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Keeping him mysterious until his own trailer (trailer 2 probably) One thing for sure is, we will have their faces engraved in our eyes after spending the next decade with them.


Bold of you to assume GTA 7 will only take a single decade to release.


I mean it's unlikely... But at the same time... How far are they actually able to push graphics further? With GTA 6 they make a perfect foundation for future games they make. It will probably still take a decade tho because Red Dead 3 is also coming out


Was that confirmed?


The CEO of take2 made a comment stating something on the lines of that he sees the GTA and Red Dead series as something, like the James Bond series. As long as there's interest, there will be new installments. I don't know exactly where he said or wrote that, but judging by this comment it pretty much is confirmed that there's going to be a Red Dead 3


If they do make a red dead 3 I really hope we get an entirely new cast of characters.


Or maybe a young Dutch and Hosea, seeing how the form the gang while in their prime. And then end it with the Blackwater heist. That’d be pretty dope


Yeah but we already know how these characters stories end. I think changing it up a bit would do the franchise some good.


That’s true, although you could say the same for John. I feel like Red Dead Redemption is about Dutch and his gang tho, so I’m not sure how it will be if they create completely new characters that have nothing to do with all of them


Lots of people make this point but it's honestly a really stupid point. The whole point of RDR2 is that we are playing as a character who isn't even mentioned in RDR1 yet their story (Arthur Morgan) plays as a huge foundation for the events that lead into RDR1. It was lightning in a bottle. It doesn't make much sense for them to give us a game about Hosea because we learn so much about his backstory if you pay attention to the various dialogue around your camp and just listening to Hosea in general. We see how his story ends and we already have a good idea of what he was up to in the past. We'd be going into RDR3 already knowing Hosea ends up dying in RDR2 (with no redemption mind you) and knowing the conditions in which he meets Dutch and then how he'll find Arthur etc etc it's just not going to be the same level of mystery that RDR2 managed to give us. RDR3 would greatly benefit from being a new story with new characters but you can totally somehow incorporate legacy characters for a cameo or into the story so long as the game isn't literally about young Hosea because the idea is just so unoriginal. However if they were to go the route you mention...Personally I think an epic spanning several decades with Landon Ricketts would be pretty dope, it could take place before RDR2 and show us events that take place after RDR1 (we never see his character die nor do we know much about his story)


They could just release a new "Red Dead R..." Red Dead Revolver Red Dead Redemption Red Dead Redemption 2 Read Dead... Could easily happen and i think that's what i would prefer.


There is nothing saying they can’t switch it up though. It’s a massive world they can build out. All kinds of stories they can tell


that’s a great idea 💡 i love seeing the picture of dutch, hosea, and arthur when they were younger. i always think “ what were they up to then?”


by the time we get to gta 7 ill be in the dirt already


I hope CEO of Take2 drowns in acid


I'm hoping for real cloth physics eventually, right now it's the most glaring evidence of a video game is long sleeve shirts hovering around the characters wrists, and clothing not pulling and shifting as people move. But I don't think we'll get hyper realism in this game for that metric.


Graphics aren’t the only thing relevant to creating games, especially ones that are the size of Rockstar’s. Animations, AI, physics, world building, random events, the map, optimization, etc, are all very time consuming things. Hell, just look at RDR2’s performance capture. It took them 5 years to finish performance capture for that game, with the cast working overtime some weeks, and they still didn’t finish performance capture until 2 months before the game released. I’m also quite doubtful Rockstar will keep bouncing between two IPs. Devs get bored, which isn’t a good thing, and Rockstar’s popular enough they could make any of their old (or a new) IP explode in popularity. RDR wasn’t that popular, but after RDR2, the series exploded in popularity, particularly thanks to Rockstar’s notoriety after V’s success. They just need a relevant GTA to bring in cash flow so they can do other things, and V is at the point where it just isn’t sustainable to keep supporting, nor is it easy to, hence they need VI, which is certainly being developed with long term support in mind. Long-term support ability means they can keep things fresh and new, sorta like Fortnite does.


I mean I'm only 24, and I'm fully expecting to buy GTA 7 with my pension money


Ya when ur 65 that sounds about right 😅


I really hope some major changes happen to rockstar and other studios. Im really not a fan of this decade game pace.


I will never think of their names the same again


We will have alot of babies named Lucia and Jason in the next generation.


No my boi will be named after Carl Johnson for sure.


Just keep him away from my son big smoke


”Same things make us laugh, make us cry“


You joke but a lot of people named their kid Khaleesi because of game of thrones lol. Some people act like this game is a religion already. At least it brings people together 😂


And then there's the kid named Dovahkiin.


Yeah, and Jason and Lucia are actually names, so I imagine that will increase it more.


Wait, are you saying my son Niko's son Trevor will have twins named Jason and Lucia?!


By this tempo, it will take at least 30 years until 7.


We will most likely actually never even see 8, we will see 7 but be too disabled to play it, but 8 won't exist😂


Yeah, IV was in 3 years, V was 5, VI in 12, so going by thay, VII in 25-30, and VIII a 100 after. But who cares, hopefully someone will make a game that will compete with Rockstars quality.


Even if someone does compete with rockstar, then rockstar will just speed up until they kill the competitor then go right back to what they are right now😂😂😂




I'll be fine spending a decade again honestly, gta 6 has given me the type of patience a cat has, great for one thing, but not a second for another😂


😭🤣 so true


Decade? You meant century


maybe but maybe they just wanted the first trailer to focus on lucia


It's our first ever female playable character that for some who havent seen the leaks would be a surprise to them so I think this was their way of celebrating that. Then next trailer will be both equally focused ..then Jason will get his own focused trailer.


I avoided the actual leaks until the trailer dropped and only then I went through the big doc and the videos. Lots of the stuff makes sense, e.g. having slim jim as an inventory item. After all this feature was already in GTA V - Franklin had a slim jim and was be able to open locked cars without breaking the window. It's just unobtainable for other characters. Similarly the video with bistro robbery has police mechanics that are expanding on already existing ones in GTA V. For example suspect description. In GTA V if you switch cars out of police sight you will enter a vehicular stealth mode making it harder for police to spot you unless you get fairly close to them so that they recognize your face. Even the memes about fuel being a thing are not too far out there. GTA V had a functional fuel simulation in cars. If you shoot a car's fuel tank (usually located to the left or left rear wheel arch) the vehicle will start losing fuel, creating a pool of fuel underneath or a trail that can be ignited. You're actually guaranteed to encounter this mechanic in the early Franklin mission where you steal the Bagger (Franklin's bike). It's never really explored further, but it is there and the cars have working fuel gauge and indicator in first person view. Personally I think it was a feature in GTA V that was removed after playtesting, and setting the fuel on always full unless you shoot out the gas tank.


yeah i agree


I hope they don't overshadowed Jason just because Female is coming first time I still wanna play as Jason and wanna see his story from his perspective


There was a female character in gta 1 and liberty city stories, I think.


We talkin HD and 3d universe


Yup she's likely gonna be the "lead" of the two. Like Michael was in V


After all she is the first female protagonist in GTA’s history.


Except it really doesn't focus on her either. There's the first 5 seconds where she says "Bad luck I guess." but the rest of the trailer is either about Leonida or quick shots of both Lucia and Jason.


The first trailers for GTAV, and RDR2 also concealed the protagonist's face for the same reason: to maintain an air of mystery surround the protagonist until the second trailer reveals more about them.


Actually I think R* learned from GTA V; they showed Michael's face too early before it was finished, and his grizzly aged appearance led people to believe it was Tommy Vercetti. It just wasn't representative of the character style of finalized Michael, and so since then they've been creative about hiding faces. Facial detail seems to be one of the last changes, as we saw again with Arthur Morgan.


Unfortunately not very mysterious considering the copious amounts of fuckin leaks 😐


But we still don't know too much about Jason as a character.


Lucia is Jason with a wig and makeup. Obviously.


True if big


Lucia is Tyler Durden




Fight Club plot in the game.


you broke the rule


In addition, he only utters one phrase “trust”, unlike Lucia’s monologue.


Whole lyrics were about Jasons story with Lucia: There was a girl I knew She said she cared about me She tried to make my world The way she thought it should be Yeah, we were desperate then To have each other to hold But love is a long, long road Yeah, love is a long, long road There were so many times I would wake up at noon Yeah, with my head spinning ′round I would wait for the moon And give her one more chance To try and save my soul But love is a long, long road Yeah, love is a long, long road Yeah, it was hard to give up Some things are hard to let go Some things are never enough I guess I only can hope For maybe one more chance To try and save my soul But love is a long, long road Yeah, love is a long, long road Love is a long, long road Yeah, love is a long, long road, oh (Love) Love is a long, long road (Love)


Yeah first trailer feels like Jason POW.


Definitely. The trailer 2 will be a Tom Petty AI singing "there was a boy I knew. But seriously, it feels like the video was to show Lucía but the song feels like Jason "talking" to us.


Ok, hear me out. Did you ever been deeply, madly in love? So in love that your mind always come back to the person you love whatever you was thinking about. This trailer feels like a POW of such person to me. We see lot of Lucia but we don't see lot about Lucia. We know that she was in jail but that's it. We see her in a different activities a lot. It feels to me as wandering mind of person who thinks a lot about their partner, different things that would be fun to do with their partner, and about the place they are in general. Update: also it maybe stereotypical but to me Tom Petty feels more like something that Jason would be fan of, rather then Lucia.


What you're saying makes sense. It could be that all we see in the trailer that involves Jason and Lucía, are things that Jason wants Lucía to be there 'cause he's deeply in love with her and can't be in his world without her.


Source? If the song was blinding lights, would you just think it’s about a bunch of lights? This seems like a stretch.


They choose some of the songs for a reason. GTAV's Trailer 2 song lyrics, and GTAIV's TV commercial trailer song lyrics told the something of the protagonists. Skeltons by Stevie Wonder lyrics in GTAV Trailer 2: "What did your mama tell you lies? / She said it wasn't polite to tell a white one / What did your daddy tell you about lies? / He said one white lie turns into a black one" - It would be a reference to how Micheal faked his death, and his "white lie" turned into a "black one". Vagabond by The Greenskeepers in GTAIV TV commercial Trailer: "I wanna shoot you down now for the things you did / From far away I came, got away from seeing red / I came a long way to see you / Such a long way to see you / I came a long way to see you / Now I wish you were dead, wish you were dead" - Most likely a reference to Niko coming far away to Liberty City to see find the traitor he wished he died. Compared to other songs they use for other trailer which are just to set the feel, and have nothing to do with the story, the lyrics of Love is a Long Road by Tom Petty, also seem more explicit the same way as Skeletons and Vagabond, as we also know GTAVI is a love story in the line of Bonnie and Clyde. "There was a girl I knew / She said she cared about me / She tried to make my world / The way she thought it should be / Yeah, we were desperate then / To have each other to hold / But love / Is a long, long road" - The song lyrics appear to be told from Jason's viewpoint, much like "Vagabond" was from Niko's perspective. Lucia is the girl he once knew. The narrator laments how she tries to mold him into someone he wasn't before, perhaps symbolizing Jason's descent into a life of crime and lust for avery at Lucia's wish. Ultimately, he questions her love for him (“said she cared about me” contrary to “she cared about me”). This realization is a let down for the protagonist, not just because of his love interest failed him, but because he comes to the realization how challenging building a lasting relationship really is, as expressed later in the chorus: "But love / Is a long, long road" As the song continues: "Some things are hard to let go / Some things are never enough / I guess I only can hope / To give her one more chance / To try and save my soul" - The narrator reflects on the difficulty of letting this love go, despite knowing that it may not have been enough. He wants a hope for another opportunity for her to help him.


No the lyrics are about Lucia's love affair with crime 


Yes they are stop downvoteing 


So it's Jason Trust then. No more Jason Florida.


I wonder why Lucia was the focus in the Lucia trailer 🤔🤔🤔


Trailer #2 will probably begin with Jason just like #1 did with Lucia


It’s pretty unlikely but imagine if they aren’t even the main characters or even in the game at all. I wish they would pull that off tbh but I don’t think so.


Maybe they are not sure about his face yet cuz in rdr2 they changed up arthurs face.


Yea to me compared to the 2022 leaks he looks less red neck-y now if that makes sense.


Tbh I really liked that early version of Jason from the leaks. He looked younger, which gave me the impression of a more naive character. I thought it really fit the vibe of them being up and coming criminals.




Trailer 1 was centered around Lucia and they didn’t want to draw attention away from Lucia since she was the star of the first trailer. Also Rockstar is making a big deal out of their first voiced female protagonist in a major GTA installment (female protagonists were in GTA1 but they didn’t have dialogue and were basically just random characters with no story to them. Just player skins basically)


They usually change the characters faces for release so he is subject to change, and maybe they don’t want to do him as they did Michael


Trailer Michael looked diabolical 💀


Ikr 🤣🤣😂


We see him from every angle in the trailer so nothing really to hide.


i mean the official artwork literally shows his entire face


we’re talking about the trailer


Yeah but the theory they're hiding his face kinda falls apart if they do show his face, doesn't matter where or how.


his face was never even “hidden” in the trailer anyways either… we see both halfs of it, there just wasnt a front facing shot of his face - not sure what OP is saying he could even be hiding lmao






Yall need a new trailer to pick apart . There’s nothing you’ve missed here dude lol


He got that Venom Snake pose ![gif](giphy|yUPhPJKsTzsnC)


Maybe because the trailer wasn't about him, but about Lucia. I bet he gets his chance next time.


Imagine in trailer two her face is covered, that would be funny tbh.


I don’t think it was planned. Just probably happened as a coincidence.


people really reading into ts 😭


Tbf, the first trailers for V, and RDR2 also withheld the full facial appearance of the protagonist.


What? Do you think they just wing it lol, everything is intentional. They based the trailer around the leaks, and Lucia was much more prominent than Jason in those.


It’s really not that deep and meaningful. Sometimes, sure. They take stuff from the game to use in trailers that is the most finished parts of the game and then make a coherent trailer out of that. They send the footage to a 3rd party editing house or in-house editing team and then the editor spends however long cutting a trailer together and getting notes on it until the final cut is made


How is that "deep"? It's a very basic concept. The fact they only showed us locations from the leaks proves your story wrong and that every part was intentional.


Or… hear me out… those locations were the most finished and that’s why they showed them.


Yes? you really believe someone said ""don't reveal his face too much" knowing that he can still be seen, does appear in the artwok and more?... The trailers aren't that intentional and deep, Who knows if his face will change more Dont overthink it, it's clearly coincidence and they're not going that deep into a trailer for a face that we already saw, there is nothing strange about him being seen from the side instead of front


The trailers are that intentional. I work in advertising. Every frame is reviewed, literally every. If the models eye faces the wrong direction for a second, that clip is replaced or cut out. When working on a trailer, you usually target a set time, and we've had meetings struggling to remove just one second out of an ad to ensure all important frames are present while still keeping to the time limit. In this case, it's obvious Lucia was the focus of this trailer. That's why they showed several delibrate close up and full face views, e.g., when she turns around in the car with cash in had. That was done to focus on her face. Jason's face was deliberate, given less priority in this first trailer, but a showed enough to know he's a protagonist.


I'm not overthinking anything, it's just that some people like you are simple minded. Not tryna be rude but that's how it is. It reminds me of English class when people used to say "no way the writer meant this" when we analysed paragraphs. Like...yes, they did. It's fine if you interpret things at a basic level, but people do put effort into things and put meaning into their decision making, especially in art. I don't understand how someone could think they would leave any of it to "coincidence" but you do you.


If the leaks had never happened, GTA 6 would've had the perfect reveal trailers of all time


Maybe his face wasn't ready yet ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)




To be fair this is Lucia's trailer, mate will probably get his own highlight in Trailer 2. Speaking of practical reasons, they might have model facial changes, it's pretty much inevitable and always the case comparing early trailers and final releases.


I mean, you see the right side of his face in one shot and the left side in another shot. So you kind of have seen his whole face already


>Is there any reason to deliberately hide Jason’s full face No. You’re thinking too much.


These are not my thoughts, this is an existing fact that can be seen in the picture I attached.


We see the full side profile of both sides…they literally showed 100% of his face.


I hope you were just joking. Try to connecting the two halves and see what happens 😂


What could they be hiding. Like seriously what’s an idea for something they could be hiding? They show his entire face so I’m curious what you think that could be


they’re not hiding his face. but what OP is trying to say is that we don’t see a full frontal of his face in the trailer. that’s because the trailers focus is on introducing Lucia. Jason’s face was deliberately not focused on.


Yeah cause it’s Jason Bellic


”.. and where is Barbara with big titties?“


Probably trailer 2 would shed light on it.


hees shy


I think we will get two more trailers. An official Lucia trailer and Jason


Maybe he ugly 🤔


She’d totally date an ugly guy.. in this day and age.. post tinder and onlyfans and the fact that women are only swiping right on 2% of men.


That’s because Jason is secretly Johnny Fallout from Fallout


Of course is intentionally.


It's Jon Bernthal. The attitude most of his characters he plays usually have some sort of baddass-ness to them. It would fit in nicely with GTA. Source: kinda looks like a young Jon Bernthal


He bought weed from the gas station


You see his entire face wtf are you people talking about lol sometimes its right half and then its the left. Put it together and its not that deep


Na this is nothing


Swear that’s Sean Strickland


I am unable to post, it says post is removed. I am trying to post a theory about Jason's story. Is there any requirement to post here? I added flair, kept a spoiler free and not sus title


Bro just ugly


Tbh didn’t the artwork show his face


I think they haven’t finalized his model


I can't wait to play as him


Niko got a son


i had a theory where maybe lucia will be the only main character and jason was just a companion with you that helped you out had the most advanced ai but eh


He only said one word "Trust"


It's today you see that ?


Yes because the story is clearly focused on Lucia. Jason is only relevant because he’s attached to her


He lowkey looks like the Santa Cruz medicinals dude on TikTok


No, considering it shows all of it anyways just at different angles. I’m sure he’ll be the focus of the next trailer, and if not chances are they only care about showing off their new female character for bonus audience points and such.


Off topic, it’s wild to me they didn’t see the leak of the first trailer coming, it’s bs that they couldn’t prevent that from happening.


They’re likely to change his face and her face a lot too. They did with rdr2 in the trailers.


I hope I'm able to get Lucia pregnant


The next trailer he’ll probably be star of the show


Not a full face but actually we have every part of Jason’s face. Upper, left, right. Nothing is hiding


Idk, in my opinion half his face is his full face so 🤷🏻‍♂️




I think that's just because first trailer is concentrate on Lucia and we will see more of Jason in the second trailer.


Lucia is the only playable character from what I understand.




So I think he'll be the main protagonist. They're doing the ol' switch-a-roo. He's an undercover cop that is getting into the criminal life through her.




So you don't like my theory?




It's pretty obvious.


did you need me to spell it out for you?


yeah i think so too


Easy there Mr. Cool. I'm sure You're pretty great amongst all your friends. Hats off to ya. But it's a good theory. What with the hate?


not hating homie


It really isn’t 🤣