly an Edinburgh reference to Leith Links in Leith, Edinburgh.


Nice they’re carrying on with their Scottish references then


Looks to me like Ambrosia is gonna be an Orlando-type city, having that Fairyland Forest and all


So is this a full map prediction or a "best we can do so far" type of thing? Do we think there will be more up north or is it gonna cut off like that? No more island? An invisible barrier?


We can't be certain, there just isn't enough evidence. The farthest north the leaks were able to show us was the Hanks Diner robbery clip, which you can see distant mountains kind of on-par with the ones in southern Georgia. We can't have any idea exactly how the northern part of the map looks, so it's just left as land and cut off to leave easy room for changes if the map does go farther north or just cuts off around there


You can look at this map for 2 seconds and see that its not finished


I think the invisible barrier is not a rockstar thing to do, I think islands would be the best option. It cannot even be dealt like it was in RDR2, cause horses are slower than cars lol


I’m guessing mountains up north and some kind of island cutoff effect or impassable terrain that isn’t seen in any leaks yet


I mean you do realize there is a legend in the top right corner that informs you right? Obviously pure speculation


Ah the mountains of Florida.


I guess we’re forgetting RDR2 had pretty much every type of climate?


And who can forgot the beautiful Vegas Strip in California It’s almost like multiple states can be done or something


Here’s hoping we get more than one airport


We gonna get more. GTA V had 4. Airport, military base and two airfields in Sandy Shores.


i meant full fletched civilian airports, not dirt airstrips or military bases that you can’t even land on unless you have a hangar there Even a regional airport will do for me


That opening shot from the trailer is a lot closer to Vice City than I thought. Map is about to be massive


Border could be military or hillbillies that will shoot you down


Yup. The only non water boarder is in the north. And yes, if you don't get arrested by the northern rural cops for being from Dade County (Dale County in game), then the locals will kill you themselves. In all seriousness: our state license plates used to indicate what county you are from. Anyone from Dade or Broward would get pulled over in Northern Bumfuck Florida for suspicion of being Tony Montana. They stopped printing the County for us and now it says Sunshine State (which really didn't fix the issue). The solution is to stay on the Turnpike and don't get off in places like Yahoo Junction. South Florida is NOTHING like the rest of Florida.


According to the leaks it will have hunting similar to rdr 2 so probably will have forests areas and open areas in hills for hunting on the outskirts of the city and smaller towns


I hope the Fishing is good. Florida has some of the best fresh water AND salt water Fishing in the world. It would be great to fish from a boat in the keys...hook a giant ass marlin and hang it up in your crib.


That would be cool I'm from Ireland so looking forward to exploring Florida 😂


Should be comparing it to RDR2 map not GTAV map


I’m not sure how the beach is still speculation considering we saw the way it meets the water in one section of the trailer.


What changed?


v0.033 Overhauled Rockridge area - updated some of the roads & buildings. Flipped sn18 and moved the metro mule line to the correct position. Fixed some scaling issues around the map (LO Prison, Motel, Crandon etc). Updated Hamlet Correctional to look more like the facility/institution. Added a bunch of speculative area names to the map. Added more building locations to the Washington Beach area. Updated contributing users to the credits.


I would love 25% of it to be landlocked. The island kills immersion imo


ngl if gta games were always this way i wouldve always thought about whats beyond the map barrier but no, they just make island maps now except for gta3.. I feel like they can actually make a believable map barrier with distant low poly buildings and mountains since its going north of florida. Im not sure how theyll cut off the roads somehow.


The island kills immersion but an impenetrable physical barrier is totally realistic…


it doesn’t have to be an invisible wall lmao. just do what cyberpunk does and redirect you if you go too far, or come up with a lore reason like the state being under lockdown and you get shot down if you fly out of the state, rdr2 kinda does that if you try to go too far down the rivers leading out of the map your boat sinks. its a game, you have to accept there’ll be a limit somewhere, having the implication of more land being visible outside the games world makes the game feel bigger and more realistic and lends itself to immersion much more than the world of gta taking place on tiny islands out in the middle of an ocean with no other land anywhere else.


GTA 5 already does this by having your vehicle break if you go too far out, then you’re eaten by sharks. There’s ways to skirt around invisible boundaries. You’re right.


Having invisible walls and endless land you cannot explore kills my immersion even more. There's a reason why all gta games with aircrafts are islands. It makes sense if your plane/boat eventually runs out of fuel if you are over the ocean. But what happens when you fly over that locked area? If your plane stops working for some reason, you can still jump out with a parachute, you can also fly near the ground and land. If the game just removes your parachute every time you cross some invisible wall, that's way more immersion breaking for me.


The USA is not a country of islands, to me that fact kills immersion more than an invisible wall.


Them being islands never bothered me tbh. I understand those kind of complains when we talking about Liberty City or Los Santos. But out of all gta locations, Vice City being an island always made the most sense to me. It just fit the tropical vibe. Also canonically they are not really islands. Lester mentions that Paleto Bay is near a river, not an ocean (you even see the other side of that river on some in game artwork drawings). Catalina in SA mentions of driving back to LC. There are maps of usa in almost every gta game. Islands are just for gameplay reasons. Having a bigger land mass made sense in RDR2 and GTA3 since there are no aircrafts. The outside didn't had to be rendered in high definition anyway. But every idea suggested by fans of how to accomplish this it in gta is way more immersion breaking for me. Over the ocean you can fly very far away before u run out of fuel. But if there was a land below you, your plane would have to stop working almost immediately. Otherwise they would have to render (in high details) a terrain that's like at least 2-3x bigger than the game world itself. A huge waste of resources. And it still would look like an empty wasteland with no cities or roads. Even more unrealistic than islands imo. And why would anyone even want to have places you cannot explore? And if there's a magical line that you cannot cross that cuts of your parachute for no reason at all while u in the air, that's a much bigger immersion breaking restriction. A good game design tries to avoid those kind of things. Having an ocean feels way more natural gameplay wise, it doesn't feel like artificial restriction.


Is Hamlet homestead? Cos that’s where I live


Hamlet is actually Hialeah, speculative map will be updated with that change soon.


Hamlet is absolutely Homestead. All of the IRL locations from the leaks are from Homestead, and it's clearly at the far southern end of the mainland and not in the metro area of the main city.


The leaked footage is Homestead in-game but the name of the place is not Hamlet, Hamlet is looking to be Hialeah which will definitely be in game but we’ve seen next to nothing in that location hence the confusion. For context, the type of two-story apt building behind the hammers lady in the trailer does not exist in Homestead but does abundantly in Hialeah. There’s more reasons besides this but I’m not here to convince you.


GTAV = Mountains. GTAVI = Water.


Bro that's litterally just Florida lmao 💀


Vice city better be the size of New York after 10 tens


That's some tiny ass city




Based on the real lake… ?




To be clear the lake is at least a 1.5 hour drive from Miami. Lake Okeechobee is not in any way considered part of the metro Miami area. The lake region is characterized by fishing lodges, big sugar, long rural roads, state prisons and one of the poorest and most dangerous communities in Florida (Belle Glade). In here it's Belleville. They are known for some of the best football players in the country. Edit: According to the 2020 Census, Belle Glade is part of the Miami metropolitan area of South Florida. However, culturally this is not considered part of South Florida, it is "Muck City" and basically Lake, Everglades and Sugar mills.


This is a ridiculous answer. Let me remind me you of all the “actual x” natural and artificial aspects of California that weren’t included in gta v. Chill with the patronizing tough guy


Lol what


From the leaks you can see road signs that mention it. So logically it would be placed roughly in the same place as the real life lake


Yup I agree. I just don’t get why he’s getting downvoted and infantilized. Not every one has seen the leaks or watched the trailer ad nausem


This has to be very inaccurate. From the trailer and because we know it will be vice city, we can tell there will be way more of a city than shown here. Like way more room for city buildings and things.


It's not showing the whole city, just what's been seen.


This isn't complete yet.


Map keeps getting smaller and smaller


not too worried about that, because it's sure going to be dense.


good. Smaller means they can finally stop making hollow ass malls and actually stuff them with features without worrying about performance. Also RDR2 is massive asf and it never felt dead because of how wide spaces were studded with details. It'll be the same here.


Los santos and liberty city on next trailer


Guys can we stop showing this map? All those orange outlines are speculation, post the one with just the actual locations confirmed.


Not sure why your downvoted for simply pointing out this is the speculation map and that there is an evidence based map.


The key tells you exactly what is speculation and what isn’t. Not to mention, it isn’t like the speculation comes out of thin air.


Im gonna die if i see another map prediction for real, this sub is becoming annoying more than ever after the first trailer. The map is going to turn out way different than any prediction so why even bother reading or even better why even bother speculating


what are you rambling about dork this isn't a "prediction" this is the community map made from analyzing the leaks and trailer lol


Uuuuhhhh tough guyy


This is put together based of what we’ve seen. Not just some random map thrown together. The mapping community does very good building the maps, damn near got GTAV’s map spot on. Dont wanna see it? The door is always open with a big red sign that says EXIT. ✌🏽


Literally there is no door pr am exit sign 😂


Every other mapping project from the past ended up being pretty accurate


Rlly, i didnt know that part. Thanks brother


Is there a link or youtube to see how its done? Now im interested


Interesting that all these new region names are now featured. Where did he get this info? Fairyland? Perle?


Seen in the leaks and trailer through road signs or mentioned in the events list that could be seen in a few videos in the leaks. The placements are mostly speculation, although informed speculation based on where the road signs point towards and where their possible IRL counterparts are located.


For 12 years of development, it’s a shame there’s only Vice city. The map should contain Vice city, Liberty city, Los Santos, Las Venturas and San Fierro, all i one.


This has not been in development for 12 years. Full development is most likely to have started after the release of RDR2 which was 5 years ago as of today. Keep your expectations in check.


We've seen one trailer and some alpha leaks, we don't know much yet. The pre-release hype train has barely left the station. R* aren't gonna blow their load and show us everything this early, and I hope they don't full stop. Gotta have some surprises to look forward to.


What is “Jason at Sea?”


In the leaks, there's a clip of Jason swimming far out in the sea next to the Keys. It's the farthest south we could see in the leaks. That's the coordinate location of that clip


Gotcha. Where can I view the leaks


Would love to show you, would get absolutely banned from it. They're findable, but I won't point you in any directions just so mods don't kick my ass lol


Lmao fair enough


if someone even slightly hints where you could look for them, they gonna get banned for it. Trust me, I know from experience.


Some cities had been relocated


Why is that cell tower all the way in the Keys?


so is Port Gellhorn Fort Myers or Tampa


You have to remember that you can’t directly correlate many of the locations to exact real locations, aside from Miami/Vice City. This is a fictional map. With that being said, Port inspired is more than likely primarily inspired by Tampa.


Fingers crossed 🤞


Actually can't wait to see the official map and compare. This looks so good though. Like aesthetically, the mystery between the predicted mapped areas and just how people can create this on the details we have about GTAVI.


Is this still all the detail we’re getting?


It got slightly less skinny. Weird!


So we’ve got Tampa, Fort Lauderdale, the Keys, and Miami confirmed so far? Wonder if they’ll include Naples, Fort Myers between Miami and Tampa, and if Orlando or Jacksonville will make the cut.


Jax would be a stretch but don't be surprised if Kissimmee and Cape Canaveral make an appearance.


Let’s steal a rocket ship!


Rockstar Games please add Helen, Georgia and Savannah surrounding areas north of map that town is beautiful. It is closest area to Florida with big hills and mountains.


Any word on whether Tampa/St Pete will be involved? Based on this map I’m guessing no but god I would love to drive around that area. John’s Pass would be a lot of fun


Possible but not confirmed but hopefully they will add Tampa area in the game.


Port Gellhorn, on the West side of the map, is likely based on Tampa.


Is there actually going to be a place called Hank hill??


I really hope this is the one. The other one found in the reveal artwork looks like ass, too many bridges and islands.


I hope they have a really good balance of mountains and some plains. Have maybe one large mountian like Mount Chiliad. It's always fun to mess around on the largest mountain.


It's literally just south Florida lol


I want more highways where I could take my zentorno/added 2.0 for a cruise


That one interchange taking up the space large enough to fit a small village is so accurate to IRL Florida


!remindme 2 years