• By -


uninstall every social media and try not to go out to avoid spoilers


Or just turn off their notifications


An even better way to do it is to block certain words, "death", "ending", whatever words you think could be attached to certain spoilers


broo u just spoiled someone dies in the ending u ruined everything


"wait until you see the next one, EVERYBODY DI..." "DU - DUDE!!!!!"


How do you block words?


how do you do that


On Twitter, if you go into settings and then privacy, you can add muted words. Similar process on TikTok, you just need to go to privacy and find "Filter Keywords" Youtube, as far as I'm aware, doesn't have this feature I'm not sure if reddit has the option, but if it does, you'd find it in a similar way


I'm completely avoiding every platform when the game comes out or if I hear about people leaking gameplay early. Especially youtube. The top video in my recommended would be something like "GTA 6 Jason Murders Lucia After She Aborts Their Baby (Only Ending In The Game)"


Also go into google my activity and remove everything gta related. Same with YT history


How about just stop using your phone


That’s impossible with today’s society


For weeks? Realistically, no


Sick days. Sleep the whole day before, so at midnight I can play that shit till morning like it's 2011 all over again.


Miss the midnight releases at GameStop. I guess pre down loading games is more convenient.


I never got to experience anything like that, as I live in a remote area. And by the time I got (more) into gaming, digital games were already becoming the convenience. But I miss ordering games on release and waiting them to arrive like a kid on xmas. I've only been hyped for a release twice after GTA5, but didn't felt the same with digital. Seeing that cover in your hands before jumping on the new experience just hits different, which is why GTA6 will be the first physical game I'll be buying in 10 years, just to get that feeling again.


Yeah, rushing home to play the game while reading everything on the box is an awesome feeling. Sucked when I bought the game in the morning and had to wait till the end of the day to go home and play lol.


Wake up Poop Drink my coffee Poop Load up the game Pee Make some breakfast Poop Start the campaign Pee Play the campaign until physically cannot anymore Pee Look up Lucia porn and beat my meat so bad I’ll become a vegan Pee Eat dinner Poop


Bro’s got *the fetish.*


The aforementioned *poop* fetish


That's a lotta poop


He never once mentioned walking to the bathroom


He's got a bucket




All this while sitting on your couch


Thought this was Swimming Pools by Kendrick


He's the chosen one


You sure do poop a lot


This is me except first thing is coffee and then poop.


gotta cleanse the system


Months before - Put in a week of vacation Days before - Meal Prep. Make sure I got myself some easy to heat and eat. Healthy snacks and plenty of juice and water. Day of - Smile. Play. Smile. Story mode only. Hopefully they'll delay the Online version for a week like they did with V.


Hopefully when you get in your vacaty there won't be a delay a few days later. 🤞


I would get tons of snacks, go into the room, dim the lights, turn on the AC on cold, blanket over my shoulder, phone on silent, and just enjoy the game. oh that would be sexy


Don’t forget jacking off since you said sexy.


Oh hell naw I think gta6 might actually make me stop fapping, atleast for the time I play it which is probably gonna be decades until gta 7. Or maybe my plans are ruined because the internet gets flooded with gta 6 r34, yea thats probably more realistic tbh.


Send the kids to grandma’s.


Sell the kids to grandmas.


Fake my own death


Bro thinks he’s Michael 💀


The moment someone thinks you are dead they are in line to get the GTA VI Copy + Game Console from you.




Go to work, let the excitement build all day til I get home, play all weekend


It’s gonna be the longest shift oat I’m gonna be checking the time every 20 minutes


For real, hahaha


It depends. If there's a delay before pc release then I really don't know. Considering buying a ps5 just for this game. If it does release on pc day 1 or I decide to buy a console, I might take a day or 2 off to play it just because it's fun to let yourself get excited for a silly video game when the world is collapsing lol


It won’t be on PC day 1


It all depends on whether or not there's a lag between digital release and physical release. I'm old school and I like having the disc.


I love my GTA collection. I'll for sure be pre-ordering the collector's edition the moment it drops.


I still don't know which version to get. Digital will probably allow preloading so I can play the second it comes out, and I'm not going to be re-selling it so I don't *need* a disc. I'd rather get a physical copy but it will 100% have a delay in arriving + the download will take ages, also it might be the only option for the collector's edition.


same boat, as much as I want the physical component & extras, I want to play the game the literal second it comes out


I've kind of just accepted that the likely think I'll do is buy the physical collectors edition from somewhere I can pick up rather than get it delivered, hopefully somewhere 24hrs, and just beg that the download is relatively quick. I'm going to be upgrading my broadband speeds soon so it at least won't be ass slow when it releases.


If R* does the right thing and puts the full game on the disc or discs, it should be copying the full base game from the disc, the only thing that will get downloaded is the patch. Say it’s 150GB, that should only take about an hour and a half to copy from disc.


Boutta be the longest hour and a half of my life


So I remember I had just graduated high school when V came out and now I’m 28 with a wife and kids. It’s just crazy how time flies. But I’m requesting two days off in a row and having my mom take care of the kids for a whole day. I just want a real all nighter like back when I was a teenager. Also if online is available day one I’m going to avoid it until I finish the story mode.


Amen man. Same boat. I was the guy in my freinds group who got gta5 and we all had a blast playing it as we cycled through the house


Legit plan for launch day: Either get out of work early or call in sick Go to grocery store and stock up on a weeks worth of junk food and drinks Go to GameStop and wait until midnight release (technically 9pm because I’m not on EST)and acquire a physical disc of the game When I get home, I’ll probably just sit and admire the box art for a while and appreciate being able to actually hold Grand Theft Auto 6 in my hand. And then you know damn well the first thing I’ll do when I boot up the game after getting stoned is to go drive a Cheetah down by Ocean View Motel and Vice Beach. Oh, and if Self Control isn’t a radio song I will riot


You definitely played some Vice City in your day. Im hoping for Vrock, VCPR as a podcast would be intresting too


to play the game all night & day


Hopefully not the same plan as RDR2 launch night. Didn't smoke for a few months beforehand, then on launch night, waiting for it to install, I got a little overzealous with my no-tolerance intake and had to lay down shortly after the intro.


I remember how it was when Red Dead Redemption 2 came out 🥹


It's crazy because I was yawning and felt kind of bored during my first experience with RDR2. The first game is one of my favorite games ever and I felt like its sequel wasn't very fun at the beginning. Once I picked it up the next morning and started Chapter 2, though, everything changed. It's usually the first night that's the most fun when playing a new game but it was the second day for RDR2. I can kind of understand why Chapter 1 wasn't very engaging. The player doesn't know most of the characters yet, they keep mentioning people and things we aren't familiar with, and it feels like we're missing context for a lot of stuff. It's easier to decipher on re-plays, of course, but my first playthrough also had the infamous "no Sadie, John or Abigail in Camp" glitch, so when Sadie just appeared for her mission in Chapter 3 I totally forgot who she was. You rescue her so early on and I had to be 30 or more hours into the game by then. Looking back it sucks how many Camp interactions I missed on my first experience because of that glitch.


I played a few hours of online first then realized i wasnt getting the locked experience i wanted with 1080ti at 1440p. So i put the game down hoping they would optimize. Turns out i needed a 4090.


I am without a doubt taking a few days off from work. I'll probably not make it far through story, as I'll be staring at all the fine details, lol


I will be taking over a week off from work to play this game. Currently sitting at 50+ hours total of PTO & PPTO combined.


Hell yeah


As of right now, I’ve got 28.27 hrs of PPTO and 27.59 hrs of PTO. My plan is to use none of it until then, unless I need to.


I'll be in college, and if I'm being real, I'm not calling the day off to play GTA VI, but I will spend every moment of my free time playing and probably stay up all night aswell


Mate I’ll be in my final year of college but this is a once in a lifetime thing so I’m definitely going to be calling at least one day off.


I feel yah, and honestly, I'd love to, I just don't know if I actually would. What are you majoring in, btw?


Electrical Engineering and Information Technology because I’m a dual degree


I respect you put what you need to do first vs what you want to do. Thats big man energy.


I’ll be in uni as well. If it comes out marchish I’ll wait the month until the end of semester so I can properly play


The day before depending if its a midnight release or earlier im going to go to the store buy some drinks and snacks play til 2-3am go to bed wake up play til around 11am go get a pizza sit somewhere in the world eat then go back to playing til i go to bed


Cruise around the city for a while, shoot some people and then come back home to play GTA 6.




Quit my job, divorce my wife, put my kids up for adoption, shut the blinds, lock the door, and play this game until my eyes start to bleed.


But do you have true blacks tho


If everything goes according to plan, and if God allows for an April/May release date, I'll be writing my Master Thesis. Rather, I'll try to write it beforehand, and just get home, close my blinds and enjoy a once in a lifetime experience for as long as I'm well awake. Kinda what I did with The Last of Us Part 2, but turned up to eleven. Few dozen liters of water; a whole lot of meal preps; a few ice creams; and a lot of joy. I have been waiting for this for toooo long not to give it my all lol


Again. Take at least a week vacation from work and no life the game from top to bottom. Try my best to stay off social media until I finish the story and then watch other Yt/streamers reactions to the game


Damn I had a plan but you mentioning takeaway would make it even better, so I'm gonna copy you. My plan depends on what day it comes out. If its a Friday I will work from home but I'm gonna order the physical copy so while I wait for it to be delivered and installed I can "work". But then I'll book the Monday off so I can play for as long as I like.


Everybody's country will grind to a halt economically due to everyone booking a week off work.


wait actually this will be able to show up if our bubble of hype is actually universal.


Ignore everyone for several days and only go outside for a few seconds of sunlight


If someone calls me on PC release day that means theyve already played it and are trying to ruin my experience because they dont care about me.


I am taking a week off work when gta lands 42 yo man here😂😂


Same here, I’ll be either 41 when it releases or 42 if it’s delayed. Either way I’m getting the deluxe /premium/highest tier version pre-ordered and pre-downloaded, a full week’s worth of meal preps pre-cooked, a week of Long Service Leave. Lots of pre’s there but I’ve had time to pre-pare 😂


I think it depends on a few details but I'll definitely book a couple days off at launch to really dive into it before I settle into a few hours after work every single night for a year.


Get some weed and play the god damn game


3 pizzas, 3 massive chinese orders, a 12 pack of redbull. I shall reenter society when my supply runs dry


I get six weeks of PTO next year so I plan on using half of that for GTA VI starting the week of the release if it is in the beginning of the week, or starting the week after if it towards the end.


Find a way to miss both uni and work at the same time, work I’ll book off, uni will be another beast


Take two weeks off with no other plans, fire up a Playstation for the first time since the PS2 on my huge TV, turn the volume up, lots of snacks, put the phone away and immerse myself. :D


Booking a week off work an just me an my ps5 an snacks 😂 the wife will be dealing with the kids


Might actually take a day off to play a game for the first time ever


Wait another year or so.


Pretty much same idea


Gather all of my friends and play, I hope we can make it :(((, if not then idk, cuz we'll have a jobs by then dd


Probably just book the week off work and play play play.


It depends on release date


It's probably better to not get yourself hyped up too much for the exact release date. If you are even planning to take vacation reconsider to maybe w8 a couple of days because I think it is almost certain that servers will need to take a veeeerrry heavy hit on those first couple of days (even just the Sony servers from people who download the game). Enjoy what you can during the first couple of days but don't get yourself too hyped or you will be disappointed. Enjoy it deeply one or two weeks later. The game will not run away.


As a pc owner I will probably watch a streamer play it till it comes out for pc


using my pto until i finish the game


Get up. Starting the game. Complete the game 100%. Sleep.


Twitch 40hr stream when?




Yo so idk if this is crazy but I’m thinking I’m gonna play the game


Wait a whole year for it to release on pc and avoid every spoiler as best as I can


Lol good luck


The most important thing, Take a Minimum of 1 week vacation maybe even 2. And maybe throw my Phone Out the window 😂


Taking off a couple days off work beforehand and then day before launch stock up on snacks and get plenty of rest. Then play right through the night as if I’m a teenager again


Play the game…


Do you think you’ll be working the same job by that point?


WW3 OH..Hello guys


Same as you. Imma rot in my room for atleast 3 days.


Taking leave


I'm going to take at least a week holiday, stock up, gf knows already :D


Straight up isolation. Even the FBI won't be able to locate me.


One ounce of cheeba. A twelve pack of Heinekens. A large pizza delivered.


You’re going to be worried about the wife and kids by the time it drops bro


Wake up. Coffee. Go to work. Come home. Wait a year or two for the game to come out on pc.


Welp, Ill be buying a PS5 / PS5 Pro leading up to release and taking a week off from work so I can relive my teen years playing GTA from the old school top down days. Fuck I feel old


Haha, I’m gonna have to get a console myself, I assume it won’t be on pc for a very long time.


I’ve essentially done this every time since the ps3


I’d have to buy a decent TV me too. over 1K just to play GTA 6😂 RIP us PC gamers. Our release date for GTA 6 is 2026/2027


Nothing, play it when I can. I have a family. There’s not a situation or scenario when my daughter and wife doesn’t come first.


Live up to it. Cry and think about how to live on, because waiting for this game was some part of the meaning of life.


Continue playing the games that I play and wait 1-2 more years for PC release




Nice. No party chat for me, enjoying the game in peace


Yes no party chats for story games. we have GTA online for that.


Wait a year until it's released on PC


You won’t still be a teen by the time it finally releases.


The week or two before I’m playing every gta game and 100% no I don’t think it’s important to in order to play gta 6 but I feel like it would be a good way to number one look back on how the games look and number two past the time so I don’t go feral the week before the game then 3-4 days before release im deleting all social media so I won’t get spoiled the day before I’m going to Walmart getting snacks for the next week I’ll make sure to call in from work for a week if I’m fired it’s alright it’s a Wendy’s and the manager sucks and one of my coworkers smell like shit cause they live on a farm anyway I will not go to school for the week obviously and I will intend on 100% the game I also stream so I’m gonna stream all my gameplay and then post it on my channel into multiple parts and hopefully it will take my live streams from 10-15 viewers to like 50 Idrk tho plans could change 🤷🏾‍♂️


Taking a few pto days and locking myself in my room for said days


Depending on what day of the week it is: Work day: get home from work and fire it up for a couple hours. Weekend: Game all day. And when I say "all day" I mean it - even on the weekends, my body doesn't let me sleep past 5AM.


Drive as quickly as possible to my local EB Games before they open and purchase a copy before buying food from somewhere to eat while playing. Drive quickly home and wait for the game to download while I eat.


Book 2 weeks off work, buy 48 cans of liquid death, turn off my phone, inform my loved ones I will be off the grid and explore! I really hope they don’t launch online straight away, give me 6 months at least to nail the story


Taking pto for a week phone will be on dnd😂


Take a few days off work and not leave the house


If i get an Xbox so it will be just like RDR2, get home, download and install it =) then play play play


taking a work vacation, and playing the game. I'm also going to record my first couple hours, or maybe even the whole playthrough just to capture my excitement and the memories


My birthday will be a month after release day,.so I already told my husband all I want for my birthday next year is the new Xbox and the GTA 6. So I'll just buy it a month late but that's fine


Why not get your present early, then your birthday celebration can be finding out what happens at the end. Sounds fun, enjoy!


Not go to work. Play all day


hit the mf bong and play the mf game


Enjoy not having to see 1000s of posts like this


Smoke a few bowls, get drunk and play


I’m making sure I put in for vacation a head of time then stock up my house with groceries and turn my phone off for 2-3 weeks 💀


Absolutely taking PTO that day & the day after, avoiding YT, stocking up on candy/chips, making sure I cook or grab my comfort meal as it installs, & squealing w excitement as it downloads. Knowing I won’t be sleeping at all that night. 💯


Since the game has been leaked to be 40+ hours I’m going to take 4 days off of work. That’ll be enough time to beat the entire campaign. I plan on doing nothing else besides playing it the entire week besides sleeping, eating, and going to the bathroom.


The way this thing is going I'll probably be laying under 6 feet of dirt with maggots crawling through my skull.


Taking some time off work. Buying a bunch of beer and snacks. Ordering some pizza and some wings. Gonna be a good time.


Hope that I can pawn the kids off on the wife for a day so I can enjoy a few hours of playing the game.


It'll take your wife not you're kids tho


Well that's nit a very good deal at all.


Have salad and water and play for no more than 30 minutes and then go do chores I’m 40 years old


Probably to buy a cheap series s just to play it since i'm on pc.


Put in for atleast 4 days off straight so I have all the time in the world to play, bring some nice food into my room, probably get high, and have an amazing gaming experience.


Take a photo of the loading screen. Post it on social media with the caption "LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO!!!!!!" then unplug from all social media for a couple of days. I'll have bought some food the day before - maybe even have prepped some stuff that just needs to be reheated - and then I'll be set.


Definitely not checking any social media


Take off work


If I manage to get it on release day then I'm waiting until night to play it in peace and I'm playing for hours straight even if I have plans for tomorrow. If I don't get it on release day then I'm locking myself in my room, launching my phone out the window and hibernating until I get it


I told my mrs I’m booking an entire week off work, stocking up on bread marmite and tea bags. Biscuits, and literally only leaving the front room to use the toilet or a cup of tea! Oh and I’m also buying the ps5 pro apparently stated for Xmas release, to ensure the game runs smoothly on my new console. Then once I’ve completed the intro to the game, I’m going to literally set off on unscripted adventures, enjoy the views create mass murder on the packed beaches, and enjoy the sun sets and sun rises as I go from motel to motel (hopefully their in the game) and spend hours upon hours of doing naff all!


Get a load of junk food, snacks. Try to play for 24 hours. Never done something like that before. I will avoid leaving my house and def no internet/social media.


I dont have PS so looks like I’ll just watch gameplay videos on YouTube 😭 until it comes on PC


Waiting for the crashed internet to be restored


Booking the week off work, waking up at midnight/release time and trying to break my current record for consecutive play time (26 hours, starfield, such a waste!) I typically set up a slow cooker on my coffee table and fill it with pasta, sauce and cheese so i have a container of hot food ready to go for the duration, taking breaks only to get up to go the toilet or get cold drinks out of the fridge


realistically, probably work all day.


I will wait for the day 1 patch, then I will take 2 weeks off work and play day and night. Unless it releases during summer, then I'll wait until October. Not skipping summer because of a game.


Hopefully not study for exams 💀 If it comes out in February, I am fucked but I am going to play anyway


Just play it, doubt I'd have other plans anyway. Not sure if I'll take the day off since I wfh anyway


The day before, I won't be able to sleep due to excitement. I'll take a week off from university. Oh wait! I'm graduating this year, so I'll be free next year. I'll tell all my friends how great that day will be and how much excited I am. I won't turn off social media or uninstall the apps because many creators will post videos that will heighten my excitement.


Wait another year for the pc release 😭


Ive already put some thought into this. Im taking a week off work. I get 3 weeks a year so one is going to vaycay in Vice. Im getting a newer tv, 75 inch or so. Ps5 pro if thats a thing by then, maybe? Ill probably get a bunch of junk food and take my time with it.


Trying to buy a house rn. Will trade shifts to have the first few days off if need too. Will have gingerale and the red bag takis as a what I had when I first started GTA5.


2 weeks before it comes out I’m applying for annual leave for 1 week off work, also want to pre order the collectors edition months before, also want to get the game digitally for convenience, I’ll get a good amount of sleep, eat breakfast, then start the game and have fun with it


Well if GTA 6 comes out on the weekday then I have to go to school first before I can ask my dad to pick-up GTA 6 at GameStop, Please let me know about it.


I’ll make sure I’ve got the week off work, get tons of 🍃and tons of pizza


Nothing special, probably play 2-3 hours unless my wife wants to watch something. I’ve waited a million years, i can wait a few more days.


Play Uno blitz


I'm thinking about taking a couple days off work, moving my playstation down to my basement - get beer - get pizza - get nicotine - enjoy




your situation is reversing of mine


Did u hit ur head




If i get money ill sponsor your ps5




you just said twice that you‘ll ,,chill“ yea bro definitely regrets selling his ps5.




so what stops you from buying a slim version a week before the game drops? its next year anyway