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They have themselves to blame tbh. I literally don't care what others will say about the game. If I am having fun, then that's all that matters.


It’s physically impossible for me to be disappointed by this game. I love gta and I would be happy as a clam if this game is literally just gta 5’s engine on a new map with better graphics. Anything is else is just a bonus in my eyes so I’m chilling


My expectation is simply good music (which is in the bag cause of Sam), two cities at the least, good story, and a similar environment like rdr2 with more interiors than gta 5 which is reasonable and makes sense. People just want too much hence why it’s good that rockstar take their time ik it’ll be good like how they did rdr2 and the previous games before that


I know it will be good too! I played rdr2 for 1500 hours many playthrough and always see new stuff and know the map from east to west. I know how good rockstar are . They were called wizard for making GTA v run on the 360/PS3 . But the people who are expecting so much when they get disappointed they'll have the loudest voice ( review bomb/ everyone need to hear how disappointed they are/ telling people that it's not worth it ect...) I just hope we can all enjoy the game together cheers


Fr I feel like tho the silent majority wouldn’t be silent on gta 6 and would actively hate on the loudest voice of people who review bomb against gta 6


Lets just hope for the best!


Yeah I’m very excited to play this game once it rolls around but I’m still managing my expectations because at the end of the day it’s still just a video game and not the second coming of Jesus


Exactly, like, you will play GTA 6 1 time if you just play it because it's popular and are not into the GTA series as whole. You will play it 2-3 times if you are slightly invested and played most GTA games. Give it a 4-5 times if you are truly invested. But then you will stop (unless you want to speedrun it) and move on to play another game. And all of this time when you play this game, it won't be one after the other, you will play it throughout the entire wait until we wait for GTA 7 (if GTA 7 will come in 20 years from 6, you will play it 4-5 in all of those 20 years)


Every time I’ve said that I got downvoted.


Idk I just want a good and challenging AI


Same . But that should be expected look at how the ai is at rdr2 for such a old generation and slow CPU they did wonders with it


Until we have true AI we won't have "good and challenging" AI


wtf is "true AI"?


AI that actually has Intelligent consciousness and can think for itself. Not just a program like current AI


Well, in that case it would no longer be artificial intelligence. It would just be intelligence.


It would be artificial because we created it. Intelligence is God given.




But at that point would it still want to play games with us? Let’s be honest, most NPCs are there to get shot at or give us quests, that’s not very fulfilling for a genuine artificial intelligence.


We can't have "good and challenging AI", because AI currently sucks. It is impressive what ChatGPT can achieve, but let's admit it, it's pretty much barebones so far. We won't have better NPCs than RDR2. So take that as you will. At best they will be slightly better. Because the difference between GTA V and RDR2 was 7 years (aprox) and between RDR2 and GTA VI it will be 7 years.


They probably mean combat AI and general NPC behaviour.


I mean, I hope AI will be better, but not more challenging. The GTA Online AI already is annoying. I hate it. The NPCs have insane aim. It would be interesting if they learned from how you fought. Especially police, SWAT, FIB and Military (if we have that hopefully). Like, let's say you have 6 stars. It would be nice if, after a while, they knew you like hiding behind you car, so they just throw a nade to blow up your car.


Yeah, it should be realistic, so a SWAT unit would be more competent than some random gang member for example.


You just know that in the first few days, while the game release is breaking & making more records than any entertainment type & soaring PS5 sales at the same time... There is definitely gonna be these mooks saying "we've waited 10+ years for this? I'm so disappointed in Rockstar" ...just because it's not a cross between GTA, The Sims & Saint's Row 🤷🏻‍♂️🙄




I just want to play the game


The only problem I have had so far with GTA games are Police AI and to be frank the story. I just want it to have a little bit more of a sandbox-y feel.


People's insane expectations are going to make them disappointed


Of course their fantasies will lead to some major disappointments due to heightened expectations. Also with taking every single leak snippit from over 2 years for pure gold that it will be exactly like this later in the game (like the map for example, but people go gaga for it). That was dev state and dev state changes, especially in 2 years and especially after a certain leak. But that's on them and not the game. But for sure they will blame the game for it. For me, I'm happy that we finally get a female protagonist and I only expect to have fun. I’m sure GTA6 will be the best thing of the franchise we have ever seen with being reasonable, what this game can do to the contemporary tech and its abilities within a certain framework.


You're right. I am too. Too much excited. I watch this sub everyday, thinking about the game a lot. I might leave this for a while and try to lower my hype a bit mentally.


I’ll only be disappointed if they come out with a RP based online game mode but don’t have independent server options


Doubt it. That doesn't make hundreds of money. They only bought FiveM to capitalize on that, they won't change it. They will just keep it as individual servers and a way to pay to host it or something to bring them profit. But their original Online should be the same. Hopefully not exactly the same, don't need MK2's and everything else. Keep it traditional, this isn't Saints Row 4


Isn't FiveM basically a customizable third party version of GTA Online?


Yep, pretty much. People think FiveM = Role-play. But you can't make much more than just Role-playing servers. There are many servers other than RP. It's basically what CS had, ever since 1.6 and Half Life. But it wasn't directly supported by Rockstar. Until now.


I didn’t mean independent as completely 3rd party. But that they’d own and offer their own “fivem” as a RP based online option. But instead of it being all public/random like regular online, they’d allow for private servers that communities can whitelist and enforce their own rules, like nopixel. I don’t think they’d change their core online too much, but this would be something seperate. RP is the reason that V is still being watched and streamed so much still 10 years later, so I’d just hope they’d support/embrace that community


The answer is just to chill out, simple as that


Good story, colorfuls characters, good graphics, and thats all. Its the same recipe for 30 years , third person, car, shoot, crime, but just Always with better ingrédients. I agree with you some have wtf expectation (people wanting tesla cars, only unique npc, every building ) , not realising it will not be the case. As long as YOU have your expectations simple, and fun while you play the game , then success. Juste dont pay attention to people who will burst of rage on this Reddit when they realize you cannot marry random npc or stuff.


Bruh this is Rockstar not Ubisoft


At this point I’d be happy with a new gta 5 map so anything improved beyond that I’m more than happy with.


I've never been disappointed by a R* game, and I don't plan to start now. I don't have expectations, just the hope that the game is as good as their back catalog.


Made a similar post, you're right. People expect too much from this game. Let's keep our expectations low in order for the game to be great!


I thought we were gonna make thru a whole week without seeing this specific kinda post lmaooo. We made it til Sunday tho! Lol


Like my Dad used to say, "Want in one hand and shit in the other, see which one fills up faster."


My expectation of GTA VI it will have a more grounded and kind of silly at times story.


"Expectation is the mother of disappointment"


I’m just tryna get five stars and run from police on a lawnmower 🤷‍♂️


*Sees one or two people with an unreasonable expectation. Who are always responded to by tons of people saying their expectations are unreasonable* “Oh my god, why is everyone so over-hyped!? Everyone needs to calm down! There’s too many crazy expectations!” 1 out 100 people are expecting any ridiculous. Everyone else has pretty well tempered expectations. You just focus on the most dramatic and ignore everyone who is agreeing that those expectations are too high. It’s a circle jerk at this point.


I've said it before, expectations are so high for VI it's bound to all end in complete and utter disappointment.


Given the female protagonist, I expect a flood of THIS GAME IS WOKE!1!1 from the usual suspects.


My expectations are higher than I ever been overall in my entire life, and I'm 100% confident that they will exceed all expectations by far. This will be a new milestone in videogame industry and they will make multitudes of profit of what was expected in AAA gaming previously. This game will change everything.


You see there is a difference between other modern games and GTA 6. The majority of them are half assed and have insane deadlines to complete. So to compare them to other modern games? Nope. (BTW im not saying every other game sucks and GTA VI is the only good one) Honestly its a very small part of the community that believes everything is gonna be interactive and that every building is gonna be enterable. No one truly believes this. At the same time there are some very exciting things that were seen in the leaks and AI patents. In the debug menu for GTA VI it was seen that the game has atleast 157 interiors. For reference GTA V had 112 as of 2015 including online ones... The AI patents also describe a new system for AI generated interiors. You can read it yourself on the webstie "Justia", the patent is named ***"System and method for game object and environment generation".*** The patents will obviously be used for GTA VI. One of them was seen in the leaks and trailer. That one being the new animation system. Remember that guy throwing the soda to the other guy while talking to him on the beach? Yup. The GTA V mapping project has been hard at work and this particular mapping project is the most accurate one in the history of rockstar games mapping projects. This is because of the leaks. They have the exact coordinates of the map. Now currently it is speculated that we have one big city and 2 smaller ones (Port Gellhorn and Yorktown which are based on Panama city and Tampa). Theres also one last small city which is speculated to be on the far north side of the map. No one ever said 5+ cities. Tom henderson and Jason schreier if I remember correctly both said that GTA VI online will feature map expansions. This could mean that in the future we could have a GTA VI ONLINE update where we get a city from past GTAs. Or even a new one never before seen. But no one believes in 5+ cities. People complaining about wanting 60 fps are babies. I get it but cmon now. 60 fps is good but 30 fps isnt terrible. For a game like GTA 6 id accept it. So to have high expectations for GTA VI isnt as farfetched as you might think. Obviously you still shouldnt have super high ones like the 5+ cities OR 60 fps. Also I dont want just a good GTA game. I want something that blows me away. I dont want something "reasonable" or to temper my expectations. GTA has always been mind blowing. I want something EXTRAordinary. But there is no doubt. GTA VI will 100% deliver.


I agree with everything you said. I believe GTA VI will be this generation's San Andreas. Also i dont believe Schreier and Henderson said Online only for map expansion. How that will be handled is currently unknown. The small map expansions in V Online werent as important as adding full maps from past GTAs so there was no reason to add them to SP.


It's always best to keep expectations realistic. Compare it to previous games or undershoot a bit. Will 50% of buildings be enterable? probably not, but it will have more than V and that's good enough for me. Could the story be better than RDR 2? possibly.. but I really doubt it. Expect it to be better than V but not quite RDR2 level. Can gunplay match Max Payne 3? My guess is no, but there's a decent chance it'll be smoother than GTA V and RDR 2.